WORLD TOUR . VoiceOvers Have Never Been Easier To Create! I'm Duke Nukem - and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards! Duke Nukem is a classic 2D side-scrolling shooter video game that was released back in 1999 for the Game Boy Color (GBC) handheld pocket console. I am SCP-079. A one minute voiceover can cost up to $225! Duke Nukem ist ein am 1. John St. John, the voice actor famous for legendary video game Duke Nukem, who is also and an ordained minister, retreated from backlash on social media after his controversial comments about alleged Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse sparked a firestorm. Verwenden Sie die GetInstalledVoices-Methode und die-Klasse, um Informationen darüber zu erhalten, welche Stimmen installiert werden VoiceInfo. Files into your Unreal tournament system folder. Duke Nukem Voice. Duke Nukem is a 2D platform game developed and published by Apogee Software, featuring the adventures of the fictional character Duke Nukem.The game was followed by another 2D scroller, Duke Nukem II, in 1993.The series made the jump to 3D graphics with Duke Nukem 3D in 1996, which became the most popular of the three games. Insbesondere der Auftritt bei Duke Nukem.. in its ability to do what we’re promising you, that we’re gonna make this an Easy No-Brainer.! 167 Tracks 787139 Views. Now that you have NO RISK, You also have NO EXCUSES: I’ll be able to create HIGH-QUALITY voiceovers for a one time fee, I will be able to use the automated AI engine, to generate human-like voiceovers. 695 Tracks 1776982 Views. There have been new tracks added. In order to use this file you must place the dukepackage.uax and Supports PDF, word, ebooks, webpages, Convert text to audio files. And all your future uploads will get even more views and more views… mean higher rankings! Listen to some Breathtaking voices from Speechelo: US English: Billy(Male) US English: Rosie(Female) US English: Owen – Kid(Male) US English: Henry(Male) British English: Beatrix(Female) British English: Arthur(Male) Australian English: Allison Indian English: Mirai(Female) Spanish: Priscilla(Female) Spanish Albano(Male) Spanish Mexican: Lalita(Female) Spanish Mexican: Leticia Spanish US: Fiore(Female) Spanish: Olimpia(Female) Spanish: Fiore(Female) French: Thiery(Male) French: Magalie(Female) Finnish: Lotta(Female) Portuguese: Júlia(Female) Portuguese: Catarina(Female) Portuguese Brazil Leila(Female) Portuguese Brazil: Rafinha, German: Anke(Female) German: Lina(Female) German: Martin(Male) Italian: Roberto(Male) Italian: Delinda(Female) Italian: Valentina(Female) Greek: Georgios (Male) Hebrew: Omar(Male) Hindi: Viti(Female) Tamil: Gurnam(Male) Telugu: Laban(Male) Thani: Chinda(Female) Indonesian: Arief(Male) Hungarian: Lajos (Male) Japanese: Takewaki(Female) Korean: Yebin(Female) Norwegian: Erle(Female) Norwegian: Nora(Female)  Malaysia: Soleh(Male) Polish: Marzena(Female) Polish: Zuzanna(Female), Romanian: Dana(Female) Arabic: Mirah(Female) Saudi Arabia: Ayasha (Female) Mandarin: Genji(Female) Turkish: Miray(Female) Turkish: Hande(Female) Russian: Pimen(Male) Russian: Svetlana(Female) Slovak: Peter(Male) Slovenia: Vincenc(Male) Icelandic: Esjar(Male) Danish: Simonsen(Male) Swedish: Rakel(Female) Dutch: Carola(Female) : Bulgarian: Grozdan(Male) : Cantonese: Xinyou (Female) : Mandarin: WangJing (Female) : Taiwanese: Tíngtíng(Female) : Vietnamese: Thong(Male) :  Croatian: Marko(Male) :  Czech: Jan(Male) : Danish: Norma(Female). This only adds occasional voices. To configure the SpeechSynthesizer to use one of the installed speech synthesis (text-to-speech) voices, use the SelectVoice or SelectVoiceByHints method. Duke Nukem, the Duke Nukem nuclear symbol, Duke Nukem Forever, Gearbox Software and the Gearbox logo are registered trademarks of Gearbox Software, LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries and used here under license. We will refund all your money and let you keep all the voiceovers that you created! ALL; GAMES (12) NEW FEATURE - Click the Filter dropdown to view VAs grouped by reprisals. COMMENTS . Team Fortress 2 Taunts. Duke Nukem Voice. This is a complete list of quotes spoken by Duke Nukem across various editions of Duke Nukem 3D: Aahhh... much better. Yes, it works in ENGLISH and 23 other languages: ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. Many operating systems (including some versions of Android, for example) only come with one voice by default, and the others need to be downloaded in your device's settings. that offers both Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech capabilities. Die Serie begann 1991 mit dem zweidimensionalen Jump n Run Duke Nukem, die bislang letzte Veröffentlichung ist der Ego-Shooter Duke Nukem Forever. You don’t need to worry about checking manually for updates,everything is done 100% automatically, hassle free. is that not all of us have a nice radio-sounding voice, like Morgan Freeman…. You can use Speechelo to create voiceovers for your: A good sales video in order to convert needs a trust-worthy voice. engine will check your text and will add all the punctuation marks needed to make the speech sound natural. Den fertigen Text können Sie anschließend kopieren und in Word einfügen. engine will check your text and will add