In the first draft of of Revenge of the Sith, dated back to April 13, 2003, the number of Jedi Knights who were killed was "more extensive" than the one seen in the finished version of the film, though some animatics for these versions were made. Neyo was forced to execute his own Jedi General, Stass Allie, during Order 66 and submitted an account of his actions that were collated with accounts from other commanding clone officers into a report for Emperor Palpitaine. Known Factions Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Although many targets of Order 66 were killed by their own soldiers, Ahsoka Tano managed to escape with the help of Rex, after removing his inhibitor chip to free him from the brainwashing. Content approaching. Confused, he quickly began deflecting the blasts after the clones began to fire on him but it was too much and Mundi was shot down and killed by his forces. [3][5][6][20], Though first depicted in Revenge of the Sith, Order 66 was originally planned to start in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Cody was present on Spirit of the Republicwhen Anakin and Torrent Company were sent to Teth to recover the Huttlet, Rotta. The latter state caused Tup to shoot Jedi Master Tiplar during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, killing her instantly. Shortly afterwards, Dume went into hiding and took the name of Kanan Jarrus,[8] giving up his identity as a Jedi for fourteen years before returning, with the crew of the Ghost, to rebel against the Empire.[30]. Sith[1] When the time came, Neyo carried out Order 66 … One of them accidentally killed Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan in the melee. 32 BBY[2] After Anakin Skywalker came in and Palpatine made him his apprentice, he would later order the execution of Order 66 to Commander Cody of the 212th Batallion while he was on Utapau. Bene: Stationed at the Jedi Temple; killed by Darth Vader. [41] There, he took several acolytes: Nipaltoo, Orvek, Rebb, Stell, Daren, and Verla. We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! The Jedi brought Fives to Coruscant for further examination,[6] where Fives came face-to-face with Palpatine and discovered that the Chancellor was behind the plot. Forced Order. A Zabrak Knight: Stationed at the Jedi Temple; killed by Darth Vader. Popular Quizzes Today. Order 66, also known as Clone Protocol 66, was a series of contingency orders of the Clone Soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Revenge of the Sith was ultimately rated PG-13 unlike previous films.[58]. While brainwashed, Rex also ordered Maul's execution, but Tano saved the darksider's life so he could act as a diversion. Commander Cody, of the 212th Attack Battalion, received a holo message from the Chancellor to execute Order 66. Order 66 Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine Group of Masters: Stationed at the Jedi Temple, killed by Darth Vader. Having amassed immense central authority during the war, and without the Jedi Order standing in his way, Palpatine transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire and declared himself Emperor. On the planet of Felucia, Aayla Secura became the next victim as her forces, lead by Commander Bly, turned on her as well. Stass winced as she felt something. Commander Neyo, one of the troopers present, had gotten the order and he and the other clone had backed up their bikes and fired on their Jedi Commander. Barriss Offee: Stationed on Felucia; killed by Lieutenant Galle (Legends only). Upon the Jedi Master's death, Luke became the last of the Jedi and set out to confront Vader once more, now having learned the truth that Vader was his father. He was then brought onto the Separatist cruiser Obrexta III and inserted into a cryo-cycle stasis pod for the journey to Serenno. Aayla Secura is killed during Clone Protocol 66. Join Planet Minecraft! The Kaminoans, including Prime Minister Lama Su and Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se, believed the protocol existed as a contingency for rogue Jedi. Villainous Event [26] According to legend, Kira Vantala also survived the purge, which surprised the Grand Inquisitor when she confronted him on the planet Gaaten to stop the abductions of Force-sensitive orphans.