花鳥風月 (Kachoufuugetsu)/KaguraP; 宇宙人のアイラブユー (Uchuujin no I Love You) Categories . I can't remember 2021-01-18T12:19:06Z Comment by electroman 3333. everything's a blur Popular Artists. No translation is mine and the people who did translate will be credited. Top Lyrics of 2011. No reputation More in reflection Talk like you do Preview the embedded widget. 【Vocaloid Original】Copycat【GUMI English】 by VocaCircus - Karaoke Lyrics on Smule. Kagome kagome; Songs lyrics and translations to be found here are protected by copyright of their owners and are meant for educative purposes only. My Crush Was a Monster Bo.. 6. This is just a preview! VOCALOID - Copycat (Letras y canción para escuchar) - Say, hello / Who are you / And we'll start / From scratch again / Gotta go / Talk to you soon / Day by day / I'm fading away / We get along just fine / I Unravel. SACRIFICED ALL I'VE KNOWN Download Instrumental VSQx VOCALOID Lyrics … CircusP - Copycat Lyrics. … Awwwww thanks for 490 subs! LUVORATORRRRRY! Try to create myself, completely truly me Help us curate our lists by reporting any non vocaloid songs to @VocaChart on Twitter. COPY THAT, COPYCAT Dec 26, 2019 - Explore My Info's board "Copycat lyrics" on Pinterest. Song for You; 依存香炉 (Izon Kouro) 誰にだってなれないや (Dare ni Datte Narenai ya) Dare ni Datte Narenai ya; Categories. COPY THAT, COPYCAT COPY THAT, COPYCAT CircusP stated that while the information may not be official, the meaning is up to interpretation. Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS). Too many similarity Request lyrics transcription; Add new idiom; Start forum thread; Register; Community. Say hello Who are you? No limitation Forgetting, why don't just let it be? Copycat: 5: Deja Vu: 6: Different Seas: 7: Different Seas [bonus track] [EmpathP remix] 8: Fade: 9: Fair Game: 10: How to Pretend: 11: Last of Me: 12: Patches [Bonus Track] [vocaloid version] More Albums: embed > Embed. My Crush Was a Monster Bo.. 6. LUVORATORRRRRY! 45,161 Pages. Artists A-Z. Copycat: 5: Deja Vu: 6: Different Seas: 7: Different Seas [bonus track] [EmpathP remix] 8: Fade: 9: Fair Game: 10: How to Pretend: 11: Last of Me: 12: Patches [Bonus Track] [vocaloid version] More Albums: embed > Embed. Add new page. Kagamine Rin (鏡音リン) is a bilingual VOCALOID developed by Crypton Future Media. VOCALOID - Copycat (Letras y canción para escuchar) - Say, hello / Who are you / And we'll start / From scratch again / Gotta go / Talk to you soon / Day by day / I'm fading away / We get along just fine / I Everything's a blur... Talk to you soon!" Replace the thing I saw, reflect from you and all Day by day, More » Artists. Oh, how despicable!”—author's comment "The Inevitable Demise of a Copycat" is a song featuring YOHIOloid by Zion XYZ. Kagome kagome; Songs lyrics and translations to be found here are protected by copyright of their owners and are meant for educative purposes only. Unravel. Inokori Sensei. Lie; 2. **Updating whenever I remember! Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS). Popular Albums. Woah, woah MiKUSABBATH; 自爆 (Jibaku)/UtsuP; コロナ (Corona) Psychokinesis; 恋爱算个DIO! take me over I just want to become same as you Copycat- GUMI English Karma- Kagamine Rin English Persecution Complex Cell Phone Girl (LOL) JoyDreamer ... Vocaloid (+ others) Lyrics- English Random {Ranked #1 in Lyrics!} Anime/Manga Fanfiction Poetry Report. This is a list of original songs that utilize the VOCALOID Kagamine Rin. Arranged & performed by Dima Lancaster. I am a fallout.”—CircusP "FADE" is an original song featuring DEX and DAINA. This is the first vocaloid song i listened to and im GREATFUL that this introduced me to the genre. Sing with lyrics to your favorite karaoke songs. 44,960 Pages. 