If you are having trouble getting ahold of us, please email - admin@urbandreams.org. Check-in starts at 4:30p.m. We help over 1,750 individuals with chemical dependency related issues, between our outpatient treatment services in our office, at the Central Iowa Shelter and Service (CISS), Des Moines Public Schools, and our OWI weekend classes. OWIIowa@iowa.gov. Thank you," client (2018). Iowa or Iowa drivers who offend in another state complete a course for drinking drivers. Students may wear casual clothing. OWI Weekend Offender Program: May 14th through 16th. Please try again. Registration: You must contact Kirkwood Community College at (319) 398-4971 to register for a class. "I just wanted to extend a thank you to you and your staff for helping people like me learn our triggers and move on from our OWI's. DUI process This is the program that an individual must complete before the Iowa Department of Transportation can reinstate their driving privileges. Before You Register. Students have 30 days to complete the program. This educational program works to improve community relations while promoting safer decision-making. The instructors do not moralize, judge or dictate. April 30 - May 2. First time OWI offenders in Iowa will be required to complete a 12 hour OWI education class. In order to attend this program, participants must have had their OWI substance abuse evaluation and be court ordered by a judge. IIDs & breathalyzer devices It is a lockdown 48-hour weekend program. How can I contact the Iowa Department of Education’s Drinking Driver Education program? The Class: 1. 47 likes. Iowa’s OWI Deferred Adjudication Program. If an individual is charged with an OWI within Iowa state lines but is not a resident they may attend their drinking driver education course out-of-state. Installation Our weekend OWI jail diversion program is an alternative to jail for people convicted of first-offense operating while intoxicated. OWI 48 Hour Weekend Program (Zoom) This class is for those that were arrested for an OWI and are either required by the courts or used in place of 48 hour jail time. We operate in these locations in Iowa: Burlington, Cedar Rapids/Iowa City, Charles City, Council Bluffs, Des Moines (48-hour and 12-hour), Ottumwa, and Sioux City. NO walk-ins are allowed. Food for the weekend is catered and included in the cost of registration. Due to the COVID-19 social distancing recommendations, we will cap all classes at 9. You can contact us at 515- 281-5251 or by email at . When the Second Chance OWI Weekend Program has been completed all participants receive a certification of completion and the necessary paperwork is sent to the Department of Transportation regarding their driver’s license. 1. Our office hours are Monday – Friday from 7:30 – 4:30 CST How do I contact the Iowa Department of Transportation? Proudly created with wix.com. 2021 Classes Jan. 15-17. Substance abuse assessments are available for an additional fee. Notice: If you are a resident of Iowa and your OWI occurred in Iowa, online classes are not accepted. June 11-13. Individuals with court approval can serve their sentence by spending the weekend at a local hotel under the guidance of Prevention Research Institute certified instructors. It is your responsibility to take the program by your deadline. All instructors are certified by the Prevention Research Institute in compliance with the Iowa Department of Transportation's requirements for driver's license reinstatement. All rights reserved. OWI 1st Offense Weekend Program - January 29-31, 2021. The first and most common drinking drivers program is the 12-hour drinking drivers program. This is NOT a treatment program. 515-249-8596 Regina Vaught-Rudich work cell. We are excited to offer the OWI 1st Offense Program to Polk and surrounding counties in lieu of jail requirements (321J.2, sub2, paragraph a, subparagraph (1), IAC). Post author By Mark Thompson; Post date February 27, 2008; No Comments on Kirkwood OWI / DUI Weekend Program in Iowa; Sometimes the Court will allow a person convicted of OWI to complete their mandatory 48 hours in jail by attending the Kirkwood OWI Weekend Program. By Riccola Voigt, Attorney “Operating while intoxicated” (OWI) is a serious offense that carries long-term consequences. $10.00 D.A.R.E. Please call Regina at 515-249-8596 to learn how to register. We provide an Iowa Drinking Drivers Education Program that all persons charged with an OWI in Iowa must attend. OWI 1st Offense Weekend Program (Single or Double Room) $ 400 - $700: OWI 2nd Offense Weekend Program (Single or Double Room) $ 