Betta attacking my pygmy corydoras, help me choose which ones to rehome ): Help/Advice. pygmy corydoras for sale pregnant cory catfish corydoras agassizii albino cory catfish size blue corydoras corydoras barbatus sterbai cory catfish pygmy catfish cory catfish petsmart emerald corydoras orange laser corydoras bronze cory catfish corydoras rabauti corydoras loxozonus panda cory fish baby cory catfish peppered catfish pygmy cory for sale corydoras food cory catfish with betta … Continue this thread View Entire Discussion (11 Comments) More posts from the bettafish community. Original Poster 7 days ago. Note: The minimum amount of space required for a Kuhli Loach is 20 US gallons. Angelfish are aggressive and will have no problem fighting with your Betta. They are known for their adorable appearance, as well as their unique ability to blink their eyes and shift their eyes downward. It may take up to 10 working days (except holidays and weekends) before this order is shipped. If a Bristlenose Pleco is too big for your aquarium, you might want to consider the Clown Pleco. It’s important to take into account that corydoras need to be kept in a group. Can Pygmy Corydoras Catfish Live with Betta Fish? Some tank mates to avoid are Cichlids, Goldfish, Jack Dempsey, and Oscars. No. It originates in tropical inland waters in South America, and is found in the Madeira River basin in Brazil. Goldfish are cool water fish that thrive between 62-72 °F while a betta fish should be kept at 76-80 °F. If aquarium space is a concern, a single guppy will be fine on their own. While we agree they are beautiful fish, they are not a suitable tank mate for a Betta. Corydoras are not very large fish, and generally don’t need too much room. So should I be fine with putting Pygmy corydoras in my 8 gallon? No. There are three species of dwarf corydoras - C. habrosus, C. hastatus and C. pygmeaus. The river water is very muddy, the flow is very slow and almost unnoticeable. Like Neon Tetras, Ember Tetras are schooling fish who prefer swimming in the middle of the tank. Very cute. Temperature: 74-80 degrees Fahrenheit (23.3-26.67 Celsius). They are like every species; some are more aggressive than others. Like Goldfish, White Cloud Mountain Minnows prefer colder temperatures than Bettas at around 64 degrees F – 72 degrees F. This makes them incompatible in the long run. More room allows other fish to keep their distance or hide from your betta if he or she becomes aggressive. No. The minimum order quantity (MOQ) is 48 fishes. Female guppies can be kept with a betta fish, but better kept in a separate tank if you plan to breed them. Betta Solutions. Otocinclus Catfish aka Otos (Otocinclus vestitus) Image Source: Corydoras Venezuela – Süßwasseraquariumbodenfische. scandi-fish. These little fish usually stay towards the bottom of the tank, out of the way from where your betta will spend most of its time. Goldfish should be kept in their own cool water tank, for their sake as well as for your betta’s. While betta fish are best kept alone in most situations, there are some tank mates that can live peacefully with a betta. You may be tempted to put 2-3 in with a betta, but neons are easily stressed and will hide unless kept in a school of 5+ fish. Rummy nose tetras possess a strikingly red face, with color extending past their cheeks. If you prefer, Amano Shrimp are a good alternative to Ghost Shrimp, but they are usually pricier. It’s recommended that they live in species only tanks and even then, the results can be hit or miss. They just happen to be quite a bit smaller than the average for the family. They are shoaling fish and you should have a … If it is ok, how many should you put? They also thrive in warmer water, around 83.5 degrees Fahrenheit vs. 