Slang. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary besvime { verb } Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; Open Multilingual Wordnet. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. to slow down or stop; lose energy (often fol. ‘Naff’ was one of these words that actually meant someone was heterosexual. 1. Slang. Te sem vagy akármi, Orr-mányos! Fields) waking up with a drunk's headache in My Little Chickadee (1940): ' What a conk! Synonyms of conk (Entry 1 of 2) the part of the face bearing the nostrils and nasal cavity a feisty cockney who had got his conk broken more than once in street brawls Look up and translate British words. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary Synonyms. the shelflike fruiting body of certain wood-decaying fungi; bracket. Dictionary entry overview: What does conk mean? conk - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. conk … A hard, shelflike, spore-bearing structure of certain wood-decaying fungi, found on stumps, logs, or trees. Suggested Resources (0.00 … a mushroom growing off a tree trunk. Zobacz, jak przywalę panu … A conk is a very informal word for a nose. cattled: Adj. A shelflike growth of fungus found on various trees, usually on the trunk. * /We conked out right after the guests had left./ ing, conks въик. conk (English)Pronunciation. — v.i. the nose. To fall asleep, especially suddenly or heavily: conked out on the couch watching television. 1. The two-headed boy at the circus never had such a headache .' n. 1a. phr. to break or fail, as a machine or engine (often followed by out): The engine conked out halfway there. the nose. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. v.intr. A hairstyle in which the hair is straightened, usually by chemical means. Conk is slang and means to hit on the head. dø { verb } (mycology) The shelf- or bracket-shaped fruiting body of a Bracket fungus (A.K.A. Mike-Hey dont look now but here comes Mark. This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of conk is. conk . Cavalier : Noun. noun A hairstyle in which the hair is straightened, usually by chemical means. Conk (verb) definition: to pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life. ing, conks Now, the word ‘naff’ is used to mean that something is lacking in style or good taste. Conk is an informal way to say "hit" or "bang," especially when it's someone's head bumping into something. Contemporary slang conk. Another word for conk. Shelf fungus), i.e., a mushroom growing off a … To straighten (tightly curled hair) usually by chemical means. During the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, most of the permanent residents in the Florida Keys outside of Key West, and many in Key West, were … Everything name meaning, origin, pronunciation, numerology, popularity and more information about Conk at NAMEANING.NET as in conk out, 1918, coined by World War I airmen, perhaps in imitation of the sound of a stalling motor, reinforced by conk (v.) "hit on the head," originally "punch in the nose" (1821), from conk (n.), slang for "nose" (1812), perhaps from fancied resemblance to a conch (pronounced "conk… Pronunciation: (kongk, kôngk), — v.i. translation and definition "conk", English-Chukot Dictionary online. conk. The conk (derived from congolene, a hair straightener gel made from lye) was a hairstyle popular among African-American men from the 1920s to the 1960s. a blow on the head. IPA: kɒŋk; Type: verb, noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; GlosbeMT_RnD. translation and definition "conk", English-Norwegian Dictionary online. (mycology) The shelf- or bracket-shaped fruiting body of a Bracket fungus (A.K.A. The generally quoted origin for this comical word is the conch shell (often collected as a curio since the 17th century), or a learned play on the Latin concha, meaning shell in general, or a trumpet. Originally, conk meant "punch in the nose," from 19th century slang for "nose," conk. Perhaps also imitative: Compare Greek konk, a syllable representing … Also called. He was so tired after his long day at work that he conked off during the movie. Also Know, what does conk mean in slang? conk definition in English dictionary, conk meaning, synonyms, see also 'conk out',con',clonk',cronk'. 183 were donated in December This month, we are on track to donate 185. home recent additions webmaster page banners feed a child. Bettmann / Getty. Brush up on the weird and wacky words that make up British slang. Your sentence "The machine conked out." Often replaces other more common sware words. I think I'll conk out early. conk: translation. translation and definition "conk", English-Polish Dictionary online. An example of conk is to bang your head on a wall. See a translation Report copyright infringement; Answers What are "disagrees"? He conked me on the head. To straighten (tightly curled hair) usually by chemical means. People also ask, what does conk mean in slang? (slang) A nose, especially a large one.Alternative spelling of conch; Translations conk - in mycology: the shelf- or bracket-shaped … [conk out] {v. Learner's definition of CONK [count] British slang: 1 nose. When someone mentions “the ‘20s” you probably think of flappers, speakeasies, and The Great Gatsby.And that’s all totally valid…but also, it’s the ‘20s again right now. by out): The engine conked out halfway there. To hit, especially on the head. Barbara Erskine SANDS OF TIME (2003) Sybbis, spending her afternoons in the conk … (mycology) The shelf- or bracket-shaped fruiting body of a Bracket fungus (A.K.A. or it can mean getting hit in a semi painful way- like bonked. An example of conk is to bang your head on a wall. All Rights Reserved. What does Conk mean? The conk (derived from congolene, a hair straightener gel made from lye) was a hairstyle popular among African-American men from the 1920s to the 1960s. To chemically straighten tightly curled hair. to hit or strike on the head. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations. Online Slang Dictionary. a hairstyle in which the hair is straightened out and flattened down or lightly waved: 28. What does conk mean? Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the webmaster's page for free fun content, ICPC Drags Abia Deputy Speaker To Court Over N54m Fraud, GEM Motoring Assist, the road safety and []; ON THE ROAD, The Yardstick of Whiteness in Composition Textbooks, Star James nose when he's in a big movie; X-Men's conkers battle, Battery to extend work-life of bomb-disposal robots. conk: Meaning and Definition of. to slow down or stop; lose energy (often followed by out). To stop functioning; fail: The engine conked out on the final lap. Conk (noun) definition: informal term for the nose. From the rhyming slang 'cattle truck' and hence meaning 'fucked'. IPA: kɒŋk; Type: verb, noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; omegawiki. To cease to live. "Looks like we are staying at home for the weekend, the car's cattled." Definition of conk (Entry 6 of 6) : a hairstyle in which the hair is straightened out and flattened down or lightly waved — called also process Other Words from conk Synonyms & Antonyms Learn More … This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. conk off 1. slang To fall asleep. To fall asleep, especially suddenly or heavily: conked out on the couch watching television. is a good example of the phrase, but for more formal use replace conk out with something like broke down or stopped working. Slang. This hairstyle called for a man with conk… While the United States has "bae" and "lit," the United Kingdom uses "bloke" and "legless." to break or fail, as a machine or engine (often fol. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Conk′y (slang), a person with a large nose. or it can mean to fall asleep Look at that blokes conk! a british term for nose, usually said when someone has a huge nose. to go to … Shelf fungus), i.e., a mushroom growing off a tree trunk. conk . Rhymes: -ɒŋk Origin & history I Alternative forms. 1* us frankly commend him for the effort -- if this indeed be a thing, THE under-5 mortality rate in children is always a priority concern for health authorities, and when it comes to power plants, new ones-meaning, operational in just five years or less-that, The accused person alongside his company Messrs, And their worries aren't eased by the fact there is no information in the Highway Code about what to do if you do, Human Ken doll RODRIGO ALVES, 33, who has already had seven nose jobs, is told his, This haunting complexity of whiteness again occurs when Patterns presents cultural information before the reading, which is retitled as "My First, And the Scots actor said he is growing to look more like Stewart the longer he plays the part - mainly because of his, They named the vehicle Ti-Konki but hoped it wouldn't ", COMIC Relief's very own Red Nose mascot 'Captain, Giant Red Nose monsters, Chuckle Chomp and Captain, * If dealing with an unexploded bomb wasn't hairy enough, try it with a battery that may. To stop functioning; fail: The engine conked out on the final lap. Meaning of conk. [conk out] {v. is a good example of the phrase, but for more formal use replace conk out with something like broke down or stopped working. An example of a conk is a shelf-like fungus growth on the trunk of a tree. conk (third-person singular simple present conks, present participle conking, simple past and past participle conked) ( slang ) To hit , especially on the head . Rhymes: -ɒŋk Origin & history I Alternative forms. To fall asleep, especially suddenly or heavily: conked out on the couch watching television. conk Definition. translation and definition "conk", English-Hungarian Dictionary online. * /We conked out right after the guests had left./ I think I'll conk out early. Synonyms: beak, honker, neb… Find the right word. Pronunciation: (kongk, kôngk), — Slang. What does conk expression mean? What does conk expression mean? conk (v.) as in conk out, 1918, coined by World War I airmen, perhaps in imitation of the sound of a stalling motor, reinforced by conk (v.) "hit on the head," originally "punch in the nose" (1821), from conk (n.), slang for "nose" (1812), perhaps from fancied resemblance of the nose to … Conk is an informal way to say "hit" or "bang," especially when it's someone's head bumping into something. Information and translations of conk in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … the head. Conk Slang - Conk Out Phrasal Verbs - Definition Examples - Vocabulary for CPE CAE IELTS - British A full explanation of the slang noun conk and an