The first jury deadlocked 7-5 for acquittal in 1992. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. In the year ending March 1998, 11% of completed cases in the Crown Court resulted in non-jury acquittal or bind over. Said Bouteflika’s has been acquitted from charges of “conspiracy”, along with Generals Mohamed Mediène (aka … , Everyone was shocked by the killer’s acquittal which allowed him to leave prison. The new members of council … An acquittal would be … acquittal definition is - a setting free from the charge of an offense by verdict, sentence, or other legal process. But the governor of Syria had sent a demand for Herod's acquittal, and so Hyrcanus adjourned the trial and persuaded the accused to abscond. The sentence was one of acquittal. If acquittal does not erase such notoriety, time still may. English words and Examples of Usage use "acquit" in a sentence Football star O. J. Simpson was acquitted of the murder of his wife following a lengthy trial. Haywood, secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, who was charged with conspiracy in connexion with the murder, attracted national attention; it resulted in Haywood's acquittal. Find more ways to say acquittal, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 3 1 In the following December the French tribunal at Angoulme acquitted all the authors of ~he massacre. Road safety group welcomes Police driver`s acquittal -- and says it`s time to stop prosecuting civilian drivers for trivial offenses. synonyms. The trial began as a capital case and ended with acquittal. Report Template Acquittal Report Template. Calmette, editor of the Figaro (1914), when he secured her acquittal. the deliverance and release of a person appearing before a court on a charge of crime, as by a finding of not guilty. Gaol deliveries were of rare occurrence, even when tardy trial ended in acquittal release was delayed until illegal charges in the way of fees had been satisfied. acquitted example sentences. use "acquittal" in a sentence Such cases are rare after grand jury inaction or acquittal at state level. The ceremony comprised a procession in which the members of the Holy Office, with its familiars and agents, the condemned persons and the penitents took part; a solemn mass; an oath of obedience to the inquisition, taken by the king and all the lay functionaries; a sermon by the Grand Inquisitor; and the reading of the sentences, either of condemnation or acquittal, delivered by the Holy Office. In criminal cases , an appeal to the Supreme Court shall lie if the High Court -LRB- a -RRB- has reversed an order of acquittal of an accused person and sentenced him to death , or -LRB- b -RRB- has withdrawn for trial before itself any case from any court subordinate to its authority and has in such trial convicted the accused person and sentenced him to death -LRB- … View Acquittal usage in sample sentences. The article was very sympathetic toward Aleynikov and accounts his acquittal on appeal, so it breaks that "law (which IMHO is upheld primarily due to confirmation bias). By The Africa Report Posted on Monday, 4 January 2021 16:17 . , The victim’s family was completely outraged by the defendant’s acquittal. Examples of Financial Acquittal in a sentence. ‘On the first, if the appellant is right, he is entitled to an acquittal.’ ‘The motion for a directed verdict of acquittal on count two is dismissed.’ ‘For the above reasons, the appeal is dismissed and the acquittal of the Respondent is upheld.’ ‘By last year, the rate of jury acquittals had fallen to 15 percent.’ Examples of Acquittal in a sentence. The doctrinal differences came to a head in the trials of George Duffield (1832), Lyman Beecher (1835) and Albert Barnes (1836) which, however, resulted in the acquittal of the accused, but which increased friction and ill feeling. At the inquiry he bought his acquittal from a courtier and his accusers were executed. Although the teacher was acquitted of child molestation charges, she still lost her educator’s license. 2. "Oxford seems to have been craving for notoriety; but it may be doubted whether the jury who tried him did right to pronounce his acquittal on the ground of insanity. What activists crossing DMZ don't get Cleveland cop acquittal a fair verdict? Along with his six brethren, Ken was committed to the Tower on the 8th of June 1688, on a charge of high misdemeanour; the trial, which took place on the 29th and 30th of the month, and which resulted in a verdict of acquittal, is matter of history. Acquittal sentence examples. , When the accused serial killer received an acquittal, the entire country was enraged. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The jury quickly agreed on a verdict of not guilty, and the acquittal was greeted by the populace with shouts of triumph. Egypt Independent. Definition of acquittal in the dictionary. All Rights Reserved. It's difficult to see acquittal in a sentence. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. 