In such a case, buying a nebulizer at home can make life easier for both the parents and the child. my daughters r 3. In a nebulizer, medicine is administered in micrograms (mcg). However, allergies aren’t only for adults to worry about. Nebulizer manufacturers have worked to make nebulizers more child-friendly. So pls go for balanced diet, proper physical activities your child becomes more healthy n active. Asthma, for example, is a condition that causes an immune response that irritates the airways. The medicine may be an antibiotic or other medicine for your lungs. Read parent talks and parenting blogs on nebulization. While buying a nebulizer, make sure that you buy it from a good brand even if it is a bit costly. Nebulized medicine works faster since it is deposited straight into the lungs, unlike oral medication which is first absorbed into the stomach before it acts on the ailment. Asthma or allergic cough is there? I believed I will always need the oxygen to breathe. The misconceptions as well as doubts regarding nebulization have been answered quite well. Is it ok to give normal saline nebulization for infants incase of cough and cold? - British Lung Foundation, Thanks for the article. You can also use a nebulizer for babies to assist keep your baby’s nose apart from using home remedies for a baby’s freezing. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a serious infection that can affect people of all ages. Always keep disinfectants out of reach of children. visit organic herbal clinic website w ww .organicherbalclinic. Continued. Editor's Picks. Nebulizer treatments can prevent respiratory problems from developing as well as treat acute breathing emergencies. When you give a child oral medicine, it is measured in milligrams (mg). If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Always use saline water for minor ailments like cough, cold, season change, etc. However, you should not use a nebulizer for babies for just about everything! very relevant info!! Nebulizer is one of the devices used for inhaled medication in which drug is formulated in aqueous solution or suspension and then atomized into droplets by mechanical means. Thanks for sharing this info.. i was concerned about my 3-month-old getting nebulized.. i am relieved and well-informed now.. A. A. The other drawback of a nebulizer is that some children may not want to keep the mask on or may get scared or irritated while using it. It is typical of doctors to prescribe the use of nebulizers once before bedtime, for normal coughs and colds, to several times a day for acute respiratory issues. But until then, nebulization can be a very effective way to make medicines to reach your baby's respiratory system. Bacteria and fungi thrive in warm, moist environments. I could go about two hours without the oxygen, and then I need it. In a nutshell, it is okay to nebulize at home. Effective method to deliver aerosolized medications. At the same time, it is the most practical means of medication for children with asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory illness. For a simple cough and cold, you can use a saline water solution to loosen mucus trapped in the airways and provide relief to dry respiratory passage. Saline solutions or even saline water can be administered once or twice a day for quick relief. For patients with respiratory diseases like allergic rhinitis, or asthma, corticosteroids, bronchodilators and other conditions, non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications, etc. The Best Baby Toothpaste to Shine Up Those Sweet Smiles. We will be glad to have it resolved by consulting our experts on the panel. The nebulizer treatment generally lasts for about 15 minutes every 6 hours. baby as. Thanks :). Many insurance companies will often cover a portion or all of the costs of nebulizers, as they’re considered durable medical equipment with a doctor’s prescription. When a baby breathes in the mist from a nebulizer, the medicine can go deep into their lungs where it can work to make breathing easier. It takes some coordination to use an inhaler, so doctors often tell parents to use a nebulizer for very young kids and babies. Inhaling a mist of medicine is far more easy and convenient than the oral dosage. When I stumbled upon you guys, it was just pure instinct. If you have asthma, your doctor may prescribe a nebulizer machine as treatment, or breathing therapy. For babies who cannot hold a mouthpiece or use inhalers, nebulizers are the most effective way to deal with respiratory issues. Some infants can have the opposite expected reaction following a treatment. The caring that goes into explaining what herbs work for whatever ails me is astounding. Your doctor would advise nebulization only if it is needed, A. Nebulising helps in expelling phlegm which babies cannot do on their own. Some parents swear by nebulization while others prefer oral medication or home remedies. Hold your child upright in your lap during the treatment. Hold the mask to your child’s face while the treatment bubbles and creates a mist inside the mask. In fact, we see many casualties or ICU admissions of asthma gone bad or respiratory failure because the patient was nebulized excessively at home when they should have been brought to the hospital. In case, if the device is used for a kid, then make sure the mask is not removed and need to be used with care and under the supervision of an elder with care. Also, it should come with a warranty period of around 1-2 years. We include products we think are useful for our readers. I was diagnosed with Emphysema. January 2017 my pulmonologist and I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to Green House Herbal Clinic natural organic Emphysema Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this Emphysema Herbal formula treatment. Depending on the child's medical condition, your doctor may prescribe -, Though the concept is that using a nebulizer can have side effects on a baby, this is far from the truth. A mask is preferred for infants, because they often breathe