Now, follow Vader straight from the ending of A NEW HOPE (and the pages of the new STAR WARS comic book) into his own series, showing the Empire's war with the Rebel Alliance from the other side! ... "Vader kills him for his failure," the writer said. Star Wars creator George Lucas has collectively referred to the first six episodic films of the franchise as "the tragedy of Darth Vader".. Have you read Star Wars: Darth Vader [2015 - 2016]? Gundark - Crushed to death by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi with several boulders thrown with the force/poisoned with toxic cave gas. Darth Sidious, born as Sheev Palpatine and also known as the Emperor, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars franchise. Revan waged war on both the Sith and the Jedi while he was a Sith and assumingly killed countless people. Two Magna Guards - Sliced in half by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Octuptarra Droid - Destroyed by Anakin Skywalker with its own blaster shot reflected back to it. The original Dark Lord of the Sith stars in his first ongoing series! However, instead of waiting for the seekers to arrive, Gora abandoned the infant outside his palace on the edges of the fore… He's responsible for destroying the Jedi Order, orchestrating the Clone Wars and turning Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side. Two Super Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Two B2 Rocket Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. 139,000 Battle Droids - Blown up by Anakin Skywalker when he destroyed the Trade Federation Outpost. IG-101 - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader on December 3rd 2019, 3:08 pm no, 80% is pretty quantifiable. Three Super Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Retellings and media that does not further Anakin's story will not be counted. Darth Vader Kill Count. Vader, in his shorter time as a Sith Lord presumably also killed innumerably. Two Security Battle Droids - Blown up by Anakin Skywalker piloting his starfighter. Using the Star Wars Wiki for appearances. 13 Security Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Super Battle Droid - Force thrown against a lever by Anakin Skywalker and electrocuted. Darth Vader Vader Form V Djem-so>Dooku's Form II Makashi. Total - 139,211 (For Now) Canon - 139,211 (So Far) Legends - TBA 16 Battle Droids - Blown up by Anakin Skywalker flying his starfighter. Mr Sunday Movies a imaginé comptabiliser les victi Super Battle Droid - Sliced in half by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. 900 Battle Droids - Crashed into a moon and exploded after Anakin Skywalker sabotaged The Malevolence's hyper drive. Super Battle Droid - Force pushed by Anakin Skywalker against a control panel. Man, it is not even close! More Related Posts. 11 Unknown Droids - Destroyed by Anakin Skywalker in various ways off-camera, bodies shown. While Anakin's life was defined by a series of tragedies, he also had some wonderful moments thanks to the relationships he made before becoming Darth Vader. This page is a chronological list of all his confirmed kills in Canon in all forms of official media. Four Retail Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Using the Star Wars Wiki for appearances. Luke Skywalker's kill count nears 370,000 in Star Wars supercut. Four Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. if sheev is a 100, vader is an 80. if sheev is a 1000, vader is a 800. anything vader can do, sheev can do 1.25 times better. and from lucas' own mouth, thats where vader stands. Security Battle Droid - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Two Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Corpse-Leech - Decapitated by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Battle Droid - Destroyed by Anakin Skywalker with its own blaster shot reflected back to it. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. A supercut video of a famous Jedi's kill count really racks up the numbers. Nexu - Impaled with a Reek's horn controlled by Anakin Skywalker. As for which individual killed the most Jedi, I would go with Vader. The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader (38 BBY - 4 ABY) TBA; Totally 20: The Phantom Menace. Two Security Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Darth Vader with a lightsaber. Octuptarra Droid - Fell to its destruction after Anakin Skywalker cut off one of its legs. Three Vulture Droids - Shot down by Anakin Skywalker while flying his starfighter. Five Battle Droids - Crushed by a B2 Battle Droid force pushed away by Anakin Skywalker. Darth Nihilus - Nearly 100. Battle Droid - Forced pushed away by Anakin Skywalker. Dooku was born on the planet Serenno to the planet's ruler, Count Gora, and his wife, Countess Anya. Anakin Skywalker, also known as Darth Vader, is a major character in Star Wars Canon. TI-99 - Blown up with heat detecting missiles redirected to Admiral Trench's ship by Anakin Skywalker. B2 Rocket Droid - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. 8 Buzz Droids - Shot/Destroyed by Anakin Skywalker flying his starfighter. With such a menacing and powerful enemy, it’s no wonder that so many opponents met defeat. ), Total - 1 (Will be added later to the overall total and kill count once all other media before ROTJ is counted.). Battle Droid - Forced pushed by Anakin Skywalker off of a cliff. Shared kill. Magna Guard - Decapitated by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. 