So the trials of "Vive la France" have ended. That's because the S.35 only has a 1-man Turret while the AMC.35 has a 2-man turret. Your best bet is to go in arcade and try to kill some potato tankers there and use a plane and ground pound. Language. This free game gives players the option to take place in massive military battles on land, in the air, or at sea with friends all over the world. Thus French tanks which stopped their designs in 1941 by definition will always be inferior to less-advanced designs that continued on after The Battle of France. 1.600 Gefechte pro Panzer. 8 January 2020. Soviet experimental tank created for fighting in a nuclear war with a very exotic shape and running gear. In 1956, the French Army and the Direction des Etudes et Fabrications d’Armements (Directorate of Studies and Manufacture of Armaments, DEFA, an institution within the French Military) were looking into affordable methods of modernizing their fleet of aging M24 Chaffee light tanks. 1.5k; 0; Watch video Uploaded at 10:50 28 Dec 2014. A lot of the issue also comes from the French believing that if they ever "needed a bigger gun" they would have time to retrofit the new gun into the vehicles, so they went cheap on the turrets/guns to the point many of their more modern vehicles suddenly didnt have their new turrets made in time and they quickly rushed the older turrets on them simply because they still had them. It is very frustrating to have to get assists instead of kills and rely on your brain instead of speed, armor and/or crew rotation to survive. France did not design its 1930's tanks for tank vs tank combat, and there simply wasn't enough time to design and build new tanks in 46 days. Original question: What's the different between World of Tanks and Warthunder? I would argue that the problems with the french low tier are just with Gaijin's implementation of pre war machines. In order to be able to spot and engage targets behind cover beyond 500-700m, you’ll want to upgrade Keen Vision. But those weaknesses teach you how to be a better player. True_Reaper45 . And the only one. Pages in category "France aircraft" Following World War Two, French tank designers returned to a project they had been working on before the war but incorporating lessons learned from six years of fighting. The variant of the French AD-4 represented in War Thunder is the French AD-4NA, a variant of the formerly three-seated AD-4N night attack plane which was converted to a single-seated attacker in American Service before being sold to France, though France did also come into possession of … Es ist gar nicht so leicht in War Thunder erfolgreicher Panzer-Fahrer zu werden. But again, one afternoon of playing and you are passed them... On the topic of the AMC 35. You have what seems like good armor, but then all of these spots on their tanks where they're running low armor. Make no mistake I'm not frustrated with you I just wish more people could realize the flaws that linger in the French tree than continue to pass them off. AMC 34 APX-1 AMC 34 APX-2 AMC 35 Somua S-35 AMX-13 Chaffee AMX-13 FL-11 AMX-13 AMX-13 90mm AMX 13 105mm Powered by Invision Community. It's a low-tier tank that comes in at a free price tag but don't let that put you off. It’s very easy to use and you can get Golden Eagles without paying for it – 100% FREE. So thats my experience with these tanks, what's yours? Their mobility proved a more decisive factor in how well they play. Testing for French ground vehicles began with the release of the update 1.75 "La Résistance". I'm not sure whether to take what you just said seriously or start laughing until I cry. ingame, with low tier french tanks you have to play everything like a Maus- angle all the time. The commander’s view was so restricted that he would often sit in the open hatch, looking over the top of the tank to aim and provide directions. Tier V AMX-30 is MBT that probably better than Leopard I. PROS +fast speed +fast reverse speed +very good gun +20mm autocannon CONS-meh armor-repair cost. In the market for War Thunder Equipment? YUP! Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. Do me a favor, I want you look at each of these individual bug reports and tell me something isn't right here. Grinding Ace Crew for every vehicle in the French Tech Tree - Gaijin pls sell me NC.900 plox plox. Corrida. → War Thunder A review of French tanks (Updated 6/January/2021) about 1 month ago - Smin1080p - Direct link Indeed, repair costs are terrible for french tanks from tier IV. The article includes some of the most reliable methods to fix this issue and it is recommended that you go through all of the fixes mentioned below as this is going to help you fix War Thunder Lag for good. The French heavy tanks were finally retired in 1946. They can't reliably penetrate enemy tanks. The implementation of armour on the S35 and R39 is missing about 8-12mm on both tanks frontal plates. You do realize the OFL round had over 440mm of penetration during the initial dev server only to get nerfed by 100mm shortly after release despite the fact that users told the developers it had its correct penetrating values. I've tried to angle my low tiers and they fall prey to enemies rather easily. War Thunder ist ein kostenlos spielbares Online-Spiel, in dem ihr Panzer und Flugzeuge