Cryogonal resembles a shiny, blue hexagonal snowflake. If this pokémon was encountered while fishing. Its facial expression is frozen, which leaves Cryogonal with a still, aggressive-looking face. However, with a low spawn rate, the Shiny Cryogonal version is extremely rare. Cryogonal was released on Holiday 2019 on December 24th, 2019. Also, note that for pokémon whose maximum HP is low, the catch probabilities for the Low HP columns might be slightly and the fact that even zacian and zamazenta have a higher catch rate than beldum, rolling in at 10 and that for some reason shaymin’s catch rate is 45 which is higher than cryogonal at 25 Ability 1 Levitate: Rarity Tier 9 Catch rate 25/255 (3.27%) Base stats. ... A level of "Start" indicates a move that will be known by a Cryogonal obtained at level 1. Area Levels Method Rarity; Twist Mountain: 28-31: Walking in tall grass or a cave: 8%: Where to catch Cryogonal in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2. When its body heat rises it will turn into steam and vanish, but will revert to ice when the body temperature lowers. (only available during the bug-catching contest). This page contains the Pokedex Data for Cryogonal, including base stats, type defenses, abilities, evolutions, move list and location in the games. If 30 or more turns have passed in battle. If this pokémon is listed in your Pokédex as having been caught or owned before. as well as the different possible ball modifiers, health levels, and status condition modifiers. and Let's Go, Eevee!, the catch rate of Bulbasaur was raised … 1 Spawn Biomes 2 Drops 3 Stats 4 Type Effectiveness 5 Moves 5.1 By Level 5.2 By TM/HM 5.3 By Move Tutor 6 Breeding Environment 6.1 Ice 6.2 Psychic 25 (3.3%) Breeding. lower in the actual game than the probabilities displayed here. Atk SP. If, at any point, the Pokémon is caught or breaks free, the steps following that point are not performed. If the Dusk Ball is used in a cave or if the battle began between 8:00PM and 3:59AM. Shiny. If your active pokémon's level is more than double but less than four times greater than this pokémon's level. sure that its bonus applies. To determine whether a Pokémon is caught or not, the steps below are performed. 3.26% (This pokemon not Fast) Listed below is a table of the best pokéballs to use for catching Cryogonal. Listed below is a table of the best pokéballs to use for catching Cryogonal. Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Cryogonal; Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Cryogonal; By TM/HM. It is vulnerable to Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel moves. You have a 14.815% chance of capturing it per ball. While Generation VI, which included X & Y, is notoriously easy, there are still a few creatures you might have some trouble with.. RELATED: Pokémon: Ranking The 10 Most Underrated Kalos Pokémon Thus, you have at least a 50% chance of catching it within 5 balls and at least a 95% chance of catching it within 19 balls. Cryogonal (フリージオ) is the 121st Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex.It is an Ice-Type, and it is known as the Crystal Pokémon. It has two glowing eyes and its large mouth contains an extendable chain of ice, which is used for hunting. 1. EV Yield. Page last modified November 2 2020 at 19:47 GMT It does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon. Where to catch Cryogonal in Pokemon Black and White. #615 - Cryogonal #616 #615 Cryogonal: Type(s) Ice: Generation V Abilities. They capture prey with chains of ice, freezing the prey at … Catch Rate 25 (3.3%) Cryogonal can only be caught within Twist Mountain with a 1% chance outside of Winter, when this rises to 5%. Generate a random number, N, depending on the type of ball used. When possible, the conditions required Gender Genderless Egg Group Mineral Details Catch Rate 25 Evo Stage 2 … Catch Combo: Shiny Rate: Shiny Rate With Lure: Shiny Rate with Shiny Charm: Shiny Rate with Shiny Charm with Lure: 0-10: 1 in 4096: 1 in 2048: 1 in 1365.3: 1 in 1024 . Cryogonal is an Ice Pokémon. This is calculated based on Cryogonal's catch rate, as well as the different possible ball … Unlike the Dynamax Adventures Legendary Pokemon and their 100% catch rate, Regice is considered a wandering Legendary and it's possible to knock it out.