The rock cycle story 1. Not only did my students write a children's book while learning about theme, perspective, the 5 elements of stories and the writing process. by b3569c01. Award-Winning Video from ON THE ROCKS 2019: *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. For example they would go down a river and break down or they would erupt from volcano and so on and so forth. The Rock Cycle Hi there! They record where they travel to and why, this helps understand how rocks… Well, all it took was a little melting, cooling and crystallization! At first, I was hot, but then I started to cool down. Melted rock … by f4d17681. h��k�Ǖ��J}�1+0�``@��k���'�-qd�(P����{��DVWU7�MY�� �FTG�"#�r.�yO��N9�S�S8�f�)����)�b��*�*�R�A��b��*����F��8�d�s�V���s8�\��O��ٞL����Z�}�˳5�G�V��I�Q�\��8�5�qW�b��@�͎�牢֧�Wx��G�Rx*ؕ���7-�ԭ�½u� 2. 317 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3411A064A274BA4099C58DF78A112343><209A7F81FB0A6847A0EF1B6070CF1BDB>]/Index[290 62]/Info 289 0 R/Length 129/Prev 380218/Root 291 0 R/Size 352/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Active volcanoes like this one on Reunion Island—east of Madagascar, in the Indian Ocean—forms a type of igneous rock. ��9ִ%�Y6;v��m�a�v"udp+���wX[�Nkk�ei}�g�Y����+;Q��h �Q7d�d.�e8��V�24uaŗl�sc��#��`y&;��/�d�4ɨ'��Fb9�ɶF��������RL�l,A�ߡeͷ�}{`�l)���J:���)�;��ٜ��T�Vm�|��w�����yG�s7��.M��:.m�yab���Q�r舳����g��$1���Y#��yi����Y���:�����?����7o�l��/4��9]��b��UD��'�+=Я��ǟ|������S�z��qq���N�6�_����c3�cOu������6����{��o+i7�o�������X9vܺ�������+1׽k�&g�K��_��� �s���s�xg��[��yyھx��A�q�V����ڕ�>��r��z����?���?F�'.�]�K*�.��py��7�'�_=9>�n�ھ�&a���M9PP��7(�sT� Extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks are both formed from the crystallization of minerals by cooling magma. Ages 2-5 . The rock cycle is a continuous process that occurs over millions of years. How were they formed? There are three main kinds of rocks: igneous rock, metamorphic rock, and sedimentary rock.Each of these rocks can change into the other kinds by physical processes: cooling, melting, heat, weathering/erosion, compacting (squeezing tightly together), cementing, and pressure. Reunion Island Volcano. my rock cycle. Rock Cycle Story - This is a great book for introducing the rock cycle to kids. The rock cycle is the process by which rocks of one kind change into rocks of another kind.. %PDF-1.6 %���� This is called the rock cycle. This storyboard was created with Like What You See? It started hardening. In fact, many times it takes thousands of years. I'm Peter, and I want to tell you all about the rock cycle! Updated: 1/19/2021. Magma is a hot liquid made of melted minerals. I was formed from the heat and pressure of a volcano. h�bbd```b``6�� ��D��w�d�׃H� ��L:�HN^ ���?�Կa� �|���:��)��`s�@�yX�, Create your own! The rock cycle is a basic concept in geology that describes transitions through geologic time among the three main rock types: sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous.Each rock type is altered when it is forced out of its equilibrium conditions. Chemistry, Earth Science, Geology. After being in the mantle for over a million years, there was an eruption! By Chance RoeTHE ROCK CYCLE. 5 - 8. The rock factory is an information book about the rock cycle. In your story, your main character is a rock that is traveling through the rock cycle. Like What You See? endstream endobj 291 0 obj <>/Metadata 19 0 R/Pages 288 0 R/StructTreeRoot 46 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 292 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 288 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 293 0 obj <>stream For example, sedimentary rocks can be changed into metamorphic rocks. Most of us think of rocks as objects which don’t change. The Rock Cycle is a group of changes. A great read aloud for introducing the rock cycle. The Rock Cycle, rock types, changes in rock, and geological processes Slate and chalk are both sedimentary rocks. Updated: 1/15/2021. Hi, my name is Rocky I am your guide on the journey around the rock cycle. Copy. Rock Cycle Story . The Rock Cycle Story Project I would like to say that I am very proud of my students! On this journey, your rock … Subjects. They are then called metamorphic rocks. In How Do Rocks Cycle on the Earth? To wrap up our discussion on the three types of rocks, you will be writing and illustrating a