700 - $1,200: 12-Hour Impaired Drivers Education Course (ONLINE) $ 180: Substance Use Disorder Assessment/Evaluation ( OWI and Non-OWI) $ 125 The purpose of the program is to teach participants facts about alcohol use and abuse, and to encourage low risk choices in the use of alcohol. Your lunch break on Saturday and Sunday will be from noon to1pm and a dinner break on Saturday from 5pm to 6pm. June 25-27. Feb. 12-14. OWi 1 WEEKEND PROGRAM (48 Hour Program) In compliance with your court order, you are required to attend the OWi 1 Weekend Program provided by Des Moines Area Community College. In the state of Iowa, an alcohol awareness, substance abuse or a drug education pretrial diversion program or an OWI intervention class to fulfill court or state-mandated requirements is necessary. First time offenders are assigned a minimum 48-hour jail sentence and a mandate to attend the Iowa Department of Transportation Drinking Drivers Education training course before their license can be reinstated. The Prairie Ridge Weekend Jail/OWI Program is a program designed to fulfill both the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) education requirements and the court-mandated jail time for Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) offenses. Non-resident offenders and Iowa residents who received a DUI in another state may be eligible. Iowa OWI Classes Online - Iowa OWI Evaluations & Classes. Second Chances OWI Weekend Diversion Classes - Urban Dreams. The hotels provide a full continental breakfast for both Saturday and Sunday. All the meals are catered. This class is ordinarily offered over … We do require payment at the time of registration. OWI Class (12 Hours) admin 2017-08-04T15:55:33+00:00 Classes are offered for individuals who have been arrested for driving while intoxicated. Second Chance OWI Weekend Programs can be found running through organizations like Urban Dreams, a community service agency state licensed in substance abuse treatment, Self-Awareness, a group of drug and alcohol counselors, Assessment Services, Inc., and others. A Spanish interpreter is available upon request and for an additional fee. OWI Driving Class for January will be held January 22nd and 23rd . $200.00 Civil penalty to obtain Restricted License or to reinstate. $325.00 OWI 48 hour weekend program (county dependent) Minimum $125 for 12 hour course. Proudly created with. Participants are required to stay overnight both nights. In some cases, the court may allow or require you to complete your jail time and drinking driver course in one program known as the 48-hour program or weekend program. Call one of our OWI defense lawyer specialists to inquire if this is available in your area. IOWA OWI - Frequently Asked Questions . This program is based on research. In Polk County and surrounding counties, you may have the opportunity to serve your jail sentence by participating in a “weekend” program at a local hotel. OWI Driving Class for April will be held April 16th and 17th. We offer judgment-free 48-hour OWI jail diversion classes in a comfortable atmosphere that is convenient and affordable. She would not let anyone slack and made everyone participate which made the class easy to pay attention and learn. In Polk County and surrounding counties, you may have the opportunity to serve your jail sentence by participating in a “weekend” program at a local hotel. 2. Successfully complete a state approved drinking driver education program. The OWI 12 hour course provides information and support to assist people in exploring new beliefs and changing behaviors. May 21-23. It is an educational program. Jan. 29-31. Just click on the “register now” button below to sign up and start your class immediately: Register for 12 Hour DUI Class Now. Note that in some cases additional penalties/requirements may be imposed by the court system and/or by the Iowa Department of Transportation. They have classes scheduled each month, so finding a class should not be a problem. Along with being an alternative to jail, our program provides the mandatory Iowa Department of Transportation Drinking Drivers Education training over 48 … The Second Chance OWI Weekend Program offers 12, 48, or 96 Hour OWI Weekend Classes, both of which fulfill the Iowa Law requirements, and they’re offered in four different counties: Charles City, Council Bluffs, Des Moines, and Sioux City. You will need to attend a local class in person.. Along with being an alternative to jail, our program provides the mandatory Iowa Department of Transportation Drinking Drivers Education training over 48 consecutive hours all in … Call one of our OWI defense lawyer specialists to inquire if this is available in your area. All OWI offenders must complete a substance abuse evaluation and the recommended treatment program. "I feel the Urban Dreams instructor Regina did an amazing job during my OWI class... her teaching methods were on point and eye-opening. Adult Male and Female; Youth Male and Female ... 