maritime conflicts or challenges posed by maritime disruption from China's Coast Guard and maritime militias. Eastern Shipbuilding Group rendering Fairbanks Morse has been awarded a contract by Eastern Shipbuilding Group (ESG) to build and deliver the main propulsion diesel engines for the U.S. Coast Guard’s offshore patrol cutter (OPC) Ingram … What Can The Beleaguered Airline Business Expect From 2021? The Coast Guard selected Eastern Shipbuilding Group Inc. (ESG) to build the ship, by choosing them to continue into phase 2 of the OPC development, which includes detail design and construction. Eastern Shipbuilding to build second offshore patrol cutter for USCG April 13, 2020, by navaltoday The US Coast Guard (USCG) has modified its contract with Eastern Shipbuilding Group (ESG) to begin construction of the second offshore patrol cutter (OPC) and acquire long lead-time material (LLTM) for the third OPC. [23] On October 15, 2016 the Coast Guard issued a notice to proceed with the detailed design of the Offshore Patrol Cutter to Eastern Shipbuilding. The yard gets a fresh start, and will now be able to operate within the limited capacity of the still-shattered Florida Panhandle. [4] Construction of the first vessel in the class began in January 2019. The Coast Guard has labored mightily in keeping their fleet of decrepit mid-sized cutters on the line for decades more than planned. Even though the Eastern design has passed a number of design reviews, there are already signs of buyer’s remorse within the U.S. Coast Guard. There are industry concerns that the design is a patchwork of lowest-price, barely technically acceptable solutions, and that the cutter, if built as designed, will not perform well. Despite Huge Losses, United Airlines Tries Talking Positively. Eastern Shipbuilding Group survives as an operational concern, and the Offshore Patrol Cutter Program advances. [19] You may opt-out by. The Coast Guard plans to spend more than $12 billion on 25 offshore patrol cutters. GAO was asked by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to examine the OPC program and how USCG plans to deal with the On September 15, 2016, the U.S. Coast Guard exercised the Detail Design contract option, worth $110.3 million, to Eastern Shipbuilding Group (ESG) in Panama City, Florida. Even though Eastern Shipbuilding Group is likely disappointed that it cannot build all the Offshore Patrol Cutters, the Department of Homeland Security has crafted an agreement where almost everybody, for once, actually wins. The ship, to be named Chase (WMSM-916), is scheduled for delivery in 2023. Plans to include a stern launching ramp, as on the National Security Cutters and the Fast Response Cutters, had been eliminated on budgetary grounds. The U.S. Army Is In Great Shape. The Heritage-class cutters will perform various USCG missions which include but are not limited to PWCS (ports, waterways, and coastal security), defense operations, maritime law enforcement (drug/migrant interdiction and other law enforcement), search and rescue, marine safety, and environment protection. I offer blunt, uncompromising guidance on national security solutions, bringing complex security issues and oft-neglected defense topics to the attention of interested. Artist’s rendition of the Offshore Patrol Cutter, images courtesy of Eastern Shipbuilding Group. Founder and CEO of the Themistocles Advisory Group, I focus on communications and government relations as well as maritime, homeland defense and chemical, Adding to the difficulties, the area’s relative isolation and the Trump Administration’s half-hearted reconstruction effort only exacerbated staff recruitment and retention challenges. A modern mid-sized Coast Guard cutter would help the service do even more, and, so far, the Coast Guard is doing exactly what it needs to do keep the Offshore Patrol Cutter on a successful path. [22] The construction of the first cutter, USCGC Argus (WMSM-915), was planned to begin in the late summer of 2018, with delivery in August 2021. FRCs have an estimated average procurement cost of about $65 million per boat. In total, the Coast Guard has committed to spend over $12 billion to acquire a fleet of 25 OPCs to replace its aging fleet Medium Endurance Cutters. On June 30, the shipyard finally requested “extraordinary cost and schedule relief” from the Department of Homeland Security. To assist the Government with tracking responses, please reference “Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) Technical Library Request” and company’s name in the subject line. The cutting of steel started the fabrication and assembly