B) Lie as flat to the cooler floor as possible. The world is unpredictable, and you never know when your life might come under threat. B) Your spit. 4. Join me now on the ultimate adventure, where everything you know about problem solving and survival will be put to the test. Unfortunately, a four-inch stick won’t count for much against five panthers. The effects can be deadly, as red cinnabar contains high levels of poisonous mercury. Uncontrollable laughter is a symptom of the degeneration of the brain, which can be caused by consuming proteins known as prions. The rules are very simple, slay the enemies. B) A hungry dairy cow with the face of a polar bear 3. Pretty soon, you’d suffocate and fail the survival riddle. None of the tunnels have a visible floor, instead consisting of deep, liquid-filled pools. Stefanie Veneziano. Lying on the cooler ground might be comfy, but the dust will still choke you out before you know it. The Affenhuahua is a great breed to get if you’re prone to allergies. 4. C) A pool containing a huge 10ft long Humboldt squid, which the man brought up from the deep sea a year ago. On three of the four walls, raised three feet off the ground, are 8-foot tall stone doors. C) A handful of tiny pebbles. Some nasty sunburn takes going back into the sun or sea off the cards. The room’s quickly filling with dust from outside, making it hot and hard to breathe. Vampire bats may be tiny, but they commonly carry rabies, and a bite from one of these could leave you dying in one of the worst possible ways. 933K views. At gun point, he forces you to ride one three water slides, coloured red, blue and yellow. Taking the laces from the sneakers, you can tie the bag in place. Test your smarts with the 101 best riddles, including easy and funny riddles for kids, and hard riddles for adults. As for the polar bear, it may have some trouble walking on its hooves, but its sharp teeth and raw strength would be enough to make you its snack. Riddle Quizzes Love Riddles. Swimming onward isn’t an option; the current has been able to pull you backwards already and your body is already aching from exhaustion.The chances of directly overcoming the force of a waterfall is negligible. This means the red and yellow are deadly, while the blue is safe! There’s a large, empty,paint can, another smaller can, a baseball, a roll of aluminium foil, an old pair of sneakers and some other assorted items. Raccoon faeces is more than gross – it commonly contains a deadly parasite known as raccoon roundworm, which burrows into brain tissue, eventually killing you. But creating an airflow of the same dust-filled air won’t help you. There are three levers on the ground before you. Final Punishment. You narrowly escape a population of alligators so large,you’re forced out of the swamp into an abandoned theme park. A) Leftover aluminium foil. Face to Face. It’s 3pm, and the sun’s out. As are your chances for the watery helmet. How much of a genius are you? Good Riddles 70-80 out of (100) Riddles.com. Of course, there’s the sea – but saltwater’s no good. Exciting, fast pacing and filled with action. 5. You think you’re free, but on your journey another mysterious stranger appears and reveals himself to be the evil super villain, ... 2. B) A stick and two pebbles. C) Your watch. C) Maggot-infested cheesevile enough to be illegal. A) Far-Out Frank, who is sweating, drooling and vomiting after injecting tree frog poison into his arm. Survival Riddles You Must Solve to Stay Alive. November 19. That’s why magicians can sit on a bed of nails without becoming Swiss cheese. If he decides to attack you, his venom is potent enough to cause rapid swelling, and you could soon find your airways sealed. Down the slide you go, to the bottom where… oh…an empty beach. Dust, reaching hundreds of degrees in temperature, can form thick clouds hundreds of feet high. Life Riddles You Must Solve To Stay Alive. C) 48 hours in a15-ft-deep, 10-ft-wide pool, with no edges to cling to, with 2 box jellyfish added every 10 minutes. Not to mention the hundreds of vampire bats on the ceiling. That leaves the wall of blades – which seems crazy, right? Survival Riddles You Must Solve To Stay Alive. With no civilisation in sight, and the sun beating down on you, you’ll need to find a water source fast. You may use this as you see fit. As for the pool, it’s unlikely that you’d survive 48 hours without becoming exhausted and drowning in the first place. Be amazed at these riddles you must solve. Trust me, this is the best way you could ever hope to exit through a bear’s rear passage. As for the tunnel of love; Asian Giant Hornets are among the deadliest insects on the planet, with venom that can dissolve human skin! These are often deadly and are usually ingested during the consumption of primate brain matter – and Charlie chomped a chimp! Parts of Your Body That Prove You've Evolved Through evolution, some parts of our bodies have disappeared and others have appeared. I look very bright to people, but I can make the sun dark. 2 weeks ago 50 1 0. Unfortunately, you inadvertently kissed the statue in a place the locals deem rather inappropriate. There’s no tougher way to test your survival know-how than escaping a death trap! Answer: There is no answer Bears don't live on the south pole, (if a building were standing with all walls pionting north the only place it could be is the south pole) Show Answer Hide Answer . The volcanic dust can also travel at 200mph, difficult for even the fastest motorbikes to outrun. In this context, the sponge is useless. With dinner out of the way, the temple-people tell you to give thanks by kissing one of their holy statues. One of the temple-people will die in the next week, but who? Be Amazed posted an episode of Survival Riddles. Once the arrow fire has ceased, you could exit behind the bear. 1. Test your survival skills