2. If the judge decides their trial can dispute the legality of the war then it may make their acquittal easier. Thus, their persecution of Orestes ceases after his acquittal by the Areopagus. His trial for high treason lasted for six days (17th to 22nd of November) and ended in his acquittal, the jury only taking eight minutes to settle their verdict. Even though the acquittal of the death penalty was erroneous in that case, the acquittal … The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Prior to issuing t… 1 … Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Sentence Examples. Antonius, grandfather of the triumvir, procured his acquittal. Acquittal definition, the act of acquitting; discharge. A sensational trial resulted (May 31, 1786) in the acquittal of the cardinal, of the girl Oliva and of Cagliostro. the centre of the world ; The wish was father to the thought ; The printer is jammed. Collins English … The second imprisonment of Paul, after a period of freedom following his acquittal, is an historical hypothesis (cf. 3. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. James McCarthy was acquitted at the Assizes on the strength of a number of objections which had been drawn out by Holmes and submitted to the defending counsel. Mr Ling was acquitted of disorderly behaviour by magistrates. How to use Acquittal in a sentence? Even with acquittal, this conservative, regressive society will continue to scorn them. [1913 Webster] … But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Definition of acquittal noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. ‘On the first, if the appellant is right, he is entitled to an acquittal.’ ‘The motion for a directed verdict of acquittal on count two is dismissed.’ ‘For the above reasons, the appeal is dismissed and the acquittal of the Respondent is upheld.’ ‘By last year, the rate of jury acquittals had fallen to 15 percent.’ He was not, however, entirely in accord with the more radical members of his own party, and this difference was exemplified in his opposition to the impeachment of President Johnson and subsequently in his voting for Johnson's acquittal. Once Madame Roland appeared personally in the Assembly to repel the falsehoods of an accuser, and her ease and dignity evoked enthusiasm and compelled acquittal. If the court sets aside the order it may also reinstate the original acquittal. A serious setback for the government was last month 's acquittal of Andrew Meldrum, correspondent of the Guardian and The Observer. setback for the government was last month's acquittal of Andrew Meldrum, correspondent of the Guardian and The Observer. The Japanese mission had vanished in blood in 1651; and though many Jesuits died with their converts bravely as martyrs for the faith, yet it is impossible to … An example of acquittal is when charges against a person are dropped because there is … erwirken - to win acquittal for so. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Leaving the Grace of This World Brad Rassler December 10, 2020 Outside Online They and the twelve Democratic Senators voted for acquittal. , After the defendant learned of his acquittal, he jumped for joy. He would like to say a few words, while there is time, to those who would have acquitted him. Sentence Examples for acquittal. "Acquit" Example Sentences. des Volkes, led to his being deprived of the venia legendi (1868) and also to a criminal process, which, however, resulted in his acquittal (May 1869). acquittal in a sentence - Use "acquittal" in a sentence 1. a setting free from the charge of an offense or verdict, When there is not enough evidence, a criminal case will usually end with an acquittal. Translations of the phrase FOR ACQUITTAL from english to czech and examples of the use of "FOR ACQUITTAL" in a sentence with their translations: We asked for acquittal . , The animal rights group was far from happy when the suspected puppy killer received an acquittal for the offense. use "acquittal" in a sentence Such cases are rare after grand jury inaction or acquittal at state level. Definition of acquittal noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Sentences Containing 'acquittal' After the acquittal of seven Hutaree members, property seized during a March 2010 raid was returned to the owners. use "acquitted" in a sentence As I recall, OJ was acquitted, so Robert Shapiro did something right. Those who blame Bacon must acquit Essex of all wrong-doing. acquittal / examples. ‘On the first, if the appellant is right, he is entitled to an acquittal.’ ‘The motion for a directed verdict of acquittal on count two is dismissed.’ ‘For the above reasons, the appeal is dismissed and the acquittal of the Respondent is upheld.’ ‘By last year, the rate of … I don't know of any absolute acquittals but I do know of many times when a judge has been influenced. Acquittals in law are those which take place by mere operation of law; as where a man has been charged… acquittal in a sentence - Use "acquittal" in a sentence 1. Use "acquittal" in a sentence. German translation: Das Urteil lautete auf Freispruch ; Verwandte Phrasen. How to use acquit in a sentence. The jury quickly agreed on a verdict of not guilty, and the acquittal was greeted by the populace with shouts of triumph. Learn more. 83. 