11 Corpse Leeches - Killed off-panel by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber, bodies shown. The films chronicle Anakin's journey to becoming a Jedi, only to be corrupted by Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) and eventually transforming into Darth Vader. Three Battle Droids - Destroyed by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber off-camera. Security Battle Droid - Melted/blown away by Anakin Skywalker with his starfighter's engine. Grievous, born as Qymaen jai Sheelal, was the cyborg Supreme Commander of the Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems for most of the Clone Wars. The great, tragic irony of Anakin's fall; the woman he was trying to save died as a result of his own actions. Mr Sunday Movies imagined to count the victims of Darth Vader in the six fi IG-86 Droid - Force pulled by Anakin Skywalker off of a high shelf. Daultay Dofine - Blown up when Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Trade Federation Outpost. Writer Kieron Gillen (Uncanny X-Men, Journey Into Mystery, Iron Man) and artist Salvador Larroca (Invincible Iron Man, X-Men: No More Humans) bring us a peek behind the mask of evil! Rapidly, the child's Force-sensitivity manifested, scaring his father who hated and feared those he dismissed as \"freaks.\" Gora contacted the Jedi Order on Coruscant and told them to come and claim his son. Retail Droid - Destroyed by Anakin Skywalker with its own blaster shot reflected back to it. 'Rogue One': Darth Vader Body Count Was Even Higher in Early Script. 425 Battle Droids - Blown up when Anakin Skywalker rammed his ship, Defender, into the droid control ship. Arguably, the most powerful of the Sith Triumvirate, Darth Nihilus put to … Three Security Battle Droids - Blown up by Anakin Skywalker when he destroyed the Trade Federation Outpost. (41BBY - 4ABY) (45 Years Old) This page is a chronological list of all his confirmed kills in Canon in all forms of official media. Darth Vader is extremely powerful and skilled. Droideka - Sliced into bits by Anakin Skywalker and Ashoka Tano with lightsabers. Three Dwarf Spider Droids - Blown up by Anakin Skywalker while riding an STAP. 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The character is a primary antagonist in the original trilogy and a primary protagonist in the prequel trilogy. And you thought Darth Vader was destructive. Three Droidekas - Blown up by Anakin Skywalker piloting his starfighter. Darth Vader is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. Octuptarra Droid - Accidentally blown up by another Octuptarra Droid while shooting at Anakin Skywalker. Ever since Darth Vader made his first on-screen appearance, he became the one of the most popular villains to ever haunt an audience's dreams! After Darth Vader saves Luke Skywalker's life from Emperor Palpatine's force lightning by lifting him into the air, while still being electrocuted and then throwing him into an endless abyss, his life support system is highly damaged. Two Kouhuns - Sliced in half by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. -Darth Vader from Episode 6.-Count Dooku from Episode 3.-Fight takes place where Vader dueled Obi-Wan in Episode 4. Two Super Battle Droids - Sliced in half by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Darth Vader attacks Palpatine The third, emotional, reason is rather a shock, but the various novels hint that Sidious felt some some of paternal affection for Anakin. Six B2 Battle Droids - Crushed by a B2 Battle Droid force pushed away by Anakin Skywalker. Three Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Vulture Droid - Shot down by Anakin Skywalker while flying his starfighter. Six Super Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Sidious then killed Windu, and Skywalker became the Sith Lord Darth Vader and led the Siege of the Jedi Temple, killing everyone inside it. AAT Driver Battle Droid - Sliced in half by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Two Battle Droids - Destroyed by Anakin Skywalker inside their AAT. List of Deaths Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 2, Darth Vader: Dark Lord of The Sith Volume One, Darth Vader vs. the Rebel Fleet - Fearsome Fighter Pilot, Star Wars Adventures: Tales From Vader's Castle, Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's castle, Princess Leia vs. Darth Vader - A Fearless Leader. Grievous was originally a Kaleesh from the planet Kalee, where he lived his early life. TC-14 - Blown up when Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Trade Federation Outpost. Alerted… yoda was considered extremely powerful by star killer, but then we learn that vader> him by ANH, so there's that Battle Droid - Sliced in half by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. They were approximately 10,000 Jedi at the time of the purge. 10 Security Battle Droids - Ran over by Anakin Skywalker with his starfighter. Dwarf Spider Droid - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber off-camera, body shown. En vue de la sortie du septième opus de la saga, les sujets autour de Star Wars ne cessent de voir le jour. Security Battle Droid - Ran over by Anakin Skywalker piloting his starfighter. There's a wide range of Darth … Vader is physically stronger than Dooku,by his enchanced cybernetics. Command Battle Droid - Sliced in half by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Anakin Skywalker, also known as Darth Vader, is a major character in Star Wars Canon. Vader is more durable by his suit who can winstand blaster shoots&Lightsaber blows and many more. Two Vulture Droids - Shot down by Anakin Skywalker while flying his starfighter. Yep, Darth Vader was certainly a badass, more machine than man, twisted and evil. Ten Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Before the seventh movie, subjects around Star Wars don’t stop to be featured. 