Dagga ('Dag-gah') There is no such word in linguistics. It is a sought after wind that often blows on the cusp of winter. Profanities, derogareries and explinations fixed. (Tube) When you get tubed on a wave, you ride the barrel. Spew Park off Many are not even South African specific. See Afrikaans "skollie" meaning "smeerlap, straatboef" found in South Dutch as "schoelje" "arme drommel" (which is still used today in Dutch, found it in my Kramer meaning "fripouille" in French, so "scoundrel") maybe from French "escouillon" (see English scullion -- cook's boy -- also from French ). (Afrikaans – vicious, wild) Wound up, aggressive, feeling strong. The southeaster howls across the Cape Peninsula in summer, often forming a whispy, creamy white cloud that rolls over Table Mountain in the shape of a "table cloth". Going, then, by the language I have heard spoken about me in many years of living in Cape Town, where Sea Point is universally regarded as Kugel Central, I don't accept that "kugel" currently carries the connotation of "being common but trying too hard to be appear wealthy and sophisticated and overdoing it". (Joint) "Let's make a number." “Stukkend” usually implies that it is fixable. Skommie Possibly from Afrikaans “bleek”, meaning “pale”.) (School is too much like hard work. (We got a better quality thing). Apparently used by a subset of the Eastern Cape crew. We don’t call them board shorts or Bermudas or other naffy names. (Don't aggravate me, or talk irritating nonsense to me). Broer ('Broo') It refers to the impact zone, the area where the waves break. Padkos is usually a few sarmies (sandwiches), some cooldrinks, chips, fruit and maybe a lekker stukkie biltong. (Pete is such a doped up guy he's always doing stupid things. Skeef ('Skee-urf') ±some of the Indian slang looks like Durban coloured slang,not indian!! (Afrikaans – Green Roof) Lunatic asylum - on account of mental hospitals mostly have green corrugated iron roofs. or "I saw my nought." That’s cool (affirmation). ", Schnaai ('Sh-nigh') full-bodied synonyms, full-bodied pronunciation, full-bodied translation, English dictionary definition of full-bodied. Worse To make a bottleneck properly, you take a Black Label quart or litre bottle of Coke and turn it on its side. Mert Brother, friend, mate, china, buddy) See bru, brah, bro, brahdeen and more. Not to be confused with the emotional extreme associated with anger. So depending on what you mean by "belongs to", it could go either way (sure it comes from Afrikaans, but Indian people do use it). ", Safe Kwaai The air is beautifully clear and crisp in the wake of a southeaster. (Deep-fried triangular curried pie) Made to a Malay recipe, samoosas can be found in cafes around the country. (Human sphincter) "I dropped my rods and flashed my ringpiece." Kotch (I got so stoned after smoking a big joint at Numbers disco last night), Number Waves that break right on the beach. When you hit the gooey rooibaard section of a six-blade slowboat in the Kei, you will also be lucky to emerge, with wits - and IQ - intact. This is an Eastern Cape term. "You stupid poes". Knyp ('Ker-nape') ", Dialled me in Tune grief to hit, slap) Slap, partake in, peform an act) "Ek sal jou a snotklap gee" (I will hit you hard enough to make the snot fly). Used extensively during the days of National Service.". This does not come from the isiZulu word for nephew. Bangbroek (bângbrook) Usage: “I went to a birthday party last night and drank too much pinot. Last edited on May 02 2013. Moose or on its own as a way of saying "excuse me?" Surfers from Durban grew up on this food. (Afrikaans - Stingy) This is not a fish, but a noun or verb referring to extreme stinginess. When you go and buy something, usually drugs. You can feel lekker. (The palace) Let's chillout/parkoff in the pallas. This is actually really cruel, but it’s used often. "My china and me went for a trap to choon about the kiff words we found on this website." The Platteland is where people milk cows and grow mielies (corn). (Trousers) "I dropped my rods and flashed a brown eye." Indian or Malay curry inside a hollowed out loaf of white bread. They are all poets loving the languages and slang of our wonderful country South Africa. Bakkie (Like “lucky”) Wine baby. (Mooning) When you pull your pants down and stick your ass in the air to show off your "brown eye". (To aggravate someone) Whatever you do, if a big oke in a bar begins to pester you with stories of how he tore off a kudu's head with his bare hands, don't show your irritation by saying "Are you tuning me grief?" (Good, excellent, enjoyable) "Hey bru, I skeem the jorl was kiff. Someone who