aus der Weltkriegs-Zeit ins Gefecht führt. War Thunder hingegen sei mehr etwas für Strategen, die einen Krieg bevorzugen, bei dem „jede Patrone“ zählt. So in my opinion the best thing to do is improve their penetration either by giving a plausible gun replacement or improving their ammo. while they were acknowledged as the world's foremost military, the organization was an absolute mess, the bureaucracy was corrupt to the bone, and most if not all authorities believed the upcoming war would just be The Great War 2.0. hence why their infantry tanks had potato engines and barely adequate guns (well, there's no redeeming the SA18) but decent enough armor, while their cavalry tanks are basically only armored enough to ensure protection from a WWI tankgewehr but had even more crappy engines. While other countries enjoy guns that can one shot French vehicles with relative ease. As for the present topic, yes Tier 1 French are bad (although the 2.0 or 2.3 line-up is decent). They don't seem like they can really bank on armor to be a hard edge. With our latest War Thunder Golden Eagles Generator you can generate Golden Eagles and buy features in the WT Shop. Talon6713. Hier können vor allem kreative Geister viele Golden Eagles abstauben, da regelmäßg Fan-Kreationen wie Videos, Skins und jede Art von Kunst gesucht und ausgezeichnet werden. same with AMX 50. The H.39 is the one saving grace of the French reserve tanks, it’s actually good. also doesnt help that for 1 man turret they have slow ass reload...... they where all good tanks armour wise, but they should put a very long reloading speed in their guns because of their one man turrets !!! This video is the latest episode of our "Climbing the ranks" series. Die Flugzeugsimulation War Thunder sollte eigentlich von der Luftausgabe des großen Konkurrenten World of Tanks erledigt werden. The Crusader is a French tank that's not easy to put into submission. ER bombers. They mostly kill you with 1 shot, no matter what side of your tank they hit, even from the front. In many respects, the Second World War was the golden age of the tank. But it definitely has an impact on the low survivability tanks, as one penetration from anything at your tier will most likely kill you at this rank. I guess to conclude, no amount of br changes can fix the flawed implementation of the french tanks. Mistakes happen? in the battle of france this was their main defect as well as very bad tactics. ... French tanks are allies and its very hard to play in RB with only german tanks vs american, british, russian and french. First and foremost. If that were the case why does the OFL 105F1 have incorrect penetration values, what doesn't the PCOT-51P  not penetrate over 200mm of armor even though they are multiple sources saying it does. We also have ... God mode and infinite ammo, fuel, money, and golden eagles. Many people have been reporting War Thunder Lag and other similar issues on different community forums on the internet and they have been looking for a fix to their problem. I can distinctly remember the Chieftain stating in a video (H35 or FCM 36) that the OE on the SA18 had about the explosive power of a grenade (which makes perfect sense considering the caliber). So even if Gaijin did give the SA18 its HE shell, it won't really make the French Rank 1 grind any less painful. The reload time is a total joke, the german Pz's which fires a much bigger shell reloads faster. Most french tanks are really small, and can easely hide behind ditches designed for larger tanks to shoot over. Imagine if the T34 was missing 20mm of armour, the community would freak out and riot over this failed implementation. for example; up to around 2.3 BR every french tank is incapable of penetrating the m3a1 stuart at 500m, while the m3a1 stuart has a likely chance of one-shotting you due to low crew count. Im offziellen War-Thunder-Forum finden Sie den Bereich Events & Contents. Climbing the ranks with... french tanks! Don’t suffer for the art. War Thunder, one of the best tank games, constantly shifts between moments of elation and betrayal.However strategic you are, only one or two shots separates you from a … The early french tanks use the old relics from WWI like the cannon for example, their doctrine of is also from WWI experience, the Crew is cramp together making it easy for a one shot but making it lower profile from a distance. War Thunder: 1.7.5 has arrived and oscillating turrets are the new HOTness! Plus the French industry had fallen behind and become outdated. AMR 35 ZT2; AMR 35 ZT3; Lorraine 37L AC; Somua SAU 40; Renault UE 6pdr; Lorraine 37L 17pdr; CA Lorraine (90mm) CA Lorraine (100mm) AMX 50 Foch; Medium Tanks  D1; D2; D2 mod. Their gun and ammo are terrible. Obviously many of us want everything historical to be in-game, but I can't fault the Devs for not taking the time to make a garbage-tier shell for a garbage-tier weapon. French Tier 1 tanks are really really bad... Every other nation's Tier 1 tanks seems superior to them. Tank Destroyers. Comment by War Thunder staff, Smin1080p: This is incorrect as they very much are, but are treated with lower priority than actual bugs and gameplay issues. If they're going to butcher a vehicle they might as well not add it to the game. 229 War Thunder HD Wallpapers and Background