Care is rather easy – it’s necessary just to control water parameters and give the fish qualitative feed. The Electric Blue Hap is a fish that can be found in the great Lake Malawi. Therefore, it’s better to put large plants in flowerpots in the tank. The main problems with a breeding project involves acquiring a breeding pair as aggression will be shown by more than one male housed in the same aquarium. As it was mentioned above, big flat rocks, flowerpots, snags and pits in the sand (which the fish digs itself) can become a substrate for breeding. He’s been fond of aquarium husbandry since his early childhood. Register. Spawning can be stimulated by frequent water renew, high aeration and water temperature increase by 2-3 °C. Apistogramma are not the sort of fish you can toss in tap water and simply feed flake food daily. Fishes becomes reproductive at the age of 9-11 month. Caring For The Electric Blue Hap Cichlid (Sciaenochromis Fryeri) Updated on Nov 11, 2020 by Reece Bloomfield. Fish can be seen both in flowing and impounded waters, where it feeds on insects, spineless species, different juveniles. This cichlid is a great fish for the aquarists willing to have their first cichlid in a tank. It’s still not clear if it’s hybrid or some different kind of fish not described until now. Best kept in a school with other (less aggressive) Tanganyikan Cichlids. There are many-many species of Cichlid fish, and lots of them get pretty big to very big, but the Dwarf Cichlids are just the right size for many aquariums. Priority Mail is $15.00 … $50. Blue Flash cichlid aquarium fish thorichthys aureus. Dry fallen indian almond leaves and beech can be put on the tank bottom. Specimens are collected at several locations, including Kasanga, Kambwimba, Isanga, Chituta Bay, and Mpulungu. PENDING PICKUP 2 x jack dempsey cichlid (10cm, 15cm) 2 x african blue cichlids 4 x mono argentus make offers all freshwater *would like to check your tank before selling will mark sold fish. The lake itself is one of Africa’s Great Lakes. Dwarf Cichlids | American Cichlids | Fish | Smiths Aquarium. Males are more colorful and they are larger then females. Andinoacara rivulatus (Green terror cichlid), Green terror cichlid (Aequidens rivulatus), Oscar fish: how to keep and breed this aggressive fish. ; dH range: 2 - 15. It’s middle sized and peaceful fish, so other cichlid can be tank mates as well as catfishes and fishes of the same size. Aequidens pulcher was first described in 1858. However, since I consider the preservation of biodiversity to be an important goal for people in the aquarium hobby, even the mixing of genes of different color morphs is highly undesirable for me. In anoter 3-4 days the juveniles start swimming and feeding. More on author: Günther. © 2020 Coburg Aquarium Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. I myself give some of this food to my pets and as for the rest I’ve heard and read lots of good reviews. Cyprichromis occur in many differently coloured geographic variations, multiple colour forms are often present in a single population. In nature this species congregates in large schools in open water near rocky habitats, where it feeds on zoo plankton. "Blue Flash" have dark blue tails and dark blue dorsals along with a little yellow in the dorsal. Fishes becomes reproductive at the age of 9-11 month. A tank of 100 liters capacity with good aeration will do. Usually they don’t attack other fishes and they scare away their tank mates only if they trespass their territory or during the spawning period. Cyprichromis leptosoma 'Blue Flash' Strictly speaking, the fry would not be hybrids, because all fish are of the same species (Cyprichromis leptosoma). The electric blue acara fish is a subset of the aequidens pulcher species. Aequidens pulcher) for long period of time was one of the most popular South America cichlid fishes kept in a tank for many generations of aquarists. Apistogramma trifasciata The “tri” in trifasciata stands for “three,” and in this case, it’s the three striped Apisto variation. Nowadays a new color of this fish becomes more and more popular – electric blue acara cichlid (Nannacara sp. They has an oval shaped stocky body with sharpened proctal and dorsal fins. The body color is gray and blue with several vertical black bands and sparkles scattered over the body. The fish inhabits in Central and South America: Columbia, Venezuela, Trinidad. Blue acara is often mistaken for another related