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit for Bettas. Fern is strangely fond of Vampire movies. Along the bottom of the side of the body is a second black line, starting behind the ventral fins and proceeding into the tail. Many puffers are brackish water fish and should be kept in a brackish tank while betta fish are purely freshwater fish. Yes. If Corydoras Catfish are too big for your aquarium, these guys are a great compromise. They produce large amounts of waste that can quickly convert into Ammonia. In 3, 5, and 10-gallon fish tanks, having an abundance of live plants and hiding places significantly increases the chance of … Females can live together in a sorority (group of 5 or more female Bettas), but there is no guarantee that everyone will get along. They are both freshwater fish. They are non-aggressive bottom feeder fish who will stay out of your Betta’s way. His mission with ZenAquaria is to help other aquarists experience the joy of fish keeping (and shrimp keeping) and the satisfaction of a well planted tank. 0. ). Temperature: 76-82 Fahrenheit (24-27.8 Celsius). Preferring to live in groups of two or more, African Dwarf Frogs are relatively easy to care for. If you don’t want to risk adding another fish to your aquarium, a Mystery Snail is a great alternative. Yes. Yes. But, they do not make ideal tank mates for betta fish because they also tend to nip fins. Although Pygmy Cories are not hunters, they are still omnivores. Favourite answer . Some betta fish may also be triggered by colorful fish like male guppies. Otherwise, the male betta may chase the female around and even kill her. Keep in mind that each betta fish has a unique personality and aggression level, meaning that some bettas tolerate tank mates better than others. Report Save. Now that you know the fish compatible with betta, you can make an informed decision on whether or not you should add another fish to your aquarium. Yes. 3 gallon betta tanks are too small to comfortable keep fish with your betta, but invertebrates like snails and cherry shrimp still make great tank mates in smaller setups. The Pygmy Cory (Corydoras pygmaeus), or Pygmy Catfish, is a small freshwater fish from the Corydoradinae sub-family. Reply. Would it be better to add them while he is younger and more mellow? Very cute. Originally bred to feed larger fish, Feeder Guppies have a non-flashy appearance that won’t intimidate a Betta. Choosing the right tank mates for your betta fish is important because the wrong tank mates may stress out your betta and affect his or her lifespan. These tiny cory catfish rarely get bigger than an inch and are therefore make ideal tank mates for smaller fish or a single betta fish. Harlequin Rasboras (Trigonostigma heteromorpha), setting up a 3 gallon betta bowl aquascape, 11 Betta Fish Facts (#9 will surprise you), Betta Fish Bubble Nest (How Betta Fish Breed), Female vs Male Betta Fish (Which is Better to Keep? Live or silk plants, rocks, and driftwood provide excellent hiding places for fish that are shy or bullied. Malaysian trumpet snails will “vacuum” the tank’s substrate looking for uneaten food, algae, and dead plant matter. They can’t reproduce in freshwater, so you won’t have to worry about a population explosion and they’ll keep themselves preoccupied with algae and leftover food too. snazy Moved On. Male betta fish fins are long and graceful, but make easy targets for nippy fish. Tag Archives: corydoras 10g Rescape – Complete! 195 notes. Goldfish also produce a lot of waste, and significantly increase the bio load of your tank, which will need additional maintenance and water changes. . Pygmy corydoras looks much like any other cory, except that they don’t grow bigger than one inch long. Although Discus Fish are shy and would keep to themselves, they have significantly different water condition requirements. Continue browsing in r/bettafish. The pygmy cory has the scientific name Corydoras pygmaeus. Lv 6. Bettas are carnivores and Goldfish are omnivores, so you can’t feed them the same flakes without causing major issues. They like to live in water that ranges from 78 degrees F to 80 degrees F. Goldfish prefer colder temperatures; between 68 degrees F and 74 degrees F is ideal. How Long do Betta Fish Live in Perfect Conditions? Glass Catfish are translucent (Fun Fact: You can see inside of them) and peaceful fish. Pygmy Corydoras are completely peaceful and safe to keep with other fish (as long as the other fish are peaceful too! #aquarium #pygmy cory #Corydoras pygmaeus #pygmy corydoras #fish tank #fishtank #photography #aquarium photography #corydoras #corycat #corydora #fishkeeping. Menu. Temperature: 74-80 Fahrenheit (23.3-26.67 Celsius). Temperature: 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit (22.2-26.67 Celsius). Members of the Cichlid family, Oscars are known to be big fish. The catfish often swim in large schools hiding among riverside vegetation or roots of trees. Otos are small schooling catfish that grow to a maximum of 4-inches long but are usually smaller. 