In the aftermath of the Sith Empire's fall, the Citadel and Kaas City itself was abandoned and left to rot under the decay of time. Cargo Port A3, Cargo Port B7, The Imperial Citadel, and the Nexus Room Cantina can be found in this area. Yezzil the Raging Storm - Dromund Kaas/Coruscant. [2], Concept art of Dromund Kaas jungle for Star Wars: The Old Republic. It's best to find this datacron while doing the [Heroic 2+] Shadow Spawn quest. [28], These events, however, took place outside of the public eye, and was unknown to the Jedi Order. Support the Creators, Don't Block Ads! Being a world of almost entirely sea and swamp, Dromund Kaas possessed very few notable locations with many falling into obscurity or destroyed by the time of the Galactic Civil War. To gain reputation, you must do special quests or certain heroics for various factions across the galaxy. You should have received this one while doing Shroud of Ruin Macrobinocular quest. Dromund system[4] [4] The surrounding swamp would reclaim much of the Temple between then and 10 ABY, when the ruins were visited by Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn, the latter of whom briefly fell under the Temple's dark sway.[9]. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. At the top of the hill is a cave in the mountains. [4], Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, Jaina Solo, and Vestara Khai traveled to the planet in 44 ABY in order to find the Dark Side Entity Abeloth. The remnants of the Sith Empire arrive on Dromund Kaas. This led to the brutal genocide of millions of Sith and Imperial citizens across the old Empire. Watch live at (Sun to Tue, ~10/11pm EST)Empire only. The breathable atmosphere became more stable, though it remained a wet and humid world with a varying climate. To … Dromund Kaas Apr 12, 2011 0:03:01 GMT -5 . Dromund Kaas appears in the game Star Wars: The Old Republic and its expansions as the capital of the Sith Empire and is a major hub for Empire-aligned players; its Republic counterpart is Coruscant, and is the first planet shared among all four Imperial classes. The area to search just seems so much larger than the others. Vaiken himself slew a terentatek on the future site of the Imperial Citadel,[15] the building that would house the headquarters of the Sith Order and the Empire's Ministries of War, Intelligence, and Logistics. 0. The datacron is located around -187,1738 and you will see the datacron up on a ledge above a waterfall. Create a character Create an event Create a planet Create a ship Posting fan fiction Image uploading Fanon. The bombardment of Dromund Kaas eventually ended when the Alliance Commander took control of the Eternal Throne during the Battle of Zakuul. The reconstituted Empire eventually dissolved before 2000 BBY, and Dromund Kaas' jungles gave way to murky swamps over the centuries as the planet's location once again fell into obscurity. Under the guidance of the newly-created Dark Council,[15] a group of twelve Dark Lords of the Sith who each assumed leadership over an aspect of the Empire,[16] the new Empire gradually tamed their new homeworld and built their strength. The one major exception, however, was the Dark Force Temple. There is a discrepancy regarding exactly where Dromund Kaas is located. Posted by. Keep walking across the beam to the containers the datacron is on, and jump on them when you get to the end. Academic disciplines Business Concepts Crime Culture Economy Education Energy Events Food and drink Geography Government Health Human behavior Humanities Knowledge Law Life Mind Objects Organizations People Philosophy Society Sports Universe World Arts Lists Glossaries. Primary language(s) Dromund Kaas This apartment features a very gloomy dark blue tint, constant animated rain on the windows, and a view of Kaas City. 1: Dromund[4] Government 2[4] Maps, videos, screenshots, and step-by-step instructions with coordinates included. [deMale] => Du hast alle Kartenbereiche auf Dromund Kaas aufgedeckt. Codex Entry: Galactic History 22: The Second Great Schism. Dromund Kaas was the third planet in the Dromund system, a colony then the capital of the Old Sith Empire and later the lasting base of the Prophets of the Dark Side, whose Dark Force Temple … This area has a bind point, mailboxes, cargo hold access, class and crafting trainers, and taxi service. STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > General Discussion HK-51 part on Dromund Kaas Broken????? [17], Dromund Kaas was, for the most part, an abandoned world, once the heart of the reborn Sith Empire it was now lacking almost anything in the way of sentient life. Kaas City is the capital of Dromund Kaas and your new home in Star Wars TOR. Combat. 50% Upvoted. As HK-51 specifies, he is designed for combat. Since then, the sleek metropolis of Kaas City has grown into a symbol of Imperial power, towering over the surrounding jungle and looming dark against the stormy skies. An agent of the Empire infiltrated the cult and exposed its leader Tari Darkspanner. This datacron is found in an [Heroic Area] of Dromund Kaas at The Malignant Bog south of 'The Wall' transport shuttle. First, go to the south elevator of the Dromund Kaas Spaceport on the map and go to Docking Bay D-61. The rediscovery of Dromund Kaas began in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War, when the Sith Lord Vitiate ordered his researchers and historians to locate a safe haven for the people of the shattered Empire. HK Part - Dromund Kaas. [24], Near the end of the war, Empress of Zakuul Vaylin was killed during the Assault on Odessen,[26] But leaderless, the Eternal Fleet reverted to its primal programming. [30] However, this idea never made it into the final game, and was later discarded completely in The Dark Forces Saga. 3[4] 1. The Dark Forces Saga claims that it is the third planet of the Dromund system, while Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force mentions it being in the Thurra system. Efforts to reestablish the Empire's military might took mor… [4] Massive, dark-wooded trees grew in the swampy water, forming canyon-like groupings of foliage that were covered in vines and infested with the lizard-like ysalamiri creatures. You should have received this one while doing Shroud of Ruin Macrobinocular quest. It is unique among all of the original faction-exclusive planets—the four starting worlds and two capitals—in that it can be "visited" by players of the opposite faction; the Jedi Knight class's Act III finale, "Doomsday," sees players infiltrate Kaas City and the Dark Temple, though the mission occurs in a closed instance rather than the open instance used by Imperial players. [1], By the time of the Great Hyperspace War with the Galactic Republic, Dromund Kaas was largely covered by jungles[5] and oceans. Dromund Kaas is the capital of the Sith Empire, founded a millennium ago in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War. Report post; Posted March 3, 2014. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, later in the book, Jedi vs. Sith correctly states that the planet is in the Dromund system. Breathable[4] Preeda the Butcher - Dromund Kaas/Coruscant. Within the ancient structure Jade fought stranger, more powerful foes than even the swamps had offered; strange, animated statues and the resurrected corpses of long-dead Sith rose to meet her, along with the dark side apparition known as Dark Mara. Dromund Kaas was the third planet in the Dromund system, a star system in the Sith Worlds region of the Outer Rim Territories's Esstran sector. Major imports [2] Having rejected the Rule of Two, a doctrine that insisted there only be two Sith at any given time, Millennial sought to begin a new dark side religion on the planet, beginning what would later be known as the Dark Force. Part spy organization, part secret police, Imperial Intelligence handles all of the Empire's covert operations--guarding the Empire's s… Revan was redeemed by the Jedi and slew Malak in the ensuing Jedi Civil War. Location Dromund Kaas; Games played: 0,5,7; Clan or guild: Blue Mafia; In-game name: trunkskgb My Clubs. System When the survivo… It's best to find this datacron while doing the [Heroic 2+] Shadow Spawn quest. Since then, the sleek metropolis of Kaas City has grown into a symbol of Imperial power, towering over the surrounding jungle and looming dark against the stormy skies. Dromund Kaas remained safe from Republic reprisal when the Empire launched the Great Galactic War in 3681 BBY, though a Republic invasion fleet assaulted the Imperial capital in 3641 BBY during the Galactic War with the Empire while a Jedi Knight fought and defeated the Emperor in personal combat. Fictional locations by series Star Wars locations Star Wars location redirects Dromund Kaas. There are a total of 5 datacrons to collect on Dromund Kaas which are 2x Mastery +2, Endurance +2, Presence +2 and a Yellow Matrix Shard. After a long, winding chase through the Temple's catacombs, Jade finally confronted Katarn. Sorzus Syn visited the planet while it was controlled by the Sith Empire. Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. Codex Entry: Galactic History 21: The Birth of the Mandalorians. [27], After the disappearance of the Sith Empire prior to 2000 BBY, it was effectively abandoned until it became a refuge for the rogue Sith Lord Darth Millennial sometime after 990 BBY. Tormentor Urdig - Tatooine. Dromund Kaas was the third planet in the Dromund system, a colony then the capital of the Old Sith Empire and later the lasting base of the Prophets of the Dark Side, whose Dark Force Temple … The datacron will be there in plain view. The Prophets of the Dark Side who followed Millennial's religion ruled Dromund Kaas for almost a thousand years before they incurred the wrath of Darth Sidious, causing the Prophets to abandon the planet for Bosthirda. Give Gift; Back to Top; Post by DarthFett on Apr 12, 2011 0:03:01 GMT -5. In Lord Grathan's Estate there is a small pond just north of the westernmost building. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith, The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire Act 1: Shades of the Sith, The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire Act 3: Burn the Future, Timeline 2: The Mandalorian Blockade is Broken, Cult Encounters of the Star Wars Universe, The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide, Barely Tolerable: Alien Henchmen of the Empire, Part 2, Slugthrowers: An Overview of Popular Music and Musicians in a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Part 1, The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire, Part 3, Kyle and Mara: Making Mysteries of the Sith,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Aar (Star Wars) … Primary terrain Justice Orzmod - Alderaan, Dromund Kaas … Codex Entry: Galactic History 19: The Pius Dea Crusades. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Respawn Timer Most world bosses have two hour respawn timer except Dreadtooth which has a respawn timer of 30 minutes. Guide: Assertion: Repairs Required, 4th Component - HK Motivator (Arm). At the end of the Revolt against the Eternal Empire, Dromund Kaas was bombarded by the Eternal Fleet. There was also a cult known as the Order of Revan, which worshiped Revan. Swamp[4]Jungle[6]Oceans[4] 4. Need help with the locations of every single named entity on Dromund Kaas? However, after their indoctrination by Sidious, groups of Prophets were moved off-world: Supreme Prophet Kadann and the Dark Jedi Sariss, the daughter of Lord Cronal, among them. Continue through the cave and then follow the path onwards. Reply. Yavin 4 Stronghold Preview; Dromund Kaas Stronghold; Coruscant Stronghold; Nar Shaddaa Stronghold; Tatooine Stronghold; Republic Guild Flagship; Imperial Guild Flagship ; Types of Decoration. Jaadel the Vindicator - Hoth. [9], Being a world of almost entirely sea and swamp, Dromund Kaas possessed very few notable locations with many falling into obscurity or destroyed by the time of the Galactic Civil War. Games Movies TV Video. Despite its relative obscurity, the planet became embroiled in the galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars, but the powerful influence of the dark side of the Force on Dromund Kaas continued to draw both Jedi and Sith to the planet over the next several decades. Orbital position Nar Shaddaa Stronghold Location. Posted April 17, 2018.