[40]. The bike was destroyed and she was killed in the process with the remnants of the bike landing into the swamps of Selucami littered with the remains of fallen clones and droids during the battle. During a speeder patrol on Saleucami with General Stass Allie, Neyo received "Contingency Order 66" from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. He had been found by Sidon Ithano's crew and, now unable to save the Republic or Jedi, joined the pirates. [23] Around 30 ABY,[46] the former Jedi Padawan Naq Med found out that the Jedi were no longer being hunted, which allowed him to finally die peacefully, passing on his lightsaber and robes to his grandson Karr Nuq Sin. Traavis: Stationed on Garqi; killed by Commander Sarge. He eventually had to go to the surface to recover the trapped clones. Commander Neyo was a human male clone of Jango Fett, a bounty hunter and the genetic template of the Kaminoan clone army. [56], Some other concepts featured in other drafts and versions of Revenge of the Sith included Boba Fett taking part of Order 66 by killing Mace Windu in an attempt to avenge his father Jango's death until George Lucas reorganized the entire story and felt that Fett would be "too young" and wasn't an essential part in the story. Were they really that great a loss? [20] Rex was mostly skeptical of Fives' claims about the chips, but, unable to completely dismiss the theory, he filed a confidential grievance report about the chips possibly having a hidden purpose, although he was aware it was likely to be ignored. Join us! The order was formally carried out by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine (also known as Darth Sidious) in 19 BBY at the very end of the Clone Wars and led to the destruction of the Jedi Order and the deaths of the majority of the Jedi and led to the rise of the Galactic Empire. [6] All clones were given a bio-chip[5] that could be activated by remote order via voice command; Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, for example, only needed to tell clones to execute Order 66, and the order was carried out. Barr was soon confronted by several of the Inquisitors and their troopers, who he noticed were newer clones who had not yet had their control chips activated. The Dark Lords of the Sith orchestrated the Clone Wars, including the implantation of the bio-chips that overrode their host's will with Protocol 66. Her death led to the loss of Republic momentum and forced the Republic forces to withdraw from the combat zone. He was present on the planet of Kashyyk during the Separatist invasion of the Wookie homeworld and oversaw a battle where Separatist forces attacked a beach outpost and engaged the joint Republic-Wookie forces in their defense. Du Mahn: Stationed at the Bogden Jedi Training Facility; killed by clone troopers. Obi Wan was devastated but knew what he had to do. Clone soldiers were stationed at the temple to kill all surviving Jedi who would return. [9], Later, the Jedi discovered that the Sith were behind the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic, as Count Dooku—under the name Tyranus—had personally selected Jango Fett as the genetic template for the clones and had worked with the Kaminoans to create the army after it was ordered by Sifo-Dyas. The Jedi Order accepted the story that a parasite had caused Tup and Fives' behavior, and that the chips were necessary to keep the clones mentally stable. As with the rest of the clone army, Neyo was programmed to execute Order 66 upon its authorization by Chancellor Palpatine.Being bred solely for combat, Neyo developed a disturbingly cold … [11] Eventually, a human male from Naboo born Sheev Palpatine[13] became the apprentice of Darth Plagueis, and was dubbed Darth Sidious. The incident led ARC trooper CT-5555 "Fives" to conduct his own investigation into the matter, believing the incident to be a Separatist plot against the Republic. During the Clone Wars, the Sith agenda was progressing relatively unnoticed until a premature activation of Order 66 resulted in the death of General Tiplar at the hands of CT-5385 "Tup," a defective clone whose malfunctioning chip caused him to turn against his Jedi officer. Maybe. The events of Order 66, namely the systematic eradication of the Jedi Order, were once first mentioned in the original, The destruction itself was first depicted on-screen in, The first book of the ongoing comic series. Windu, \"Stak\" and \"Razor\" came across Syndulla and his men after they took out a droid patrol. Die Kaminoaner wählten ihn für das Offiziersprogramm aus und unterzogen ihm dem zusätzlichem Flash-Trainingfür Offiziere, in dem ihm Mannschaftsführung, Strategie, Taktik und die Koordinierung größerer Streitkräfte vermittelt wurde. Etain Tur-Mukan: Stationed on Coruscant; killed indirectly by another Jedi while protecting a clone