Here is a shopping role-play activity to help students practice asking and saying how much things cost. The three shop assistants in each group sit separately. Since western shops can be very, very large and have an abundance of products, things are all over the place. Clerk: I’m sorry, we don’t have a bathroom here. I. A: I like all of them. You could even use this resource at home with your children for a fun shopping activity. We develop student‑focused ELL lessons that are designed to spark meaningful discussion and dialogue in the classroom. Role play - At the Clothes Shop worksheet Shops and shopping online worksheet for Pre-Intermediate. Students score one point for each correct answer and one point for each correct spelling. Is there anything else you may like? Students take turns buying and selling items. Working alone, … can take anywhere. Give four students a shop card each. New Learning and Practice: 1. ... or ask your students to help you. Half the students are shop assistants and the other half are customers. Before class, print out enough copies “Shopping Game” sheets 1 and 2 for each pair. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Activity 5: shopping experiences (5 mins) Level: Elementary. Role play can really help improve understanding and communication. If the students want to make sure something works with something else or in some specific way while shopping, then it is good to ask about functionality before they drop the money on it. On FluentU, all the videos are sorted by skill level and are carefully annotated for students. Afterwards, students read the conversation to check they have matched the dominoes correctly. Repeat the process with the second item. The students practice the dialogue in pairs, exchanging roles each time they finish the conversation. A: I want a (size), (color), (general product). Faulty Goods. Give each group of three a set of dominoes. T he students will have a budget depending on how big the shopping list is. A shopping role play This activity gives learners at an intermediate level and above the opportunity to use interactional language in a role-play situation. The majority of them are for telephone communication. Swap roles and do the same again. The aim of the activity is to be the first group to buy all the items on their shopping list. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240), Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book. Students complete shopping items on the worksheet with container words from a box. These students are shoppers. Children learn better when they are active, so it is important that ESL teachers have a number of activities that engage, motivate and challenge their students. Do you have this shirt in (size)? Warning: I have already exhausted most conventional role-play situations in Sets 1 and 2. Instructor: Sarah Mills Sarah is an educational freelance writer and has taught English and ESL in grades k-12 and college. Students then match vocabulary from the dialogue with definitions. Warm-up: Teacher writes 'Juicy Baek' on the board and asks the class if they have heard of Juicy Baek. Give each student a copy of the worksheet containing half of a shoe shop conversation that is in the wrong order. Yes, we also have it in red and green. B: I like this one. Search ESL Library for lessons, resources, flashcards, or blog posts A role play about going shopping. These questions may cover delivery options, availability or even some recommendations for usage. Trovo is where players, gamers, viewers and … If they don't have what the customer wants, they try to sell them something else. This section contains lots of printable role-play resources that will help to inspire socio-dramatic and free-flow play within your early years setting. The remaining players continue putting down their dominoes until all the dominoes have been placed correctly to form a clothes shop conversation. A: I am looking for (your choice). The other players then take it in turns to match their dominoes in the same way by putting them down at either end of the domino chain. In the role-play, the customer looks at some clothes, tries on two items and buys one. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. share on . B: Yes, we accept all major credit cards. These modern, attractive play kitchen units inspire young chefs to create in a beautiful long-lasting solid maple kitchen. B: Yes, you can refund it before 15 days. It works much easier than asking how you could pay than getting a list of all acceptable payment methods, but one may certainly ask, “What are your accepted forms of payment?”, They should be prepared to hear and give answers of “cash only,” “credit,” “debit” and “checks.” They might also want to learn how to talk about a “credit minimum.”. ESL role-play cards are great for warm-up, improving communication and negotiation skills, and making a lesson fun. It is a unique platform to watch and chat with other fans from all over the world. The first role-play takes place in a newsagent's and the other takes place in a clothes shop. set containing 8 role-play scenarios. Students then take it in turns to read each sentence to their partner and number the sentences in order. B: This one is very good, but a little more expensive. Shopper: Is there another (kind of shop) around here? In this shopping role-play activity, students match shopping language to two situations and then use the language in two role-plays. While shopping in English, there are different categories that you may have questions about. share on . That is what the shop employees are there for, and they are often paid better or looked upon more favorably by management for delivering great service! Goal: Students will utilize their knowledge of direction words and polite requests to accurately … Play the “Shopping oard Game” Students will now practice using the phrases on the board by playing a fun board game. Shopping Conversation; Small Talk; Travel Questions; ESL Family Worksheets . The students look for the 'Hello, can I...' domino and place it face up on the table. When the students have finished, they move on to the second role-play, which focuses on clothes shopping. Divide the students into groups of