species – Andinoacara rivulatus (Green terror cichlid). Sergey is a founder and author of This domestic strain is especially colorful. These are also known as the Umbrella Cichlid. They are a substrate spawner and both parents will show parental care to the brood. This medium-sized cichlid boasts bright red, blue, yellow, and black across its body. “Pulcher” is Latin for “beautiful”, and the appearance of this fish lives up to its name.The aequidens pulcher was first identified by Theodore N. Gill in his 1858 book Synopsis of the Fresh Water Fishes of the Western Portion of the Island of Trinidad, WI. Apart from clean water blue acara also likes water flows and it’s better to use good canister filter. The Blue Dolphin Cichlid (Cyrtocara moorii) comes from Laka Malawi in Africa. Sometimes, the fishes eat their first breed, but later they stop doing it. Also it’s necessary to create some covers where the fish can hide when it’s stressed. His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River), with Echinodorus and Angelfish. This fish is more good-tempered then other cichlids, even more then green terror cichlid. The fish adapts to water parameters rather good, but the ideal water parameters for it are the following: water temperature 22-30 C, ph: 6.5-7,5 , 3 – 20 dGH. Frozen feed is also good for diet – brine shrimp, cyclops and artificial feed – tablets and flakes. It’s important to renew water and siphonate the tank bottom regularly. The False firemouth cichlid is a difficult species to breed in the aquarium however it has been achieved on a few occasions. Mouthbrooder, females incubate the eggs in their mouth until the fry are free-swimming. Neon blue). My knowledge of cichlid breeding was broad; I knew about Malawi, Tanganyikan, Central American, and larger South American cichlids, but I was a beginner when it came to most of the truly soft-water species. Blue acara, acara fish, blue acara cichlid, acara cichlid. The females have a little of the yellow in the dorsal. This is a middle sized cichlid which max size in the wild is about 20 cm (8 in), but in a tank size is about 15 cm (6 in). Usually they don’t attack other fishes and they scare away their tank mates only if they trespass their territory or during the spawning period. Lifespan can be about 7-10 years. Like all Cyprichromis leptosoma, it is found in 2 distinct color morphs: blue-tailed males and yellow-tailed males. Blue flash Upload your photos and videos Pictures ... (Perch-likes) > Cichlidae (Cichlids) > Cichlasomatinae Etymology: Thorichthys: Greek, thoros, ou = semen (Ref. Blue acara (lat. However, they can spawn each two weeks at the condition that the eggs are taken away right after spawning. Both male and female dark vertical bands become even more dark when breeding and especially when caring for their juveniles. Electric blue acara has just appeared on the market and it’s almost unavailable for sale. Electric blue jack dempsey cichlid Nandopsis Octofasciatum aquarium fish. The only thing to be controlled carefully is water parameters and purity. Remember, that it’s still a cichlid fish and don’t keep it in a tank together with small fishes (like neon tetra) and cherry shrimps. The first 3 - 5 fin rays of the males is elongated, like the German Blue Ram (apsitogramma ramerzii), and the end of the dorsal fin is pointed. Coarse sand should be used as a tank bottom with big flat rocks, snags on it which lately serve as a substrate for spawning. Registered. It can spawn in a community tank, but sure it’s better to use a spawning pond for this purpose. Besides the fact that they create water parameters close to the ones where fish lives in the wild, they are also source of feed for juveniles. The Electric Blue Ram Cichlid (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi “Electric Blue”) is a very beautiful, tank-raised variant of its species. Disclaimer : The information provided here is of a general nature only. Its overall coloring is a beautiful blue with various amounts of black markings depending upon where each individual comes from. In a tank the fish eagerly feeds on blood worm, tubifex, white worms, brine shrimp. Fine river sand is better to be used as a tank bottom because cichlid fish likes digging it. Cyprichromis leptosoma “Blue Flash” It can spawn in a community tank, but sure it’s better to use a spawning pond for this purpose. The Blue Flash is the holotype for the species Cyprichromis leptosoma. Please contact us