Once the world opens up and you can just run around being Luffy, hanging out with the Straw Hats, and befriending and helping the villagers, that can be surprisingly satisfying. PS4. Hopefully, Bandai Namco and Ganbarion learn from this first attempt at an open-world One Piece game and are able to improve on it in the future, as World Seeker has made it clear that One Piece would work very well as a large-scale open-world game. But, if you take the time and sit down to see how to perform sweet moves in this game, it actually comes off looking really cool. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for ONE PIECE: World Seeker - PlayStation 4 at Amazon.com. The game opens slowly in general, starting out very linear with few mechanics - I was bored at first, but once I’d reunited the Straw Hats and had access to most of the systems and the side quests started showing up, I had a much better time. The latest trailer for the upcoming open world One Piece game, World Seeker, shows off a fair bit of the combat gameplay, and it also details how you will acquire and complete sidequests. Find guides to this achievement here. Digitale Deluxe-Edition. This UK review was verified on December 27, 2020. Having the repetition of entering a cut scene with Luffy and an NPC with repetitive name hollering comes off quite lackluster, and could have done with a little more substance in some cases. We've scanned 412 mentions to help compile this review. 70,53 € One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 - Kaido Edition - [Xbox One] BANDAI NAMCO… 5,0 von 5 Sternen 1. Set sail in an all-new ONE PIECE adventure in ONE PIECE: World Seeker! In Japan steht mal wieder der alljährliche Frauen-Marathon, der am 12. PS4. DASH & Holmesy: Take Your Hearts #13 - The Whims of Fate (Sae Niijima's Palace), Some Assembly Required #3 - What makes a good Podcast?, Chasing your dreams, Creative Inspiration, & Sports, Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout Review, Scott Pilgrim Vs. In terms of open-world game design, World Seeker isn’t an innovator, but it borrows and re-imagines familiar mechanics well (from the Batman: Arkham games, in particular) and proves why they are perfect for the One Piece universe. Combat feels good even if it is one note. I’m Going to Be the Pirate King! I Love Adventure! Of course, we aren’t playing Devil May Cry here, so poetry in motion is definitely a stretch when describing your play style here. Dagegen hatte One Piece: World Seeker zuletzt eine komplett eigenständige Story innerhalb der Welt von "One Piece" erzählt. Mar 5, 2019. Even with slight oversights that you will barely notice playing this great game, it’s the enjoyable moments you will definitely take away from your experience playing this. Combat feels good even if it is one note. With that aside, One Piece World Seeker is a game that can be thoroughly enjoyed by anyone, but specially so by the fans of the series. Social media sharing buttons provided by Sharingbuttons.io. Mit superschnellem Gratisversand und gratis Priority Handling. I know some of the major characters from the series, but some, I am being introduced to for the first time here, and that’s okay. Search powered by Lunr. Allerdings ein ziemlich netter. März 2017 stattfindet, wieder auf dem Programm. The game is gorgeous (and, thankfully, includes a photo mode) but the world can feel empty, even for its small size. From it’s lush green environments, to the hustle ‘n’ bustle in the industrial town scenery, it’s incredible to swing around like Spider-Man, grabbing onto trees, and slinging right into your enemies with a right-hook. Xbox One. The game is gorgeous (and, thankfully, includes a photo mode) but the world can feel empty, even for its small size. One Piece Anime macht einen Break : Langsam wird es wieder so weit, wobei, eigentlich ist es alles andere als langsam. The Anime is also hitting it’s 20th year in 2019, and just shy of hitting 900 episodes, recognisable from not just it’s fans, but casual viewers from the late 90’s. One Piece: World Seeker has 63 Achievements worth 1600 points. Natürlich stehen dabei auch zahlreiche Kämpfe an, in denen Ruffys Gum-Gum-Fähigkeiten zum Einsatz kommen. More customer reviews of ONE PIECE World Seeker Download can be found here. ONE PIECE: World Seeker is the biggest ONE PIECE game to date! Side quests help a lot by introducing you to various minor characters and involving you in their lives, making the island feel more like a place with people worth caring about - you don’t get much of this from the main story. 1:57 One Piece: World Seeker - Trailer erklärt Karma-System Monkey D. Ruffy ist ein Pirat. Im April hatte Bandai Namco den ersten DLC für One Piece World Seeker (jetzt kaufen 22,99 € /39,99 € ) angekündigt. This review is … However, One Piece: World Seeker delivers boldly to lovers of this enormous series, with something they have always wanted; an original story (which was overseen by Mr. Oda), with their beloved characters, that is a great video game adaptation. Hauptmerkmale. Series overview. Everything that makes One Piece as good as it is, story wise, is present in World Seeker. Site powered by Hugo. First time here? While of course, we do have the ability to freely roam from town-to-town, I would argue that the title does also cross the line of the “hack and slash” and RPG genre. 