with a set of 7 tricky riddles. Unfortunately, the basement’s dangerous too. A) An old sponge. As for linolenic acid, it’s commonly found in food products, and is good for treating inflammation. Killer Kiss. Riddles Only True Superheroes Can Solve To Save The Day. The rest of the park is an impassable mess. But the boulder will press you with some force against the wall as it passes, and the wall contains machete blades, from floor to ceiling. Avoid at all costs. During the ritual, they hand you a nicely-decorated, thin, hollow bamboo stick with a sharpened end– no more than four inches long. Your joke didn’t go down too well. There may just be a way to survive, if you’re extremely resourceful, and aren’t afraid to take a little damage. As for lever B, even if you were able to duck down and dodge the arrows, the boulder would still crush you. By some miracle, you find a secret passage in the basement and escape the dust. Yellow doesn’t have less in common with the red than the blue, meaning it does have more in common with the red than the blue. True survival experts know that metallic foil is a fantastic way to cool a shelter. As for the maggoty cheese: this delicacy – casumarzu – is illegal to sell in Europe, but people still love to make it. The stick and pebbles could be used to track the movement of the sun and calculate where north is, but that’d take more time than you’ve got. A healthy diet of Bear Grylls, Indiana Jones and the SAW franchise may have left you quietly confident that you’d be able to outsmart a death trap, but today I’m putting that to the test. C) Take your shirt off, hoping the bats don’t bite you and give you rabies while you cool off. Death Trap Riddles You Must Solve To Stay Alive. You can spot a gap at the top of the closing walls, but no clear way up. All he tells you is this: ‘Ride the red, and you won’t not be dead. The blue powdered statue is your safest bet in this survival riddle. Do you: A) Take the stairs to the top of the Church’s spire. Pages Businesses Media/News Company Be Amazed Videos … After a day’s travel, you come across an abandoned town. Though it’s called an acid, its not very acidic, with a ph ranging from the same as urine, to baking soda. You happen upon three tunnels, each stretching far into the darkness. Waking the bats probably wouldn’t harm you, seeing as vampire bats are much safer than their reputation suggests and only 0.5% of them carry rabies. Did you crack these tricky survival riddles? Which one will allow you to live? Pages Businesses Media/News Company Be Amazed Videos … © 2021 All Rights Reserved www.beamazed.com, Insanely Expensive Things That Are Actually Worth Every Penny, Bizarre Cultural Practices Of Ancient Egypt, Things Made in China That Are Actually Amazing, Creatures More Terrifying Than Megalodon Living In the Mariana Trench, Creepiest Houses You’d Never Enter Even If You Were Paid, Amazing Design Ideas That Will Take Your House To Another Level, Real Life VILLAINS Proving Reality Is Stranger Than Fiction, The Real Human Pup + 10 More People Living Strange Lives, Unusual Jobs that Actually Pay Really Well, Extreme Body Transformations People Have Undertaken. Prophecy. Leaving the setup in the sun, water will evaporate and condense on the plastic bag. Standing next to the tower, noting exactly how far your shadow reaches against the tower’s, you can walk to the end of the tower’s shadow, noting how many times your own fits inside it. A seawater sponge-bath will leave your burnt body in agony, and your clean water is far too precious to tip over your head. But there is a way, and it isn’t pretty. You re on a plane cruising above the amazon rainforest. Your lust for treasure, adventure and mystery has led you to a crumbling temple in the depths of a rainforest. The opposite angle is North –so get going! Which one of these additional items will be most useful, when combined with the previous items, in obtaining drinking water and solving this survival riddle? The spikes are separated by about 10 inches, but for every empty gap in one wall, there are spikes in the other to fill it! Now is no time to lie down. You get the roommate of your choice, too: Cute though it seems, a breeding male platypus is armed with venomous spikes on its arms. As a punishment, you’re forced to wear a sealed, 1.5-foot-wide box on your head for 20 minutes. Jun 11, 2018 - Explore Karena Mabry's board "Brain Teasers" on Pinterest. Do you: A) Swim down into the crashing water. A) Fight to the death against five angry panthers. Your only option is to lock yourself in the basement with some fanged fiends, behind a firmly shut door. With the addition of a large quantity of the world’s most venomous jellyfish, whose long tentacles can easily kill or at least paralyse a human, your chances are essentially zero. It’s a lie to say the blue isn’t dissimilar. The boulder crashes past, through the tripwires, clearing the path. A) Attempt to squeeze between the tripwires. As long as you chew it properly, the worst you’ll get is an upset stomach. From there, the indentation will guide it to drip into the smaller paint can. One door contains a trap which will fire non-stop arrows in your direction from the entire area of the door, for 20 seconds. He gives you 1 minute to solve this survival riddle or he’ll shoot you for trespassing. Voila, you’ve got a little supply of drinkable water. November 19. If you choose the whip scorpion, you have passed the survival riddle. Our riddle library contains interesting riddles and answers to test visitors and evoke … Even with water, this beach is far from a vacation. You’d fall in, and it’d suck you down deeper the harder your fought to move on. The concave shape of the pit would provide a nice snug fit for the boulder. Even if you could somehow miraculously squeeze yourself through a three-inch gap between tripwires, the time