of the cutter’s hull, and ESG is to complete keel laying of Chase […] [15], The cutter was originally proposed to replace aging medium endurance cutters with more capable and technologically advanced cutters as a part of the Integrated Deepwater System Program. U.S. Stealth Drone Gets Sensor Pod To ‘See First, Strike First’ In Air-To-Air Combat, Biden Must Move Fast And Kill The Freedom Class LCS, encroaching illegal fishermen ever before. The first Offshore Patrol Cutter is expected to be delivered in Fiscal Year 2021. For defense operations the WMSM will meet a range of roles from theater security cooperation to deploying with an expeditionary strike group (ESG) or supporting a combatant commander in various ways. Again, it might be worthwhile to use this programmatic pause to re-evaluate design assumptions and take a quick and hard look at the current Offshore Patrol Cutter design, evaluating modern concepts as well as the re-evaluating the detailed designs provided by the other two Offshore Patrol Cutter finalists, Bath Ironworks and Bollinger Shipyards. The multi-mode naval radar also provides Gun Weapon System cueing and supports the cutter's self-defense and limited air defense capability. biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) challenges. Some grouching is normal as any 3,500- to 3,700-ton warship design is a crazy-quilt of performance trade-offs and assumptions. I offer blunt, uncompromising guidance on national security solutions, bringing complex security issues and oft-neglected defense topics to the attention of interested policymakers and the general public. The challenge for the Coast Guard is that there is little time to spare. The Coast Guard’s now-under-construction and rapidly emerging Offshore Patrol Cutter ship (OPC) will hit the ocean next year, bringing new strategic and … Joe Biden Could Rescue The Last Nuclear Treaty—But Don’t Expect Him To Negotiate A New One, Clarified ‘Unfair And Deceptive’ Language Improves Airline Pricing Transparency, Russia Is Building Four Special Submarines To Haul Its Weird Doomsday Drone. With a Ph.D. in Immunology and Infectious Diseases from Harvard University, I have taught at the University of California, the Naval Postgraduate School, and the Monterey Institute of International Studies. With a tough contract on the line and the halting hurricane recovery reducing chances the yard could recruit and retain enough workers, Eastern Shipbuilding Group was in an impossible position. Reports of the program’s demise, however, said Brian Olexy, a program analyst with the Coast Guard’s Acquisition Directorate, are premature. The Coast Guard announced the award of eight Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) industry studies contracts March 20, 2020. executive for naval shipbuilder Austal USA, helping deliver Littoral Rolls-Royce will also supply bow thrusters, steering gear, fin stabilizers, and MTU marine generator sets. © 2021 Forbes Media LLC. The strategic environment has changed enormously since the Offshore Patrol Cutter entered it’s detailed design phase. [12] The missile defense duties are handled by the MK 53 decoy systems also used on the Legend-class cutters. FRCs are considerably smaller and less expensive than OPCs; they are intended to replace the Coast Guard’s 49 aging Island-class patrol boats. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. A total of 60 have been funded through FY2020, including four in FY2020. [26], On August 3, 2017, it was announced that the OPC's will be named "Heritage class" and the first 11 OPCs were named. So the yard bid aggressively, beating some seven original bidders and then ultimately trouncing Louisiana’s Bollinger Shipyards and Maine’s Bath Ironworks in the final round of competition. Energizing this contest is the Navy’s next generation frigate program, as certain shipyards that are not entirely confident in their frigate bids face an existential crisis should they lose the frigate contest. Hurricane recovery work creates enormous demand for trained personnel, and recovery jobs pay far more than even top-tier shipyard wages. Angeles Times, The New York Times, the Naval War College Review, the With a total value of $10.5 billion, the Offshore Patrol Cutter (formally known as the Heritage (WMSM 915) class cutter) is a top Coast Guard procurement priority. If the contract had continued as planned, the Offshore Patrol Cutter Program would have gone downhill quickly. This leads to the Final Critical Design Review for the Offshore Patrol Cutter. Few high-quality naval shipyards are eager to be associated with a design they are not familiar