if you would like additional information regarding when more will become available. It covers a huge area around 29,600 km2 making it the ninth largest lake in the world. Electric blue jack dempsey cichlid Nandopsis Octofasciatum aquarium fis. Sign in; Sign up; $0.00 0; Home; Categories. However, through the years he’s had experience of keeping almost all types of freshwater fish and shrimps. The fish becomes reproductive when its body is about 6-6.5 cm long and breeding starts when body length is 10 cm. The male's tail fin is forked and the anal fin is long and pointed. Although the fish isn’t aggressive, they guard their territory, especially during the spawning period. However, they can spawn each two weeks at the condition that the eggs are taken away right after spawning. The name of the fish says about its color. The swim bladder is an abdominal sac lined with epithelium that helps the fish stay afloat. Electric blue acara cichlid Aquarium fish Andinoacara pulcher. 16 hours ago. Freshwater; benthopelagic; pH range: 7.5 - ? Login Form. Also they have elongated fins end. Name: Leptosoma Blue Flash Mvuna Located: Endemic to Mvuna in Lake Tanganyika. It’s better to feed the fish twice a day with small portions of feed changing its types in the morning and in the evening. All fish are very healthy, fed on NLS Probiotix with 50% water changes every week. Blue acara cichlids live rather friendly together and they form couples. Since they doesn’t grow that big as other cichlid fishes do, therefore it requires significantly smaller tanks. Start feed for juveniles is: freshly hatched brine shrimp, rotifers, nematodes. Water parameters for breeding are: hardness 6-20°, pH 6,5-7,0, temperature 25-28 °C. 45335). Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis Dicrossus filamentosus Laetacara ... A. cacatuoides "Orange Flash" male. It is found at the southern most end of the lake, from Kasanga, Tanzania to Mpulungu, Zambia. Live arrival guaranteed! updated on Thursday the 1st October 2020 . A tank of 100 liters capacity with good aeration … The Blue Moorii Cyrtocara moorii (previously Haplochromis moorii) is an exotic cichlid that comes from Lake Malawi in Africa.It gets to be rather large, reaching almost 10 inches (25.4 cm) in length. The Blue and Red Flash Cichlid (Thorichthys aureus)is a Central American species that displays stunning adult coloration. Tropical; 24°C - 28°C (Ref. Blue acara cichlids live rather friendly together and they form couples. When I bought them, they were holding already in the dealer's tank. The most common is the Blue Flash Cichlid or Cyprichromis leptosoma "Blue Flash". Yet, all of the food is of high quality and it is the best one for this fish kind as well as it keeps the tank water clean. Cyprichromis occur in many differently coloured geographic variations, multiple colour forms are often present in a single population. This male has an unusually tall dorsal fin. Best kept in a school with other (less aggressive) Tanganyikan Cichlids. They’re a pale light blue with some darker speckling along the body and lemon yellow top fins and tail fins. Female can lay from 400 to 1000 eggs. Don't have an account yet? Cichlid should be kept only with the fishes of close size or larger. In the nature feeds on worms, larvas, spineless species. is the place for cichlid enthusiast to share their dedication, expand their knowledge, and do what they love. They have neon blue area on the top of their head. Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlids. Also they like digging the tank bottom and they dig out plants. Shipping We ship via USPS Priority mail and Fedex Monday through Thursday. They sport different shades of blue depending on the lighting they are under. Joined Nov ... 20 Gallon, 6 zebra dinos, 4 green tigers, 3 dojo loach's, 2 blue gourami's, 2 GBR's, 2 bristle plecto's, 2 longfin rosybarbs, 1 syno cat, 1 leopard puffer 25 Gallon, 2 clown loach's, 1 yoyo loach, 1 veil angle, 1 royal plecto, 1 female krib. The fish is indigenous to the West Indies, but it is believed to have been seen as far north as Miami until the 1970s w… They are very colorful and electric when flashing for females, best kept in groups, minimum is 5 or 6 fish. Blue acara are carnivorous feeders, but first of all and the fish requires feed with high protein content. Green terror male when it becomes reproductive develops a pronounced hump on its head, while blue acara hump is less pronounced. After the ich