necessary to do so would leave you with a severe case of the boulder blues. The locals are in disbelief. They give you three choices for how to die. You try to swim onward, but the force of the waterfall is creating a reverse current, pulling you backwards with an intense force. With a thunderous crash, another Indiana Jones boulder smashes through the ceiling and comes barrelling towards you, fast. Luckily, you find an abandoned shack, which contains some handy items. B) Water from your paint can setup. Weird, I know, but this man is living on his own in the middle of a remote field, he’s not exactly a socialite. Drawing an invisible line in the middle of the angle between the hour hand and 12 will give you the south. B) Locally-prepared pufferfish liver sushi. Beware – the most violent tribe in the Northern Hemisphere is headed to your location from the South. They’re extremely sensitive, and each one will cause a deadly crossbow bolt to be instantly launched at the exact location contact was made. Picture this: one day, you wake up on a beach, with no memory of how you got there. But most blades cause damage due to the microscopic serrations on their edges, which dig in and pull against materials like saw blades. Bird-eater venom – surprisingly – is not all that dangerous to humans. Which leaves the tight squeeze past the spiders, which – thankfully – are golden orb-weavers. 50+ Survival Skills When You Have Only Seconds to Act. You need to cool down. The pebbles may have some use in building a filter, but you’re still going to be left with salty water and you’re on a beach…surely they can be found lying around elsewhere. See more ideas about Brain teasers, Riddles, Tricky riddles. BE AMAZED ... BE AMAZED. Each is coated in a mysterious coloured powder, two of which are poisonous. Download PDF, … 1 year ago 277 1 0. Next, you could take the plastic bag and pull it tight over the large can. You think you’re free, but on your journey another mysterious stranger appears and reveals himself to be the evil super villain, Double Negative. Riddle: A house is standing, all four walls piont north, A bear walks by. But Charlie, it turns out, is headed for the graveyard. A) Your shoelaces. See more ideas about survival, survival techniques, alt energy. You enter a cave and stumble into a subterranean river,which carries you off. You reach a straight, cylindrical hallway that slopes downwards. C) Swim to the side and try to climb the walls. The locals call for your execution. Quest your way fate in Survival Shooting Strike! Riddle: There is a plane that is flying close to the border between canada and the U.S.A. C) Squeeze through a narrow passage in the rubble, disturbing the yellow-and-black-striped, 3-inch-long venomous spiders waiting there. But after only a couple of steps, the floor falls away beneath you! Share with your love ones every day leading up to Valentines Day! To make matters worse, dozens of large, sharpened iron poles have emerged from 12-foot sections of the walls around you and are closing in by the second. Solving brain teasers takes brain power. Boy, that was tricky. 13:06. You need to head North, but which tool can help you figure out the right direction in under 15 minutes? 13:06. Don’t depend on a miraculous malfunction, either. Rabies leaves you physically unable to drink water, and slowly drives you insane on your journey to death-by-dehydration. Eventually, you fall down a large waterfall, into a much deeper underground river, surrounded by rocky cave walls on both sides. You can fill the larger paint can with sea water, until it reaches about half way up the side of the smaller one, which sits inside. Sort by: Latest; Viewed; Liked; Comments; Riddles Only The Smartest People Can Solve. Survival Riddles You Must Solve To Stay Alive. Down by your feet is another indentation, but this one’s only 4 inches deep. You re running down a corridor with three doors looming ahead of you. 1 years ago. Tower Trouble. B) Chuckling Charlie, who can’t stop laughing since eating a chimpanzee. Suddenly, rocks fall from the ceiling, trapping you in an area around 12 feet in length. In the distance, you see it: there’s no sign of glowing red lava, but a huge cloud of black smoke is hurtling out towards you. Far-Out-Frank’s odd practice is a tradition among certain Amazonian hunters, and the symptoms tend to give way eventually, supposedly improving his focus for the hunt afterwards. So be sure to watch these puzzles and trivia to improve your. You hear the blood chilling sounds of a vampire mad scientist and mutant animals all. Solve these twelve riddles and find out! A few yards ahead of you area series of tripwires, which stretch from floor to ceiling, three inches apart from each other. You’ll starve unless you do something, so your only option is to enter one of the tanks and pray there’s a route out. They offer to let you go free if you can work your magic once more and convince them you have god-like prophetic powers. By covering the walls and roof of the shack in as much foil as possible, you can deflect some of the sun’s heat, driving off heat stroke a little longer. Answer: You can't bury the survivors because they are alive and not dead. November 19. With your head submerged, you can jab between your tracheal cartilage, fashioning a makeshift tracheotomy. How much of a genius are you? This is a highly toxic chemical capable of acute poisoning and is also carcinogenic. 14:49. They present you three pills. Passage in the basement and escape the dust have Only Seconds to Act or he ’ have. Must Solve to stay alive shuts the large can while you cool off bird-eater –. A nasty cut on the way up got correct in the comments section below to exit through a passage!, but the dust Superheroes can Solve ; Liked ; comments ; riddles Only Superheroes! 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