Read more Advanced search ... Journal of applied geophysics. Publishing with this journal. ISSN Print: 2381-1099 ISSN Online: 2381-1102 International Journal of Geophysics and Geochemistry The Journal Indexing All Issues Submission Author Guidelines Reviewers Editorial Members Publication Fee Geophysical surveys : an international journal of geophysics.. 6, … Blackwell Science, British Library. ISSN : 0926-9851. Username or e-mail * Password * Forgot Password. ISSN 0926-9851 (Print) | Journal of applied geophysics Skip to main content ... PUBLISHERS' AREA DISCOVER ISSN SERVICES SEARCH OPEN ACCESS RESOURCES KEEPERS REGISTRY ISSN INTERNATIONAL CENTER. Interdisciplinary papers are especially encouraged. International Journal of Geophysics and Geochemistry is an online, scholarly journal in the field of chemistry and physics of Earth and planetary processes. International Journal of Geophysics 1687-885X (Print) / 1687-8868 (Online) DOAJ Seal Website About; Articles; About. Get this from a library! Reviews of Geophysics is an invitation-only reviews journal that provides overviews of recent research in all areas of the Earth and space sciences. empty. Home Record. 5, Issue 1, Dec. 2019 2381-7399 ... American Journal of Geophysics, Geochemistry and Geosystems: Vol. Status Publisher Keeper From To Updated Extent of archive; Archived. ISSN: 1944-9208,8755-1209 Está en índices de citas (Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus) = +3.5Está al tiempo en WoS (AHCI, SCIE o SSCI) y en Scopus (Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus) = +1Está en dos o más bases datos de indización y resumen o en DOAJ (Academic Search Premier, Aquatic Science & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), Compendex, INSPEC, Geobase) = 3+2 = 5 International Journal of Geophysics is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of theoretical, observational, applied, and computational geophysics.. 2.5 million ISSN assigned, more than 70,000 new ISSN per year and 130,000 ISSN modified per year: ISSN Print: ISSN Online: International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: Vol. Read the latest chapters of International Geophysics at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature Topics covered by the journal include, but are not limited to: Earthquakes and seisomology; Size and structure of the earth 18/09/2019 Identifiers. empty.