1 Background 2 Succedding version 3 Lyrics 4 Other media appearances 4.1 Discography 4.2 Concerts 5 External links 5.1 Official 5.2 Unofficial “We're falling out. Endless and loop infinity And we'll start ** Vocaloid lyrics in English (as well as other songs made by similar producers) that I happen to be a fan of. Losing my own identity Paroles et traductions – Vocaloid: Ievan polkka, Machine Gun, 普通Disco, バイオレンストリガー, 15歳の主張, Crime & punishment, hardbass night Billboard Hot 100. Showing my emotion on the face THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE WANTED, The Fox's Wedding - Hatsu.. 8. Outsider (prod. Say:"Hello, Who are you?" I … magnet -trash ver.- Juby + rachie. Losing my own identity Say:"Hello, Who are you?" https://vocaloid.fandom.com/wiki/Copycat?oldid=1131962. And we'll start from scratch again "Gotta go "Talk to you soon!" Losing my own identity COPY THAT, COPYCAT Read Copycat - VocaCircus - Gumi from the story (English) Vocaloid Lyrics [Discontinued] by UnusedMemoriesStored (RanMoca Simp) with 134 reads. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. vocaloid, lyrics. VOCALOID - Copycat (Letra e música para ouvir) - Say, hello / Who are you / And we'll start / From scratch again / Gotta go / Talk to you soon / Day by day / I'm fading away / We get along just fine / I A Song I'd like to Sing; 7. Copying, everything around me Ver las letras de VOCALOID y escuchar "Ievan Polkka", "Aishite Aishite Aishite", "Gomenne Gomenne", "Kokoronashi", "Mind Brand", "Roki" y más canciones! Deutsch; English; Español; Français; Hungarian; Italiano; Nederlands; Lie; 2. Get the embed code . Fade Lyrics: They say I don't belong here / You're staring me down / I pray that I'll disappear / But I don't hear any sound / Erase me from your mind / I'll just be a memory / And we'll be The Fox's Wedding - Hatsu.. 8. This song was featured on the following albums: 715 (album) 715 (Physical Edition) (album) VocaDB GUIANA - Web page Instrumental + VSQ Hatsune Miku wiki Who are you?" Feeling lack of security Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. 2021-01-08T14:23:52Z Comment by ¿ W_H_Y ? (WHOA...) Our list of the most popular english vocaloid songs this week. I WILL TEACH MYSELF TO LET GO More inspiration Copy that, Copycat.. In GUMI's mirror, the silhouettes of other VOCALOIDs (Miku, MEIKO, Rin, Luka) are reflected and GUMI's facial expressions change according to them. "Copycat" is an original melodic techno genre song by CircusP, featuring GUMI V3 English. Recently Changed Pages. More intersection Turning into transparency Tokyo Teddy Bear. Recently Added. No inovation Everything has changed Now tell me who I am? Connected to Copycat (YANZHI Side). Say "Hello, Request new lyrics translation; Become a translator; Website Rules; Frequently Asked Questions; Lyricstranslate.com Forum; Login; Registration; English. Add new page. ♫ Enjoy the video ♫Original song: CopyCat by Vocaloid feat. 12,156 reads . COPY THAT, COPYCAT Losing my own identity magnet -trash ver.- Juby + rachie. Losing my ow identity Top Lyrics of 2010. Wozwald (prod.Niru Kajits.. 4. Online users (0) Vocaloid lyrics. [rachie + JubyPhonic] Outer Science … Kagamine Rin (鏡音リン) is a bilingual VOCALOID developed by Crypton Future Media. Mimic It I'LL BECOME WHAT YOU LIKE Eve) 3. (WHOA...) Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS). This is a list of original songs that utilize the VOCALOID Kagamine Rin. Fake or Fate; 9. Losing my own identity Losing my own identity A Song I'd like to Sing; 7. Take me over Vocaloid Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. I can't remember... COPY THAT, COPYCAT Woah, woah 12,156 reads . Kinda like to see you cry." Artists A-Z. Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki. 1 Background 2 Succedding version 3 Lyrics 4 Other media appearances 4.1 Discography 4.2 Concerts 5 External links 5.1 Official 5.2 Unofficial “We're falling out. "Copying each other is part of human nature" Outsider (prod. I'VE BECOME WHAT YOU LIKE This is just a preview! Read Copycat - VocaCircus - Gumi from the story (English) Vocaloid Lyrics [Discontinued] by UnusedMemoriesStored (Star ha parade..) with 140 reads. I can't figure out the reason why I AM WHAT YOU'VE WANTED, Anime/Manga Fanfiction Poetry Report. Outsider (prod. RIGHT?! Upcoming Albums. [Cm Eb Ab G C D Gm Dbm E A Dm F Bb] Chords for 【Vocaloid Original】Copycat【GUMI English】 with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. LUVORATORRRRRY! See more ideas about billie eilish, billie, copycat lyrics. vocaloid, lyrics. Read †Copycat† from the story Vocaloid~Songs~Lyrics by Revormation (Redemption Alternation) with 1 reads. **Updating whenever I remember! 1. A VOCALOID "vocalist", "character", or "mascot" (unofficial terminology)1 refers heavily to an illustrated character of a VOCALOID™-powered voicebank; although a product name or miscellaneous representation (like an avatar) can be included. 1 Background 2 Lyrics 3 External links 3.1 Official 3.2 Unofficial “Copycats are strange creatures, aren't they? PONPONPON; 5. Wandering in the zone, the zone of imitate Top Lyrics of 2011. Recently Added. Reaplcing my hollow empty space Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. These are the current most popular english vocaloid songs for 2021-01-16 (Server Time). And we'll start from scratch again Gotta go Talk to you soon Day by day Im fading away We get along just fine I say e. Lyrics. (WHOA...) Inokori Sensei. Lie; 2. Eve) 2021-01-10T05:27:50Z Comment by María Naza. Anime/Manga Fanfiction Poetry Report. Please tell me who I am? Read more about Kagamine Rin on Vocaloid … ** Vocaloid lyrics in English (as well as other songs made by similar producers) that I happen to be a fan of. Popular Song Lyrics. Members; Forum; New forum topics; Recent comments ; Popular Content; Getting Started. Endless and loop infinity 12,176 reads. See more ideas about billie eilish, billie, copycat lyrics. Copycat- GUMI English Karma- Kagamine Rin English Persecution Complex Cell Phone Girl (LOL) JoyDreamer ... Vocaloid (+ others) Lyrics- English Random {Ranked #1 in Lyrics!} Get the embed code . (WHOA...), Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ ʜᴀᴄʜᴜɴᴇ ᴍɪᴋᴜ Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ (tuning, mixing), CircusP (VSQx), Seiza (tuning, mixing), lʌntєrn (harmonies), PoisonicPen (illust, video), CircusP (VSQx), Wetrix-P (tuning, mixing, VQSx), CircusP (music), Ωmegata (French translyrics), javomashup (arrangement), Billie Eilish (vocals of COPYCAT), Melanie Martinez (vocals of Copy Cat), CircusP (producer of Copycat ft. GUMI), Sleeping Fores (arrangement), Mark Bartholomew, Lydia Raya, Andreas Steinle, DaveB (special thanks). SACRIFICE ALL I KNOW Billboard Hot 100. Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki. No more creation And we'll start from scratch again Gotta go Talk to you soon Day by day Im fading away We get along just fine I say e. Lyrics. Translation of 'Copycat' by CircusP (サーカス) from English to German. Copycat; Vocaloid lyrics. Lyrics, translations and video clips are inserted by registred users. [1] The song is connected to Can't Stand You despite not being a prequel. Lyrics to 'COPYCAT' by Billie Eilish: Don't be cautious, don't be kind You committed, I'm your crime Push my button, anytime You got your finger on the trigger, but your trigger finger's mine I HAVE TAUGHT MYSELF TO LET GO Dec 26, 2019 - Explore My Info's board "Copycat lyrics" on Pinterest. [Cm Eb Ab G C D Gm Dbm E A Dm F Bb] Chords for 【Vocaloid Original】Copycat【GUMI English】 with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. I am a fallout.”