605 N. Main Street @2020 by Urban Dreams. Complete a substance abuse evaluation and follow any treatment recommendations as stipulated by the evaluator. The Second Chance OWI Weekend Program offers 12, 48, or 96 Hour OWI Weekend Classes, both of which fulfill the Iowa Law requirements, and they’re offered in four different counties: Charles City, Council Bluffs, Des Moines, and Sioux City. No purchase necessary; message and data rates may apply. By phone: 515-244-8725 or by email: ods@dot.iowa… This educational program works to improve community relations while promoting safer decision-making. Surcharge $100.00 Court Costs (if only charge filed is OWI) DOT Imposed Financial Obligations. This is a 2-day, 12-hour course for individuals who have made high-risk drinking and/or drug use choices. Please call us at 515-288-4742 or 515249-8596 with any questions or concerns. Contact us if you do not see the course you are looking for IF you have questions, please CALL 515-964-6800 OR 800-342-0033 This educational program works to improve community relations while promoting safer decision-making. Our weekend OWI jail diversion program is an alternative to jail for people convicted of first-offense operating while intoxicated. Limited smoke breaks are provided. Please call us at 515-288-4742 or 515-249-8596 with any questions or concerns. Registration does not guarantee your spot in class, only prepayment, in full, locks in your spot. This program is offered on a Bi-Weekly basis. The program helps participants estimate their level of risk for developing alcohol or other drug problems. The county of the sentencing is then notified that the education course has been completed by those charged. An error occured while storing the information. Kirkwood supplies your meals for the OWI Weekend Program. If you are having trouble getting ahold of us, please email -, @2020 by Urban Dreams. There, in the comfort of their own clothes and the relaxed environment of a hotel meeting room, participants will fulfill all requirements without spending any time in prison. The court can set the length of time that treatment is required or leave it up to the treatment provider. Thank you," client (2018). "I feel the Urban Dreams instructor Regina did an amazing job during my OWI class... . You will share a hotel room unless you pay extra for a private room. Online courses Will Not be accepted. She would not let anyone slack and made everyone participate which made the class easy to pay attention and learn. “Kirkwood OWI Weekend Program Information. 24 Hour DUI Class. Back to School for some, the OWI weekend program is the best way to resolve the penalty from a first time drunk driving conviction and avoid jail if the prosecutor either recommends or does not resist the minimum jail sentence with the 48 hour community college weekend program in lieu of said minimum sentence. Due to the COVID-19 physical distancing recommendations, we will ask all participants to wear masks in class when we cannot be more than six feet apart. Iowa utilizes the Prime for Life 12-hour curriculum. Find DUI resources. We teach the Prime for Life curriculum. Level 1 Class. You will notify the Iowa Department of Education via email to barbara.ledvina@iowa.gov upon completion and your information will be sent the Iowa DOT in 3-5 days. Our weekend OWI jail diversion program is an alternative to jail for people convicted of first-offense operating while intoxicated. Kirkwood does not know your specific requirements. Your attendance at this program will also Eligibility and completion requirements and the consequences of failing to successfully complete the deferred adjudication program . Regina has inspired me to give back all information I learned to others like me. Dallas County, Iowa 12 Hour DWI OWI DUI Class-OWI DUI and DWI charges may need to take an alcohol education program which can be available for you totally online. Feb. 26-28. By submitting this form, you agree and consent to receive emails, phone calls using automated technology and/or prerecorded messages and SMS/text messages from IgnitionInterlockInfo.com and its affiliates. There are a number of I just completed the course taught by