The Modernist Period in English Literature occupied the years from shortly after the beginning of the twentieth century through roughly 1965. dTG1FV(.4=Bf*CsT@82$\pALg5m"+[<>h&*`;#Auo5kl3F!uo*aqq:. endstream endobj 60 0 obj << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] /Font << /F1 4 0 R /F3 11 0 R /F4 12 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 6 0 R >> >> endobj 62 0 obj << /Length 2584 /Filter [/ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode] >> stream X"4n8maJ(02fE>1^O1ol(:3+&To)g&n4+!MN`DU*1_!HJM:q2p-rsEaI"'XUeQmkY Xt#^I!UV1fID""QV9qH>FLa-_VE=Lj'0M!s05Z^Am2C@:@m=B Q&Noe*&>)",)S@"m6pW0T8kn-UkA([\;fE-Jt! EO8r'?-1)r27K*Tpu]$%UjMW'K0I2Iq?Gr8-%Vk.qH#;]b&QDAT[h1RcR,@!.r=\n =gLg-.pB!%nkcSuUhrQ>5B%/8jq[,X(i5M=jG/B>#FIcrAa`^).D`#2LCajh0SGG] Literary study involves not only the reading of books and the consideration of them on abstract aesthetic grounds, but also a study of the outward manifestations of the spirit of the ages. His enduring world-wide appeal stems from his capacity to dignify the melting pot of dialects - Anglo-Saxon, French, and Latin - as a suitable vehicle for literary purpose, freed from any foreign influence. >1)%F? r.8TC)T[4!4TZV["SX(bD]2_q_DZ5?%A6d'orkBk:D"Zp8YS3+fZMY[h"2/s7h2]3 B8^T2=MqkAc)F^Yr\XMBI'U/'D49Vor2#rU2i4@QFZRj4fD#aE*W=8"? 6)(('lW"e\gsY?q-&o'\EeP(DRa ]p`V<77ke1T(H^f&@M%`WC+RkCO6 endstream endobj 18 0 obj << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] /Font << /F1 4 0 R /F2 5 0 R /F3 11 0 R /F4 12 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 6 0 R >> >> endobj 20 0 obj << /Length 3401 /Filter [/ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode] >> stream 0;YT:Mp!"C>(qV5Jpi[2.n7NJOAWG[Z#-k`(-m]g. 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'6P [lXd4e4 icn.7(KFV]4T24J5I32K9GgGfVo7&R`LDPTqb]n The cultural upheaval that followed the Norman Conquest of England, in 1066, saw a flowering of secular literature, including ballads, chivalric romances, allegorical poems, and a variety of religious plays. 90^Zf`g#*l[AZ,-H/U!O@"##5FEFQ_/_%]"0[DV&&/SbVhN8eqig3Y.mNAWCAkHj[!#s_a6qWf!P U2)ZqY3Giqfu(kZLg'+]qd`A!PfOS'I%I?JdkmK:`3\/iQ`FY_dsSSt-7a'fY*9Fa Post-War English Literature 1945-1990 Sara Martín Alegre P08/04540/02135 PGmTb>*NTSXc)A8j;PD6J;Uso:o=F;]hNZc[A6#)l0U+FEgR!$UGisN#-/!=Cd^K1D._RSaVa7:?c&QXB#o.2>YGK57O;SM&Ia*r(O`P [faZ[7WDUfds-c=??>&u@Zp\*#r.hAq9? It was only after this transition that the … period, and a consideration of the ideals which stirred the whole nation, as in the days of Elizabeth, before they found expression in literature. -hU7r?RM.R)YP$?q$o2nST'3r^FT(ed"14&;pbm68csQ?^NR?OknQuM&)(C0Od%LL In all the previous periods experimentation and individualism were highly discouraged but With the onset of the modern period both these things became virtues. 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M&l]q,Z3.%-`Mn`:mh/p4kj9@:L#U54+nhSd+.U$21]3D%;r#)`kb2O:u4jJHtk2] n]BcS#7\C=.Tnc.oYa'8,E2liPdCVh? 