can’t surf and gets in everyone’s way. There are other websites available for this kind of senseless banter. A mungberry is someone who smokes too much dope. stomach = maag (human), pens (animal) Slang glossaries violate the following policy: Wikipedia is not a dictionary or a usage or jargon guide. (Afrikaans – clumsy) Lethargic. "Indaba" and "Inyanga" are loanwords, not slang. camp, n.2, Additions: “U.S. This conversational word is used widely and in response to just about anything. Originally meant to mean "very angry", from the Afrikaans word "kwaad" (cross), it came to also mean something that's lekker, an urban way to say cool or express coolness. while drawing out the last syllable. (From Afrikaans - Wild, crazy, excellent) This is used two ways. (Bad, nasty, downer) A disappointed surfer will choon, "Swak bru, the surf is flat.". Afrikaans – from original “bul tong” – bull’s tongue. (Afrikaans) Sleazy ruffian Also skollie, skate, skebenga, skelm. We surf together every day.". trek: this word is already in English (think Star Trek) so is it really worth mentioning? "When she left me my heart was stukkend" (my heart was smashed tight with despair), "I was stukkend last night" (wrecked) or "I smaak you stukkend" (I dig you lank). Skrik ('Skruk') Pap ('Pup') Jislaaik Insane (Shark) This is a slightly outdated term referring to the surfers' nemesis: the shark. ), Tune ('Choon') (A "section" of dope) If you buy a stop, or stoppe, you are scoring weed in a specific package, usually a sausage-shaped parcel wrapped in newspaper. You seem them huddled in corners at night, wrapped in a blanket, wrapped around a bottle of booze. Farmstyle sausage or "wors". 69 synonyms of impaired from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 86 related words, definitions, and antonyms. "Hoesit my larnie!" Moffie ('Moffee') (Child) Derived from "picannin", which appears to originate from Zimbabwe when it was called Rhodesia. Gerrick But be warned, don’t mention sheep. (Light it up friend). Dwaal ('Dwarl') Someone will yell it just before the lip at Cave Rock renders you senseless, the bouncer’s fist greets your jaw or the "boere come and bust you for smoking dagga" (the cops catch you smoking dope). Gwarr, gwarry, gwat Aggro Hit You cook your boerewors, steak, lamb chops and sosaties on it. "Ag shame man!". (I am going to my merchant to buy dope), Mission Klippies and coke ", Dip Goofball (Vomit, bark the dog, park the tiger, technicoloured yawn), Blaps (Blups) (Afrikaans – lit to stitch, do needlework. A macho rugby playing beer-swilling beefcake, and the antithesis of a bungie, a leftie type often accused of not washing. "I have been in a dwaal today after downing that half-jack of whisky last night.". Parallel definition, extending in the same direction, equidistant at all points, and never converging or diverging: parallel rows of trees. Trap ('T-rr-up') Sukkel ('Sukul') When the surf is incredibly good, a surfer will say the surf is "going off its face!" If in the wrong hands, they can also wreak havoc in the water. "John, you biscuit! this might be the answer: "Fully bru. Kished, kussed A real Afrikaner might reply to a "Howzit", with this bewildering response: "Ja, well, no fine". (Excellent, perfect, incredible) This is one of many superlatives in South African surf lingo. They are soft and stodgy, ideal for mixing in mounds of tomato sauce or vinegar, or both. If you heard Indians using these terms, well I would hope that they told you where they got it from. Blou balle Dried, salted snoek can be eaten as is, or served in a stew called "smoor-vis". The only difference is the consistency of Super Tubes, which ranks as one of the best five waves on Planet Earth. In the bad days of Apartheid, many wine farmers used the Dop System, whereby labourers were paid in cheap wine. (Car) "You have a kief jammie, broer" (You have a nice car, brah). Penis. In other words, being able to remember what you did the night before. The clan name for former President Mandela that has become universally used as an affectionate nickname. Brasse ('Brah-ser') Do you follow? "I stooted Elmarie in the barn. ', Okay, well I guess it could be from both then. or "My car is classic." (Go to the toilet to defecate), Hap ('Hup') In Durban, you score your dagga in kaartjies. YOU ALL ARE GOING ON AND ON ABOUT HOW PEOPLE ARE USING WROUNG WORDS FROM DIFFRENT LANGUAGES TO MAKE WROUNG STATEMENTS,BUT DOES IT REALY MATTER? "Chips oke, that malpit's going right through a red robot!". Find another word for impaired. This created a generation of winos, of which the Bergie may well be a sad consequence, in part. I for one know lots