all the punctuation marks needed to make the speech sound natural. Anyway, i have been really enjoying the sounds … All our voices have elements that make a voice sound real and have all the expressions that needed to make people more engaged in your content and sound professional! Our virtual characters read text aloud naturally in over 25 languages. Text-To-Speechthat is created especiallyfor VIDEO CREATORS! I understand that I will not have to pay the regular $100 PRICE, Try It Risk Free | 60 Days Money Back Guarantee. All of the classic one liners with a few extras! Duke Nukem ist eine Spieleserie, unter deren Banner bis zum Jahr 2011 dreizehn Videospiele veröffentlicht wurden. No speaking software needed The only A.I. You can add breathing sounds, longer pauses after each phrase. Original 1996 source code and “2.5D” engine re-mastered in True 3D for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Windows 10! generated, The only text-to-speech engine that adds inflections in the voice, Works in [English] and 23 other languages. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. Spechelo comes with a variety of FEMALE voices for your training or demo videos. FACEBOOK is a trademark of Facebook INC. All rights reserved. Juli 1991 erschienenes Jump n Run/Shoot em up für den PC. You can add breathing sounds, longer pauses after each phrase. REMASTERED. I don’t have a good microphone and other recording tools. Note: If the list of available text-to-speech voices is small, or all the voices sound the same, then you may need to install text-to-speech voices on your device. Jon is an American voice actor and singer. I will get full training, free support, and free updates! Join Date: May 2010. Apps Just Take A Look At The Demo Video Below! Our A.I. Most of them are the original sounds from the game, and a couple are sounds from the Duke Plus mod with better quality. Die neuronale Text-to-Speech-Funktion unterstützt verschiedene Sprechstile für Szenarios wie Smalltalk, Nachrichten und Kundendienst und Emotionen wie Freude und Mitgefühl. Various tests proved that people like FEMALE voices for training videos. A cloud-based choice, Whatever is hosted on their servers. So if you want to get more views at an absolute steal – don’t sit on the fence, act now and don’t miss out. The most amazing collection of natural voices! You will have to WAIT for the freelancers to record and deliver the voiceover – sometimes up to week… Not to mention the fact that maybe you just WON’T LIKE the end result…. Bring the Voice of Duke Nukem to TeamSpeak. Or any type of video…WITHOUT A GOOD VOICEOVER! and the best part about having more subscribers is that they will get notified each time you upload a new video. Text to speech with natural sounding voices. No Other Software Is Producing more natural sounding voiceovers! I will get 30 human-sounding voices in over 23 languages! their hand at recreating the unbridled intensity that was Duke Nukem 3D. I’ll have total editing and customization freedom of the text that I use in Speechelo. NO! [quoting Ash from Army of Darkness] Come on! Say goodbye to expensive voiceover artists and unreliable freelancers. Sie sollten aber noch einmal über den Text schauen, weil sich häufig Fehler einschleichen. For the past couple weeks i have been playing with sounds i extracted from Duke3D. The incredibly talented Jon St. Jon was tapped to fill the soon-to-be iconic character with attitude, personality, motive, and emotion. Testen Sie die Sprachsynthese in dieser Demo-App, die auf unserem JavaScript SDK basiert Sie können diesen Text durch jeden beliebigen Text ersetzen. Incarnations On BTVA: 12 Versions from 12 Titles. Starting with Duke Nukem 3D, the Dukester needed a voice as his games evolved into the more modern shooter era. Follow these 3 Steps and transform any text into a HUMAN SOUNDING VOICEOVER! Create a 10 minute long Voiceover in 10 Seconds…. This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook INC. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in ANY WAY. Blow it out your ass! The game is a portable version of the PC and console Duke Nuke and features a story parallel to the game Duke Nukem II – with a few alterations to the story. No one believed that this voiceover generated with Speechelo is synthetic: VIDEOS without a good VOICEOVER will not convert, will not get you clicks, leads, traffic, or any sales! Filters: ALL VERSIONS. You must also edit your Unreal Tournament.ini file in your UT system folder. Arabic, Mandarin, Danish, Dutch, English, French. [quoting They Live] Boooorn tooo beee wiiiiiiild... [singing "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf] Come get some! Sprache in Text umwandeln (Bild: Screenshot) Sprache in Text umwandeln ohne Software. Download as MP3 or listen to it. Bring the Voice of Duke Nukem to TeamSpeak. Free duke nukem 3d voice downloads - Collection of duke nukem 3d voice freeware, shareware download - Text To Speech Synthesizer, VoiceMX STUDIO. I just use Speechelo!”, Grab Full Access to Speechelo Today… No Monthly Fees – One Time Investment, Special Offer One Time Payment -no monthly fees- and 53% DISCOUNT, Works in ENGLISH and 23 other languages: Arabic, Mandarin, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh.