Many people who get chemo find they have more of an appetite when they eat every few hours. One simple way to alter this perception is to sit down when asking patients questions. Thinking about your treatments and side effects, physically, mentally, etc. What type of items could someone give you to help make you more comfortable. 2. 11. I have read a lot of blogs recently, yours is refreshing to say the least. I hope your battle will soon be won, adding you to my prayers. Some chemotherapies and radiation to the head and neck can cause dry mouth. What they found is not surprising, but it is a good reminder of how to make dementia dementia more bearable. Here’s what I recommend packing to make chemo more comfortable. Researchers analyzed 197 studies that measured the habits of over 37,000 people with dementia. Reply. What items make you feel better? Your feet may get cold while reclining for so long, so if you sleep better without shoes, be sure to bring along some fuzzy, furry socks with non-slip soles. Nov 19, 2016 - Explore Gin Klima's board "chemo head wraps to make", followed by 629 people on Pinterest. Who: According to Cedars-Sinai Healthcare System, up to 75% of cancer patients have experienced “chemo brain” during treatment, and around a third continue to deal with it after treatment has ended. Posts: 37 Joined: Jun 2011 Mar 01, 2012 - 2:22 pm. Foods that have a strong odor like fish, onions and garlic can be revolting to patients undergoing chemotherapy, so it is best to serve bland foods without spices and seasonings. Here are my suggestions for how to survive chemo: Drink LOTS of liquids. Make the Patient Feel Important. Life after chemo may come with its own set of circumstances that you’ll need to cope with. Chemo can also cause fatigue due to the lowered levels of carnitine, a type of amino acid produced within your liver and kidneys. It's easy to put together a chemo care basket or package for your loved one. Chemo can cause anemia due to the destruction of red blood cells. Presents and kind gestures can make a difference in the life of a cancer patient. It took a mindset shift to make chemo during COVID-19 not just bearable, but emotionally rewarding. You might be surprised to know that many cancer patients would prefer to hear some humorous words and have a laugh with you instead of hearing the same overthought overly-heartfelt response that everyone else has been telling them. But you might be surprised by some of the things people who have been through chemo would want you to keep in mind. This small gesture makes the patient experience more comfortable and they feel they are being listened to. Fluids – Especially Water. You may be wondering – “How long after chemo will I feel better?” and “How long after chemo does your body get back to normal?” These are all valid, important questions that need answering – and we’re here to help. Patients’ perception is practitioners are trying to rush through their office visit. One of the really weird things about cancer treatment—and I’ve heard this from many, many other cancer patients—is that it makes you really, really tired AND it can make it really difficult to sleep. Having chemo doesn’t always mean losing all your hair. Today my hair is falling out rapidly....cropping it tonight. January 27, 2017 at 8:44 pm. Jessica DeCristofaro, Hodgkin's lymphoma survivor and founder of the blog Lymphoma Barbie, shares the things that she did to feel more like herself during chemo… Hi, I'm a cancer survivor who is working to help other patients/survivors. In the process, I’ve become an expert on what to bring to chemo and what to leave at home. Read on for good gifts to give your loved one undergoing chemotherapy. They go places they've never been. They put me on one called the 'red devil'—named because of the awful things it does to you. Make it easy. Your doctor may be able to prescribe medication to help with the symptoms. It can be difficult to come up with the right words to use in these situations, and often you just don’t know what to say. The one thing you are obligated to do is not make their life any more difficult than it already is. She also found that chicken, salmon, broccoli and beet juice helped her feel better during chemo. “When you first come to chemo, you might feel anxious, depressed or afraid—that’s all normal,” says Deneen Ruiz, clinical nursing manager in the hematology-oncology department at Henry Ford Health System. With cancer treatments and care plans, everyday things like cooking and cleaning can fall through the cracks. the second lot of chemo is much the same. You may feel zapped after chemo treatments for a variety of reasons. Only pain I felt was some joint pain, not bad enough to take pain meds so I’m hoping. There are things you can do to minimize the side-effects and to make yourself more comfortable. These tips will help us both to find ways to make this experience a better journey. If you're going for a chemotherapy appointment, there are a few things you might want to pack to make it a little bit more comfortable. Of course you’re upset to hear about your friend’s diagnosis. When I finished chemo in February 2011, I knew a lot more than when I walked in for my first infusion 4 months earlier. It is totally fine to have strong feelings and to show them. I am 7 days away from my first chemo treatment (so I guess I can't be called a cancer patient yet). These are gift items that a cancer patient could really use while going through chemo treatment. After 1st chemo I didn’t feel any different and took the anti sickness meds anyway. It is much better not to offer help in the first place. The 10 simple ways to help a friend with cancer feel better – and less alone Having your own cheer squad there helping to face cancer is invaluable. Going through chemo is rough. Demonstrate Empathy for How They Feel. More than you think your body can deal with. This will help flush the toxins out of your system faster and therefore make you feel better faster. They finish projects they had started but put aside. See more ideas about chemo, chemo hat, cancer hats. I hadn’t thought about having my mother go to the dentist before chemo, but that is a great recommendation. The chemo room is usually temperature controlled and having your own blanket will allow you to stay warm when necessary, while making you feel more comfortable in an otherwise uncomfortable place. 1. It's a message charity Look Good Feel Better have been conveying since 1989, when the first workshop was held in New York. (In 1994, the UK beauty industry formed their own version.) It’s not our job to put you at ease, but maybe you’ll feel better if you confess. I am going to do all the things you and others are recommending. Since then, I’ve had nearly 55 chemo treatments using several chemo drugs, 28 radiation sessions and four major surgeries (not including port placement). The best way to dispel awkwardness is to admit that you feel awkward. Some patients get headaches during treatment. Whether it’s getting lost in a good book, watching a funny favorite movie, listening to music or talking to a trusted friend, make yourself a priority during this time. I wish you and your mother the best during her chemo. Though I didn’t choose it myself I’ve met women who had the cold-cap treatment and I could barely tell they had had chemo at all. Having cancer is hard and it is hard to keep up. Or, you may feel better talking only to a close friend or family member, or counselor, or a member of your faith or spiritual community. If you’re willing to sit for hours with an ice-cold cap on your head you might be able to minimise your hair loss with cold-cap treatment, so ask your doctor if it’s an option. Try having six to eight small meals a day rather than three big ones. Some people see their cancer as a "wake-up call." Feeling sick, or nausea, is a very common side effect of having chemotherapy treatment. You may find it useful to make a list before you begin treatment, so that you can remind yourself of activities or people that help you feel better. Unfortunately, life doesn’t get put on pause when you go through chemo, and patients still have to go through basic, everyday things like cooking dinner. Do what feels right for you. However, many people still find that they struggle to deal with the effects of nausea. Anna says. Chemo drugs can make your bowels move way more often , resulting in diarrhea . Clear Liquids If you are having trouble tolerating even soft foods or smoothies, clear liquids like vegetable broth or chicken broth can be a way of getting liquids into your diet. While chemo can make you constipated, it can also force you to the other end of the poop spectrum. Don’t try to choke down dry foods, McDonnell said, but try sandwiches or crackers dipped in soup; yogurt; pudding; French toast; or pasta with lots of sauce. Sometimes the most compassionate thing to do is stay out of the person’s life. Gratitude. You will make it through. What to Expect After Last Chemo Treatment. It has been emotionally taxing as well as physical. A new study has found proven ways to make dementia patients more comfortable, providing them with a higher quality of life for as long as possible. Studies bear this out. Thanks for sharing! Read more No More Chemo: Doctors Say It’s Not So Far-Fetched. Just because you know someone with cancer does not mean you’re suddenly obligated to be their savior. maryv1119. Some of the anti-nausea medications that are given before chemo can make you drowsy, so plan on napping.