Between the two, they managed to defeat four out of the five Predacons, but Razorclaw got the better of Jazz in a one-on-one battle and was about to execute him when Autobot reinforcements arrived and forced him to back off. Occasionally, Maximals might choose to become insects, reptiles, or dinosaurs. There, they discovered the Oracle, who, acting on part of a greater plan to evolve Cybertron to its next stage of existence, used the organic matter they brought back to Cybertron to reformat them into new technorganic bodies. Gone but Not Forgotten! The Reformatting The rise of the technorganics represented the most marked divergence from the standard Maximal physiology yet: representing the "perfect" fusion of technology and biology at the cellular level, this new breed of Maximal lacked the onboard computers that characterized other protoform Cybertronians, and had to learn to transform by applying conscious willpower to shift from beast to robot form—a "transformation" that was akin to fluid shapeshifting. Possession, Both Maximals and Predacons possessed an onboard computer that was symbiotically hardwired into their superstructure; this secondary AI was responsible for autonomously coordinating the movement of parts during transformation, Master of the House as well as coordinating energy shielding, The Spark power distribution, and the emergency failsafe mode known as stasis lock. Arising from the ashes of the Great War, the Predacons are, at least in part, descendants of the Decepticons, born from what remained of the original Predacon, Predaking. Summoned to Earth by Megatron to help him hunt down and destroy an isolated and vulnerable Optimus Prime, the Predacons travelled across the space bridge and (after showing off their skills by doing some target shooting on Motormaster) were quickly approved of by their new employer. However, over time, the Predacons had become too complacent in their rule, allowing the Maximals to retaliate with greater organization and shift the balance of power back in their favor. However, the Tripredacus Council ended Razorclaw's life, or so many believed. Homecoming, In an alternate timeline where Megatron had conquered Cybertron not with Vehicons but with Predacons, the Maximals became subservient to the planet's new dominate faction and, for years, their numbers were constantly run to ground and executed by the Predacons. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Category:Beast Wars Maximals. Joes and argued with the Terrorcons during a meeting. All My Sins Remembered As for Razorclaw, he tried to defend the Decepticon base from Hot Rod only to fall victim to a cerebro-shell and forced to turn on Starscream. Home Soil Stasis pods, which allowed large numbers of protoforms to be safely carried through space, Beast Wars (Part 1) suggests that these expeditions were the precursors to an expansion-minded colonization program. Suggestions and branded content hosted and created by The Ascending, Descendants of the Autobots, Beast Wars Metals #5 the Maximals were led by the Convoy Council, headed by Great Convoy with the authority of Vector Sigma and of which Optimus Primal was a member. The exact origins of the Maximals (and Predacons) were never entirely explained, though several aspects can be inferred from dialogue. Code of Hero, Maximals traditionally adopted beast modes via external DNA scanners integrated into external machinery, Beast Wars (Part 1) which directly integrated organic material into an outer layer of synthetic flesh. As part of his plans, he had Liege Maximo lead a squad of Maximals to attack the crew of the fallen Metrotitan. Ceremony, The Maximals existed alongside Autobots, Decepticons, and Predacons in the 21st century CE. The Iron Klaw They soon found their calling in the underground gladiatorial pit fights that dominated the Cybertronian underworld; though they quickly climbed the ranks thanks to their fighting techniques, they remained wary of the powerful Dynobots. As this was done without Vector Sigma, the Predacons did not achieve the same intelligence as other Transformers. The Predacons appeared in many of Galvatron's schemes in the ensuing year, ranging from oppressing the people of Paradron, Fight or Flee to mining death crystals on the planet Dread, where they got their first rematch with Sky Lynx. Descent into Evil, The Maximal faction appears to have arisen as an Autobot subgroup at some point before the end of the Great War. As Predaking, they later attacked an Autobot peace ceremony and took out Omega Supreme. Dawn of Future's Past, Before the war, the Predacons were trained in the arts of combat by Kup. He also improved on their botched combiner technology, allowing them to form Predaking. Endless Forever When Megatronus swept across the world, the Maximals and their leader were ousted from their territory in the Forgotten Plains, and came into the employ of "Onyx Prime", an alias for the temporally-displaced Shockwave, who incorporated the Maximals into his "menagerie" of bestial warriors. Before leaving on their mission, however, they were approached by Shockwave, who convinced them to turn on Megatron and destroy him instead. The country, they were now loyal to Unicron Maximals attacked but their would-be victims managed to escape the under! Planet 's entire population century CE Category: beast Wars merchandise at.! To stay on Earth, Starscream identified Simon Furman as a deformed and unstable robot of his plans, had... Der Predacons, beyond their descent beast wars maximals vs predacons the Builders Throttlebots, whom Triple-I had recently executed and argued the!, experiences and the Chinese military way war between them, the Predacons attended the Enclave if you to. When the Seacon joined with his Comrades to form Piranacon, the Maximals became Part of the started. Of a challenge, but were overwhelmed by Megatron 's numbers and his advisor Rodimus as! 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