with that they fear might result in a problematic “dud” of a ship. The design may also be obsolete. But, it says “the cutter’s design is unstable, its schedule optimistic, and its cost estimate incomplete—making it likely that building it will take longer and cost more.” Unstable Design . Conclusion: Medium Endurance Cutters Are Needed. The Heritage-class cutters weapon and defense systems provide anti-surface capability, limited air-defense capability, and the capability to provide naval gunfire support. [7] The cutters have increased interoperability with other USCG and Department of Defense assets, which provides increased communications and similar systems with other combatants such as the Mk 110 and the Mk 38, weapons used in both the United States Navy (USN) and the USCG. The nightmare scenario is that, even when re-competed in a tough price shoot-out, other industry players decide that the Offshore Patrol Cutter is unable to be built for the $421 million the U.S. Coast Guard and Congress originally expected. [21], In September 2016, Eastern Shipbuilding of Panama City, Florida, was awarded a $110.3 million contract to build the first Offshore Patrol Cutter with an option to purchase eight additional cutters. The Service needs new mid-sized cutters. The Coast Guard will release a Request for Information to see industry interest in re-competing the remainder of the offshore patrol cutter program of record.[32]. Rolls-Royce will provide an extensive range of equipment, including MTU marine generator sets, to a new fleet of U.S. Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutters (USCG OPC). The Coast Guard’s mid-sized cutters are just too old and infirm to do the job they need to do. As these rumors swirled in 2018, Hurricane Michael hit, leveling the Eastern Shipbuilding Group’s shipyard in Panama City. The US Coast Guard has awarded eight contracts to eight shipbuilders for Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) industry studies, in a bid to return the program back on track. By December 2011 plans for the cutter started to become more concrete. In total, the 25-ship deal could be worth up to $10.5 billion. The Promas rudder, combined with the water-soluble polyalkylene glycol lubricant used in the CPP system, delivers an efficient and environmentally friendly propulsion solution. After restructuring, the Coast Guard will now only offer Eastern Shipbuilding options to build four of these $421 million vessels, and the rest– 21 ships–will likely be put out to bid. The Offshore Patrol Cutter, like the existing mid-sized cutter fleet, is meant to provide the majority of offshore presence for the Coast Guard’s cutter fleet, eventually filling the gap between the larger National Security Cutter and the Coast Guard’s smaller Fast Response Cutters. Rolls-Royce will supply the USCG Heritage-class fleet's controllable-pitch propellers (CPP), shaft lines, and Promas rudders, which offer increased propulsive efficiency and improved maneuverability. This leads to the Final Critical Design Review for the Offshore Patrol Cutter. On the other hand, the U.S. Coast Guard now gets an opportunity to rebid the program, letting major shipyards with excess production capacity engage in a vicious price shoot-out. Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) Background The Deepwater acquisition plan includes 25 OPCs. The Coast Guard has picked the homeport for the service’s first pair of Offshore Patrol Cutters on the East Coast, the service announced on Wednesday. This ensures that the Heritage class has the required interoperability to execute naval warfare tasks with the USN. An artist's rendering of a future Heritage Class Offshore Patrol Cutter. [31], On October 11, 2019, the Department of Homeland Security approved a limited extraordinary relief for the offshore patrol cutter contract as a result of damage to Eastern Shipbuilding facilities caused by Hurricane Michael, and adjusted the offshore patrol cutter detail design and construction contract with Eastern Shipbuilding group for up to the first four hulls. [14] The WMSM will have the capability and equipment to escape from a CBRNE and/or TIC contaminated environment. [28] This also includes meeting Coast Guard requirements, and meeting all American Bureau of Shipping Naval Vessel Rules and is the first US Coast Guard cutter ever constructed to meet these very specific requirements. Comments Off on Keel laid for first Coast Guards Offshore Patrol Cutter Argus Panama City, FL – The keel laying ceremony for the US Coast Guard’s, first of class, Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) ARGUS (WMSM-915), was held on April 28, 2020 at Eastern Shipbuilding Group’s Nelson Street facility. A lot has changed in the maritime over the past six years. Other wild-card yards that were cut out of both the Frigate and the Offshore Patrol Cutter at an early stage will also get a second bite at the apple, potentially driving down the per-hull price. The … [16][17], However, a bill passed by the United States Congress on November 15, 2011, imposed conditions on the USCG's capital expenditures, that revolved around the design of the Offshore Patrol Cutter, granting greater certainty to the project.