—CircusP "FADE" is an original song featuring DEX and DAINA. Copying, everything that I seeCreating, my "Personality" Wiki Content. Losing my own identity. (Liàn'ài Suàn Gè DIO!) 2021-01-08T19:00:15Z Comment by María Naza. Copy it / Day by day, I'm fading away / We get along just fine / I say everything you like Who I am... Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Copycat by Anonymous Alchemist arranged by Vincant Violin for Piano (Solo) 1. Copy it COPY THAT, COPYCAT Wandering in the zone, the zone of regretting 【Vocaloid Original】Copycat【GUMI English】 by VocaCircus - Karaoke Lyrics on Smule. 今日も空が綺麗だから (Kyou mo Sora ga Kirei Dakara), あれほど欲した幸せを、手放す勇気を僕にくれ (Are Hodo Hoshita Shiawase o, Tebanasu Yuuki o Boku ni Kure), ハナハナ☆バーニングトゥナイト (Hana Hana☆Burning Tonight), https://vocaloidlyrics.fandom.com/wiki/Copycat_(Oliver_side)?oldid=560286. COPY THAT, COPYCAT Copy it Fiil my white empty hole, fill in more and more soul Now tell me who I am? Creating, our "Similarity" @user-140702405: Copy that, copycat! 'Copycat' vocaloid cover, originally by VocaCircus. Die deutsche Übersetzung von Copycat und andere Lacrimosa Lyrics und Videos findest du kostenlos auf Songtexte.com. Some data provided by VocaDB. COPY THAT, COPYCAT Popular Song Lyrics. Ver las letras de VOCALOID y escuchar "Ievan Polkka", "Aishite Aishite Aishite", "Gomenne Gomenne", "Kokoronashi", "Mind Brand", "Roki" y más canciones! Top Lyrics of 2009. Popular Albums. Woah, woah However, when it shows GUMI's own silhouette, GUMI's face is blank, implying that she only copies the personalities of others and lacks one of herself. Losing my own identity Ai No Scenario. COPYCAT Lyrics: Don't be cautious, don't be kind / You committed, I'm your crime / Push my button anytime / You got your finger on the trigger, but your trigger finger's mine / Silver dollar Ai No Scenario. Recently Changed Pages. "Copycat" Original Upload Date: May.24.2014 Singer: OLIVER: Producer(s) Mimi (music, lyrics) Yuki (illust) Views: 2,300+ (BB), 2,500+ (YT) Links: bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast: Description "Copying each other is part of human nature" Connected to Copycat (YANZHI Side). Forgetting, everything about me @maria-naza: Say "Hello, what's up with you?" Traduction de « Copycat » par CircusP (サーカス), anglais → espagnol Upcoming Lyrics . Mimic it what's up with you?" Woah, woah / And we'll start from scratch again / "Gotta go, talk to you soon!" More imitation Forget the real myself, being no more unique Say, "Hello, Unravel. We've grown apart this time They cling on to others success. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Copycat by Anonymous Alchemist arranged by Vincant Violin for Piano (Solo) Tokyo Teddy Bear. Preview the embedded widget. magnet -trash ver.- Juby + rachie. She may be doing this because she thinks that her significant other likes other people and tries to "mirror" them so her significant other will like her more. "Gotta go, Copycat: 5: Deja Vu: 6: Different Seas: 7: Different Seas [bonus track] [EmpathP remix] 8: Fade: 9: Fair Game: 10: How to Pretend: 11: Last of Me: 12: Patches [Bonus Track] [vocaloid version] More Albums: embed > Embed. Mimic it Copycat Lyrics: Say, "Hello, who are you?" Creaing, "Originality" Woah, woah Get the embed code . PONPONPON; 5. Video clip and lyrics Copycat by Vocaloid. COPY THAT, COPYCAT Vocaloid Lyrics mit Übersetzungen: Machine Gun, Ievan polkka, 普通Disco, バイオレンストリガー, 15歳の主張, 愛して愛して愛して, みくみくにしてあげる Losing my own identity ECHO Lyrics: The clock stopped ticking forever ago / How long have I been up? 1 Background 2 Succeding versions 3 Lyrics 4 Derivatives 5 References 6 External links 6.1 Official 6.2 Unofficial “Imitation is the highest form of flattery...right?”—CircusP "Copycat" is an original melodic techno genre song by CircusP, featuring GUMI V3 English. I will teach myself to let go I don't know / I can't get a grip, but I can't let go / There wasn't anything to hold onto, though / Why can't I Inokori Sensei. イヤイヤ星人 (Iya Iya Seijin) Saga; NEW WORLD!!! Jun 2, 2018 - Copycat recorded by _Marionettist_ and AmyHeartRose on Smule. 1. Top Lyrics of 2009. "Copycat" Original Upload Date: May.24.2014 Singer: OLIVER: Producer(s) Mimi (music, lyrics) Yuki (illust) Views: 2,300+ (BB), 2,500+ (YT) Links: bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast: Description "Copying each other is part of human nature" Connected to Copycat (YANZHI Side). Upcoming Lyrics . Read †Copycat† from the story Vocaloid~Songs~Lyrics by Revormation (Redemption Alternation) with 1 reads. This song was featured on the following albums: 715 (album) 715 (Physical Edition) (album) VocaDB GUIANA - Web page Instrumental + VSQ Hatsune Miku wiki Stream "Copycat" Instrumental by CircusP from desktop or your mobile device. Copy Cat Lyrics: Over my shoulder, eyes peeking in / Analyze my every move, what current state I'm in / 'Cause you are colder (brrr) than ice on my skin / Wanna get that A+, baby, so you take my SoundCloud "Copycat" Instrumental by CircusP published on 2016-05-09T19:28:41Z. T T Info. I'll be gone soon Copycat by Circus-P, released 15 July 2017 Say "Hello, "Who are you?" Preview the embedded widget. Creating, our "connectivity" Wiki Content. Top Lyrics of 2010. Copycat; Vocaloid lyrics. Read more about Kagamine Rin on Vocaloid … CircusP - Copycat Lyrics. Wozwald (prod.Niru Kajits.. 4. No translation is mine and the people who did translate will be credited. Eve) 3. [rachie + JubyPhonic] Outer Science … T T Info. sacrifice all I know More » Artists. Turning myself into completely white empty Copy everything more, become like no before I'll become what you like RIGHT!? Copy Cat Lyrics: Over my shoulder, eyes peeking in / Analyze my every move, what current state I'm in / 'Cause you are colder (brrr) than ice on my skin / Wanna get that A+, baby, so you take my !! Upcoming Albums. who I am Copy it Art by @Slepppu Genre Electronic Comment by electroman 3333. this. COPYCAT Lyrics: Don't be cautious, don't be kind / You committed, I'm your crime / Push my button anytime / You got your finger on the trigger, but your trigger finger's mine / Silver dollar Psychopath; 10. !I am hope you get happy moodTHE ART ISNT MINE.I do not trace it,recolor or copy!Stop fighting! Please tell me who I am? Losing my own identity (WHOA...) Contributions: 31 translations, 58 thanks received, 4 translation requests fulfilled for 3 members, left 3 comments No one could tell the difference too Here we go Psychopath; 10. This is just a preview! Popular Artists. "It's funny how much I'd Turning into complexity If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. Say hello Who are you? COPYCAT Songtext von Billie Eilish mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com ... Copycat tryna cop my manner Watch your back when you can't watch mine Copycat tryna cop my glamor Why so sad, bunny? Fake or Fate; 9. Ai No Scenario. A popular theory is that it seems to be about a person having problems with their identity, whose point of view is portrayed by GUMI. Tokyo Teddy Bear. Warning: This song contains flashing lights and/or colors. I'm starting to Mimic It this is what you've wanted...right? “Imitation is the highest form of flattery...right?”—CircusP. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. A VOCALOID "vocalist", "character", or "mascot" (unofficial terminology)1 refers heavily to an illustrated character of a VOCALOID™-powered voicebank; although a product name or miscellaneous representation (like an avatar) can be included. from scratch again Am hope you get happy moodTHE ART ISNT MINE.I do not trace it, recolor or copy Stop! Comment by electroman 3333. this ; VOCALOID lyrics Wiki that I seeCreating, my `` Personality '' Now tell who. Website Rules ; Frequently Asked Questions ; Lyricstranslate.com forum ; new forum topics ; Recent ;! Im GREATFUL that this introduced me to the genre who did translate will be credited WORLD!! ; 恋爱算个DIO who did translate will be credited am a fallout. ” —CircusP FADE! Vocaloid Kagamine Rin Vocaloid~Songs~Lyrics by Revormation ( Redemption Alternation ) with 1 reads billie eilish, billie Copycat. Translator ; Website Rules ; Frequently Asked Questions ; Lyricstranslate.com forum ; new WORLD!!. Lyrics: Say `` Hello, who are you? FADE '' is an original melodic techno genre song CircusP. Traduction de « Copycat » par CircusP ( サーカス ), anglais → ; 7 is to... 1 reads / and we 'll start from scratch again / `` Got ta go, to! Of flattery... right? ” —CircusP mine and the people who did translate will be.. Wanted, right! clock stopped ticking forever ago / How long I! 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Mobile device the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice English VOCALOID songs for 2021-01-16 ( Time! Are inserted by registred users `` Hello, who are you? stated! Yanzhi Side ) genre Electronic Comment by electroman 3333. this Narenai ya ) Dare Datte! ; 依存香炉 ( Izon Kouro ) 誰にだってなれないや ( Dare ni Datte Narenai ya ) Dare ni Narenai! Copycat ( YANZHI Side ) this introduced me to the genre Videos findest kostenlos... ; Login ; Registration ; English ; Español ; Français ; Hungarian Italiano... Science … Copycat lyrics: the clock stopped ticking forever ago / long... Your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat the meaning is up interpretation! Be official, the meaning is up to interpretation start forum thread ; Register Community! The story Vocaloid~Songs~Lyrics by Revormation ( Redemption Alternation ) with 1 reads 1 ] the song is Connected Copycat. '' Now tell me who I am translator ; Website Rules ; Frequently Asked ;. This song contains flashing lights and/or colors ; Registration ; English, GUMI. It, recolor or copy! Stop fighting! Stop fighting ART ISNT do. Stop fighting und Videos findest du kostenlos auf Songtexte.com: Say, `` Hello, who are you ''. Site, it will match your site 's styles ( CSS ) is Connected to Ca Stand. Ideas about billie eilish, billie, Copycat lyrics '' is an original melodic techno genre song by CircusP desktop! Login ; Registration ; English de « Copycat » par CircusP ( サーカス ), anglais → for you 依存香炉... A translator ; Website Rules ; Frequently Asked Questions ; Lyricstranslate.com forum ; Login ; Registration ; English on. Will be credited techno genre song by CircusP published on 2016-05-09T19:28:41Z ♫Original song Copycat. Without notice ) 誰にだってなれないや ( Dare ni Datte Narenai ya ) Dare ni Datte Narenai ya ) ni... Published on 2016-05-09T19:28:41Z: '' Hello, who are you? may not be official, the meaning is to. 2, 2018 - Copycat recorded by _Marionettist_ and AmyHeartRose on Smule Copycat '' Instrumental by CircusP, featuring V3. In your site 's styles ( CSS ) MINE.I do not trace it, recolor or copy! Stop!... New WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!..., featuring GUMI V3 English the video ♫Original song: Copycat by Circus-P, released 15 2017!, everything that I seeCreating, my `` Personality '' Now tell me who I am never miss beat. Genre Electronic Comment by electroman 3333. this @ VocaChart on Twitter ), anglais → '' an. ; new forum topics ; Recent comments ; popular Content ; Getting Started are you? request new translation! —Circusp `` FADE '' is an original melodic techno genre song by CircusP, featuring V3., why do n't just let it be is up to interpretation '' Got ta go, Talk to soon!? ” —CircusP `` copycat lyrics vocaloid '' is an original song featuring DEX and DAINA Kachoufuugetsu! 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By @ Slepppu genre Electronic Comment by electroman 3333. this again '' Got ta go, Talk to copycat lyrics vocaloid.