Images. Although the spotting mechanics in War Thunder aren’t like World of Tanks and tanks don’t engage cloak randomly, the client does render/not render enemy tanks beyond a certain range depending on your crew’s Keen Vision skill. Here are some of the best tanks in War Thunder. Published by Gaijin Network Ltd. under the exclusive license. War Thunder has been updated to 1.75 which has now fully introduced French Tanks into the game with the La Resistance update. Unfortunately due to the fact WT bases its shells and armor values on what real life documents say it isn't as simple as "just increase shell pen", if you find a shell for those tanks that would improve them or even better a replacement then there is a suggestion area on the forum. A lot of the BR contemporaries are firing ammunition that wasn’t available in the summer of 1940. Talon6713. Für den E50M und E100 habe ich ziemlich viel FreeXP verwendet, den IS4 gab es kostenlos als Tier 10 weil er damals Tier 9 war. 38; B1 serie; B1 bis; ARL 44 with ACL-1 turret; ARL 44; AMX 50 (100mm) AMX 50; SPAAG. Although the spotting mechanics in War Thunder aren’t like World of Tanks and tanks don’t engage cloak randomly, the client does render/not render enemy tanks beyond a certain range depending on your crew’s Keen Vision skill. 8. How to make one War Thunder Tank Skin work with all Tanks . It was a rare time when the playing field was level for such technology, and everyone was advancing from the same starting point. Especially if the only part of the stuart you can see is … Thursday, February 18, 2021 Mmos World French tier 1 is without a doubt the most painful, even the Japanese were better. Do not waste your time or money on this game if you are a console player. Which is a sharp contrast from the first world war when they were the leading edge in industry. At lower tiers, they accomplish this with trench-assault tanks with great armor, but are as slow as foot infantry and have mediocre anti-tank penetration power. War Thunder - How to Play French Tier 1 Ground Vehicles. So these newer rounds can somewhat easily defeat French Tier I armor which is really the only thing the French have going for them. French tanks have served a large role in modern Warfare, from the Renault FT-17 to today's Leclerc, the French are on the forefront of Tank Technology. Whether you want dive bombing, long-range bombing, or all of … 24 April 2019 Video In this video, we take a quick look at the french nation tech tree, highlighting the most interesting vehicles that you definitely should check out ! And finally most countries can reliably penetrate French armor unless they're Japanese reserve tanks. Even with better base statistics I think the early French tanks would still struggle. #5 France. The reload time is a total joke, the german Pz's which fires a much bigger shell reloads faster. In order to be able to spot and engage targets behind cover beyond 500-700m, you’ll want to upgrade Keen Vision. They are terrible in T1, passable but forgettable at best in T2 and T3 (most being american anyway), but they stomp in T4; the amx M4 may as well be one of my best tanks, followed closely by the Lorraine 40t. An oddity among this compared to other World War II-era Japanese tanks is the 7.7 mm machine gun atop its turret that allows it to operate as an anti-air gun to a very limited extent. for example; up to around 2.3 BR every french tank is incapable of penetrating the m3a1 stuart at 500m, while the m3a1 stuart has a likely chance of one-shotting you due to low crew count. Costs 210 000 S.L, without crew, & has a max repair cost, of 4 293 S.L. amc 35 is all I can suggest, get that unlocked asap to help with the grind in that low area, though it and other french tanks have a wierd issue in acceleration in this game, once its spaded its engine stuff its actually a pretty decent little tank for relaism, sim or arcade (i have been having much fun with it in sim mode for example). Und in World of Tanks war ich immer nur ein durchschnittlicher Spieler, in War Thunder habe ich definitiv mehr Skill. Their gun and ammo are terrible. BECAUSE OF RUSSIAN BIAS, Comrade. Similarly the SA18 is one of the most famous cannons used during the first world war, its HE round was infamously known for its lethal nature yet the developers simply forget to implement it? AlchavidV2, November 21, 2018 in General & Upcoming. All rights reserved. It can go decently fast, the armor can tank shots decently well and the gun isn’t terrible, if you have to keep any of the reserve tanks then this is the one to keep. The French also experimented with various tank designs, such as the Frot-Laffly landship, Boirault machine and Souain experiment. War Thunder Update 1.75 Adds French Army and New Tanks Tyler Treese Friday, December 01, 2017 Gaijin Entertainment has detailed the upcoming War Thunder update 1.75. Gun Data … Use this link to get 3% off your entire purchase and a custom Phly emblem for your vehicles. War thunder memes aside, why do you think they’re bad? These armour changes really impact what would be a strong point for these low tier tanks, and they are also inexcusable in the game. The M4A3E2 (76)W "Jumbo" is a modification of the M4A3E2 "Jumbo" that was used by the U.S. Army in the European theater in WWII, armed with a 76mm M1 cannon, it sits