Dennis and found it to be a great program along with Dennis being personable, likable and knowledgeable," client (2017). Participants must then fill out and send the Iowa Out-of-State Documentation Form and certification of course completion to the Iowa Department of Drinking Driver Education along with a $37.50 administrative fee. If you received an OWI in the state of Iowa, you will need to complete the following before your driver's license can be reinstated. Second Chance OWI Weekend Programs can be … Des Moines program will be held at AmericInn Hotel & Suites in Johnston. Time spent at our program will count as the mandatory two days in jail. We advise that you check first. To schedule a substance abuse assessment, please call (515) 288-4742. When a deferred judgment is granted, the Court will often require this course as … However, they recommend registering early, as classes tend to fill up quickly. The Second Chance OWI Weekend Program offers 12, 48, or 96 Hour OWI Weekend Classes, both of which fulfill the Iowa Law requirements, and they’re offered in four different counties: Charles City, Council Bluffs, Des Moines, and Sioux City. In most cases the following would be acceptable reasons to take an online DUI class for a DUI that happened in Iowa: April 9-11. In the state of Iowa, an alcohol awareness, substance abuse or a drug education pretrial diversion program or an OWI intervention class to fulfill court or state-mandated requirements is necessary. Must be 18 year of age or older. Our 12 hour DUI class costs $189 and can be taken by anyone who has been preapproved to take an online class. Attention: The state of Iowa does not accept any “online DUI or OWI classes” as a means to satisfying the Iowa Courts, Probation, or DMV for anyone who received a DUI or OWI in the state of Iowa. You must attend a local class. CONTACT INFORMATION . Iowa law imposes mandatory minimum penalties for OWI convictions. Best 48 and 12 hour OWI jail diversion program in the state of Iowa! Regina has inspired me to give back all information I learned to others like me. Clinton County, Iowa 12 Hour DWI OWI DUI Class-OWI DUI and DWI charges may need to take an alcohol education program which can be available for you totally online. Prices vary by organization. Classes are limited to 20! ! COVID-19 update - online classes available for 12-hour only. Ignition Interlock & Breathalyzer Devices, Ignition Interlock Device Installation Locations. Within our substance abuse department, we house our OWI weekend diversion classes. Costs March 12-14. July 9-11. Information will be e-mailed to you in 3-5 days from barbara.ledvina@iowa.gov with access information. COURT APPROVAL IS A MUST TO ATTEND. The unique Second Chance OWI Weekend Program allows residents who were charged with a first-time OWI to forgo the court ordered jail time and complete their education class at the same time. Along with being an alternative to jail, our program provides the mandatory Iowa Department of Transportation Drinking Drivers Education training over 48 consecutive hours all in one weekend. A deferred judgment typically requires a year of probation, although it can be discharged early with exemplary and immediate compliance, but the weekend program … Click here for more details. The 12-Hour OWI Program is required by the Iowa Department of Transportation for anyone with an impaired driving offense. We offer classes statewide in five locations: Charles City, Council Bluffs, Des Moines, Ottumwa, and Sioux City. In Iowa, drunk driving or operating a motor vehicle with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or above, is referred to as Operating While Intoxicated (OWI). This program includes the 12 Hour OWI class required by the Iowa Department of Transportation. The class is designed to provide an opportunity to look at your own drinking/using patterns and make responsible choices concerning driving under the influence. March 26-28. The law also requires OWI offenders to complete a course for drinking drivers, and in some cases, a reality education substance abuse prevention program. OWI Driving Class for March will be held March 5th and 6th. LJ’s Catering will cater a box lunch on Friday night and hot meals on Saturday and Sunday for lunch and Saturday for dinner. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()). Find an ignition interlock device near you. Kirkwood OWI / DUI Weekend Program in Iowa. Classes are held at a hotel where students spend their weekends in a casual atmosphere and educational setting. 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