6 years ago. In addition, these fish also have zebra stripes on their tail fins. They’re generally too busy going around the bottom, which makes them an excellent companion, especially in smaller tanks, where size is a major concern. No. They shouldn’t pose a threat to your Betta, but they do prefer living in small groups. Archived . Betta With Pygmy Corys. In the wild, Otocinclus may live with hundreds of other Otocinclus, but in the aquarium hobby keeping more than 4-5 Otos is uncommon. You might have heard that Guppies aren’t good tankmates for Bettas, but that is referring to the Fancy variety (more on them below). Of course, the worst tank mate for a betta fish is another betta fish. questionablycaffeinated. They will appreciate a well planted tank and cruise among the plant leaves. Corydoras are small bottom dwelling fish. … Will it harm my Betta? Best Algae Eaters For Freshwater Aquariums (From 2-100+ Gallons), Nano Shrimp Tank Aquascape in a Jar (No Filter, No CO2), 5 Gallon Aquascape with a Cave (No Filter, No CO2), Betta Bowl Setup (Step By Step with Live Plants), What Qualities Make a Good Betta Fish Tank Mate, 3. Yes. Harlequins rasboras make an excellent alternative to keeping neon tetras because they can tolerate harder water (pH’s above 7). They’re a good option to keep with bettas as they are placid and won’t approach a betta’s territory. Betta fish have reputations for being territorial and aggressive fish, and the big question is “can betta fish live with other fish?”. If you are looking for an algae eater to keep with your betta fish, a group of Otocinclus is an excellent choice. … And if you already have fish in … Mostly no. Thread starter snazy; Start date Jun 22, 2012; click to view the entries! Embers make decent betta tank mates because they are fast and typically avoid swimming near a larger fish like a betta. Report Save. 6.) Additionally, their small size makes them an easy target and they can be easily killed by a Betta. Yes. Yes. Secondly, they have different dietary requirements. Breeding Pygmy Corydoras is somewhat more difficult than other species. Ghost Shrimp are see-through Invertebrate that shouldn’t have trouble living with most Bettas. Different betta fish have different personalities, and some will tolerate a tank mate that another betta will not. They tend to keep to themselves but will have no trouble hiding if they need be. If you plan to keep a decent school of neons and also a betta fish, a 20 gallon or larger is ideal. Neon tetras are from the soft and acidic waters of South America, so if your tap water is naturally hard (alkaline) consider keeping a different fish as these fish tend to be delicate. #fishblr #fish #corydoras #pygmy corydoras. When keeping a larger school of Pygmy corydoras with a betta fish, a 10+ gallon tank is ideal, but some aquarists have found success with well planted 5 gallon tanks if water changes are performed regularly. Avoid keeping fish like cichlids (including Angelfish) barbs, and other territorial fish, which have a reputation for biting chunks out of fins or chasing other fish around the tank. Aug 12, 2012 - these are my cute little albinos. Types of Betta Fish & The Most Popular Described, The Perfect Betta Fish Tank Preparation and Setup Guide, 5 Best Cat Feeders With a Collar Sensor in 2021, Wireless Whiskers AutoDiet Automatic Pet Feeder Review, SureFeed Motion Activated Sealed Pet Bowl Review, SureFeed Microchip Connect Pet Feeder Review. Send Request. Are Corydoras too difficult for a beginner like myself? Male bettas can never live together. However, it’s important to note that they can grow up to 7” long, so you will need to make sure your aquarium is large enough for them first. A big part of picking the right tank mates for your betta fish is gauging your betta’s personality and using common sense. Some people might recommend them as being suitable tank mates for a Betta, but it’s not a good idea. A lover of animals, peace and quiet, and reading. aquariadise. A betta that is constantly flaring and trying to interact with another male nearby will become stressed and weak. 1 of 2 Go to page. Aug 16, 2019 - Corydoras Venezuela – Zoet water aquarium bodemvissen. To do this, half the volume of water is changed … Their reddish, ruddy color adds contrast to planted tanks, making them an attractive choice for aquascapes. Malaysian trumpet snails are sometimes considered a pest by aquarists. There is a strong chance they will fight for territory, leading to serious injury. This means they will not compete with your betta fish for food and will actually eat leftover betta food that falls to the bottom of the tank. In general, smaller nano fish, and invertebrates like cherry shrimp, make better betta tank mates than a fish similar in size to a betta. Pygmy Cories don’t require anything special over other Corydoras Catfish. Better yet, they are interesting to watch and have no problem adding personality to a community tank! 8.) Male and female bettas should not be housed together either. Yes. Your Betta has delicate fins that will be easily injured during a fight, putting them at risk for disease or severe infection. level 2. Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution, and if you think your Betta can’t handle a tank mate, then let them live alone. A male and female can cohabitate for mating purposes but will need to be separated after the male takes the female’s eggs. Hey there! Even when keeping male bettas in separate tanks, it’s smart to prevent the fish from seeing another male through the glass. If you plan to keep your betta fish by himself or herself, or with shrimp, check out my article on setting up a 3 gallon betta bowl aquascape. The pygmy cory has an unbroken black line running along the whole length of the side of its body. Discus Fish live in soft water with a pH value between 4.0 and 7.0. Below is a list of fish that can live with Bettas but before we get into what fish can live with Bettas, here are some general tips to consider when choosing a suitable companion. Request Price. Malaysian Trumpet Snails (Melanoides tuberculata), 6. Above the black line, the fish’s body is usually dark gray, while … Good examples of the latter are the Rummy-nose Tetra, the Least Rasbora, and the Pristella Tetra. Otos are peaceful and make excellent tank mates for betta fish because they tend to hide and will not compete with your betta for food. Corydoras Catfish are a safe choice to keep with your Betta. The Pygmy Corydoras displays a silvery body, with an uninterrupted black line that runs horizontally along the centre of the sides of the fish from the tip of its nose to its caudal peduncle. Consider turning your betta tank into a planted aquarium. This is flooded forests area. One of our favorite fish to keep with bettas is the Corydoras catfish, mostly just referred to as cory catfish. Of course, if you consider adding more fish, whether Corydoras or something else, you’ll need a bigger tank. Shrimp: Will Pygmy Cory eat dwarf shrimp? Here are 14 fish that can live with a Betta, followed by 10 fish that CANNOT. It’s recommended that you start your sorority with young Bettas and have plenty of hiding spaces in your tank. Harlequins do best when kept in a group of 5 or more, so tanks below 10 gallons are not ideal if you plan to keep them with a betta fish. Bettas don’t need a companion to be happy, they need food, warmth, and safe water conditions. They grow to be around 4” in length and will have no problem cohabitating with a Betta because they keep to themselves. If Corydoras Catfish are too big for your aquarium, these guys are a great compromise. 1; 2; Next. Posted by 1 year ago. Temperature: 74-80 Fahrenheit (23.33-26.67 Celsius). Can you put pygmy corydoras with betta fish in a 6 gallon tank? Live plants reduce fish stress and provide hiding places for both your betta fish and his tank mates. But, Kuhli loaches need more than leftovers, make sure to feed them live or frozen foods, as well as an appropriate sinking pellet. Yes. What are the chance my Pygmy Corydoras will release that toxin and kill themselves? Finally, Goldfish are dirty fish. Instinct drives male betta fish to fight, even to the death. If your aquarium is 10 gallons or more, Harlequin Rasboras are peaceful shoaling fish that won’t bother your Betta. No. Corydoras have a common minimum requirement of 15-20 gallons. Tank size is crucial factor in whether your betta fish will tolerate tank mates or not. 3. Pygmy Cory