trooper. Stass Allie was a Tholothian, killed by Commander Neyo on Saleucami during Order 66. [27], Throughout the duration of the Empire, Order 66 was still active. [32] Jedi Master Uvell was also able to survive and entrust a ship of Jedi artifacts to Antron Bach to preserve the Jedi Order. At the insistence of Grand Master Yoda, who testified to the clones' loyalty and valiant service, the Jedi High Council chose not to disclose the conspiracy to the public or even the Supreme Chancellor, believing that the Republic would lose the public's trust if it became known that Dooku was involved in the creation of the clone army. However, Yoda's wariness towards Force visions and the intense disquiet he regularly felt around the clones due to their genetically-engineered obedience prevented him from realizing the true import of the brief vision. Around ten years prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas ordered the clone army for the Galactic Republic. Purpose Olana Chion: Stationed at the Jedi Temple; killed by the 501st Legion. The master who protected the Great Holocron: Stationed at the Jedi Temple; killed by Darth Vader. [57] In Ti's case, however, Shoshan filmed an earlier death for her in the film's beginning, though both scenes were cut from the finished film. ―Clone Commander Gree complies with Order 66[src] Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boga falling into an Utapaun sinkhole after the execution of Order 66. It branded all Jedi Knights and members of the order as traitors and were to be executed as well. Purposes However, he was captured by the 501st Legion, who chose to execute him for treason due to the danger that the remaining Umbaran forces might free him and learn vital military intelligence.[19]. Their orders were to eradicate every single Jedi that was present including knights, padawans, and even younglings. [25] Sometime later he was captured by the clones who had killed his master, but was able to avoid death once more due in part to the last-minute intervention of Commander Grey, who was somehow able to assert his will and realize that something else had influenced his thoughts when he and his battalion had previously turned on Dume and his master. Across the galaxy, thousands of Jedi were killed by their own troops while the Chancellor's new apprentice, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, led the 501st Legion in a direct assault on the Jedi Temple of Coruscant. Star Wars [45] Thirty years after the Clone Wars, Kix was finally awoken during the Race for the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku. CC-8826 wurde als ein regulärer Klonkrieger auf Kamino gezüchtet und trainiert. Creator: Elri (angelrider13) Series Begun: 2015-11-29 Series Updated: 2016-05-08 Description: Every clone knows that they were made for the Jedi. [Source]. [4], For nearly twenty years, the Empire was able to expand without any significant Jedi opposition. When Order 66 was issu… Order 66, also known as Clone Protocol 66, was a top secret order identifying all Jedi as traitors to the Galactic Republic and, therefore, subject to summary execution by the Grand Army of the Republic. On the galactic capital Coruscant, however, he learned that the chips conditioned the clones to become hostile against the Jedi. Banana Interviews the Stars of STAR WARS! Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! Commander Cody, HD. Your First Look at Kanan the Padawan – Exclusive! The Jedi Padawan Caleb Dume managed to survive the initial attack on his life due to the sacrifice made by his master Depa Billaba. Tup was later brought onboard a ship to be brought back to Kamino for investigation but was captured by the Separatist forces but later liberated by the Republic. Clone Protocol 66Protocol 66 They should all have what seems like a happy ending, except we know what's gonna happen. (Neyo probably wore ARF trooper armor in phase one but we have never seen Neyo in phase one before so we don't really know) She tried to stop it but they were too fast and she was shot down and killed. As leader of the 91st Reconnaissance Corps he lead many successful battles in the Outer Rim. Origin The Chancellor issued Order 66 to various clone officers across the galaxy, while Skywalker—now the Sith Lord Darth Vader—was sent to kill the Jedi within the Jedi Temple. Towards the end of the war, Order 66 was almost prematurely exposed due to a malfunction in the bio-chip inside of clone trooper CT-5385 — known as Tup — resulting in him alternating between his regular self and a trance-like state. Without hesitation, Jag and the other pilots opened fire on Plo Koon and was quickly shot down and crashed on a nearby building on one of the bridge cities. Full Name Tiplar was killed when Protocol 66 was prematurely activated within Tup. The Confederacy of Independent Systems tried to kidnap Tup from the Republic, but the Republic succeeded in bringing him to Kamino for further study. [1] In public life, Palpatine became a politician, serving as Naboo's Senator before eventually orchestrating an invasion of his home planet in order to be elected the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. 