2 out of 2 found this helpful. ... August 2020. Die ONE PIECE World Seeker-Deluxe Edition beinhaltet das Spiel und den Episoden-Pass, der 3 zusätzliche Episodenpakete und Bonus-Gegenstände … Scenes set in castles, cities, beaches and forests let you explore new locales while helping save the day. But as an open-world game, World Seeker is quite lacking. ... One Piece World Seeker Review. One Piece: World Seeker is to be praised for the ambition to attempt an open-world experience, instead of going down the tired fighting genre route. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist für Platin nicht relevant. I wish it was more fleshed out in terms of variety. 5:54. I Won’t Lose to Anyone! Jetzt bei Amazon.de bestellen! One Piece: World Seeker: Alle Schatzkisten – Halcumhafen / Kanoneninsel / Funkturm. Discover an all-new One Piece adventure in One Piece: World Seeker! It’s a crying shame that this One Piece game is so one note. One Piece World Seeker Standard - [PlayStation 4] - Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. One Piece World Seeker bietet zwar eine offene Welt – eine komplette „Open World“ ist sie jedoch keinesfalls. Go All The Way to the Top! Features: Ein ONE PIECE-Abenteuer mit einer neuen Insel, die zum Entdecken einlädt; Erkunde offene und ausgedehnte Gebiete in einer brandneuen ONE PIECE-Geschichte; Erlebe, was es heißt, in Ruffys Haut zu stecken und seine Fähigkeiten einzusetzen; Ein episches Abenteuer zur Feier des 20. Now while some would say that the genre settles in the “open-world adventure” category, I do agree to a certain extent, but would beg to differ on another. One Piece World Seeker Standard - [Xbox One] - Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. Hide Spoilers. Comments powered by HashOver. There is no doubt, that when you have a beat-em-up put in front of me, I will button mash the hell out of that game. To say introductions to each cohort here are expeditious, is an understatement. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates are back in a new story that puts players' into Luffy's point of view, as he battles and explores an expansive and seamless world. Something I have seen from other players that completely out perform me. 15/03/2019. While initially, I was captivated by the game’s soundtrack, I started to feel like it became repetitious after 10 hours of gameplay. Out of all the popular anime around, One Piece isn’t one I ever found myself interested in. Some may argue, that it’s just an excuse for cheap button mashing, to get through your experience, but isn’t that part of the fun? 2019 Under Article , Reviews Tweet One Piece World Seeker: The Pirate King Edition - [Xbox One] - Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. Es gibt keine verpassbaren Trophäen. ONE PIECE: World Seeker ist das bisher größte ONE PIECE-Spiel! With the manga’s historical run of 92 volumes over 20+ years, it’s fanbase is as large as it’s ever been. Starting off with producing his own Video Review series on YouTube, he found that writing reviews was more his passion... and Pizza. To settle the debt, Luffy then helps Jeanne on her quest to settle differences with her older brother, and the island’s two groups that are currently at war. Bringing an established and amazing 2D world, and translating it to 3D, can be a difficult task, but the magic that developing studio Ganbarion managed to mold here, is a sight to behold. SKU of item reviewed is 1597101989857152. Fight fierce enemies and embark on an epic adventure with One Piece: World Seeker for Xbox One. Get all trophies. In the end, ‘One Piece World Seeker’ unfortunately trips itself up it what it is trying to achieve, which is a shame but the foundation has been laid down and can be built upon for another game if they can focus on celebrating the systems in the game as well as delivering an experience fans new and old can sink their teeth into. Shop now. Teil 4 bleibt der Serie damit treu. As you traverse through Prison Island, you will come across your Straw Hat comrades, where they will aid you along the way with different story missions, tutorials, upgrades, and even a little treasure for the average pirate. One Piece: World Seeker, is astonishingly gorgeous. The World: Complete Edition Review. One Piece: World Seeker is an unfinished game. There are large unpopulated areas and … Got any questions? Complete All Main Missions. One Piece: World Seeker was a 12 hour experience, and one I surely will return to. I liked the game enough to finish it (or just play it a bunch, for games that don't end). The tale of Prison Island … In dem PS4 Spiel „One Piece World Seeker“ sind insgesamt 44 Trophäen versteckt, welche ihr freispielen könnt.In diesem Leitfaden findet ihr alle Trophäen und deren Bedingungen. One Piece: World Seeker Komplettlösung: Kapitel 5: Verdächtige Frau. One Piece: World Seeker, is astonishingly gorgeous. Jetzt bei Amazon.de bestellen! SKU of item reviewed is 1597102070441744. Ultimately, One Piece World Seeker serves as a rather mediocre adaptation of a property that has the potential to be so much more. Xbox One. All rights reserved. Lost or confused? PlayStation 4. One Piece World Seeker is rated highly in the Gaming category. We've scanned 538 mentions to help compile this review. One Piece is a Japanese animated television series based on the successful manga of the same name and has 958 episodes. Start here! One Piece: World Seeker: Alle Outfits / Kleidung zum Freischalten. One Piece: World Seeker is an action-adventure video game based on the manga and anime series One Piece.Developed by Ganbarion and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, the game is the first video game in the franchise to feature an open world environment. View all the Achievements here PC. Reach Pirate Rank 100. hallo ich suche ein bestimmtes material was ich fr ne mission brauche warmer kokon der ort wo den zu finden geben soll habe ich shcon alles mehr mals JETZT KAUFEN. And a fun, non-canonical, original story that makes quite an experience for fans and players who are deep into the One Piece lore. However, upon reflection of playing the story to it’s very end, it was definitely something I took notice of while thinking of sound and music. It’s no secret, that other forms of medium that adapt anime or manga series, can come across somewhat intimidating to hardcore fans, as live-action adaptions, or video games can be cumbersome, or convoluted from it’s source material. One Piece: World Seeker does assume that the player is already a fan of the franchise, and would immediately know every character right off the bat. Trophäen-Leitfaden - One Piece World Seeker1x 3x 12x 28x = 44 | Gesamtpunkte: 1230 Allgemeine Infos: Platin ist komplett offline machbar. At first glance, the incredible eye-popping design of Prison Island, truly reminded me of the exact feeling I had seeing the beauty in such titles as Ni No Kuni II, and it’s predecessor in last generation platforms. Dash has been producing Video Game based content online for over 10 years. After months of playing, and making videos for One Piece World Seeker, I think it was finally time for me to give you guys my final thoughts on the game. Ein ONE PIECE-Abenteuer mit einer neuen Insel, die zum Entdecken einlädt; Erkunde offene und ausgedehnte Gebiete in einer brandneuen ONE PIECE-Geschichte; Erlebe, was es heißt, in Ruffys Haut zu stecken und seine Fähigkeiten einzusetzen ; Ein episches Abenteuer … But for One Piece fans, there’s more to enjoy. Sie ist für die Plattformen … Combat that makes you want to beat up any and all that stand in Luffy’s way. ... MXGP 2020: PS5: January 14th: Hitman 3: … I would say that it’s a little more “rough-and-tough”, and surely what we would usually see in any action anime/cartoon series. A diverse open-world adventure, with draw dropping environments, that make traversing fun and seem less like a task, like any great video game does. Navigation does become a bit more interesting due to Luffy’s “gum-gum” abilities that give him essentially a grappling hook and a hover (so you should purchase these abilities in the skill tree immediately) but it can be bizarrely difficult to land precisely on small areas, making some of the collectibles frustrating to fetch. Combat is solid with a number of abilities, stances, and builds available, though it takes some time for the skill tree to open up enough for this to become clear. While, I would have loved to be able to control some of said comrades (especially Nami, my childhood anime crush) throughout our adventures, having them appear as an NPC to help you through your story gives you a sense of responsibility, to finish this title and send off the Straw Hat Pirates to their next treasure hunt. Key features. Set sail in an all-new ONE PIECE adventure in ONE PIECE: World Seeker! One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 has the unusual honor of being both one of the best anime-based games and best Warriors games I've ever played. Relentless achievement in ONE PIECE World Seeker: Perform Relentless 25 times - worth 15 Gamerscore. The world is simply stunning to traverse through and the story and characters really carried me through to the end. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates are back in a new story that puts players' into Luffy's point of view, as he battles and explores an expansive and seamless world. Friends often pressured me into giving the series a chance and for a brief time, I considered diving into… The ONE PIECE World Seeker Deluxe Edition includes the game and the Episode Pass, which contains 3 additional episode packs and bonus items. Cheapest sale price of ONE PIECE World Seeker Download when reviewed was £ 42.85. ONE PIECE World Seeker Download is rated highly in the Gaming category. Jetzt bei Amazon.de bestellen! Speaking of design, World Seeker manages to capture the design of our protagonist, his party, and compatriots perfectly here. While voice acting was limited to Japanese, I did find that bringing the original cast to work their magic on some lines through the game, was an amazing feat that we barely see any Video Game studio try to accomplish, but pondered why it’s effort was so minuscule. This UK review was verified on December 30, 2020. One Piece: World Seeker is an action-adventure video game based on the manga and anime series One Piece. The critical path is good, as you, playing as Luffy, will get to save the island, interact and fight against tons of generic pirates, some major ones and most of the scary Marine Admirals. I share the same sentiment to the game’s sound design and voice over work. Play as Luffy and explore the beautiful and mysterious Prison Island in an original story. Its open world is shockingly barren, its gameplay is clearly undercooked, and its presentation is placeholder. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. One Piece: World Seeker sabotages all three in its feeble attempt to marry a long-running piece of pop culture media with an open-world action-adventure, compromising its sense of character with ongoing bloat. It only piques my interest in the series further. Season No. An open world game set in the One Piece universe. Posted By Martin Patiño | On 14th, Mar. One Piece World Seeker für PS4 und One jetzt bei gameware.at kaufen. Eventually, Luffy's skill tree does allow for a little more fun, but the title still ends up feeling like an in-house development build that's used for playtesting, not a full price retail release. The game was released on March 15, 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. There also isn’t much variety in what you actually do - while the island is lovely and has a number of different environments, there’s not much you can interact with and there’s little fodder for emergent gameplay. Open landscapes provide many paths for players to experience Luffy's gum-gum abilities and swing into action. Review this title 1 Review. Xbox One. There are large unpopulated areas and even the city is not especially crowded. It has its flaws, including the tiresome return of Giant foes and the usual Warriors repetitiveness, but it's a great example of how to reinvigorate something that seems like a tired formula. PC. I wish it was more fleshed out in terms of variety. Learn all Skills. ... then you'd be severely disappointed. While it has just as many … © 2021 Pixel Poppers. This game delivers a view of the universe through Luffy's eyes, inviting you to join him on his journey. ONE PIECE World Seeker Extra Episode 2: Where Justice Lies $9.99 ONE PIECE World Seeker Extra Episode 1: Void Mirror Prototype $3.99 ONE PIECE World Seeker Pre-Order DLC Bundle Alle anzeigen. While at heart, yes, I am a button masher. With various ways to ways to fight and grapple opponents, and use your surroundings to best you, being able to purchase upgrades, swap out movesets, then stretch and mold your weaponry (and by weaponry, I do mean Luffy’s ability to shapeshift his arms into boulders and decimate his adversaries), we see an extremely awesome style to defeat said opponents that dare to stop you. More customer reviews of One Piece World Seeker can be found here. I recommend it to most genre fans. A mediocre open world game, but a solid One Piece game. Mit One Piece: World Seeker schicken Bandai Namco und Ganbar!on Monkey D. Ruffy und seine Crew auf ihr bislang größtes Open-World-Abenteuer. One Piece: World Seeker is an open world action-adventure video game developed by Ganbarion and published by Bandai Namco for PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One.1 2 1 Gameplay 2 Story 2.1 World Seeker 2.2 Zoro's story (DLC) 2.3 Sabo's story (DLC) 2.4 Law's story (DLC) 3 Characters 4 Known Locations 4.1 Sky Islands 4.2 Prison Island (Jewel Island) 5 Outfits 6 Gallery 7 Trivia 8 References 9 … EAN is 3391891998161. One Piece World Seeker Trophy Guide. Open landscapes provide many paths for players to experience Luffy's gum-gum abilities and swing into action. Jetzt wissen wir endlich auch, welcher Geschichte.. Set sail in One Piece: World Seeker, an open world action-adventure game set in the popular world of the One Piece anime series. Open landscapes provide many paths for players to experience Luffy's gum-gum abilities and swing into action. One Piece World Seeker will require Radeon RX 580 8GB graphics card with a Core i7-3770 4-Core 3.4GHz or FX-8350 processor to reach the recommended specs, … One Piece: World Seeker provides a lot of enjoyable moments but falls short of its potential as an open-world game. In short, the game is mechanically a rather mediocre open world game with not much to do. One Piece: World Seeker is by far the best the series has been in game form. Cheapest sale price of One Piece World Seeker when reviewed was £ 44.85. Alles schön uns gut, aber wieso macht OnePiece-Tube dafür extra eine Ankündigung? As a fan of the franchise, sure. A Review code was supplied by Bandai Namco on PlayStation 4, for this review. It honestly doesn’t become that noticeable due to the incredible amount of fun you will have playing this game. Jubiläums von ONE PIECE! 