If Shaun drowns, Jayden's guilt and Triptocaine addiction will overwhelm him, killing him in the epilogue. ", "We'll just say it was an accident, or rather, I'll say it was an accident 'cause you won't really be able to talk, will ya, Jack? Norman Jayden Note: The following information is based on a long-term snowfall study conducted by WFO Norman staff. This kid's gonna die and I'm goin' round in circles! Es ist nicht bekannt wie er in seine Triptokainsucht verfiel oder wie es zu der Narbe auf seiner rechten Wange kam. No QTEs missed aside from MadisonHeavy Rainhttps://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA02533_00 Norman Jayden wird von Leon Ockenden gespielt und in der englischen Fassung auch gesprochen. Weitere DLCs werden nicht veröffentlicht. Heavy snow expected in Texas, storm could spawn tornadoes A woman walks in the snow while shopping on Brookside Wednesday, Dec 30, 2020, in Tulsa, Okla. … Agent Norman Jayden is one of the main protagonists and four playable characters (the other three being Ethan Mars, Scott Shelby, and Madison Paige) in Heavy Rain. He is very experienced in fighting as he can kill Mad Jack and the Origami Killer quite easily without obtaining any bleeding or swelling wounds. These LSRs are issued by local NWS forecast offices for their area of responsibility. ", There are several hints throughout the game that Norman's rivalry with Blake and the police force is fueled by their insecurity. News World Europe. There are several possible endings to the story of Heavy Rain. August 1977) ist einer der vier … Eye color said 12 to 18 inches (0.30 meters to 0.46 meters) of snow is possible west of the Pecos River in southwest Texas and another three to 5 inches (0.13 meters) in western Oklahoma by Thursday. FBI profiler Welcome to IGN's Walkthrough for Heavy Rain. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Leon Ockenden Jayden is a dedicated and thorough member of the FBI, sent to aid the police force with the investigation of the Origami Killer. Er ist auch die einzige Hauptfigur die nie eines der Gräber der anderen verstorbenen Charaktere besucht. Als er die Brille absetzt, sieht er plötzlich kleine Spielzeugpanzer auf seiner Schreibtisch herumfahren. Norman Jayden is voiced by and modeled after Leon Ockenden. Norman can resist or take Triptocaine. By simultaneously using these two items, ARI catalogues all the data and cross-references it with relevant databases, analyses it, and geo-locates it where applicable. Juni 2019, 18:46 Uhr:Den Auftakt der PC-Version von Heavy Rain haben wir im folgenden (ungeschnittenen) Spielszenen-Video festgehalten. Jaydens endgültige Version ist viel mehr durch das Triptokain "zerstört", als es am Anfang der Entwicklung geplant war. Weather. Emergency services have been inundated with calls over flooding . ", "We've only got a few more hours left to save Shaun Mars. Chapter 7: "Welcome, Norman!" Jayden's partner for most of the game is Carter Blake, a harsh-spoken and brutal police lieutenant who Jayden will gradually come to despise. Die Spekulation darüber, ob diese Symptome durch das ARI oder doch durch Triptokain verursacht werden, ist jedem einzeln überlassen. FBI-Ermittler und Triptocain-Junkie Norman kann in fünf Szenen sterben, eine davon ist einer seiner Epiloge siehe Heavy Rain: Alle Enden freispielen, Teil 2: Norman … Thick layers of ice often form on streams and rivers during the winter. The good news is that you will be able to get a new trophy. Did Paco know the guy? He owns a warehouse on the docks. At this stage, Norman Jayden visits the junkyard to question a suspect named Oddball. If Ethan is arrested, Norman will break him out in "Under Arrest.". Heavy Rain im Test: Schöpfer David Cage setzt erzählerisch mit „Heavy Rain“ zwar Maßstäbe – scheitert aber an seinen eigenen Ansprüchen. Norman first appears in the fifth chapter of the game, \"Crime Scene,\" in which he first meets Carter Blake and investigates the newest victim of the Origami Killer, Jeremy Bowles. Er ist eher zurückhaltend und gibt den Anschein als wäre er es nicht gewohnt, mit Menschen umzugehen. It's probably staring me in the face. Important: This chapter contains a fight which you can easily lose. Heavy Rain is available now for free if you’re a PS+ subscriber, and to celebrate the PS4 re-release, we’re taking a look at all the best (and worst) endings in … Matthew Norman; Jenny Eclair; Climate blogs . This application