of Indian people here who use those words. "I'm going to bliksem that doos!" On the east coast it blows from the north or northwest. (Money) A bergie will ask for a few bob to invest in a bottle. Used for emphasis. (Hero, good guy, classy oke) Down in the Eastern Cape, when the party is ripping, and everyone starts getting all soppy and sentimental, they might start calling each other "legends". (That guy has no shame) "When you fondle my ringpiece, I feel skaam (embarrassed, ashamed).". "Let’s hit the jol ek sê.". A street-wise operator who deals in petty crime. It can be used aggressively. "Give me a hit of that joint please." Lame —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 18:27, 27 February 2007 (UTC). Let's duck (go)! Good. Bunny chow can also refer to "slap" (soft) chips in bread. Someone who surfs really well. Rage (Are you looking at me funny, brah?) Originates from the Khoikhoi word dachab, Deck Spook and diesel This could be by punching him, or yelling obscenities at him, or chastising him vigorously. "Kap a neck my broer" (Make a bottleneck my brah) is a variation, just replace bottleneck with "pipe". (Dik, big, strong) "That prop forward is a staunch ou." ", Wettie (Cantaloupe) A delicious orange coloured melon. Fluke ('Flook') "Tune me the ages" (Tell me the time). Mostly called "slops", they are what Australians call thongs, or sandals. If you try and persuade your "bru" to "pull in" to the "jorl" with you, he might say, "Nooit bru, it's exam time, I'm on a mission.". Information and translations of bodied in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. (Marijuana) South Africa is a rich in marijuana. "The surf was doening it. "baas – boss" This is a direct translation. Exactly when? (makes a person gwaffed or goofed). They start worrying about "Being in the eyes". It is not slang at all. ", Puts on "Axel was charfing that chick lank hey?" But even, "that oke is jacked." Biscuit vel = hide (nope veld as in "field" shoes. Many kugels are genuinely wealthy, or come from wealthy families. (Cane spirits and coke) A favourite mixture of a pale liquor and dark coca-cola. Over the falls (Afrikaans - Strike, hit, punch) In Afrikaans, a “bliksemstraal” is a bolt of lightning. Or when your buddies try and give you a skrik as you walk past the cemetery. "Check it bru! (Mosquito) "That mozzie is powered by a lawnmower engine.". (Afrikaans - Barbecue (US) or Barbie (Aus))Probably the biggest semantic gift given to the world by South Africa. Submitted by Holly from Birmingham, AL, USA on Oct 22 1999. one who exhibits complete ignorance and disregard for social norms, customs, and practices.You ass! ", Half-jack This time derived from the Afrikaans word stuk, which means "piece". How to use slang in a sentence. Madiba He is cool because he wears funky shades (fashion). (Stoned) "Jissus, that joint made me so-o-o gaffed ek se. Chuck (Afrikaans - Poison, cool) Not a computer image. "I was slukking a dop when that oke caught a klap for slukking his zol." (Female genitalia) 'I had Mildred's moose for desert. Samp (Guy, chap, bloke) Despite being low on letters, oke or ou are huge words. When the texture of the ocean is like glass. (Gross metaphor about a gay guy with the squirts), Lomp Gatstad (G*tstut) If someone says he will do it "just now", be warned. (Entry 2 of 2). This is where you don’t want to be when a huge set wave is breaking. Padkos ('put-koss') This becomes the perfect orifice for making a lung-wrenching dagga pipe. his friends might say. I am not sleeping with you!". (Extremely out of it) "I got so numb after making a fat number at Numbers disco last night." In the South African dope culture, the fireman is the second to pull on the dope pipe, whether bottleneck or other orifice, such as a chellum. Page needs to be placed into a watch bin or something and cleaned-up or taken down. It's common among politically correct (PC) people. --Igitur za 19:02, 27 February 2007 (UTC), The Dutch word "zuipen" is nowadays mostly used to indicate "to drink (a lot) of alcohol", and I believe it has been used like that for a long time. (Utility adjective) It is not used to paint a picture of "uniqueness", but rather as an extra adjective meaning "lank" or "kiff". (Indian person) Common in Durban. Skate And being genuinely sophisticated is not a disqualification. ), Klap ('Klup') Entjie (ang-key) "That ou has a serious lung hone bru." (A lot, much, many) Originates from the Afrikaans word lank ('lunk'), which means "long". ", Doss (Bodyboarder) Term from Australia, but taking off in South Africa, so to speak. (Alone, solitary) "I was out there on my ace when someone shouted 'shark!'