We then find him in a room, lying on a bed. It was past dark, and she was dozing on the couch. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Feb. 21, 2008 (New Orleans) -- Older people who nod off throughout the day have more than four times the risk of stroke as those who don't doze, a new study suggests.. Daytime dozing … doze: Well, I'm just dozing off, I hope your weather's better than ours! 1. He slept in uneasy snatches, and when he did, He'd stay here in the study and smoke and maybe, The last sound that readies our ears ere we. How To Use Dozing In A Sentence? They dozed off during presentations on the demographics of beer drinkers. dozeaig Brown was sat on an old tree stump dozing in the late morning sun, his fishing rod in hand. It's difficult to see dozing off in a sentence . 5. dozeffi and Anthea were dozing right in front of the viewing deck, occasionally rolling around to get more comfy. ‘Just as I was dozing off, scrambled eggs nestling comfortably in my tummy and my brain relaxing into a deep and beautiful slumber, my sister called.’ ‘Mr Barrett was dozing off but was startled awake by the loud bang.’ ‘I was dozing off when a young couple came clattering up … Look it up now! Phrasal Verb: doze off To fall into a light sleep. dozeis migrant spent most of the afternoon dozing away in the warm Spring sunshine. We were told she has weeks maybe months to live. Doze off definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. doze: Well, I'm just dozing off, I hope your weather's better than ours! He starts dozing off. After dozing off at the tail end of a long night of gaming, Rad awakens to find his dusty old console has turned itself back on. For a while she dozed fitfully. After dozing off at the tail end of a long night of gaming, Rad awakens to find his dusty old console has turned itself back on. She was dozing by the time he finished and nudged her awake. Don't let this worry you unduly: medieval troubadours apparently regarded dozing off during their performances as the greatest possible compliment. She has been on hospice for 6 days. One percent said they have had an accident after dozing off while driving. He was just dozingoff when he thought he heard a cry. 4. While counting, I resist the temptation to fall asleep, but eventually, I doze off. Dusty didn't remember dozing off but snapped awake. When I drift away in dozing, will You softly light the candles. She dozed off in front of the fire. How to use doze off in a sentence. Examples of doze off in a sentence: 1. We then find him in a room, lying on a bed. All her other vital stats are normal. Last night, my mother was talking animatedly to us, when she suddenly dozed off for a few seconds. Sentence Examples. I must have dozed off. My mother is in her 50s, and is generally in okay health except for hypothyroidism, for which she is taking medication. jocular tone of the book relaxed him to the point where he caught himself dozing off. doze: Well, I'm just dozing off, I hope your weather's better than ours! Share Hi, my mother is dying of lung cancer. to sleep lightly; to fall into a light sleep —usually used with off; to be in a dull or stupefied condition… See the full definition Après s'être assoupi à la fin d'une longue nuit de jeu, Rad se réveille pour trouver sa vieille console toute poussiéreuse. Jule sensed the intruder shortly after dozing off. Unfollow. All the day she spent in dozing, praying, and speaking peace and comfort to her afflicted husband and children.. The rabbit could jump up onto the bed and would doze off there. Find more similar words at … Tad was beginning to doze off when Stacy nudged him in the ribs. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. All Rights Reserved. doze off. Sentence with the word Dozing. He was still dozing when he was aroused by the neighing and pawing of his horse. Synonyms for dozing off include drifting off, dropping off, falling asleep, nodding off, crashing out, flaking out, going off, going to sleep, nodding and sacking out. (doʊz ) Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense dozes , present participle dozing , past tense, past participle dozed. Just before dozing off on an air mattress beneath a nylon tent amid the stench of decaying refuse they may reflect vaguely on the curious unevenness of their blessings. I dozed off during the film. On retrouve le sauvage dans une chambre, étendu sur un lit. The owner of it will not be notified. use "dozed off" in a sentence He dozed off. He was close to dozingoff when the house door alarm began. See a translation Report copyright infringement; Answers When you "disagree" with an answer. I closed my eyes for a minute and must have dozed off. dozeending a lot of time dozing in the chair, suppose this is the body's way of healing itself. dozing definition: 1. present participle of doze 2. to have a short sleep, especially during the day: . phrasal verb. Home "Dozing" example sentences; Dozing [dōz] VERB. ; He could do wild-eyed megalomania in his sleep, and if he does it one more time, we'll all be dozing. Before dozing off, Johnson pressed the button that brought the steward. 21 Apr 2015. The dozing list of example sentences with dozing. v. tr. After their meal, in the close, stagnant air of the trench they began to feel drowsy, and presently they settled themselves in the most comfortable positions possible, and dozed off to sleep. Some even doze off at business meetings or at the computer. To sleep lightly and intermittently. synonyms. Even if you limit your screen time late at night, drink a cup of soothing tea, and try to lull yourself to sleep with the help of a good book, you can still have a hard time dozing off. to fall asleep unintentionally | A short unintentional nap, an instance of dozing off. Not by reaching for the remote, but by dozing off. "He is dozing," said Anna Mikhaylovna, observing that one of the princesses was coming to take her turn at watching. dozing / examples. It looks like I must have dozed off. This adjutant was also there and sat dozing on the rolled-up bedding, evidently exhausted by work or by feasting. The fish would doze while fishermen grew red, PETA said. 1 Within moments, she was dozing , accompanied to sleep by dreams of men attacking her in an arena filled with blood. ; The horse appeared to be dozing. Synonyms catnap, nap, drowse, rest, snooze, kip, zizz, slumber, Feedback, Legal, "Dozing" Example Sentences. On retrouve le sauvage dans une chambre, étendu sur un lit. Simply rate each situation from 0 to 3, 0 for never dozing and 3 for high chance of dozing. es . 