2. Judges gave no reason for commuting the death sentence on him and the acquittal of the others. The peers a year before could acquit Lord Dacre~ would they have condemned the queen without some show of evidence? definitions. When the gravity of the charge and the complexity of the evidence are considered, the acquittal of Aeschines by a narrow majority must be deemed his condemnation. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The acquittalof the angels of practicing magic. Acquittal definition, the act of acquitting; discharge. The parents of the young girl who was found raped and murdered were totally outraged by the acquittal of the man who was the police's prime suspect. 3. 61. Related search terms; absolution: Forum discussions containing the search term; advance acquittal process: Last post 30 Aug 10, 17:49: Wie würdet ihr *advance acquittal process* in folgendem Satz übersetzen? If Funding is provided for part of the reporting period, a Financial Acquittal - Periodic must still be submitted for the relevant part of that reporting period. Translations of the phrase FOR ACQUITTAL from english to spanish and examples of the use of "FOR ACQUITTAL" in a sentence with their translations: We need three votes for acquittal , … His acquittal was to be deprecated as establishing a dangerous precedent in regard to outrages on the sovereign. The act of acquitting; discharge from debt or obligation; acquittance. acquittal. Anaxagoras was arrested on a charge of contravening the established dogmas of religion (some say the charge was one of Medism), and it required all the eloquence of Pericles to secure his acquittal. In a criminal process it signifies the acquittal of an accused person on the ground that the evidence has either disproved or failed to prove the charge brought against him. We direct an acquittalon the charge of sedition. The jury quickly agreed on a verdict of not guilty, and the acquittal was greeted by the populace with shouts of triumph. Mirkadyrov himself, speaking in court, pleaded not guilty, and asked for acquittal. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. … TOEFL Words; Academic Words; Sign In; Sentence example with the word 'acquittal' acquittal accordance, binder, compliance, defrayal, down payment, heeding, judgment, observance, … How to say acquittal in English? in a sentence - 18 Lists. First case was to secure the acquittal of 4 Liverpool Officers at Crown Court Trial. Dictionary ! Example sentences with the word acquittal. Another word for acquittal. … As the bloody work went on the pretence of trial became more and more hollow, the chance of acquittal fainter and fainter. Traduzioni in contesto per "acquittal sentences" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: Out of all your acquittal sentences, are there any cases you had doubts they may have been guilty? Another circumstance which has the effect of screening all sorts of offenders, is men of fortune protecting them, and making interest for their acquittal , which is attended with a variety of evil consequences. Many translated example sentences containing "acquittal sentence" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. , Once the jury learned the defendant had a possible alibi, they had no choice but to announce an acquittal in the case. Example sentences with the word acquitted. Nevertheless public confidence in the efficacy of the parliamentary system and in the honesty of politicians was seriously diminished by these unsavoury occurrences, which, in combination with the acquittal of all the defendants in the Banca Romana trial, and the abandonment of the proceedings against Giolitti, reinforced to an alarming degree the propaganda of the revolutionary parties. acquittal rate in the Magistrates & Crown court. acquittal of the criminal charges the forfeiture is based upon does not prevent retrying the same facts. English words and Examples of Usage use "acquittal" in a sentence The acquittal of the police officers involved in the severe beating of Rodney King triggered huge riots in Los Angeles a few years ago. The sentence was one of acquittal. use "acquittal" in a sentence The acquittal of the police officers involved in the severe beating of Rodney King triggered huge riots in Los Angeles a few years ago. Acquit definition is - to discharge completely (as from an accusation or obligation). Definition of Acquitted. Their acquittal by a jury was the first serious blow to the system adopted by the king. Examples of acquitted in a sentence: 1. But the juryman votes for acquittal anyway, reflecting that … acquittal in a sentence . The trial resulted in an acquittal of the officer who commanded the detachment, and most of the soldiers; but two soldiers were found guilty of manslaughter. Acquittal — Ac*quit tal, n. 1. 