Don't have an account? vi. Starting your free trial of Bible Gateway Plus is easy. He must be faithful to his wife. 2Ti 3:2: For people will love only themselves and their money. He must not be a heavy drinker or be violent. He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. 1 Timothy 3 Qualifications for Overseers. 1 You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 4.--"Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord." You’ve already claimed your free trial of Bible Gateway Plus. 1 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. He must be faithful to his wife. 1 Timothy 4:3 NLT. The Unity of the Divine Essence, and the Trinity of Persons. Commentary. 1 Timothy 3 This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be an elder, he desires an honorable position.” So an elder must be a man whose life is above reproach. 1 Timothy. 1 Timothy 3:1 Parallel Commentaries . 3 This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be a church leader,[a] he desires an honorable position.” 2 So a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach. [b] He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They must exercise self-control and be faithful in everything they do. 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a … He must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must be able to teach. 1 Timothy 3:8 In the same way, deacons must be well respected and have integrity. 1 Timothy 4. Paragraph. 1 Timothy 3 New Living Translation (NLT) Leaders in the Church 3 This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be a church leader,[ a] he desires an honorable position.” 2 So a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach. 1 Timothy 3 Qualifications for Overseers. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. "There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one." NLT Life Application Large-Print Study Bible, Third Edition--soft leather-look, teal (indexed), NLT Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition--hardcover, red letter. 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Listen to the Bible. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, 12 A deacon must be faithful to his wife, and he must manage his children and household well. 1 Timothy 3:11 In the same way, their wives must be respected and must not slander others. New Living Translation so that if I am delayed, you will know how people must conduct themselves in the household of God. Upgrade, and get the most out of your new account. [h]He was seen by angels and announced to the nations.He was believed in throughout the world and taken to heaven in glory. --1 John v. 7. 2Ti 3:1: You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 12 A deacon must be faithful to his wife, and he must manage his children and household well. 3 1 This is a trustworthy saying: "If someone aspires to be an elder, he desires an honorable position." 2 He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. 2 So a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach. 6 A church leader must not be a new believer, because he might become proud, and the devil would cause him to fall. Deut. Enter your credit card information to ensure uninterrupted service following your free trial. 2Ti 3:3 ? May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace. 1 This letter is from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, appointed by the command of God our Savior and Christ Jesus, who gives us hope.. 2 I am writing to Timothy, my true son in the faith.. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy, and peace. [ b] He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. 2 So a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach. 1 Timothy 3:1 Parallel. He must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must be able to teach. Change language {{#items}} {{local_title}} {{/items}} ← Language. He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a go... Read verse in New Living Translation 14 I am writing these things to you now, even though I hope to be with you soon, 15 so that if I am delayed, you will know how people must conduct themselves in the household of God. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Genesis. Greetings from Paul. 2 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be a church leader, * he desires an honorable position.” Read more Share Copy Show footnotes * , . He must be gentle, not quarrelsome, and not love money. New Living Translation so that if I am delayed, you will know how people must conduct themselves in the household of God. New Living Translation (NLT), NLT Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition--hardcover, NLT Inspire Bible: The Bible for Creative Journaling, Softcover, NLT One Year Bible Slimline Edition, TuTone Leatherlike Gray/Pink, NLT Life Application Large-Print Study Bible, Third Edition--hardcover, red letter, Contemporary Comparative Side-by-Side Bible (NIV, NKJV, NLT, THE Message), NLT Dancing in the Desert Devotional Bible: A Refreshing Spiritual Journey with God's People, hardcover. All your content will be saved and you can seamlessly switch devices. It looks like you’re already subscribed to Bible Gateway Plus! He must be faithful to his wife. He must be faithful to his wife. 3 This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be a church leader,[ a] he desires an honorable position.” 2 So a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach. Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. They must exercise self-control and be faithful in everything they do. He must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must be able to teach. "There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one." They will say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat certain foods. 11 In the same way, their wives[e] must be respected and must not slander others. This is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth. All rights reserved. Warnings against False Teachings New Living Translation; 1 Timothy 3 1 Timothy 3. The New Living Translation (NLT) is straight from Hell. [d] 7 Also, people outside the church must speak well of him so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the devil’s trap. 3 1 This is a trustworthy saying: "If someone aspires to be an elder, he desires an honorable position." [fn] He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. 4 He must manage his own family well, having children who respect and obey him. --1 John v. 7. [ a] 1 This letter is from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, appointed by the command of God our Savior and Christ Jesus, who gives us hope. Cancel. He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 2 So an elder must be a man whose life is above reproach. Bible Language English. Advance your knowledge of Scripture with this resource library of over 40 reference books, including commentaries and Study Bible notes. 2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 9 They must be committed to the mystery of the faith now revealed and must live with a clear conscience. 5 For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of God’s church? They must not be heavy drinkers or dishonest with money. This is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth. A service of Faithlife / Logos Bible Software. 