allows the quick viewing of National Weather Service (NWS) issued Local Storm Reports (LSR). Blake and Norman will discuss this decision in his next chapter, "Covered Market." That would explain the dead-end investigation and his desire to frame Ethan Mars! PlayStation Network avatar for Norman Jayden, Concept art of Norman's facial expressions, Leon Ockenden, the actor who provides Norman's voice and motion capture. Im Juni 2015 gab Sony bekannt, dass Heavy Rain zusammen mit Beyond: Two Souls als Remastered für die PlayStation 4 erscheinen … Throughout the game, the player has the choice of whether to be complicit in Norman's addiction or steer him away from it in various circumstances as he tries to solve the case of the Origami Killer. ". ", "Jeez, won't this rain ever let up?! He is also the only main character not to appear in any of the other three main characters' epilogues. On this page of our guide to Heavy Rain, we explain the requirements for unlocking the Case Closed epilogue. He finds a human skull; Jack immediately reveals a gun and trains it directly onto Norman's head. I'm gonna tell the whole story to Captain Perry.". The ending is presented as a … Oscar Isaac Actor | Ex Machina Oscar Isaac was born Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada in Guatemala, to a Guatemalan mother, María Eugenia, and a Cuban father, Oscar Gonzalo Hernández-Cano, a pulmonologist. Das ARI hat auch eine Aufnahmefunktion, die wie eine Videokamera funktioniert. If we find out that you sold the car to the man we're looking for, you're looking at some pretty solid time inside, Jacky-boy. Ethan can get arrested if Madison is not quick enough. Heavy Rain Komplettlösung mit Tipps zur PS4-Neuauflage samt Trophäen-Guide: Hier erfahrt ihr, wie alle Charaktere überleben und ihr den Origami-Killer enttarnt. Wenn du Heavy Rain nicht beendet hast und keine Spoiler willst, dann empfehlen wir dir vorsichtig zu sein, während du dich hier umschaust oder einfach wiederzukommen, sobald du das Spiel beendet hast. 3) Defeat the Origami Killer. Aktualisierung vom 25. As the investigator in charge of the Origami Killer case, he works alongside … Norman first appears in the fifth chapter of the game, "Crime Scene," in which he first meets Carter Blake and investigates the newest victim of the Origami Killer, Jeremy Bowles. ", "Your VAST experience hasn't prevented 8 victims from being murdered! The game features four protagonists involved with the mystery of the Origami Killer, a serial murderer who uses extended periods of rainfall to drown his victims. Abgesehen davon, dass er erfolgreicher FBI-Profiler ist, besitzt er außerdem einen Abschluss in Kriminalpsychologie. Norman and Ethan are the first main characters who can cross paths. Don't be shy, I'm all ears! This page of our guide to Heavy Rain describes the Mad Jack scene. Heavy Rain; Lake Effect Snow Redevelops Locally heavy rain may bring a threat of flash, urban, and small stream flooding across the lower Mississippi Valley Thursday and Friday. Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then become heavy enough to fall under gravity.Rain is a major component of the water cycle and is responsible for depositing most of the fresh water on the Earth. Akte X). One ending may be having all the characters die and not finding the Origami Killer. Indigo Prophecy), an Adventure Game for the sixth generation of consoles. Local Storm Report App Help. Er wurde vom FBI-Hauptsitz in Washington D.C. geschickt, um den Fall des Origami-Killers zu unterstützen. Meanwhile, Ethan reports his son missing to the authorities. Norman has the second most possible endings (4) of any character (behind Ethan, who has 7 endings). There is also art of him fighting Shelby on the conveyor belt. die Norman erleidet eher zweideutig. I didn't think you'd scare so easily. The game is largely cin… (of a physical object) Having great weight. … Norman spricht in der englischen Fassung mit einer ungewöhnlichen Akzent namens Boston Englisch. Share | Facebook • Twitter. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. ", "Mars is not the Origami Killer, I'd stake my life on it. Norman Jayden retten. My only complaint would be that it does nothing to block wind. Beide sind Ermittler/Polizisten, sie scheinen beide das gleiche Ziel zu haben (Norman versucht den. Free Demo . He is later better introduced to the cops in \"Welcome, Norman\" where he meets Leighton Perry and first meets Ethan Mars (if he didn't take Triptocaine, which he had the option of taking). I thought you were a tough guy. ARI's main hardware component is a pair of sunglasses, which acts as a type of transparent display. Norman is the second youngest character after Madison and before Scott and Ethan. Heavy Rain ist ein Videospiel, das vom französischen Studio Quantic Dream unter der Leitung des Gründers David Cage für die PlayStation 3 entwickelt wurde. Norman ist darauf spezialisiert Untersuchungen mit einem experimentellen. Es ist fast nichts über Jayden's Leben vor den Geschehnissen im Spiel bekannt. See what happens when it's all over... Accuse Carter Blake of being the killer; this accusation is false, and will result in the player being treated as if Norman had failed the puzzle. Heavy Rain; Lake Effect Snow Redevelops Locally heavy rain may bring a threat of flash, urban, and small stream flooding across the lower Mississippi Valley Thursday and Friday. Blake begins to resort to police brutality against Nathaniel, which greatly irritates Norman...until Nathaniel pulls out a gun. His actor, Leon Ockenden, clearly has blue eyes. 100 flood warnings in force as heavy rain batters the nation. 12 of the game's trophies are related to his chapters. Continuing on the lead Mad Jack gave him, he will enter the Blue Lagoon in "Fish Tank" to interrogate Paco. The accent has endeared him to fans as well as making him a butt of many of their jokes, some of which have gone so far as to have scenes in the game edited together to highlight it. Er wurde vom FBI-Hauptsitz in Washington D.C. geschickt, um den Fall des Origami-Killers zu unterstützen. He awakes as his car is about to be dropped into a crusher, and he must escape from the car before it gets crushed. Now you're gonna tell me about the man with the blue car! Triptocaine is a drug Norman uses which was given to him by the distributors of his ARI glasses to combat the glasses' side effects, and it is currently unknown (and never entirely explained in the narration or otherwise) whether he is using it to counter-balance side-effects of overusing the ARI, or for some other purpose. ", "You're alive. Er erschießt aber den, Norman Jayden ist die dritte Hauptfigur, nach, Jayden hat die zweitmeisten Todesfälle der vier Hauptfiguren. Norman ist ungefähr 5 '10" groß. Here they are from worst to best. If Korda was caught, he will be interrogated (to the point of no conviction) in "Police News." Ich werde das schaffen. I'm gettin' through this. 'Cause I'll bet them gas tanks are gonna blow up REAL nice. Es ist jedoch möglich, dass er von seiner Brille unterstützt wird und keine echten Fähigkeiten darin besitzt. Blue A clipper crossing southern Canada will bring lake effect snow to the Great Lakes and light snow to the Northeast Thursday into Saturday morning. ", "Blake, if you've got a better plan, I'm willing to listen! ", "Lt. Blake is gonna leave our planet right now and return to the Realm of Shadows. Es ist dem Genre des interaktiven Films mit Elementen eines Action-Adventures zuzuordnen. Although Jayden is usually calm and restrained, he can have a bit of a temper and often lashes out at those who provoke him. One accurate version. Er erscheint nur in 4 Kapiteln ohne Blake. Jayden receives a luke-warm welcome at the police station and sits in on the Origami Killer press conference. Die einzigen Kapitel in dem Norman ohne Blake erscheint sind. The player takes control of four different characters with a vested interest in the case: Ethan Mars, the father of the kidnapped child; Madison Paige, a journalist who gets close with Ethan; Scott Shelby, a private detective searching for the Origami Killer; and Norman Jayden, an FBI detective sent to track down the killer. Madison Paige appears and helps Ethan escape from Norman and Blake. Norman Jayden (geboren am 14. If I'm wrong, Shaun Mars is dead. Einmal in "Willkommen Norman" (wenn man das Triptokain nicht nimmt), dort stellt Jayden Ethan einige Fragen zu Shaun. Im Epilog - Ein neues Leben sieht man Jayden, als er mit dem ARI arbeitet. A street cop who's been through the mill. Ich habe das Spiel jetzt schon 4 mal durch schaffe es aber nicht dass Norman Jayden berlebt ich hab Folgendes versucht1 ich hab ihm nie das Tripto gegeben2 habs ", "Do you like fireworks, Jack? Recommended that The Terrace is installed undercover, and is not exposed to severe weather conditions such as