The inertness of the despondent continually deepens their despondency, increases their weakness, and aggravates their misery. They that wait upon the Lord shall "change," that is, they shall have another strength bestowed upon them, and such as will be more useful to them. This is not the strength spoken of here. And this is true to life" "They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run; they shall walk." Such a vision restores the heart of faith. In many circumstances we require the protection and assistance of our fellow-creatures, but in all circumstances we require the protection and assistance of our Creator. V. Tymms.As we look back on history we can see positive evidence that the promise of this text was historically fulfilled, and in the eases of the men to whom the message came first. THE PROMISE. And that power God has provided. "Mount up with wings as eagles." "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart." He comes down from the mount made ready, like Moses, for work in the camp at large, or in the retirement of his tent. You see the eagle mounting up by a power that God has given it. THE RESULT. They shall walk and not faint — words which seem to denote consistency in common daily life. L. Wiseman, B. THE HIGHEST STRENGTH IS DEVELOPED IN THE HIGHEST ACTIVITY. They that wait upon the Lord shall "change," that is, they shall have another strength bestowed upon them, and such as will be more useful to them. But do something else in between. Waiting on the Lord implies —1. Other images are used; those of the runner in the stadium, and the wrestler in the arena; but it is always on the walking that stress is laid. L. Wiseman, B. In the power to endure it. Usually we have, at any rate, just a little strength, and then waiting upon Him means not only prayer and uplooking, but doing His commandments like the angels, who because they do them excel in strength.II. God has provided hours for rest and refreshment.I. This seems to be the proper sense and meaning. (a)Because he has a great way to go, much ground to be despatched; therefore there is need of speed for the passing over it. All outward observances, whether private or public, have no meaning, and can have no avail without that conscious voluntary movement of the soul towards God. This is not the strength spoken of here. Learn to come into blessed fellowship with God. This is what we all need in this weary world, whose toils and cares and temptations perpetually remind us of our weakness and the need of invigorating grace. You throw a stone into the air. He has kept the world going all these ages; and my short life of sixty, seventy, or eighty years — will my God not care for and maintain that? And it is this that tries our mettle most of all. The New Testament
That is your great need. (b)But a little time, and much time lost already. Maybe in revolutions and bloodshed, for the wheels of God grind inexorably and small. In point of ease. "Because of His strength," says the Psalmist, "I will wait upon Him, for God is my defence." The machinery of the steamship, the locomotive, or the factory may be perfect in itself, its parts exquisitely adjusted, and all ready for action; yet it is inoperative until the steam is generated and applied. "They shall mount up with wings as eagles," etc. A collected frame of mind.3. Thence the word came to signify patience as opposed to worry and despondency. Usually we have, at any rate, just a little strength, and then waiting upon Him means not only prayer and uplooking, but doing His commandments like the angels, who because they do them excel in strength.II. Who does not know the temptations of reaction, and the days when the lights burn low?2. L. Wiseman, B. A.— At a certain junction the train by which I was travelling was divided into two parts. For even before conversion there is a kind of strength which does appear, and that also in reference to religion, and the duties of it, but it is not such a strength as any are to rest themselves contented with. I said "Oh yes, my brother, as long as we think it is our activity that must do it, then passivity robs us of time and strength. And this is done commonly, in the greatest uncertainty whether the means will prove effectual.2. )Despondency and hopefulnessW. Spiritual strength especially consists in that exercise of faith called trust or confidence. But how does God reveal Himself when He calls upon us to wait upon Him? And we renew our strength for all enterprise which makes demand on our courage and truthfulness.2. It is far easier for some of us to run than to walk. God seems to observe in spiritual things a similar order to that which exists in natural things. Some carriages standing on the middle line of rails were to be attached to our train. Ward Beecher. That is the teaching of the prophet. The world expects it of me; Christ demands it of me. V. It was his religious observance of the laws of the Nazarite which occasioned his extraordinary power. That is His great legacy to the Church. He receives strength to confess his sins to the God of truth from the hope of pardon founded on God's merciful promise.2. They are willing to receive direction and instruction from Him. )The renewed of strengthJ. His Cross. "Every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself, even as He is pure. Faith and hope and love itself, so dewy fresh in the morning, spend themselves in noonday's scorching heat, and run low at eventide. How far this strength shall operate, and what noble effects it shall produce, may be seen by the following words.III. )Renewal of strengthT. When he has to contend with the powers of nature, he is strong and victorious; but when he has to contend with the powers of spiritual wickedness, and with his own ungodly desires, he is helpless. )God's grace sufficient for all life's stagesJ. On Him only (Psalm 62:5).2. 2. When exhausted renew your power.(R. The justified believer derives strength to advance to closest fellowship with God from the hope that he may meet Him in likeness of character.4. And God, in His omnipotence and faithfulness, is willing to work in my heart every moment of the day.2. In vain all my lonely musing, in vain all my bustle in the kingdom of Christ, if consistency of daily life does not accompany the whole. Our Lord trusted to faith to subdue humanity. It is a crown (1 Corinthians 9:25). (3) But the essence of spiritual strength resides in the will A fixed purpose is that which more clearly characterise the genuine Christian than anything else. Even the drudgery of life can be transfigured in the light of the Father's love. (3) But as only few can fly and only some can run, there are still some who can only walk. But how does God reveal Himself when He calls upon us to wait upon Him? There may he a vigour which is the effect of a disordered state of the corporeal system — a feverish or spasmodic action which is much more violent than the strength of a healthy man. Who can bring strength out of weakness? Is this really so? God has provided hours for rest and refreshment.I. By a sudden impetus or effort. They imply —(1) The spiritual recognition of God. Such a vision restores the heart of faith. These are all comprehended in one expression, "waiting on the Lord."III. You are to wait for supplies. Without warmth in our desires and feelings we shall be found sickly. We are not always faint. Those who have not eagle's wings still have some power of motion, they can run on the earth and in the path of God's commandments. Thank God for the flying stage while it lasts, for we do get visions in those flights that abide with us long after our wings have dropped off, and we have learned that the ether is not our element; visions whose memory helps to cheer us as hereafter we trudge along the monotonous and dusty ways of life's hard routine. who can bring life out of decay? Waiting, in the Scriptures, sometimes includes the idea which we affix to it in common life; namely, that of attendance or service.II. For this, earthly and human strength will not avail. "The joy of the Lord is your strength."III. The prophet's imagery is startling, and some critics would presume to call his figures somewhat mixed; but the thought conveyed is clear. We are not always faint. They get filled. It is precisely because he is not tired that the man of God does not stop. THE ENCOURAGEMENT HERE BESTOWED ON THE FULFILMENT OF THE DUTY REQUIRED, — renewed strength shall be imparted. (vers. As bodily health is only found in a well-balanced and healthy state of the corporeal functions, so spiritual strength can only be found in souls into which new life has been infused, and is in vigorous exercise. Isaiah 61:3 talks about a ‘crown of beauty’ and 1 Corinthians 9:25, reminds us about an ‘eternal crown’. THE INTERESTING EFFECTS OF ITS BRING SO RENOVATED OR INCREASED. A. It puts before us the thought, not of a new gift, but of a new experience of an old gift. Horton, D. amplified by a resemblance to a threefold motion.1. Spiritual strength especially consists in that exercise of faith called trust or confidence. There is nothing that is so helpful to a soul as the contact of another soul.6. Magnetise a needle, and it becomes much more sensitive to the force of the magnet. Horton, D. D.)Renewing strengthT. It expresses a solid endurability such as belongs to a stiff piece of oak that never bends and never breaks under heavy pressure. L. Wiseman, B. 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