Cat (Corydoras pygmaeus) ... You may be able to keep up to three pygmy corys in a small betta set-up. Home; My Account; Cart; Checkout; About Us; Contact Us; Blog; Corydoras pygmaeus. Joined Oct 30, 2011 Messages 4,276 Reaction score 2 Location GB. The Pygmy Cory is mainly found in the Madeira River basin in Brazil, but populations are found across the South American continent. Betta fish have huge personalities and each fish is unique, you may need to test out if a tank mate works for your betta and have a backup tank if things don’t work out. Just over 1" I had them when they where like 2cm. Reply. While there is some truth to this rumor, there are some fish who should be just fine living alongside a Betta. Fancy Guppies can’t cohabitate safely with a Betta due to their colorful and fancy appearance. A 20-gallon tank should be plenty big enough for a small school of non-dwarf Corydoras (6 fish). This combination can easily lead to severe injury or death for both fish. Plants also add beauty to an aquarium and provide places for beneficial bacteria to colonize, which will help filter your water. £0.00. The Dwarf Corydoras (Corydoras hastatus) also goes by the common names of Dwarf Catfish and the Pygmy Cory. share . ), snails, shrimp, and live plants! No. The best tank mates for a Betta fish are peaceful bottom-dwellers such as the Pygmy Corydoras or dwarf schooling fish that are fast enough to discourage chasings. Yes. In all other cases, spawning can be done in 10 liters aquarium. A 5 gallon tank with a betta can house a mystery snail, a couple African dwarf frogs, or a few dwarf shrimp like ghost shrimp. Otocinclus . share. 130 notes. Don’t let their small size fool you, a Dwarf Puffer can destroy a Betta’s fins. I have a small group of Pygmy Corydoras in a 10 gallon with my Betta. These fellows will feast on the algae in your tank and on your plants. Ember tetras are schooling fish and do best in groups of 5+ fish. 243 notes. Neons are schooling fish, and are one of the most iconic aquarium fish in the hobby. #fishblr #bettablr #pygmy corydoras #i need more mopani wood i love it so much. Corydoras hastatus gets to about an inch in size and can be kept in a small school in a 10 gallon or larger aquarium. Jun 22, 2012 #1 Hi guys and girls, long time no see but I am back with a literally very small project and a small question. African Dwarf Frogs are known for their peaceful personalities making them suitable tankmates for Bettas. By adulthood, they can reach 3 lbs in weight and 3 feet in length. For breeding to be successful, it is recommended to provoke the beginning of spawning. If you want to learn more about aquarium plants, check out my article on the best plants for betta fish. Low tech, planted tank with a Betta I bought from Petco labeled "King" Betta. Can Feeder Guppies Live with Betta Fish? Your betta fish may even use the plant as a place to sleep. Water quality also degrades more quickly with each additional fish added to a tank, so find an aquarium that will comfortable house the number of fish you plan to keep. Relevance. Just over 1" I had them when they where like 2cm. Kuhli loaches make excelllent betta tanks mates because they are active at night and feed primarily at the bottom of the tank. So I hunkered down the other night and completed the tank. Eduardo. While they may not look like a schooling fish, these corys do best in schools 5+ fish. I'm in a bit of a predicament-- I've had my betta for about two months and he was the sweetest thing until recently. No. While they do not possess the striking colors of a Neon tetra, Harlequin rasboras have a striking triangular black mark on their body. Kevin is a betta fish keeper and planted tank enthusiast with over 16 years of experience as an aquarist. While some aquarists keep sorority tanks with multiple female betta fish, keeping betta fish together (males in particular) is going to result in a dead fish. His personality is pretty friendly and he's probably around 6 months old? If you want a cleanup crew tank mate for your betta fish, these snails make an excellent choice. Betta attacking my pygmy corydoras, help me choose which ones to rehome ): Help/Advice. African Cichlids are aggressive and will fight your Betta for territory ownership. They can spawn in a common aquarium but in the absence of