fry appears its parents move it in their mouth into the pits in the sand prepared in advance.; 801-572-2009; Myaccount. Best tank mates are: firemouth cichlid, angelfish, convict cichlid, Jack Dempsey cichlid, jaguar cichlid and different catfishes: leopard pleco, plecostomus, bristlenose pleco. Others include "Neonback" or Cyprichromis leptosoma "Utinta", Fluorescent Utinta, Cyprichromis leptosoma "Livua Blue Cichlid", Blue Glitter, Black Bee, Neon Head, Neon Back, Livua Blue Cichlid, and more along with varieties being named for their place of origin in the lake. There is a good reason that its name (pulcher) from Latin – means beautiful. There are site specific factors that are not addressed here that may also affect the health and well being of your fish, as such Coburg Aquarium will not be held liable for the performance of your fish. Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range Ecology. sp. Cyprichromis Leptosoma Chituta "Blue Flash" Cyprichromis Chituta aka Neon Head or Blue Flash is not a jumbo type and suitable for smaller aquaria. Browns Plains, QLD. Cichlids are particularly susceptible to several aquarium fish diseases so if you learn about how to treat and prevent them now, you and your fish will be better off later. But these fishes differ sufficiently.Green terror cichlid is larger and in the wild its max size can be 25-30 cm (10-12 in) when Aequidens pulcher is just about 20 cm (8 in) long. A tank of 30 gallons capacity is needed for couple. Cool fish also know by the names Sardine cichlid and Slender cichlid. It should have some plants. This particular variant is known for the incredible neon blue coloration that covers almost its entire body in both males and females. The whole body of the fish is blue and it reminds the coloring of flower horn Thai silk. This is a very pretty fish and you can find them online for anywhere from $10 to $20. The blue acara isn’t demanding therefore it’s good for beginners unlike green terror. During their spawning period acara becomes aggressive and they intensely guard their territory from tank mates intrusion. f1 from wild stock collected in from Lake Tanganyika in 2018 near the town of Mpulungu. QUALITY AFRICAN RUSTY CICHLIDS - $12 EACH !!!!! "Steel Blue" steindachneri uaupesi xingu. Apr 19, 2014 #1 I recently picked up a blue flash cichlid (Thorichthys aureus) but he was outcompeted for food by the larger cichlids in the tank so I temporarily moved him into 20 gallon tank and was wondering at what size I should reintroduce him. Sorry, this product is not currently available in the requested quantity. Electric blue jack dempsey cichlid Nandopsis Octofasciatum aquarium fish . Blue Flash / Aureum Cichlid (Thorichthys aureus) $ 19.99 One of the more colorful Central American Cichlids, the Aureum or Aureus cichlid is a close relative of the popular Firemouth Cichlid (T. meeki) found in the streams and ponds of Honduras, Belize, and Guatemala. Many Cichlids are very aggressive, but Dwarf Cichlids are not too aggressive and can live in aquariums with Tetras and Livebearing Fish. Blue acaras are good and caring parents and they spawn easy enough. Fill out the form below to login. Click on a picture just below to shop for the fish in that picture. In nature this species congregates in large schools in open water near rocky habitats, where it feeds on zoo plankton. The fish also isn’t demanding as for the feed or breeding. Buy beautiful Blue Flash (Cyprichromis Blue Flash) from Live Fish Direct. The color is delicate and pretty. lake malawi cichlids cm002sml assorted malawi cichlid (3.5 - 4cm) cm081035 cyrtocara moorii - blue dolphin cm081070 cyrtocara moorii - blue dolphin cm088050 cyrtocara moorii - albino blue dolphin cm129035 electric yellow cm129050 electric yellow cm129070 labidochromis - electric yellow cm141035 labidochromis hongi cm141040 labidochromis hongi Swim Bladder Disease As suggested by the name, swim bladder disease affects the part of the cichlid known as the swim bladder. Incubation period lasts from 3 to 7 days (depending on the water temperature). Regretful tank shut down. The males cockatoo cichlid can get to 2 - 3.5" (5 - 9 cm) long and the females are usually smaller than the males like most cichlids. Largest Lake in the requested quantity cyclops and artificial feed – tablets flakes. Flows and it reminds the coloring of flower horn Thai silk but later they stop doing it here is a! 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