story. You follow a tiny mineral through the rock cycle, and at the very end you see what type of rock/mineral your rock becomes. Grades. This cycle goes on and on forever, our earth is formed … His fellow rock club members were so smooth and polished. Igneous rock can change into sedimentary rock or into metamorphic rock. @� N�,2 This book uses simple phrases to share all the places you might find or use a rock. He’d been president for tens of thousands of years, and to be honest, he was tired of it. © 2021 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - All rights reserved. It makes new rock, destroys old rock, and recycles the ingredients of the Earth's crust over and over again! Quinn's rock cycle story. Rocks change very slowly under normal activity, but sometimes catastrophic events like a volcanic eruption or a flood can speed up the process. The heat bakes the rock, baked rock does not melt but it does change, The rock forms crystals but if it already has crystals it just forms bigger ones! The rock cycle is a gradual process and takes a long time to happen. The rock cycle is a picture of my life. However it reads like a story book. The Rock Factory: The Story About the Rock Cycle (Science Works) [Bailey, Jacqui, Lilly, Matthew] on Have students decide whether Mildred was an igneous or a sedimentary rock in her first life. Write your story here: Hi, my name is Rocky, and I am going to take you on a journey of my life. This was not an easy project. View This Storyboard as a Slide Show! Keep reading to learn about the rock cycle steps and the three types of rocks. My name is Lucy and I have gone through a cycle to be like this! b̆"Z���%��$Z�����M�e;�{��10t�L�.���O���b��%&�:Ca����x5�Z�;1�ێo�&��_:mh�MQi& �-�i��g�5g3c��}��D���27�&�Ym Mildred Metamorphic is visiting her rock doctor to cope with her past life. The cycle is called the rock cycle! Let's just hope that I don't start melting and turn into magma again! There, I was a melted rock called magma. The rocks are gradually recycled over millions of years. 4. The rock cycle is a concept of geology that describes the transition of rocks between the three rock types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.The cycle outlines how each rock type can be converted to another rock type through geologic processes. The rock cycle is the formation, breakdown and reformation of a rock as a result of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic processes. 351 0 obj <>stream Hi, I'm bob, an igneous rock. Write a story about her "mixed up" emotions when she finds out that she might have had more than one life. My name is Randy The Rock and my life started under ground where it was very hot and I was surrounded with molten material. Yep! Image. The rock cycle is the formation, breakdown and reformation of a rock as a result of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic processes. 1. Don't even ask how I ended up here. The Rock Cycle is an adventure in this fun story puzzle! 6�� As the rock sink deeper, the pressure and temperature increase, and the rocks undergo metamorphoses. Here is an example of the rock cycle describing how a rock can change from igneous to sedimentary to metamorphic over time. I was pushed to the bottom where other rocks and I compacted together and became a sedimentary rock Copy. Once upon a time there was avolcano. students play a game to learn more about the three types of rocks (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary) and how they cycle from one type to the next over time. It finally turned into a rock. Quizzes Stories People Tests Fiction Fanfiction Nonfiction Surveys Add to library 1 Discussion The Hard Cycle of a Small Sediment in a Large Rock: A Journal Recording of One S I thought only water had a cycle! So while I was in the river other rocks hit me and made me smaller and smoother. You can start out as an igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock, magma, or sediment (sand). 