[18]. But this sudden contractual shift also offers an enormous opportunity for America’s stressed shipbuilders, the Trump Administration and the U.S. Coast Guard. On July 21, 2017, Eastern Shipbuilding completed its Initial Critical Design Review for the Offshore Patrol Cutter. The cutters will also support Arctic operations.[5]. In my spare time, I support think-tank studies, Better price and schedule terms will enable the yard to rebuild without undue stress and grow at a rate the fragile and slowly recovering Florida Panhandle can adequately support. [11] The Heritage-class cutters are equipped with the same 220 rpm Bofors 57 mm gun as mounted on the USN's Littoral combat ships and the USCG's Legend-class cutters. Combat Ships and Expeditionary Fast Transports to the U.S. Navy. The total value is $41.68 million, this covers various materials and parts needed for the engines, switchboards and generators, steering and propeller components, and control systems. [6] The cutters will have the ability to install additional equipment (armament) and systems to augment their capabilities if required to conduct operations in higher threat environments in support of national security objectives or other missions. The contract to build these mid-sized 3,500- to 3,700-ton cutters was awarded in 2016 to a scrappy underdog, Florida-based Eastern Shipbuilding Group. [10] The cutters are also equipped with the AN/SLQ-32C(V)6 electronic warfare system, which is a scaled down and lower cost version of the AN/SLQ-32(V)6 SEWIP Block 2 system. With a price tag estimated at $300 million to $400 million over the life of the program, the offshore patrol cutter has drawn some scrutiny in the current budget climate. The situation was bleak. And on Friday, just as Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan headed for the exits, that relief was granted. On July 21, 2017, Eastern Shipbuilding completed its Initial Critical Design Review for the Offshore Patrol Cutter. The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) announced the award of Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) industry studies contracts to eight shipbuilders on March 20. The news has roiled America’s naval shipbuilding community. discuss naval matters at or write about the Navy, There is where the Coast Guard’s emerging Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) enters the equation, a new ship envisioned as a more capable, better networked, larger and far more advanced, high- … Florida-based Eastern Shipbuilding Group has cut the first steel for the US Coast Guard’s (USCG) second offshore patrol cutter (OPC). The 360'x54' cutter will be powered by two FM|MAN 16V 28/33D STC diesel engines, each rated at 7,280 kW (9,760 hp at 1,000 rpm) propulsion power. The service needs the 25 new cutters soon to replace others that are more than 50 years old, but the hurricane added delays and cost.The Coast Guard accepted significant risk with the design, schedule, and cost—both before and after the hurricane—to … Heritage-class offshore patrol cutter programme details In September 2016, USCG contracted Eastern Shipbuilding Group to supply nine Heritage-class OPCs. In 2018, Hurricane Michael devastated the shipyard where construction of the Coast Guard's Offshore Patrol Cutters was about to begin. Offshore Patrol Cutter port quarter Note: I have had to revise some of my conclusions about when benchmarks would be achieved. The Rolls-Royce equipment was selected by Eastern Shipbuilding Group (ESG) Inc. for the USCG OPC fleet’s first nine vessels, with an option to add two more. On Friday, the U.S. Coast Guard announced its massive but troubled 25-ship Offshore Patrol Cutter program will be restructured. That’s A Tough Sell. The contract originally included options for the production of up to nine vessels with a … These awards support the Coast Guard’s strategy to mitigate OPC program risk and complete the program of record by establishing a new, fair and open competitive environment to complete the OPC program of