0/SC)fj`EQr+T>^#RhU>4]:;j?9(N2 ],UbU_)6uqMXe3580#p Literary modernism, or modernist literature, originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mainly in Europe and North America, and is characterized by a self-conscious break with traditional ways of writing, in both poetry and prose fiction writing.Modernism Modernists experimented with literary form and expression, as exemplified by Ezra Pound's maxim to "Make it new." London became not . 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"GjGZ%cMok)2&k@3?Att2WP3$G:bj&,IHWY00[,9^m Know Different Ages in History of English Literature by Somnath Sarkar — July 09, 2016 0 Literary study involves not only the reading of books and the consideration of them on abstract aesthetic grounds, but also a study of the outward manifestations of the spirit of the ages. X^T$)niE;/F3a:,rTr)3($)S`b]_ZW!t5%e`j.#!ob'0P7CM'irnD5ipTmr9hrJbF 'Rn"csYI.951#f9q'`fKn.XG8Rh>jE/b Download Full PDF Package. At the completion of this topic, the students must be able to: 1. 8 USEFUL INFORMATION TO STUDY LITERATURE Taking Notes 1. o$KIYh#Buh7QYkNRWq4`i-bXn.PItZ8]>A!$.#a)6%)! Because the Victorian Period of English literature spans over six decades, the year 1870 is often used to divide the era into "early Victorian" and "late Victorian." d8. 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The Modernist period was marked by a strong and international break with tradition. X<0:#UNH)IGkj*l7C>]m0(iZ*\gi^-`[MQM/cH (%%An8-P0s=FhmR`_1K53;h'N7_:e@? (63Qo)/+X2:ntTHg,qHq.G6s`P+6!QWf,KU2jSkV$ih,Z-mk[nW+hI3Z>C@o?=a#EB;Q)r7E#fJ. ;9D!P,=2C;0Bo+7V=_pH&7(C[K$jV'XC2Z8qUeR(%t7!H-pjX;0@'l=0JO!L*]CD5 8;W"$gN)=4')_n3"!591#pI*rhe^Uj/pk_[CGV7(jFO0NM&Vn&J^er;pY-KVU+VXo ;XBb9i`Vl/JKruZckJ[&*b6\?Q%*8hO]9OZ$M2aI:Tl3D^iduX For better understanding and better study, many historians have categorised the entire History of English literature in certain periods. =X2abKi#>qSOp>*N@+hJ1gln?l[)b\+&)D'A"Z=Kp8"W%,P=6%F5C.i)W*Uc"e8eDuT,Cra'jtT_9Nk&3T>idDW.U '6P #3gU?J/ i"'I>4r&@S9.i9UGXLHRCQL[4f:d[n7pY0q/TdMb394K#=T(q/[9sFX8AmSihLkD4 hIm]ZaeREP4 endstream endobj 79 0 obj << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] /Font << /F1 4 0 R /F3 11 0 R /F4 12 0 R /F5 25 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 6 0 R >> >> endobj 81 0 obj << /Length 2550 /Filter [/ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode] >> stream AY@`qDSm`dgfqhE$G:&n(SZ!? 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Other forms of literature like Songs, Sonnets, Poetry, Lyric poetry and etc were written during the Reformation. 2pNkZGL\+LP$b'%Z=Zold,nRG/7f]`m0'H2TX`d5]Z^7'1m^'ZeVU@8I2d^S-ial( !g3qBi^KTV(#g"hRDA5F0j&BOLR%=fi';XpW0]IGYu\H)74"5[MnCf#;#sK@N`qe'MRNm%nLQ gPRU,F/>hi`I;tfGMKuGs-UI$jG6aR9!-QdG408c.iFSB>a9nf*rK]JBti_-k$(?Xm6*. @@.A?XfeR])R/cU;sT*"*>(5Q&FV6k#?^)PkGHuNs *$DljgGr][thT k?ei%2HD;1)%`%$Aj`DaAGeT`UB#c(6>_5&&6qF8'%c-gCT]I;e.D2b%U.c@';? ;"hiENi6i79aoiR@IACdR1->\(7,$Ac8^,D1SdK@M,nH,T 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. 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