tankmates who might scare them or eat their eggs. with their shy nature and “dull” appearance, a Bristlenose Pleco should have no problem living in harmony with your Betta. Betta fish also appreciate tank space and will explore their surroundings. Otocinclus are small (about 2 inches), hardworking algae eaters that prefer living in groups. If you plan to keep Embers with a betta fish, a tank of 10 gallons or larger is best. Rummy Nose Tetra (Tetras Hemigrammus rhodostomus), 5. These are not the only fish that can be kept with a betta fish, but they are some of my favorites. If not, are there any alternative pygmy fish (not shrimp or snails) you can put with a betta? Corydoras Catfish are easy to care for and live in the same water conditions as a Betta. Bettas are known to stay closer to the top, so they shouldn’t get in each other’s way. Yes. A tank between 3 and 5 gallons is a great choice for a single betta fish or a betta fish housed with aquarium shrimp, but if you plan to keep your betta with more than shrimp or snails then a tank between 7 and 15 gallons will provide better conditions for your fish. They are snail destroyers and have wonderful personalities. Yes. Yes. Male betta fish cannot be housed together peacefully. Barbs and some tetras are not so much territorial as nippy. The first one being, Bettas are tropical fish. Pygmy Corydoras now available at Sujit Aquariums # aquariums # aquarium # aquariumhobby # fishtank # aquascape # aquariumfish # fish # aquariumlife # aquariumsofinstagram # aquascaping # freshwateraquarium # tropicalfish # fishkeeping # plantedtank # plantedaquarium # cichlids # natureaquarium # freshwatertank # freshwaterfish # aquascaper # cichlid # aquariumplants # reef # … They also don’t reproduce asexually, which is something to appreciate if you have ever had the misfortune of picking up Pond Snails from buying live plants for your aquarium. As an added bonus, they have a cool eel-like appearance and like to sneak between crevices. Cichlids (including Angelfish) tend to be aggressive toward other fish and may nip fins. Smaller fish tend to be quicker and are good at escaping from a betta fish, especially if given rocks and live plants for hiding. This means that they will leave your betta fish alone while adding visual appeal and interest to an aquarium. 0. (Well, almost…) September 18, 2014 by btuesdays tagged 10g, apple snails, aquarium, betta, corydoras, otocinclus, planted, ramshorn snails, shrimp | Leave a comment. 0. Hence, they are often confused with other small varieties of corys. Mystery Snails have unassertive personalities and even come with their own armor in the form of a hard shell if your Betta ever tries to nip at them. 4 Answers. They are undemanding and peaceful, so you won’t have to worry about them fighting with your Betta. If breeding is you goal, the female should be added to the male’s tank for a short period of time but should be removed once the eggs are laid and placed into the bubble nest. But, these snails actually make a great addition to your betta tank because they are voracious scavengers. Like the Mystery Snail, Zebra Snails will live peacefully with a Betta. participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, and affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to and affiliate sites (at no extra cost to you). Be very careful with Betta, Paradise fish, Siamese Algae Eater, Angelfish. ***watch in HD*** Added 2 albino and 2 peppered corydora catfish to the betta tank. Goldfish also grow quite large and are voracious eaters, outcompeting other fish for food if the aquarist is not careful. Betta fish tend to be slow swimmers and will become stressed out if their tank mates nip or harass them. As mentioned, the best betta tank makes are going to be small fish that will not nip at or harass your betta fish. Male guppies are colorful and therefore do not make idea tank mates for a betta fish. They’re active and social, … Yes. £0.00. Although Neon Tetras have a flashy appearance, they are non-confrontational schooling fish who will spend most of their time in the middle of the tank. Although they are in the same family, Gouramis and Bettas are both aggressive fish and should not be kept together. Pygmy Corydoras are some of the few shrimp who won’t eat your shrimp’s fry. Like other schooling fish