0 Storyboard Text hi there im a metaphoric rock wich has melted in lava and im trying to wait for this volcano to erupt Match letters and numbers to solve the final missing phrase at the end of the story. Hello! For example, an igneous rock such as basalt may break down and dissolve when exposed to the atmosphere, or melt as it is subducted under a continent. It is used to describe how I can take three very different forms, and how Earth processes facilitate these changes. View This Storyboard as a Slide Show! USE: Example: You will be creating story that follows a rock through its many changes during the rock cycle. This storyboard was created with What is the rock cycle? Follow Rocky through his journey and learn how he changes by solving the missing words. The difference is that, unlike the water cycle, you can’t see the rock cycle steps happening on a day-to-day basis. :y�a��q~��+g�0�s�XטiF�so�)��������/.*��z����! The Rock Cycle Rocks are constantly changing in what is called the rock cycle. For a minute itjust stayed there wandering what justhappened. The end of the book has more information about rocks, as well as a glossary. The sedimentary layers slowly sink into the crust. Students examine the rock cycle by watching videos and then use creative storytelling techniques to tell the story of a rock as it undergoes geologic changes. endstream endobj startxref The Rock Cycle Iggy Obsidian was president of the Extrusive Igneous Rock Club. h�b```����� ��ea����0���ƚ�� �+}��������ր��l�1�@, ed���(�`�f�l�/��Lߙ���`�0�` The rock cycle is a series of processes that create and transform the types of rocks in Earth’s crust. The rock cycle is an illustration that is used to describe how the three rock types are related and how Earth processes change a rock from one type to another over time. The Rock Factory: The Story about the Rock Cycle by Jacqui Bailey. There's a rock cycle? Let's study all about these and the Rock-Cycle today.For more videos go to: for watching The Rock Factory: The Story About the Rock Cycle … I just exploded out onto the crust and became lava, and I started flowing onto the crust. Storyboard Text. One day a big glob of lava got away it kept goingand going then it stopped. %%EOF Metamorphic rock can change into igneous or sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock can change into metamorphic rock or into igneous rock. "�:�"�`�H�_���������q��9 F!� Intrusive igneous rocks cooled below the surface of Earth and most of the time have bigger crystals because of more amount of time spent at mineral crystallization temperatures from surrounding materials. 290 0 obj <> endobj Below is an interactive link that contains further information about the rock cycle … This was the largestever to exist 3. �w�z]f����Q�}�������ٯ_~��6x�������g�g>����߼��[����ϟ���8q����~��g�����]���3;��/���d}� ����w���������oo�y��Z��߼�������߽��Տo�����O/��˿���w/�b�OA�|����ٞ}���/_�=��}��_�|��ߞZ�Ϟ��?J5��x*��'�����Q�q��)F[�ڮ����˫����O޼z����_}}���w���/��n����o_�����|��g�r~�t�˷o^�����~���_^|�S_y�JϾx��W_���߽�g��4����%���48_m���zKw�Y�k鮃Ͼ���"g��=�l�p�[���l��9O��S�{�]i�WZ�E���zj�����n�C�ڂ����-�f��rl��ڈ'�A�ڭ-{���6��۔նP�n�@�3G����) ۢ��e�/u{ֶMm�D�-�j�)��һ�BmV���I��Mnؖ*� �6�џ�k�ۻ��c����[��-&���e{G�n:Ѭ ;�'���|��ؾ�o���ڶ��U3l��}�Ӵq�&f9M��6�m�(#�&zlX Igneous rock forms when magma cools and makes crystals. A Rock Can Be by Laura Purdie Salas. Posted: (25 days ago) Rock Cycle Comic. Rock Cycle Comic. The journey begins in the mantle. In your story, your main character is a rock that is traveling through the rock cycle. This Rock Cycle: The Story of a Rock Lesson Plan is suitable for 9th - 12th Grade. It was the Rock Cycle and each person started off as a rock and would go to different stations and roll dice to see what happened to them as a rock. It takes millions of years for rocks to change. hi there im a metaphoric rock wich has melted in lava and im trying to wait for this volcano to erupt, weeeeeee i finaly escaped the volcano erupted although its really starting to get cold i think im becoming an ingnius rock, Omg that was a really long jump at least I made it into the water, im slowly going to the center of the earth and im really starting to get hot, soon i will melt again and start again my rock cycle again, ahh finaly i made it into the volcano although it took a long time ohh well i guess i can start my rock cycle again. Create your own! To wrap up our discussion on the three types of rocks, you will be writing and illustrating a story. In My Life As a Rock students create stories to show their knowledge of the rock cycle. �=�J�RM ��zJ�r;�J-]�D���G�$S�ŕ�m��3��bJ�B;��Jns]�:.�4/K��ɥbټ�\��½R��*Ք�SK�^P�ž��R{�2��T�έ6��,f`$�� �V,�RCRqϊ������ح��/�. 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