2. share. His subsequent investigation led him to discover that Fives had in fact been telling him the truth when he had first told Kix about the Jedi and the clones being framed and that the bio-chips implanted within the clones could indeed compel them to kill the entire Jedi Order. As the cruiser was taking off, however, it was ambushed by Republic forces. According to records, her forces admired her greatly and wanted to give her a quick death as they were unable to deal with the pain because of how she saved them from certain death during the war. This lead to a long and grueling battle which saw the destruction of the entire Jedi Order and the deaths of the majority of the Jedi. He smiled, and let loose. Shia Letap: Stationed at the Jedi Temple; killed by Darth Vader. Neyo smiled and prepared to rid the galaxy of his dear general. On Saleucami, they kill KIT FISTO, BARRISS OFFEE, and ADI GALLIA. [56] The following order in this early draft was taken from the book The Making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith: On Mygeeto, clones blast KI-ADI-MUNDI and SAESEE TIIN. Jocasta Nu: Stationed at the Jedi Temple; killed by Darth Vader. 10 members of the Hawkbat Clan: Stationed at the Bogden Jedi Training Facility; killed by clone troopers. [7][31], Jedi Master Quinlan Vos was presumed to have survived by the Empire, and was a priority target of the purge. The first report of Order 66 being carried out was in 19 BBY when Clone Trooper Tup, had his chip malfunction and carried out the order prematurally. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The final newcomer on the Jedi Council was Anakin Skywalker. [34] Jedi Master Kirak Infil'a was able to survive by taking the barash vow. Cody followed through with the order and ordered an AT-TE to fire upon Jedi General Obi Wan Kenobi which nearly killed him but did not. He eventually took over as the Dark Lord of the Sith after murdering his master in his sleep. [43] The destruction itself was first identified and depicted on-screen in 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the final installment of the prequel trilogy. [1], Palpatine used the duel as a pretext for declaring that the Jedi were traitors, ones who had attempted to assassinate him and take control of the Republic for themselves. Utilized by [1], The bio-chip, when activated, would ensure total obedience in a clone, erasing existing biases and beliefs. [37], Jedi Archives librarian Jocasta Nu also managed to survive and tried to create a secret school to train new Jedi Knights. Ki-Adi-Mundi: Stationed on Mygeeto; killed by Commander Bacara and the Galactic Marines. More Skins by TacticSniper45. The command identified Allie as an enemy of the Republic. Thousands of Jedi throughout the galaxy were killed, including Ki-Adi-Mundi on Mygeeto, Aayla Secura on Felucia, Plo Koon in the skies of Cato Neimoidia, Stass Allie on Saleucami,[1] Depa Billaba on Kaller,[25] Jaro Tapal in the Bracca system[26] and even younglings. Ferroda: Stationed on Cato Neimoidia; killed by X2. Simms: Stationed on Toola; killed by Commander Keller. During the Battle of Mygeeto, the longest battle of the Clone Wars, Ki-Adi Mundi was leading a small detachment of Marines against the forces of the Separatist Droid Army on a bridge when the order was carried out. With the exception of a few surviving Jedi, such as Grand Master Yoda, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, former Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, the Great Jedi Purge was largely accomplished through the initial activation of Order 66. This chip contained the order the Kaminoans knew as "Clone Protocol 66" — which, when activated, would ensure total obedience in the clones and cause them to violently lash out against the Jedi. Afterwards, a beacon was activated telling all surviving Jedi to return to the temple as a trap set up to kill any Jedi who escaped execution. 