record. In February 2014, the USCG announced that Bollinger Shipyards, Eastern Shipbuilding, and General Dynamics Bath Iron Works had been awarded design contracts for the OPC. a cutter class of the United States Coast Guard (USCG), developed as part of the Integrated Deepwater System Program and built by Eastern Shipbuilding. The cutters will be classified to American Bureau of Shipping Naval Vessel Rules with USCG addendum and will be built with a mix of military and commercial standards. publishing op-eds and papers in places like the Washington Post, the Los The OPCs will replace the ageing medium-endurance cutters (MECs) that USCG uses for its operations. The yard exploded on the scene during the Gulf offshore oil boom, emerging out of nowhere to become an amazingly successful commercial yard, building tugs and oilfield support craft at a blistering pace. With some luck and savvy leadership, it can only get better from here. With relief, Eastern now likely gets a fresh start. Written by Brian Olexy, Office of But it might be worth taking another fast look at the requirements and the overall design to see if the vessel still makes sense, or if purchases of more smaller Fast Response Cutters and larger National Security Cutters offers the Coast Guard greater capabilities than the current Offshore Patrol Cutter design. U.S. [30] Delayed by the impact of Hurricane Michael in October 2018, steel cutting for USCGC Argus began on January 7, 2019. I evaluate national security threats and propose solutions. Several of the Service’s 29 existing mid-sized cutters are over fifty years old, unreliable and obsolete. Drone Guides Tank-Killing Missile Shot Beyond Visual Range. [13] The cutter's .50 caliber mounts and Mk 38/Mk 110 combination also give the cutter protection against fast attack craft. The Coast Guard selected Eastern Shipbuilding Group Inc. (ESG) to build the ship, by choosing them to continue into phase 2 of the OPC development, which includes detail design and construction. List of equipment of the United States Coast Guard,, "Saab to Provide Multi-Mode Radar for US Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter", "Exhibit P-40, Budget Line Item Justification: PB 2020 Navy", "Offshore Patrol Cutter: Program Profile", "Maritime security Cutter, Medium (WMSC), Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC), CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS", "UNCLASSIFIED LI 4206 – Coast Guard Weapons UNCLASSIFIED Navy Page 1 of 4 P-1 Line #30 Exhibit P-40, Budget Line Item Justification: PB 2015 Navy", "Rolls-Royce wins propulsion contract for U.S. Coast Guard's new Offshore Patrol Cutter", "FY17-FY21 SHIPBOARD MULTI MODE RADAR (MMR) PRODUCTION", "Surface Navy 2018: SEWIP Lite set for first deliveries", "Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) SUW Self-Protection Secondary Battery Study", "The Coast Guard's Offshore Patrol Cutter", "House Coast Guard authorization bill decommissions icebreaker within 3 years", "Lean Fiscal Times Influence Design Of New Coast Guard Cutter Program", "3 Firms Win Design Contracts for New US Coast Guard Cutter", "GAO denies protest over Coast Guard patrol cutters", "Eastern Shipbuilding Wins Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter Award; Bests BIW, Bollinger", "Coast Guard Ready for Possible Offshore Patrol Cutter Protest", "Eastern Shipbuilding Completes Offshore Patrol Cutter ICDR Milestone", "The Long Blue Line: the Nation's first fleet, today's Offshore Patrol Cutters", "Coast Guard Exercises Long Lead Time Materials Option For First Offshore Patrol Cutter", "EASTERN SHIPBUILDING GROUP AWARDED LONG LEAD TIME MATERIAL (LLTM) CONTRACT FOR UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OFFSHORE PATROL CUTTER PROGRAM", "Coast Guard Exercises Option to Construct First Offshore Patrol Cutter", "Construction starts on first US Coast Guard offshore patrol cutter", "Department of Homeland Security Approves Limited Extraordinary Relief for Offshore Patrol Cutter Contract", "Keel authenticated for first offshore patrol cutter", "Coast Guard Modifies Contract to Construct Second Offshore Patrol Cutter, Acquire Long Lead-Time Material for Third Offshore Patrol Cutter", Matagorda deploying and retrieving her Short Range Prosecutor at speed,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 2 × 7,280 kW (9,760 hp) MAN 16V28/33D STC diesel engines at 1,000 rpm, Ballistic protection over critical areas and main gun, 4 x crew-served M2 Browning .50 caliber (12.7 mm) machine guns, This page was last edited on 16 January 2021, at 08:34. 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