6 6. Conventional: narrow stance with arms outside of knees Sumo: wide stance with arms inside of knees. In the conventional deadlift, medial gastrocnemius activity is significantly greater. I have shorter arms and legs and what seems like a disproportionately long torso (hello, front and back wedgies whenever I … Peak moment at the hip was similar between variants but peak moment at the knee was greater in the sumo deadlift. In the conventional deadlift our shins are pretty vertical. For instance, a long torso means there is a greater moment arm from the shoulders to the hips. Approach the barbell and stand with a wide stance. Sumo vs Conventional Deadlift. The conventional deadlift requires a 5% to 10% greater lean of the torso than the sumo deadlift. In the start position, this will look like your shoulders being slightly in front of the bar if you were to draw a straight line down to the floor. SUMO DEADLIFT. You’ll need to plant your feet firmly into place, and this is generally a lot easier with weightlifting shoes. We are going to skip the hips for now and come back to them later on. In short, both sumo and conventional deadlift variations have their place in training cycles and primarily depend upon:. And those leverages can be an advantage or a disadvantage to either the conventional or sumo deadlift. demonstrated an increased L4/5 back extensor moment in the conventional compared to the sumo deadlift. The set-up here is quite different and a bit more precise so you can’t just grip it and rip it like the conventional deadlift. 2 years ago. Let’s start by looking at which muscles are activated. There are a vast number of other minor muscles that are also worked during both the sumo and conventional deadlift. Sumo vs conventional deadlift based on body type? Sumo vs conventional deadlift based on body type? If your goal is to be strong, learn how to sumo or conventional deadlift with good technique. Now let’s take a look at the sumo deadlift. Deadlifting variations: sumo vs conventional ♂ What is the difference? Close. Anyone who lifts heavy stuff doesn't care how much you trap bar deadlift. The angles of your body in relation to the bar are going to be different for conventional versus sumo deadlifts. In the conventional deadlift, you will have approximately 5-10% more forward lean. Knowing the difference between these three exercises means you’ll be able to choose the best one for your body type … Your main goal is fat loss or just building your lower body. Unlike Conventional Deadlifts where the feet are hip-width apart, the Sumo Deadlift requires the feet to be much wider apart. At 5’7, most of me is back. There are three main types of deadlift – conventional deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, and trap bar deadlifts. Conventional vs Sumo Deadlift. This makes the conventional deadlift tougher on our back muscles, especially our spinal erectors. You don't have the mobility to sumo or conventional deadlift with a neutral spine. Cholewicki et al. ... By switching from a conventional to sumo deadlift or vice versa, the body will start to adapt once again. Posted by. Other Types Of Deadlift. Archived. All three involve lifting a weight from the floor but use different techniques or equipment. This particular type of deadlift specifically targets the spinal erectors, hamstrings, and glutes. Peak concentric velocity was similar between the conventional and sumo deadlift (6).