at Rank IV, & is at Battle Rating 6.0. The two-man crews are also a death sentence of in War Thunder because one penetrating hit in the crew compartment is a knocked out Tier I French tank basically. Here are some of the best tanks in War Thunder. The shells are still pretty garbage but at least you can fire a lot more of them now than you could. And when they do, you usually need two or three follow up shots at the right places, to kill all the crew. A lot of the problem is the basic design of the game, and I'm not complaining about this, only pointing it out. French tanks vary wildly between the tiers, due to the paradigm changes in historical doctrines around WWII. Once fully upgraded, it will become a thundering godess of the battlefield compared to other french tanks of the same tier, easely cruising around 35 Km/h on flat terrain. 1.600 Gefechte (343 Spielstunden laut Steam) - und einen Rank 6 Panzer, also ca. Thunder Skill — WarThunder game statistics Made with support of the War Thunder's community Переключить на русский It was designed for pc players there is no balance . All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Yes, I was really hyped to play the "top OP tank of all times" until I read the basic 19k repair cost without upgrades, so I skipped it, bc I don't want … There are a bunch of people that want them added back, but Gaijin hasn't really said anything about doing so. If you have any cheats or tips for War Thunder please send them in here. War Thunder is a thrilling massive multiplayer game that can be played cross platform for absolutely free. Attributes Clear selection. « 1 … 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 … 43 » This means they are terrible at getting into position and they can't really respond to unexpected threats. One man turrets on french tanks have a significantly longer reload than other one man turrets in different nations. Published by Gaijin Network Ltd. under the exclusive license. French development into tanks began during World War I as an effort to overcome the stalemate of trench warfare, and largely at the initiative of the manufacturers.The Schneider CA1 was the first tank produced by France, and 400 units were built. 8 January 2020. - Give the FCM 36 the 37mm SA38 gun, either as a modification or replace the original gun. It's just that Gaijin included most of the tanks that are small infantry tanks, and avoided faster or better armoured vehicles. 0. Tanks - France; Tanks - Germany; Tanks - Italy; Tanks - Japan; Tanks - Miscellaneous; Tanks - Russia; Tanks - Soviet; Tanks - USA; Utilities; Search parameters . Each vehicle is allowed to access late-conflict ammunition that is the response to the armour encountered in the early-conflict period. Despite having low armor and also a weak gun. To change this system would need a lengthy relook at the entire game that otherwise runs well and it's not credible to ask the game designers to do this. This means, for example, that the StuG A gets a HEAT shell to fight Battle of France tanks when such shells were not designed yet. This is the ending of War Thunder – All Best Vehicles by Nations guide. Logistics Skills & Crew Proficiency. Notice: I will only be talking about War Thunder Ground Forces. We also have to look at their competition. What I would like to see happen with the French low tiers: - Give the H35 the 37mm SA38 gun, either as a modification or replace the original gun. So you only have 1 crew member working the entire turret. None of us wanted the French tree to become a giant punching bag for the devs but alas here we are. Yes, I was really hyped to play the "top OP tank of all times" until I read the basic 19k repair cost without upgrades, so I skipped it, bc I don't want to bleed all my money on repairs. They can't reliably penetrate enemy tanks. The only alternative would be nerf the gun on everything else and I don't see that happening. 1.8k; 0; Watch video Uploaded at 21:44 30 May 2014. flak 88 panther V. xNxmod. I'd love to play the Amx 50 but am put off by the repair cost. It's cool actually - so you can skip french 1.0 tanks on it, becouse there is needed really small of RP. +frontal armor protected with fuel tank and engine CONS-very expensive repair cost. First and foremost. On 21/11/2018 at 20:16, Private_Wolk said: On 21/11/2018 at 18:39, Private_Wolk said: On 23/11/2018 at 11:26, mitchverr12345 said: "just increase shell pen", if you find a shell for those tanks that would improve them or even better a replacement then there is a suggestion area on the forum. That's not to say that the armour isn't terrible on some vehicles either. the french were kind of a mess leading up to WWII. War Thunder is one of the most popular war shooters out there right now but the problem of Lag, High Ping, Disconnections and other related issues have been plaguing the game’s user base. Glad to move on to 2.0, they seem a little better. - so you can war thunder french tanks are terrible Golden Eagles and buy features in the battle of france this was their defect. & Contents Aircraft/Dive war thunder french tanks are terrible, and add the ability to reload them mid-clip over... How well they play tiers and they fall prey to enemies rather easily this video is the latest of. 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