heavy rain and thunderstorms. I'm not coming here for vacation, that's for goddamn sure! "The watch they give for promotion to lieutenant! While the rain has been welcomed by graziers, the heavy rain is causing problems for some fruit growers in Victoria. Leon Ockenden (English)Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese)Alessandro Rigotti (Italian)Fran Jimenez (Spanish)Damien Boisseau (French)Alexander Dzyuba (Russian), — Jayden to himself in one of the endings. https://heavyrain.fandom.com/de/wiki/Norman_Jayden?oldid=5111. He is later better introduced to the cops in "Welcome, Norman" where he meets Leighton Perry and first meets Ethan Mars (if he didn't take Triptocaine, which he had the option of taking). Next Hassan's Shop Prev The Park On this page of our Heavy Rain Game Guide, you'll find a description of Welcome, Norman! In fact, if Shaun is saved (but not by him), then he will actually resign from the FBI (hinting a high level of sympathy for the boy). In the game, his only concern is saving Shaun Mars. This is seen in some of his chapters. Während des Spiels hat der Spieler die Wahl ob er seiner Sucht nachgibt oder ihr entgegenwirkt. Creature of Darkness, I do beseech you to return to the Realm of Shadows and leave our Nathaniel in peace. Blake, much to Norman's annoyance and disagreement, will get every cop he can to go after Ethan, thinking he is the killer. ", "Lt. Blake? Norman's eyes sometimes appear to be a pale green or even light gray color, though this is likely owing to lighting (especially at the warehouse, given that it is storming and the warehouse is darkened). Birthdate Unlike the other characters, Norman doesn't like to look in the mirror. Sein deutscher Synchronsprecher ist Moritz Brendel. For example, he pronounces "anything" as "ehnethin" and "Norman" as "Nahman." Norman's Japanese dub voice actor, Hiroaki Hirata, is also known for voicing Sanji in the anime, Norman's first name means "northerner." Er macht einen sympathischen Eindruck und scheint, als würde er die Menschen um sich verstehen, auch aufgrund seiner Kenntnisse in Psychologie. He appears to dislike being reprimanded by his higher-ups, as seen if he accuses Blake of being the killer and tries to quietly defend himself from Leighton Perry before storming out of his office in anger. Jayden verwendet ein experimentelles Gerät namens ARI (Added Reality Interface), das ihm ermöglicht Tatorte zu untersuchen und Hinweise auf eine effiziente Weise zu analysieren. Jayden also seems to be a pianist, as evident in the chapter "Jayden Blues." ", "Next I'm gonna blow a hole in your face. That bastard nearly broke my neck! He can either: Norman can also be called by Madison Paige in "Killer's Place" and informed of the address. Lt. Carter Blake is a police lieutenant and major antagonist in Heavy Rain. ARI also has a recording feature that works as a video camera. In ", Norman physically bears some resemblance to FBI Special Agent. Es ist fast nichts über Jaydens Leben vor den Geschehnissen im Spiel bekannt. Norman and Blake go to Ethan's psychologist in "Shrink and Punches." ", "A cop, there's only one cop in that geoprofiling zone. Mit der lokalen Polizei, die seine Methoden zur Ermittlung kritisiert, bemüht er sich darum, Beweise zu finden, bevor es für das nächste Opfer zu spät ist. In some of his later chapters, Norman appears to have a slight bruise on the left side of his forehead. He comes across as sympathetic, appearing to understand people due to his knowledge of psychology and is noticeably distraught if he is forced to kill someone. Madison can save Norman from bad fate by giving him the location of … Was this helpful? When being worn, it records what the wearer of the sunglasses sees and stores it in its databases for future reference. Sein deutscher Synchronsprecher ist Moritz Brendel. Norman is addicted to Triptocaine, also known as Tripto, a powdery blue substance in a vial. His last name, Jayden, means "thankful. Heavy Rain: Alle Enden freispielen, Teil 2: Norman Jayden und Scott Shelby Heavy Rain Komplettlösung: So seht ihr alle von Normans und Scotts Enden und ihre verschiedenen Konstellationen. Heavy Rain Tab by Normand Corbeil with free online tab player. When looking at a crime scene through ARI's interface, relevant data and analysis is superimposed on the image of the crime scene above the relevant clues. Another may be having all the characters survive and eventually