.". Doening it Jeet (What what, blah blah, waffle waffle) This New York bagel terms has spread to South Africa, and is used interchangeably with what what, blah blah and so on. I would assume that the same holds for Afrikaans. The person can be larney. Known as beef jerky in the US. Grommets are schoolkids. It is also used as an invitation. (Watch out Ray, that crook is sizing up your car. (Nice, radical) "That was such a rop wave.". (Yuck) "Sis, man, you just kotched on my wetsuit." With 11 official languages, there may be numerious origins to any of the slang words and phrases. (Sneakers, trainers, running shoes) Often refers to the cheap, hip kind bought in a mass clothing chain called Pep Stores. Lekker Pip (puke, blow chunks, bark the dog, park the tiger), That time "dagga" - marijuana is also from Khoikhoi, which is not part of the Nguni/Bantu language group. Choose carefully whom you call a skollie. A popular sight during the Apartheid struggle. vry: Afrikaans for rub = vryf. (Do you want sleep at my place?). The body politic is a medieval metaphor that likens a nation to a corporation which had serious historical repercussions throughout recent history and therefore giving the Crown – "as a legal entity today the Crown as executive is regarded as a corporation sole or aggregate" – the status of a corporate entity. Wikipedia articles are not: Due to the many AfDs which are initiated to enforce this policy and due to the resistance to such deletion by defenders of the glossaries, I have started a discussion at Wikipedia talk:What Wikipedia is not#Slang glossaries to rewrite the policy in order to solve this problem and to readdress this question: should slang glossaries by allowed on Wikipedia? Slang definition is - language peculiar to a particular group: such as. (Doing it) A mutated variant on the Afrikaans word "doen" which means "do" (present tense). ", Johnny (Where are you coming from?) The fortunate few who have been spat out of a tube with a burst of spray when compressed air caught in the swirling cylinder is suddenly released. Five bob was five shillings. This word, or its variant, is one of South Africa's most common words for a male human. If you see someone of the opposite sex who is good-looking, you can exclaim: "Lekkerrr!" They don't speak German in Mexico. Many are not slang. Biltong Roots Also called the pit. Really busy. (Bank packet) The plastic packets that banks issue coins in are a common receptacle for a dagga stash. Snoek (No ambition and f ' all interest) "After we lost the World Cup, I felt naafi. When a man’s team members are impressed, you will hear “What a boykie!”. The desired result is to pop out the back perfectly, and then smirk when you realise the guy next to you has been washed 15 metres back. (Fight, punchup) "Bill and I had such a barnie after he slept with Bert.". (Good wave) "I scored a bomb." Sosatie Yooit ('Yoiy-eet'), yo Windmill Boerewors (vorse) It tastes better than it sounds. Also used as a more general term for the human bottom. Or when you get something for nothing, as in "I scored a luck with Marie last night", or "hey bru, score me a entjie (cigarette)", or "My mom scored me R20 for condoms". See skollie, skate, skebenga. Not a nice word when used in this context, due to racist connotations. The broken-off neck of a bottle, usually wine, soda or beer. (Parents, your folks, old people) From Afrikaans. Bot is a know word in Afrikaans meaning closed off or being blunt in your explanation. (To vomit, puke, bark the dog, technicoloured yawn). (Afrikaans - Tin, can) When you were a laaitie (youngster), you might have played "Skop die blik." Find more ways to say gist, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The clothes can be larney as in "Jees, you are wearing larney clothes." Swine definition is - any of various stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous artiodactyl mammals (family Suidae) with a thick bristly skin and a long flexible snout; especially : a domesticated one descended from the wild boar. If you're good, the wetness hitting the heat will crack the bottle all the way round in a perfect circle. (Expression of surprise) Originates from the Afrikaans "Liewe Jesus ('J-ee-suss')." (Afrikaans – lit. (Makes you totally wasted). It is now spelt bru by most SA surfers. It was firing. It seems to me helpful, since this usage is a regionalism that is by no means universally understood. Brew The hangover from hell, fondly called a "Barbie". (Mull dope) This is what you do when preparing dagga for inhalation by removing the pips and stalks. With your meal you eat mielie pap, salads, rolls and other stuff.