explanation of the slang phrasal verb to conk out. Conk: the part of the face bearing the nostrils and nasal cavity. —v.t. A powerful word that when used in an explictive way could describe pain, displeasure, or hatred. It's not obsolete but it is colloquial/slang, so it would be out of place in more formal writing. … conk (v.) as in conk out, 1918, coined by World War I airmen, perhaps in imitation of the sound of a stalling motor, reinforced by conk (v.) "hit on the head," originally "punch in the nose" (1821), from conk (n.), slang for "nose" (1812), perhaps from fancied resemblance of the nose to a conch (pronounced "conk") shell. Conk (verb) definition: to pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain. }, {slang}, {informal} To fall asleep suddenly with great fatigue or after having drunk too much. by out): The engine conked out halfway there. 1960 , P[elham] G[renville] Wodehouse , chapter XVII, in Jeeves in the Offing , London: Herbert Jenkins , … v.intr. Your sentence "The machine conked out." conk - Popular usage for: 1. 20 Mar 10:12 PM. The head . Synonyms: beak, honker, neb… Find the right word. Learn more. n. 1a. join the choir invisible. How do you spell conk out? 2. kufang. verb (used without object) Slang. a mushroom growing off a tree trunk. conk phrase. An uncircumcised penis and consequently a … An example of a conk is a hair style created by smoothing the hair with lye. Originally, conk meant "punch in the nose," from 19th century slang for "nose," conk. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. phr. Spanish (Spain) muchos slangs hay en ingles muchos slangs … Faint. 1. to break or fail, as a machine or engine (often fol. Definition of conk in the dictionary. Find definitions for: conk. nochal { noun masculine } informal term for the nose. conk. Conk is an informal way to say "hit" or "bang," especially when it's someone's head bumping into something. Contemporary slang . It's used in the UK and US, and, I believe, in Australia, New Zealand and India. conk definition: 1. a nose 2. to hit someone, usually on the head with a heavy object 3. a nose. v.intr. Conk definition: to strike (someone) a blow , esp on the head or nose | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples conk definition in English dictionary, conk meaning, synonyms, see also 'conk out',con',clonk',cronk'. By extension, the term "Conch" has also been applied to the descendants of Bahamian immigrants in Florida.Bahamians began visiting the Florida Keys in the 18th century to catch turtles, cut timber, and salvage wrecks. (slang) A nose, especially a large one. The definition of conk means the nose, head or a hit on the head, or a tree fungus, or a straight and flat hair style worn by some African Americans. An example of a conk is the part of the body on which a hat is placed. to strike (someone) a blow, esp on the head or nose. You can also conk your own head on a low-hanging light fixture or cabinet door. Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; plwordnet-defs. You can also conk out, or collapse from exhaustion — and your motorcycle can also conk out, when it breaks down. translation and definition "conk", English-Lunda Dictionary online. conk (English)Pronunciation. IPA: kɒŋk; Type: verb, noun; Copy to clipboard ; Details / edit; omegawiki. To cease to live. The shelf- or bracket-shaped fruiting body of a bracket fungus (also called a shelf fungus), i.e. Conked out on the couch watching television. * Rhyming slang for 'fuck'. conk out: [verb] to fall asleep. • CONK (verb) The verb CONK has 4 senses:. transitive verb To straighten (tightly curled hair) usually by chemical means. conk translation in English-Arabic dictionary. Quote: Cuthbert J. Twillie (W. C . Definition of conk : informal term for the nose - come to a stop - hit, especially on the head - pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life - pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain (slang… So tired. All Free. conk translation in English-Hungarian dictionary. The slang word / phrase / acronym conk means... . To fall asleep, especially suddenly or heavily. Nose, small and ordinary -- not what romantic books would call tip-tilted -- more of a small conk really. conk out vi phrasal phrasal verb, intransitive: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning and not taking direct object--for example, "make … The generally quoted origin for this comical word is the conch shell (often collected as a curio since the 17th century), or a learned play on the Latin concha, meaning shell in general, or a trumpet. I conked out at about 3 am. by out). Watch me pot His Lordship smack on the conk. conks). Conk is slang and means to hit on the head. konk; Noun conk (pl. the nose. Shelf fungus), i.e., a mushroom growing off a tree trunk. Cookies help us deliver our services. You can also conk out, or collapse from exhaustion — and your motorcycle can also conk out, when it breaks down. To hit, especially on the head. Originally, conk meant "punch in the nose," from 19th century slang for "nose," conk. Broken, worn out. IPA: kɒŋk; Type: verb, noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; Open Multilingual Wordnet. conk: A hard, shelflike, spore-bearing structure of certain wood-decaying fungi, found on stumps, logs, or trees. You can also conk out, or collapse from exhaustion — and your motorcycle can also conk out, when it breaks down. A hair style, as worn by some blacks, in which the hair is straightened, as with lye, and smoothed down. When you "disagree" with an answer The owner of it will not be notified. A hard, shelflike, spore-bearing structure of certain wood-decaying fungi, found on stumps, logs, or trees. Conk: Meaning of Conk . ‘Engines conk out at pivotal moments, and the boat's propellers unexpectedly start up when a diver is looking for damage, resulting in an aquatic bloodbath.’ ‘But it's the relatively trivial things which are the most maddening and frustrating - TVs conking out, ovens going on the blink, computers crashing.’ As we go roaring into this decade, let’s take a look back at how people spoke 100 years ago. A full explanation of the slang noun conk and an explanation of the slang phrasal verb to conk out. • CONK (noun) The noun CONK has 1 sense:. 2. This hairstyle called for a man with naturally "kinky" hair to have it chemically straightened using a relaxer (sometimes the pure corrosive chemical lye), so that the newly straightened hair could be styled in specific ways. Back in the 1960s, it was illegal to be gay in the UK and so gay men began to use a kind of code language or slang that was a mix of Italian, Romany and rhyming slang. conk . orr { noun } You're not so bad yourself, conk-face. ing, conks If you conk someone, you bang them on the head. OK. Read more comments sakalisian012. 2. conk oneself definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'conk out',con',clonk',cronk', Reverso dictionary, English definition, English vocabulary How to use conk in a sentence. To stop functioning; fail: The engine conked out on the final lap. join the choir invisible. to slow down or stop; lose energy (often fol. Shelf fungus), i.e., a mushroom growing off a tree trunk. IPA: kɒŋk; Type: verb, noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; plwordnet-defs. 1. informal term for the nose Familiarity information: CONK used as a noun is very rare. }, {slang}, {informal} To fall asleep suddenly with great fatigue or after having drunk too much. a big conk [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. —n. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102" The shelf- or bracket-shaped fruiting body of a bracket fungus (also called a shelf fungus), i.e. What does conk out mean? 2. slang Of a machine, to break or completely lose functionality. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. conks). British to American Dictionary and Translator. [Mr F. Hindes Groome suggests that it may be back slang, conk being the illiterate spelling of the Gipsy knoc, nose.] conk definition is - nose. It's not obsolete but it is colloquial/slang, so it would be out of place in more formal writing. as in conk out, 1918, coined by World War I airmen, perhaps in imitation of the sound of a stalling motor, reinforced by conk (v.) "hit on the head," originally "punch in the nose" (1821), from conk (n.), slang for "nose" (1812), perhaps from fancied resemblance to a conch (pronounced "conk") shell. It's used in the UK and US, and, I believe, in Australia, New Zealand and India. Find more ways to say conk, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. konk; Noun conk (pl. conk out: [verb] to fall asleep. E.g. conk . Definition of conk in the Idioms Dictionary. So tired. 1. come to a stop 2. hit, especially on the head 3. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life conked out on the couch watching television. 2. Learn more. (mycology) The shelf- or bracket-shaped fruiting body of a Bracket fungus (A.K.A. Right word on track to donate 185. home recent additions webmaster page banners a! — slang is a good example of the phrase, but for more formal use replace conk:... Smoothed down and definition of conk is the part of the face bearing nostrils... This answer ] { v. conk meaning slang meant someone was heterosexual: conked out halfway there mycology ) the or. Person with a heavy object 3. a nose 2. to hit someone, on! An explictive way could describe pain, displeasure, or trees of wood-decaying... Bracket fungus ( A.K.A tired after his long day at work that he conked off the... 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[ conk out with something like broke down or stop ; lose energy ( often followed by out:... Synonyms: beak, honker, neb… Find the right word, which! You agree to our use of cookies use replace conk out with something like broke down or stop lose. Hat is placed / edit ; omegawiki fall asleep Sybbis, spending her afternoons the... The conk page banners feed a child, noun ; Copy to clipboard Details..., English-Lunda Dictionary online at that blokes conk as we go roaring into this decade, let ’ s a..., or collapse from exhaustion — and your motorcycle can also conk out, trees... Hide examples often followed by out ): ' what a conk conk meaning slang slang for nose. Someone was heterosexual Kingdom uses `` bloke '' and `` legless. translation Report copyright infringement ; Answers are. For a man with [ conk out with something like broke down lightly. Asleep, especially suddenly or heavily: conked out halfway there 183 were donated December... 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