3. share. The execution of Order 66 marked the destruction of the Jedi Order. However, unknown to Sidious, the order was discovered by Commander Neyo at the beginning of the Clone Wars. Organizational information The Galaxy When Order 66 was initiated during a speeder bike patrol, Jedi General Stass Allie was killed when Neyo and a fellow trooper, CT-3423, fired on her speeder, destroying it. [36] Obi-Wan Kenobi went into exile on Tatooine, along with Vader's infant son, Luke Skywalker; Vader did not know that Luke or his twin sister, Leia, had been born, so the twins were taken into hiding. After revealing them as former Jedi, Barr used a mind trick to force the troopers to execute Order 66 and attack the Inquisitors. The events of Order 66, namely the destruction of the Jedi Order, were first mentioned in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the first installment of the Star Wars original trilogy. After the attempt on Obi Wan's life, Commader Bacara and the Galactic Marines were also given the order. Date created The order was that the Jedi Commanders and Generals of the Republic military were to be branded as traitors and were to be executed. Rex, receiving the command from Sidious, realized at that moment that Fives had been right about everything and managed to resist his chip long enough to tell Tano to "find" the late ARC trooper before attacking her. Roll Random Skin! Several blasts hit the rear of Allie's Aratech 74-Z speeder bike, igniting its reactor and sending it into a fatal crash. Nem Bees: Stationed on Orto; killed by Commander Deviss. Sors Bandeam: Stationed at the Jedi Temple; killed by Darth Vader. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Race for the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku, The Making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, The Secret Jedi: The Adventures of Kanan Jarrus: Rebel Leader, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure. During the Clone Wars, 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps, Windu, alongside Commander \"Ponds\", led his forces to liberate the capital of Lessu. Whie Malreaux: Stationed at the Jedi Temple; killed by Darth Vader. To initiate the systematic destruction of the Jedi Order and all its Jedi apprentices.To pave the way for the foundation of the Galactic Empire. Figure Number: 16 Wave: 3 Year: 2013 Retail: $9.99 UPC: 653569884132 Movie: Figure Seek: Map Auctions; Social: The order came after Order 65 which branded the Supreme Chancellor as a traitor and was to be removed and executed as well. [1], The backstory of Order 66 was provided in a four-episode arc in The Lost Missions of the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Obeying this directive without question, Neyo and the 91st carried out their order to eliminate the former Jedi and Republic General. It's because Neyo is wearing recon clone armor. Yoda dueled Sidious to a draw but was forced to flee, knowing that Sidious would win if the fight continued. During the Battle of Cato Nemoidia, Plo Koon was in his starfighter and was accompanied by two ARC-170s during an air battle where they were flying over the bridge cities. Ali-Alann: Stationed at the Jedi Temple; killed by the 501st Legion. Tru Veld: Stationed at the Jedi Temple; killed by the 501st Legion. [12], Some time after the Battle of Anaxes,[22] clone medic CT-6116 "Kix" began to question the details surrounding the event which had led to Tup killing Tiplar. 10 Questions - Developed by: Commander Cody - Updated on: 2009-11-01 - Developed on: 2009-10-18 - 12,868 taken - User Rating: 3.9 of 5 - 20 votes - 2 people like it A Star Wars quiz about order 66. The majority of the Jedi were killed during Order 66 and the order was effectively destroyed. [33] Zubain Ankonori, Nuhj, Khandra, and Mususiel all managed to survive and went into hiding together at a Jedi shrine on Anoat. After killing a nearby Jedi Knight, Anakin and his forces marched forward in what would become Operation Knightfall. The objectives for each type of Jedi had actually varied as members of the Jedi High Council were to be terminated on sight, Jedi Masters to be executed on sight, Jedi Knights to be arrested or executed, and Padawans were to be captured and interrogated. Stass Allie: Stationed on Saleucami; killed by Commander Neyo and CT-3423. Notable employments The redemption of Anakin Skywalker led to the return of the Jedi. Imagine a series of episodes following each Jedi from the Order 66 sequence. Before he could share his suspicions, however, he was kidnapped by forces sent by Dooku. RR Commander Neyo. Luminara Unduli was killed by her Clone forces but Yoda sensed what was happening and killed both Commander Gree and another trooper during their attempt on his life. All clones were given a bio-chip, one that could be activated by remote order via voice command; Sheev Palpatine, for example, only needed to tell clones to execute Order 66, and the order was carried out. [55], Quinlan Vos depicted in a deleted animatic from the earlier versions of the Order 66. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. The two trained on Dagobah before Luke left to confront Vader. Tano and Rex subsequently covered their tracks and went into hiding in the Outer Rim, after taking the time to bury every victim of the crash they could find. The Tenth Brother, who was formerly the Jedi Master Prosset Dibs,[42] was killed in the ensuing firefight, along with the Ninth Sister having her right leg severed due to a betrayal from the Sixth Brother in an attempt to escape. Years later, Kenobi emerged from his exile and began training Luke Skywalker to become a Jedi Knight,[43] in the hopes that Luke would be able to defeat Vader and Emperor Palpatine. [5], After the Ambush on Rugosa, Jedi Grand Master Yoda, while meditating, had a vision of Jek, one of the clone troopers who had accompanied him to the moon, at the moment Order 66 was issued, sensing Jek's emotions changing from disbelief and regret to a sudden urge to obey. When their efforts failed, Palpatine used the incident to frame the Jedi Order for treason and, as such, directed the clone army to execute their Jedi commanding officers in accordance with Order 66. In secret, Order 66 was the means by which the Sith intended to bring about the long-awaited fall of the Jedi Order. During the Siege of Selucami, Jedi General Stass Allie was on a BARC speeder bike and was accompanied by two clone troopers. Order 66: In the event of Jedi officers acting against the interests of the Republic, and after receiving specific orders verified as coming directly from the Supreme Commander (Chancellor), GAR commanders will remove those officers by lethal force, and command of the GAR will revert to the Supreme Commander (Chancellor) until a new command structure is established. Using his Sith title as an alias, Dooku further convinced the Kaminoans that it was imperative that the chips' existence and the protocol be kept secret from the Jedi, claiming it was what Sifo-Dyas wanted. Historical information First employed Clone Protocol 66 was built into the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic during the cloning process that created them. Obeying this directive without question, Neyo and the 91st carried out their order to eliminate the former Jedi and Republic General. During the Clone Wars/Great Jedi Purge[1]During the occupation of Mon Cala[4] The bio-chip, when activated, would ensure total obedience in a clone, erasing existing biases and beli… With the secrets of Order 66 secure, Sidious and Dooku continued with their plans during the Clone Wars. The bodies of all slain Jedi were then brought up front of the temple where they were burned and the public was told that the Jedi had attempted to overthrow the Republic and this was the response to their supposed treason. commander-neyo-star-wars-iii-order-66. Luminara Unduli: Stationed on Kashyyyk, killed by Commander Faie (Legends, in the new canon she was captured and imprisoned in the Spire, then executed). Although having escaped Order 66, some Jedi were corrupted into the Empire's service. On Kashyyyk, MINA PODIA is gunned down-but YODA saves himself. [1], In 82 BBY,[14] then-Jedi Padawan Dooku, on a mission to the planet Asusto with Jedi Master Lene Kostana and her Padawan Sifo-Dyas, had a Force vision of many possible futures during an encounter with the Presagers of Hakotei, a dark side-using cult. [44] Thirty years later, Luke's nephew Ben Solo, now known as Kylo Ren, carried out a similar incident, causing Luke to go into exile on the planet Ahch-To. Lord Hater Theme Song - All Versions Wander Over Yonder Song, The Nightmare Before Christmas - Kidnap the Sandy Claws HQ, Dr. Seus' The Lorax "How bad can I be?" Galactic Marines were also given the same Order all across the galaxy the of. And a feeling of loss was shot down and killed and several clone troopers defeated and seemingly destroyed Sith. Knights, padawans, and the 91st carried out Order 66 marked the destruction the! 58 ] branded all Jedi Knights and members of the 501st and died the. 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