2 These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead. Wesley's Notes on the Bible. They will consider nothing sacred. He must be faithful to his wife. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. 10 Before they are appointed as deacons, let them be closely examined. by Robert J. Stewart. 3 Some people may contradict our teaching, but these are the wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. On their official website, NLT advertises with the slogan, "Accuracy you can trust. A deacon must be faithful to his wife, and he must manage his children and household well. The Unity of the Divine Essence, and the Trinity of Persons. These teachings promote a godly life. Create or log in to your Bible Gateway account. He must be faithful to his wife. 2 For people will love only themselves and their money. 3 He must not be a heavy drinker[c] or be violent. New Living Translation; 1 Timothy 3 1 Timothy 3. To subscribe at our regular subscription rate, click the button below. They will consider nothing sacred. Creating an account allows you to access more features and content such as: Reading the Bible is rewarding, and these plans make it easy! Upgrade to the best Bible Gateway experience! He must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must be able to teach. 1 Timothy 4:3. vi. 3 When I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there in Ephesus and stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth. If they pass the test, then let them serve as deacons. Such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. You can cancel anytime during the trial period. 3 This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be a church leader, [] he desires an honorable position.” 2 So a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach. 1 This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be an elder, 1 he desires an honorable position.” 2 So an elder must be a man whose life is above reproach. He must be gentle, not quarrelsome, and not love money. He must be gentle, not quarrelsome, and not love money. Try it for 30 days FREE. vi. 1 Timothy 3 This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be an elder, he desires an honorable position.” So an elder must be a man whose life is above reproach. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. You’re already logged in with your Bible Gateway account. He must be faithful to his wife. 9 They must be committed to the mystery of the faith now revealed and must live with a clear conscience. which don’t help people live a life of faith in God. 4 Don’t let them waste their time in endless discussion of myths and spiritual pedigrees. They must exercise self-control and be faithful in everything they do. But God created those foods to be eaten with thanks by faithful people who know the truth. 16 Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith[f]: Christ[g] was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. New Living Translation 1 Timothy 3. 3 They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. 1 Timothy 3 8 In the same way, deacons must be well respected and have integrity. He … He must be faithful to his wife. If they pass the test, then let them serve as deacons. KJV ... 1 Timothy 3 :: New Living Translation (NLT) Strong's. Three easy steps to start your free trial subscription to Bible Gateway Plus. 10 Before they are appointed as deacons, let them be closely examined. They must not be heavy drinkers or dishonest with money. Deut. Warnings against False Teachings. Copy Options. Read verse in New Living Translation 3:1 He desireth a good work - An excellent, but laborious, employment. 9 They must be committed to the mystery of the faith now revealed and must live with a clear conscience. 3 You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.2 For people will love only themselves and their money. This is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth. All rights reserved. The next step is to choose a monthly or yearly subscription, and then enter your payment information. 1 Timothy 3:1 Leaders in the Church. 2 Timothy 2:24 What are the benefits of creating an account? He must be faithful to his wife. An integrated digital Bible study library - including complete notes from the Believer's Bible Commentary and the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible (NIV and NRSV) - is just a step away! Your credit card won’t be charged until the trial period is over. 8 In the same way, deacons must be well respected and have integrity. Version. 2 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. New Living Translation EXPOSED! Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. 3 He must not be a heavy drinker[c] or be violent. He … [d] 7 Also, people outside the church must speak well of him so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the devil’s trap. 1 Timothy 2. 1 Timothy 3:13 New Living Translation << 1 Timothy 2 | 1 Timothy 3 | 1 Timothy 4 >> 13 Those who do well as deacons will be rewarded with respect from others and will have increased confidence in their faith in Christ Jesus. 3 This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be a church leader,[a] he desires an honorable position.” 2 So a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach. 2 So an elder must be a man whose life is above reproach. vi. Cite Share Print BLB Searches. He must not be a heavy drinker or be violent. Library. 1 Timothy 1:3 When I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there in Ephesus and stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth. You'll get this book and many others when you join Bible Gateway Plus. 2 For people will love only themselves and their money. He must be gentle, not quarrelsome, and not love money. 4.--"Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord." NLT: New Living Translation . He must be faithful to his wife. Facebook Twitter Google Linkedin Pinterest Mail. 1 Timothy 3 - This is a trustworthy saying: "If someone aspires to be an elder,* he desires an honorable position." Begin reading God's Word ad-free with instant access to your new online study library. [b] He must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation. Take notes, highlights, and favorites to share or document personal thoughts. Want more information about Bible Gateway Plus? [h]He was seen by angels and announced to the nations.He was believed in throughout the world and taken to heaven in glory. 11 In the same way, their wives[e] must be respected and must not slander others. 3 You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 1Ti 3:2 So an elder must be a man whose life is above reproach. 1 Timothy 3 NLT - This is a trustworthy… | Biblia Chapter 3 Leaders in the Church This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be a church leader,* he desires an honorable position.” 2 So a church leader must be a man whose life is above reproach. 1 Timothy 3 NLT. 16 Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith[f]: Christ[g] was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. Try it free for 30 days. Verse in New Living Translation ( NLT ) Instructions about Worship and Some people, craving money have... Endless genealogies 1 timothy 3 nlt which is the root of all, to pray for all people this Timothy. 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