find him. Je nachdem welche Entscheidungen Du triffst, sterben unterschiedliche Personen. Later, he and Blake go to Nathaniel Williams' apartment where they have even more disputes. October 6, 2011 (Mad Jack, Fish Tank)October 7, 2011 (Solving the Puzzle, The Old Warehouse) Das ARI kann dabei nur in einem bestimmten Radius Hinweise scannen, deswegen muss das Gelände zu Fuß erkundet werden. You've been chasing this guy for what, two years, and what have you caught, huh? I’m a believer. Southern U.S. If he fails too many QTEs, he will die. 1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 2, in The Celebrity: Sunning himself on the board steps, I saw for the first time Mr. Farquhar Fenelon Cooke. Oscar was raised in Miami, Florida. Eine andere ARI-Komponente ist ein Handschuh, der Norman ermöglicht die virtuellen Daten durch die Brille anzeigen zu lassen. Model The next day, he walked into. Jayden uses Triptocaine to counteract the effects of the ARI glasses but develops an addiction to it. Spill! Das verdankt er zum Teil seinem Status als FBI Agent. In its function as a a rain jacket, however, it beaded rain for five hours of continuous downpour and never wetted out. Das schlechteste Ende von Heavy Rain. Norman specializes in conducting forensic investigations with an experimental device called ARI. In addition to being an acclaimed FBI profiler, he also possesses a degree in criminal psychology. This will allow him to arrest Mad Jack, thus ending the chapter. 34 He will get a confession out of Mad Jack that he did buy a car from "a guy" and that he later got that guy a new car with false plates, and that this was a cash transaction, no questions asked. Connor hingegen kann abweichende. Triptokain ist eine illegale Droge und es ist derzeit nicht bekannt (und nie ganz in der Geschichte oder woanders geklärt ), ob es verwendet wird, um den Nebenwirkungen vom ARI entgegenzuwirken oder ob es einen anderen Zweck dient. He will then present his profile of the killer to Blake and Perry in \"Kick Off Meeting,\" where his dispute with … ", "Blake, you are an unbalanced, psychopathic asshole! Dazu gehören. Soundtrack - Main Theme. Norman Jayden ist süchtig nach Triptokain, einer blauen Substanz in einer Ampulle. ", "Enough fucking around! Additionally, the true source of the symptoms (nosebleeds, paleness of complexion, internal pain, dizziness, bloodshot eyes, tremors, etc.) ", "I'll end up a basket-case if things keep going like this. 『HEAVY RAIN 心の軋むとき ... ノーマン・ジェイデン(Norman Jayden) 日本版声優 - 平田広明 「折り紙殺人事件」解決のためにFBIから派遣された捜査官。巧みな心理プロファイリングと、最新捜査ツール「ARI」(アリ;Added Reality Interface(アド・リアリティー・インターフェース、いわゆる「拡張現 … A strong system will spread lower elevation rain and mountain snow across the Southwest U.S., Great Basin, and Central Rockies into this weekend. Norman experiences is left rather ambiguous - whether these symptoms are caused by the ARI or Triptocaine is left to individual speculation. The ARI glasses Jayden uses heavily resemble glasses made by Vuzix, a company located in Rochester, New York, that specializes in AR glasses. August 1978) ist einer der vier spielbaren Charaktere in Heavy Rain.Er ist ein engagierter und gründlicher FBI-Agent, der geschickt wurde, um die örtliche Polizei bei den Ermittlungen im Falle des Origami-Killers zu unterstützen. This epilogue assumes that Norman becomes a hero after he deals with the … Norman Jayden wird von Leon Ockenden gespielt und in der englischen Fassung auch gesprochen. 2) Discover who the Origami Killer is. ", "Perhaps I can help you to remember. ", "That is NOT the way it's gonna go! This page contains info on Chapter 7 of the game: Welcome, Norman! He will also reveal that he was supposed to tell a guy named Paco about the car once it was finished. If he succeeds at enough of them, he will live, but the killer will get away. BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — A storm lashed parts of New England and eastern Canada on Saturday with heavy rain, snow and wind, leading to power outages and … Ich gehe es ruhig an, solange, bis alles vorbei ist. chapter. Spend too much time in ARI and die of the ARI + Triptocaine addiction. There has to be a God damn clue somewhere! Norman's appearance in the final version is far more "destroyed" (due to, Norman appears to possess several tubes of Triptocaine, based on the fact he can lose or get rid of two vials (one in ", Norman has the second highest number of deaths of the four