eight. The shopping list shows details of the preferred items the customers want to buy and their total budget. If you want to download you have to send your own contributions. The western world loves to please the customer to make shopping an”experience,” and one way they do this is with exchanges and returns. Not to mention, it’s guaranteed to get your students excited about English! Divide the students into pairs (A and B) and give each student a corresponding worksheet. This probably does not differ from their shopping situation at home, but it helps to categorize things and make them easier to teach and learn. A: Do you have (product) in (favorite color)? When you go abroad, shopping is inevitable. It is overwhelming sometimes, but knowing what questions to ask about the specific aspects of the product you are looking for can really help out. Thanks for subscribing! B: They are all in the front, near the entrance. A: Perfect, can I pay with (your home country’s currency)? A paid subscription to ESL Library gives you access to all of our 1,000+ lessons and 3,000+ flashcards. Clerks and salespeople are often trained to seek out and interact with customers. B: You’re welcome, I hope you feel better soon. Fact Finding Sheet . This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you Shopping Situations & Role-Plays This exercise is good for developing conversation skills. Do you have (different clothes item) in (size)? A: That’s alright. Give each shop assistant a shop card and give each customer a shopping list. Role play is a great way to get ESL students to practise using English in some real-life situations, such as shopping for clothes. Money Role Play. Can I pay with a traveler’s check. Transferring to a University V. Socializing VI. Practice asking for items, adding up and giving change. Your ESL … 14,172 Downloads . Post Activity Discussion . If their are only seven students, then the teacher can either join the role-play or just make a shopping list of seven items. Do you have anything like that? B: Ah yes, we have those. A: Hi, do you all have medicine for (medical problem)? This will come in handy when your students are out there in the big shopping world and cannot find the price anywhere. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. Health XVII. How to Design Perfect ESL Lessons for Adults at Any Level, 7 Awesome ESL Resources for Finding and Teaching with Videos Like a Rockstar, 10 Best, Shockingly Good Apps for ESL Teachers, How to Teach English Through Short Films and Documentaries, ESL Listening Jackpot: 7 Audio File Resources You’ll Thank Your Lucky Stars For. Feel free to mix up the activities and change things up every once in a while. If you want to download you have to send your own contributions. If you have a weak class, the quiz can also be done in pairs. ESL Library's search may not function properly in older browsers. Next, divide the students into pairs (A and B). Interactive Version - In this containers interactive worksheet, students work through a variety of exercises to learn container words. is an online shopping lesson. By yeimy Bingo … Afterwards, the students present their role-plays to the class. What (style/color) are you looking for? This one is important too since some products may work for all desired purposes, while other products are meant for more specific purposes or perhaps have some limitations. In this useful shopping activity, students do a role-play of shopping a dialogue. Finally, students present their dialogues to the class. For a list of speech topics, please visit this page. Employees are often trained to be more forward and social. Sure, you could print out a worksheet of useful phrases and have them study it, but there is something that works so much better. Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet. Shopper: No, that’s alright, thank you! We recommend updating yours to the latest version for the best experience. There are tons of great choices there when you’re looking for songs for in-class activities. share on . Divide the students into six groups and have each group sit around a table. In this clothes shop dialogue activity, students play a game of dominoes where they build a clothes shop conversation between a shop assistant and customer by matching sentence halves together. You can pay in the front. Divide the students into two groups (A and B) and give each student a corresponding worksheet. B: Excuse me, do you have any (electronic product)? Here is a clothes shopping language worksheet to help students practice vocabulary and phrases that are commonly used when shopping for clothes. A: You’re welcome. 1 Late to work 2 A Retirement Gift 3 Bad Parking 4 No Receipt 5 Cover Me 6 Double-booking 7 An Urgent Message 8 An Intruder Purpose and Audience: This role-play is intended for adult intermediate to advanced students. Afterwards, the students with the same shopping lists compare their answers to check they have the same totals. Interactive Version - In this free clothes shopping language breakout room activity, students practice language for buying clothes and then role-play clothes shop dialogues with a partner. The customers then go around to each shop and try to buy the items on their shopping list. To do this, each group sends out one student (the customer) from their group to buy the first item on their shopping list. The platform also offers a resource and quiz space where students can improve their skills anywhere, anytime! If not, their partner continues to give more clues until the student is able to guess the word. In the pairs, students take turns … Practice asking for prices. Welcome to ESL Printables, the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. Okay, I’ll buy the red shirt and five towels. Reading Comprehension. Shopping Role-Play This activity will allow students to use basic shopping phrases in a variety of situations. The good news is that you do not have to cover things like negotiating and haggling in these activities! Description This is a lively role-play in which one student is a customer returning goods to a shop and the other student is a shop assistant. One student takes on the role of a newsagent shop assistant and the other is a customer.