62. Acquittal in a sentence | acquittal example sentences. acquittal meaning: 1. the decision of a court that someone is not guilty: 2. the decision of a court that someone is…. All the defendants were acquitted. Ramy Ghanem: This is a very appropriate and clear verdict on people that committed the crime, this, in fact, was the maximum sentence for the charges. AP/SIPA. a setting free from the charge of an offense or verdict. As tribune of the people in 61 B.C., he was chiefly instrumental in securing the acquittal of the notorious Publius Clodius when charged with having profaned the mysteries of Bona Dea (Cicero, Ad. If Funding is provided for part of the reporting period, a Financial Acquittal - Periodic must still be submitted for the relevant part of that reporting period.. acquittal Tuesday was in talking he the united kingdom. , The man’s foreign diplomat status ensures he will receive an acquittal on any charge. For Anwar, the acquittal is his second in the past decade on charges of sodomy, which is illegal in Muslim-majority Malaysia and carries a sentence of up to 20 years. See more. Sentences 1. September 30, 2020 4:51 pm . In June 1653 he nevertheless came back from the Low Countries, where he had busied himself in pamphleteering and such other agitation as was possible, and was immediately arrested; the trial, which was protracted from the 13th of July to the 10th of August, issued in his acquittal, to the great joy of London, but it was nevertheless thought proper to keep him in captivity for "the peace of the nation.". ... einen Freispruch für jmdn. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. [1913 Webster] 2. examples "Acquittal of the guilty damns the judge" Horace "An acquittal does not constitute aid to commit a felony" "And our acquittal will be Bligh's defeat" "Any charge ever brought against him resulted in an acquittal" … Acquittal in a sentence (esp. However, even though the decision to impose a life sentence instead of death was based on an erroneous interpretation of the law by the judge, the finding of life imprisonment in the original case constituted an acquittal of the death penalty and thus death could not be imposed upon a subsequent trial. It publicly called for President Bouteflika to end the crisis born out of Hirak, the unprecedented popular uprising that forced the former head of … acquittals in fact, acquittals in law Acquittals in fact are those which take place when the jury, upon trial, finds a verdict of not guilty. The four acquitted were accused of having met in March 2019 to draw up a “destabilisation plan” for the army high command. acquittal at the preliminary examination. The new members of council disembarked at Calcutta on the 19th of October 1774; and on the following day commenced the long feud which scarcely terminated twentyone years later with the acquittal of Warren Hastings by the House of Lords. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Many translated example sentences containing "sentence of acquittal" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. If the court finds that sections 78 and 79 are satisfied, it must make an order quashing the acquittal and directing a retrial. Various circumstances fortified this belief, which contributed to render Marie Antoinette very unpopular - her disappointment at Rohan's acquittal, the fact that he was deprived of his charges and exiled to the abbey of la Chaise-Dieu, and finally the escape of the comtesse de Lamotte from the Salpetriere, with the connivance, as people believed, o{ the court. With one exception, in the United States an acquittal cannot be appealed by the prosecution because of constitutional prohibitions against double jeopardy. 33. 06, 08:01: With regard to the provision of a labour only service, raw materials being … , Since I am innocent of all charges, I hope I will receive an acquittal after the jury hears the testimony. 2. a discharge or release from an obligation, duty, debt, etc. Definition of acquittal : a setting free from the charge of an offense by verdict, sentence, or other legal process Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about acquittal Synonyms & … acquittal of three white former police officers accused of beating a mixed-race man. By eloquence, readiness of wit, and adroit flattery of the jury he contrived to secure his acquittal in the face of the open hostility of the judge - a unique achievement at a time when the condemnation of prisoners whom the authorities wished to convict was a mere matter of course. good sentence like quote, proverb...) Acquittal in a sentence 1 The jury returned an acquittal after only seventeen minutes. The release of 37 prisoners following an acquittal on grounds of insanity was also a factor. The last of these he won with a full jury acquittal. Swiss Court Finds Israeli Billionaire Steinmetz Guilty of Bribery in Landmark Mining Case . A Geneva court has ruled Israeli businessman Beny Steinmitz and two associates as guilty for offering a 8.5 million dollar bribe in exchange for the rights to mine iron ore in Guinea 2. Examples of acquittal in a Sentence. Of the three cases that went to trial, two ended in acquittals. After the defendant learned of his acquittal, he jumped for joy. The jury voted 9 to 3 in favor of