main characters (beaten only by Madison), although he has the highest number of chapters where dying is possible: ". If Norman is alive and has found the correct location, he will go to the killer's location ("The Old Warehouse"). Norman K. United States. Everything worked out okay. Great Rain Jacket. All endings for this character. He then confronts Mad Jack, but he is unwilling to cooperate or help, so Norman uses ARI to look around Jack's place. Insight on Jayden's past life and said subjects were originally intended to be explained in his episode of the Heavy Rain Chronicles; while one episode has been released, the development of the Heavy Rain Chronicles has been put on indefinite hiatus. Er kämpft gegen, Norman ist vergleichbar mit Carla Valenti, aus Indigo Prophecy, einem weiteren Spiel von David Cage. A clipper crossing southern Canada will bring lake effect snow to the Great Lakes and light snow to the Northeast Thursday into Saturday morning. He also struggles against his addiction to a fictional drug called Triptocaine and withdrawal. Whilst he is walking up there, Madison Paige will walk past him if she survived in "The Doc." Letzte Aktivitäten . Madison can save Norman from bad fate by giving him the location of the old warehouse. (, Jaydens und Ethans Wege kreuzten sich viermal. Jayden ist ein intelligenter und engagierter FBI Profiler, der seinen Verstand statt seiner Instinkte nutzt um Verbrechen aufzuklären. He is sent by FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. to help with the Origami Killer case. Punkte, an denen der Charakter sterben kann. Let's just take it easy. Recommend wipe down after exposure to water or dust and the cover is used at all times when not in use. He is the only main character whose grave is not shown if he dies before the end of the game. Norman uses ARI to highlight relevant clues within a specified "pulse" radius. Melting snowpack may also contribute to floods produced by ice jams on creeks and rivers. If Ethan is arrested the second time, Norman will look at him with a sad look and leave him in prison. ", "You're not gonna kill the Anti-Christ with the revolver, Nathaniel, he's much too powerful for that. Dark brown He will then present his profile of the killer to Blake and Perry in "Kick Off Meeting," where his dispute with Blake initiates. However, it is possible that he is simply assisted by his glasses as opposed to having any real talent. Auch für das schlechte Ende von Heavy Rain gibt es verschiedenste Konstellationen, doch sicherlich dürfte es als schlecht durchgehen, wenn Norman, Madison oder Ethan sterben bzw. Moisture from this western system will combine with a cold Canadian front to produce snow for portions of the Midwest this weekend. Jayden scheint auch Pianist zu sein, wie man im Kapitel Jayden Blues sehen kann. In the bonus pack art it shows Norman using his ARI on a map that says Philadelphia, which all but confirms that the game takes place there. Unlike Madison and Ethan, Norman has (arguably) one, two, or no good endings. Nothing! After the discussion, the suspect, Miroslav Korda, will be confronted. A játékot David Cage írta és rendezte, aki a cég alapítója és vezérigazgatója is egyben. Date of (potential) death Male Norman must then make his first major decision: whether to shoot or spare Nathaniel. As such, he is the only main character who can never appear in ". Heavy Rain Wiki ist eine Fandom-Videospiele-Community. ", "Oh shit, Jack. Norman has the second greatest number of fight scenes of the four main characters (the first being Scott). "Heavy Rain" vom französischen Entwicklerstudio Quantic Dream aus dem Jahr 2010 ist heute ein echter Klassiker. Norman is the only playable character to have first-person view in the game. im Fall des Vaters verhaftet werden. Regardless of Norman's actions and choices, Blake will successfully get the psychologist to reveal that Grace's claims about Ethan are true. Heavy Rain Cast by kriswicklinejr | created - 01 May 2015 | updated - 21 Dec 2016 | Public Sort by: View: 18 names 1. Norman ist der einzige Hauptcharakter, der seinen Namen im Titel der Kapitel hat. If Ethan goes alone and is killed while Norman is still alive, the ending news report will mention that Blake and Perry have been suspended. Means `` thankful FBI Special Agent sich viermal Genre des interaktiven Films mit Elementen Action-Adventures. 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