émon)&oldid=25708, Pokémon that are not part of an evolutionary line, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Thus, you have at least a 50% chance of catching it within 5 balls and at least a 95% chance of catching it within 19 balls. In Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Two cracks run through its face, the upper opening contains its eyes and the lower serves as a mouth. Pokémon Go’s Holiday Event is kicking off, bringing holiday-themed Pokémon with it.The event formally starts on Dec. 24 at 12 a.m. in your local time. They use chains made of ice crystals to capture prey. Def Spd; 0: 0: 0: 0: 2: 0: Alternate versions. for a particular pokéball modifier are taken into account, but be sure to read the notes below each pokéball to make 11.43% (Only if pokemon in dark place!) Brawl fc: 0946-1910-2716 Pokemon White fc: 2279-5994-2574 Official Un-Named NPC #93 of the Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy Boards. If this pokémon was encountered while fishing or Surfing in water. Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be. 2. Cryogonal is an Ice-type Pokémon from the Unova region. Winter in the game doesn't come for another few days; so you'll have to wait until then to catch it. Every generation of the Pokémon games comes with a handful of 'mons that are near impossible to find or catch, either from their rarity or their low catch rate. 11.43% (Only if pokemon in water!) Cryogonal is Genderless: Classification: Height: Weight: Capture Rate: Base Egg Steps: Crystallizing Pokémon: 3'07" 1.1m: 326.3lbs 148.0kg: 25: 6,400 When possible, the conditions required for a particular pokéball modifier are taken into account, but be sure to read the notes … Cryogonal's encounter rate goes up from 1% to 5% in Winter, but he's still available in the other three seasons. Cryogonal's strongest moveset is Frost Breath & Solar Beam and it has a Max CP of 2,798. 180: Growth Rate: Medium Fast 2. If a Master Ball is used, the Pokémon is caught. The capture method in Generation I differs significantly from those of later generations. When Astrian psychics first ventured into the mountains, the Cryogonal living there guided them. 1.2 Ice Shard gives both fair damage and solid energy gain, and is thus the fast move of choice.. Night Slash (50 Power/35 Energy) gives Cryogonal an interesting niche, and some solid rapid fire Dark-type damage.All of Cryogonal's secondary charged moves are pretty mediocre, so you can take your pick. This is calculated based on Cryogonal's catch rate, If your active pokémon's level is higher than but less than double this pokémon's level. Page last modified December 24 2020 at 22:45 GMT #615 Type Ability Hidden Abilities Mega Ability Gender ratio Catch rate Breeding Hatch time Height Weight Base experience yield Leveling rate EV yield Body style Footprint Pokédex color Base friendship Cryogonal is a Ice-type Pokemon. For a Great Ball: 0 to 200. This Ability protects it from taking damage from Ground-Type attacks, avoiding the entry hazards Spikes and Toxic Spikes and allowing it to switch out against an opponent that has the Arena Trap Ability. Evolution. ... Catch Rate Happiness EV Yields; 170: 1,000,000: 25: 70: Special Defense: 2 points: Damage Taken. You can't get Cryogenal until winter at Twist Mountain, the same as Cubchoo. For a Poké Ball: 0 to 255. Therefore, if you want to get a Pokemon with more eye-catching colors than this regular version, then apply how to catch Shiny Cryogonal in Pokemon GO that shares in the article. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon. 1. Catch rate: 25 (3.3% with PokéBall, full HP) Base Friendship: 70 (normal) Base Exp. #615 Type Ability Hidden Ability Mega Ability Gender ratio Catch rate Breeding Hatch time Height Weight Base experience yield Leveling rate EV yield Body style Pokédex color Base friendship Cryogonal (Japanese: フリージオ Freegeo) is an Ice Pokémon. Before you attempt to hunt Regice, you must catch a Cryogonal! Cryogonal uses the Levitate Ability.