2. Do n't let this worry you unduly: medieval troubadours apparently regarded dozing off during their performances as the greatest possible compliment. ; After Kennedy appears to be dozing, Jeffers steals the derringer he had loaned the ex-policeman and shoots him. Definition of 'doze'. n. A short, light... Dozing off - definition of dozing off by The Free Dictionary. The other prisoners often screamed in their sleep, so he was rarely able to doze off, and dark shadows lay beneath his empty eyes. Please show me example sentences with dozing off. I closed my eyes for a minute and must have dozed off. OK. Read more comments Deleted user. Amazon carries the Beach Hugger, a compact blanket built for two with two built-in foam pillows for comfortable dozing. He dozed off in history class. My mom is on hospice care and was dozing off mid-sentence all day yesterday. He starts dozing off. Follow. 6. I dozed off in the train and slept right past my station. He sat in the caleche, dozing and waking up by turns, and listening for any sound of firing on the right as an indication that the action had begun. To spend dozing or as if dozing: dozed the summer away. To sleep lightly and intermittently. Doze off in a sentence 1. He closed his eyes and seemed to be dozing. He found Mr. Perier dozing, roused him, and warned him against dropping off to sleep. Dozing mid-sentence December 13, 2012 8:43 PM Subscribe. Within moments, she was dozing, accompanied to sleep by dreams of men attacking her in an arena filled with blood. Is this part of the dying process or just a result of the morphine? Dozing after his insatiable passion, she roused herself when one of Gabriel's hands moved down her body. Tell me as many daily expressions as possible. 7. An old man was dozingin a great hooded chair in the hall. dozing in a sentence - 15 Lists. Football Days William H. Edwards. Beacham had been dozing, but awoke in time to catch a glimpse of the signboard as the train flashed by. . The colonel raised himself from the lounge where he had been dozing and came forward. Après s'être assoupi à la fin d'une longue nuit de jeu, Rad se réveille pour trouver sa vieille console toute poussiéreuse. Awhile later, the sound of furniture crashing against the tile floor startled her, and she sat up from where she'd been dozing in front of the TV. Should we be worried? The Open Boat and Other Stories Stephen Crane. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. [VERB PARTICLE] See full dictionary entry for doze. Milford was aroused from his dozing by some one walking up and down the veranda. Dozing example sentences. es v. intr. doze off sentence in English: Translation Mobile. Translations of the word DOZING from english to finnish and examples of the use of "DOZING" in a sentence with their translations: Should still be dozing somewhere in this sector. Translations of the word DOZING from english to french and examples of the use of "DOZING" in a sentence with their translations: More like dozing kind of. The film was so boring that I dozed off in the middle of it. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. n. A short, light sleep. Learn more. He appeared to be dozing off as the prosecutors requested he be hanged. If I doze off for a moment I wake up, thinking I hear their yells. 1. … And, as many people do, he was dozing off during the sermon. 2 1 All people need rest, even if they are made of wood, and as there is no night here they select a … 2. Natasha asked quickly in a whisper, afraid to move lest she should rouse the dozing baby. 3. When you doze, you sleep lightly or for a short period, especially during the daytime . Noun • आँख लगना: Verb • सोना • झपकी लेना • आँख लगना • ऊंघना: doze: झपकी नींद ऊंघ ऊँघ: off: से अलग छूट छुट्टी: Examples. It's difficult to see dozing in a sentence . So he spread the food to dry in the sun and dozed off. antonyms. dozeterward I fell asleep once more, dozing lightly. She lay dozing on the town store's concrete floor. He dozed off during the film. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. To spend (time) dozing or as if dozing: dozed the summer away. It generally occurs that persons who, from pain or nervous excitement, have not slept for nights, Doze Off in a sentence | Short example sentence for doze off[Class 1-5], Venomous in a sentence | Short example sentence for venomous[Class 1-5], Adequately in a sentence | Short example sentence for adequately[Class 1-5], Diligent in a sentence | Short example sentence for diligent[Class 1-5], Cluster in a sentence | Short example sentence for cluster[Class 1-5], More Beautiful in a sentence | Short example sentence for more beautiful[Class 1-5], Prosperity in a sentence | Short example sentence for prosperity[Class 1-5], Those Who in a sentence | Short example sentence for those who[Class 1-5], Haunting in a sentence | Short example sentence for haunting[Class 1-5], Fable in a sentence | Short example sentence for fable[Class 1-5]. If you doze off, you fall into a light sleep, especially during the daytime . definitions. Allcock was dozingin the upholstered leather chair. verb. Sleep paralysis, a frightening inability to move shortly after awakening or dozing off. Log in . How to use doze in a sentence. Doze off definition is - to fall asleep especially for a short period of time. Unduly: medieval troubadours apparently regarded dozing off, you sleep lightly or for a short,. Off - definition of dozing off but snapped awake presentations on the rolled-up bedding, exhausted. Was dozing off by the time he finished and nudged her awake this worry you unduly: troubadours! Beach Hugger, a frightening inability to move lest she should rouse the dozing baby time dozing... Participle dozed their yells is dozing, praying, and is generally in okay health for... Right in front of the viewing deck, occasionally rolling around to get more comfy a. Presentations on the town store 's concrete floor nudged her awake animatedly to us, when suddenly. Chambre, étendu sur un lit when he was dozing by some one walking and... 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