acquittal. Log in. What activists crossing DMZ don't get Cleveland cop acquittal a fair verdict? assisted his father and Dupin in the unsuccessful defence of Marshal Ney before the chamber of peers; and he undertook alone the defence of General Cambronne and General Debelle, procuring the acquittal of the former and the pardon of the latter. found innocent of a charge or accusation Examples of Acquitted in a sentence. How to use acquittal in a sentence. Said Bouteflika in April 2009 during the re-election of his brother to the Algerian presidency (illustrative image). Examples of acquit in a sentence, how to use it. 4. Acquitted in a sentence. Even though the judge believed the defendant was guilty, he could say nothing when the jury acquitted the man of all charges. The definition of acquittal is the legal act of dismissing charges brought against someone. admin January 19, 2020. Meaning of acquittal. Toggle navigation fatLingo . They do not represent the opinions of He was also acquitted of all charges due to lack of evidence. Dictionary ... fearing lest he might make the pretender popular either by the glory of an acquittal or the aureole of martyrdom, had him taken to Lorient and put on board a ship bound for America, while his accomplices were brought before the court of assizes and acquitted (February 1837). The acquittal of Hastings in April 1795 disappointed Francis of the governor-generalship, and in 1798 he had to submit to the additional mortification of a defeat in the general election. 1. When I was a boy I used to listen closely to my father when he told us about court cases at acquittalme, and the judges that came to his studio talked about the court, in our circles nobody talks about anything else; I hardly ever got … Although shaken by the acquittal of William Hone on a charge of libel the government was supported by parliament; and after the "Manchester massacre" in August 1819 the home secretary thanked the magistrates and soldiers for their share in quelling the riot. Other actions Start new thread Manage vocabulary View search history. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. The suspect was acquitted by the … 3. Enormous depreciation ensued and, although penalties rising to death itself were denounced against all who should refuse to take them at par, they fell to little more than r% of their carried a decree that Marat should be sent before the Revolutionary Tribunal for incendiary writings, but his acquittal showed that a Jacobin leader was above the law. Definition of acquittal: a setting free from the charge of an offense by verdict, sentence, or other legal process Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about acquittal Synonyms & Antonyms for acquittal: 31. Moreau's trial for treason promised to end with an acquittal; but the emperor brought severe pressure to bear on the judges (one of whom he dismissed), with the result that the general was declared guilty of participating in the royalist plot. 32. It culminated in 1864, when the country clergy, provoked by the final acquittal of the essayists, had voted in convocation against the endowment of the Greek chair. Check the meaning of acquittal. View Acquittal usage in sample sentences. Use "acquittal" in a sentence The acquittal of the police officers involved in the severe beating of Rodney King triggered huge riots in … Acquittal In A Sentence How To Use Acquittal In A Sentence? And if he is acquitted, make him come straight from the law courts to dinner with me, and I'll have a party of friends, and we'll drink to the reformed law courts. How to use Acquittal in a sentence? Bouvier. 61. Under that program, cars are only returned after an acquittal. The court of cassation quashed the sentence, through defect of form, but sent Babeuf for a new trial before the Aisne tribunal, by which he was acquitted on the 18th of July. See more. How to use acquittal in a sentence. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. I don't know of any absolute acquittals but I do know of many times when a judge has been influenced. A second arrest on … Damn I … The PA Superior Court has recently decided the case of Commonwealth v.Fitzpatrick, No. Lists. , Although the defendant received an acquittal on the most serious charges, he still has to go to prison for one year on minor charges. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB He became famous in the county court for a streak of acquittal s that some say reached into the seventies. Persecution of Orestes ceases after his acquittal was greeted by the populace with of. Same facts accused of beating a mixed-race man uses cookies to improve your experience our... Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences containing `` sentence of acquittal the! Us analyze and understand how you use this website show of evidence it s... Acquittal Tuesday was in talking he the United kingdom above have been gathered various! To get example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more 1 in the following December the tribunal. 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