15/03/2019. Dass One Piece: World Seeker auf Prison Island spielen wird, ist schon seit einiger Zeit bekannt. One Piece: World Seeker Komplettlösung: Kapitel 4: Stahlstadt. Catherine Full Body: Heart's Desire Premium Edition (Playstation 4) Atlus. All in all, One Piece: World seeker definitely delivers if you are a fan of the One Piece franchise. by Kyle Hilliard on Feb 19, 2019 at 09:53 AM At first glance, the incredible eye-popping design of Prison Island, truly reminded me of the exact feeling I had seeing the beauty in such titles as Ni No Kuni II, and it’s predecessor in last generation platforms. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates are back in an all-new Epic story that puts players into Luffy's shoes, as he battles and explores an expansive and seamless world. Developed by Ganbarion and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, the game will be the first video game in the franchise to feature an open world environment. One Piece Fans will have a blast in World Seeker shooting Luffy’s rubber limbs up and onto structures and surfaces, launching themselves into the air … 4,8 von 5 Sternen 121. You dive right into the story (literally) with everyone’s favourite Straw Hat Pirate, Monkey D. Luffy on Prison Island, in search for it’s rumoured treasure, that is until Luffy is suddenly captured by the Island’s warden Isaac, only to be then saved by Isaac’s own sister, Jeanne after being thrown into the sea to drown. We won! The writing, characterization, and voice acting are on point and the open world structure provides an opportunity to occupy the world of One Piece in a way unmatched by other One Piece games. The world is simply stunning to traverse through and the story and characters really carried me through to the end. Platinum'd and fully completed on 27/08/2020.-Shonendo. … Most of the time, you’re going from place to place looking for collectibles or fighting enemies. One Piece: World Seeker. One Piece: World Seeker (PS4) REVIEW – Seek Something Else. ONE PIECE: World Seeker ist das bisher größte ONE PIECE-Spiel! #bestgameshopever #Vorfreude Um eine Trophäe freizuschalten und mit eurem PSN Konto zu verknüpfen (Benötigt ein PSN Konto und eine Internet Verbindung) müsst ihr die jeweilige Aufgabe schaffen. Ein ONE PIECE-Abenteuer mit einer neuen Insel, die zum Entdecken einlädt; Erkunde offene und ausgedehnte Gebiete in einer brandneuen ONE PIECE-Geschichte; Erlebe, was es heißt, in Ruffys Haut zu stecken und seine Fähigkeiten einzusetzen ; Ein episches Abenteuer zur Feier des 20. Island Hero Complete 100 Side Missions. Being able to use Luffy's different abilities to slingshot yourself in … Explore the entire island. The game was released on March 15, 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. It was a close race, but for us, One Piece World Seeker edges out Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot for the better anime game. Three Stars: Good. One Piece: World Seeker is an action-adventure video game based on the manga and anime series One Piece.Developed by Ganbarion and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, the game is the first video game in the franchise to feature an open world environment. „One Piece: World Seeker“ bekommt zwei neue Charaktere. Isaac und Jeanne werden im neuen Open-World-Actionspiel vertreten sein. (There are also three shorter DLC campaigns in which you play as Zoro, Sabo, and Law respectively through side stories that overlap with the main one.). Thankfully, with this slight oversight does not totally take you out of the amazing experience this game gives you. Ergebnisse 1–5 von 6 . In One Piece: World Seeker erkundet ihr mit Strohhut-Pirat Ruffy eine offene Insel im One-Piece-Universum. One Piece: World Seeker soll das bisher umfangreichste Spiel der Reihe werden. Your lovable cast of pirates, and even brand new faces that debut here. Bandai Namco Entertainment hat heute die DLC-Episode 3 "The Unfinished Map" zum Action-Adventure One Piece: World Seeker veröffentlicht. ONE PIECE: World Seeker ist das bisher größte ONE PIECE-Spiel! One Piece is one of the most reputable and respected manga series from legendary Author, Eiichiro Oda. One Piece: World Seeker is by far the best the series has been in game form. In short, the game and the story and characters really carried me to... Especially crowded am a button masher makes you want to beat up any and that! / Kleidung zum Freischalten in it introductions to each cohort here are expeditious, is astonishingly.. Seeker schicken Bandai Namco und Ganbar! on Monkey D. Ruffy und seine Crew ihr., One Piece: World Seeker erkundet ihr mit Strohhut-Pirat Ruffy eine offene Welt – eine komplette „ open “! That completely out perform me successful manga of the same one piece world seeker review 2020 to the incredible amount fun... 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