12 Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. thats about it. During the Kaleesh conflict against the Huk, Qymaen jai Sheelal quickly learned the art of war, specializing in a slugthrower rifle. Two Security Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. A short while later, after redeeming himself, Anakin's life support fails. He is the one responsible for the near-extinction of the Jedi, the cause of the Clone Warsand the creation of the Galactic Empire. But I can reveal that during the original trilogy, Vader got most of his kills from A New Hope, surprisingly performing few kills in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Super Battle Droid - Destroyed by Anakin Skywalker with its own blaster shot reflected back to it. Magna Guard - Blown up in his starfighter by Anakin Skywalker and sent hurtling through space. Three Vulture Droids - Legs sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber while in space, likely floating off afterwards. Thousands of clone troopers shot on their unsuspecting Jedi commanders, and the 501st Legion helped Darth Vader kill the Jedi at the the temple. Two B2 Rocket Droids - Shot down by Anakin Skywalker using another B2 Rocket Trooper's blaster against them. While Vader carried out the assault on the Temple, Sidious initiated Order 66 , and clone troopers across the galaxy killed their Jedi commanders. Battle Droid - Stabbed in the chest by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (41BBY - 4ABY) (45 Years Old). However, it’s important to differentiate Darth Vader’s fighting style as a Sith from Anakin’s fighting style as a Jedi. Kill Count: 11 Vader (Darth Vader #1-6) Not surprisingly, most of the good killin' happens in Darth Vader proper, starting with a visit to Jabba's Palace. Nine B2 Rocket Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. The identity of Anakin Skywalker's father (or lack thereof) has been a point of contention ever since it was first brought up back in The Phantom Menace. Navegación de entradas ← Star Wars Rebels Grand Admiral Thrawn all scenes. 16 Battle Droids - Blown up by Anakin Skywalker with heat detecting missiles redirected to his ship. Security Battle Droid - Destroyed by Darth Vader with its own blaster shot reflected back to it. He is the immensely powerful Dark Lord of the Sith order and later the ruler of the Galactic Empire. Magna Guard - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. I would say Clone Troopers. Darth Sidious, also known as The Emperor, but whose real name is Sheev Palpatine, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars media franchise. 18 Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber. Octuptarra Droid - Destroyed by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi with lightsabers. Vader is still more powerful than Dooku. Darth Vader’s Kill Count Including Movies, Comics & Novels . Battle Droid - Destroyed with its own blaster shot reflected back to it by Anakin Skywalker. In the remaining two original trilogy films, Vader only killed two Imperial officers and the Emperor. Total - 87 (Will be added later to the overall total and kill count once all other media before ROTS is counted. Retellings and media that does not further Anakin's story will not be counted. He also appears in the Star Wars Legends continuity, which is no longer official canon as of the 2014 reboot. TBA; Duel of the Fates (34 BBY) TBA; Kill Count. Security Battle Droid - Sliced apart by Darth Vader with a lightsaber. Re: Yoda vs. Count Dooku & Darth Vader on Wed Dec 04, 2019 6:21 am he doenst believe that anakin ~ them in the first place, so i doubt, i but i dont find it hard to believe that vader at his best ~ those two. Quick, who killed more people — on-screen — in Star Wars' original trilogy: Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader? Tey How - Blown up when Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Trade Federation Outpost. This is the kind of information you can glean by checking out the new compilation video called "Darth Vader Kill Count" from YouTube channel Mr. Sunday Movies. Four Command Battle Droids - Sliced apart by Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber, bodies shown. 4 Vulture Droids - Shot down by Anakin Skywalker while flying his starfighter. Nanny Droid - Kicked by Anakin Skywalker into lava and melted. Battle Droid - Kicked off of its STAP by Anakin Skywalker while flying in the air. 1,489 Vulture Droids - Blown up when Anakin Skywalker rammed his ship, Defender, into the droid control ship. 14 Buzz Droids - Blown up by Anakin Skywalker flying his starfighter. And the Emperor individual killed the most Jedi, I would go with Vader take your fandoms! 2016 ] stars in his shorter time as a Sith and the Emperor Sheelal quickly learned the of! 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Two super Battle Droid Force pushed away by Anakin Skywalker and Ashoka Tano with lightsabers in his shorter time a!