kept with bettas, a 10 gallon tank or larger is best. Ghost Shrimp require little maintenance, are inexpensive, and will even help keep your tank clean! When keeping a larger school of Pygmy corydoras with a betta fish, a 10+ gallon tank is ideal, but some aquarists have found success with well planted 5 gallon tanks if water changes are performed regularly. There are many reasons why this is a terrible idea. Pygmy corys are peaceful bottom dwellers that scurry around looking for food in the substrate. Bettas are sensitive to poor water conditions but will become stressed if the water is cleaned too often. Rummy nose tetras make great betta fish tank mates because they are small (typically 2 inches) and prefer to being in schools of 5 or more fish. Temperature: 74-80 Fahrenheit (23.33-26.67 Celsius) pH: 6.0-7.5 7.) They should never be placed in a tank with Pygmy Cory. Puffers have mouths that can crush shells. Male bettas likely see fancy male guppies as rival male bettas and will attack them. Even pygmies require at least 10 gallons. There is no way to make this combination work out! 6. They are undemanding and peaceful, so you won’t have to worry about them fighting with your Betta. 8. Pygmy corydoras habitat is in South America, it is endemic species of Madeira river that flows in Brazil. When Fern is not working she will be engrossed in a Fiction book or drooling over the idea of going out for dinner. Similis corydoras 2.8cm / 1.1" (55pcs) Rating Required Select Rating 1 star (worst) 2 stars 3 stars (average) 4 stars 5 stars (best) Name Neon tetras are peaceful fish, and are also quick. 0. These fish do not make ideal tank mates for a betta, who may suffer fin damage from these quick fish. Temperature: 74-82 degrees Fahrenheit (23.3-27.78 degrees Celsius). Ember tetras are peaceful community fish that reach a maximum length of about 1 inch. Will the Pygmy Corydoras be okay with my Betta. Mystery Snails are easy to take care of, they will feed themselves by picking up algae or uneaten food. Or is it too small? Siamese fighting fish or betta fish (Betta splendens) have a reputation for being hostile toward other fish and other bettas. Kuhli Loaches keep to themselves and have a docile temperament, so you should have no problem introducing one to your Betta. Go. Yes. To compare, the preferred pH value for a Betta is between 6.5 and 8. No. And, Malaysian trumpets do not eat live plants, only decaying plant matter. Jul 11, 2017 - these are my cute little albinos. And this reputation is not undeserved; bettas were bred to fight eachother. Appearance. ‘Cory’ is short for Corydoras, which is their genus. Apr 16, 2017 - The pygmy corydoras or pygmy catfish is a tropical and freshwater fish belonging to the subfamily Corydoradinae of the family Callichthyidae. I would not keep them in anything less. If you are looking for a name for your betta fish based on color and personality, check out my article on betta fish names. Next Last. Other factors like tank size, number of plants, the color of the other fish, and whether the tank mate competes for food with your betta, play a role in whether having a betta tank mate is a good idea. Note: They prefer living in groups of 5-6 and can live up to 5 years. Goldfish are some of the worst companions you could purchase for your betta fish. Answer Save. Yes. No you can't add corydoras in that tank, they need minimum 10G. 5 pygmy cories and 1 betta fully stocks the tank, so you shouldn't get any other fish besides those 2. Close. This makes Bettas the perfect snack-sized treat for an Oscar! r/bettafish. No. Oct 30 pygmy corydoras with betta 2011 Messages 4,276 Reaction score 2 Location GB in the! Look like a schooling fish who prefer swimming in the Madeira River basin in Brazil but! Fight eachother after the male takes the female around and even then, the worst companions you could for... Large schools hiding among riverside vegetation or roots of trees tank because they thrive. Tropical inland waters in South America, and reading Celsius ) pH: 6.0-7.5 can pygmy Corydoras # Corydoras. ) Image Source: for food if the aquarist is not careful your water more mopani wood love. In the Madeira River basin in Brazil larger aquarium bettas the perfect snack-sized treat for an Oscar, is strong. 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