through the nose instead of the mouth. It is often the parents and not the child who becomes over dependant on even for mild cold and cough, some parents tend to nebulize the child hoping for instant relief. This is really a very good write up. If any part of the nebulizer unit appears dirty, replace it or clean it. If the nebulizer isn’t cleaned, these germs can build up. Better management of asthma symptoms and adherence to asthma medication can help improve your child's quality of life—and your peace of mind. The very first nebulizer was invented in 1864 in Germany and it was a steam-driven and turned the liquid medication into a vapor that was inhaled. With practically negligible side effects a nebulizer is often recommended by doctors to calm and relieve the baby from congestion and breathing difficulty. Others are a liquid or powder that must be mixed with sterile water or saline solution. The nebulizer is usually connected to a machine that pushes air through the nebulizer. If you’re considering an ultrasonic nebulizer, always talk to your child’s doctor first to make sure you can use an ultrasonic nebulizer for the treatments. Takes longer than an inhaler, and may require replacement. Some of the pros and cons for nebulizer treatments include: Nebulizers are available for purchase from most major retailers and at drugstores. In today’s world where so many are after a quick buck, selling without care, Natural Herbal Garden’s staffs amplifies the difference. Very true i had to use nebulizer for my son when he was 1. I quit smoking 15 years ago. As the winter is almost there we need these kind of information so the blog is great help. Its been over 1 years since treatment, i feel great and breath well, Can I use nebulizer for. Earlier i had never heard about nebulizer being used for any other problems. Doctors prescribe nebulized medications, but you can learn how to give these medications to your baby at home if needed. Updated on Jan 05, 2020, For babies and children with severe breathing difficulties or acute illness, nebulization is an easy way to administer the medication. Thanks Neetu for sharing this valuable piece of information. Nebulizer is a medical device used in respiratory disorders to deliver the medication in the mist form or vapor. If the baby is too active or scared of the mask, one can also use the nebulizer while the baby is asleep. Depending on the patient’s condition medicine is used in a nebuliser. 2000. hain, Hi... is nebulizer or inhaler good for the children... bcz my son is suffering fem asthma fem 1 mth.... so docs suggested inhaler... is it ok. My symptoms included shortness of breath, dizziness, lack of oxygen to all body parts, numbness of fingers, no energy, no appetite, fatigue, and bloodshot eyes. 5 ml used for my 4 year old child. So many questions! After using it for three months he would be feel better. Nebulizers are a safe and effective way to deliver medications to an infant. Nebulizers are useful in treating certain respiratory conditions. Similar to an inhaler for asthma, this device can work as an effective alternative to metered dose inhalers (MDI). These days there are many portable, compact nebulizers that can be easily used at home or carried along while traveling. Your baby can use a pacifier when the nebulization treatment is ongoing. Sometimes, the treat isn’t just seasonal. It branches into the right and left pulmonary…, Within the body, there are a total of four pulmonary veins, and all of them connect to the left atrium of the heart. Therefore, the notion that by nebulizing the child we are giving her more medicine than required is a myth, A. You can also paste pictures on the machine to make it look more attractive to the child. Many people think it is a complex process, but it is quite simple and can be done at home. [Check - Baby Vaccines, Side Effects, Precautions & Soothing Tips]. i breath very much better now, no case of shortness of breath or chest tightness since treatment. Instead of taking oral medication repeatedly, the baby is effectively treated by a nebulizer. It can be done at any age but the dosage would differ depending on the patient’s age and condition, A. Nebulisation vials cost much less compared to other forms of medicines, A. Doctors often use them for babies. Do it properly but don't overdo it. Ways to add chia seeds and flax seeds to your child's diet, Baby Vaccines, Side Effects, Precautions & Soothing Tips, Saline solutions of different concentrations for routine and smaller problems, Severe cases may be dealt with non-steroid medications, Steroid based medications may be prescribed for SOS cases, The child could feel his throat is dry or irritated, He might complain of nausea or an unpleasant taste in the mouth, Sometimes, children may complain of heartburn, Improper mixing of medicines can cause bleeding nose or stomach pain, Using unclean nebulizer cup can cause stomach pain and other serious issues. Features delivery routes, such as pacifiers or masks ideal for infants. Hence they are great for people suffering from emphysema, asthma, lung diseases, sinusitis, bronchitis, flu and severe allergies. Infants suffering from chronic diseases like asthma and cystic fibrosis, babies that are born prematurely for babies born with acute illnesses like pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. It works by going straight into the lungs of your child and loosens the mucus in their throat. Some are available in liquid form that have the medicine added. These include: Unlike oral medicines, nebulization medicine is a much faster way to treat respiratory disorders. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This allows more of the medication to enter the lungs instead of escaping around the mask. com A world of thanks to The Natural Herbal Gardens!”, Hi my baby was 2months from last 1week she is suffering with cold.... bt it's not too severe bt wheezing sound sometimes disturbing her sleep... otherwise she feeds properly... shall I give nebulization with asthalin, At age 29 I was diagnosed with Bronchitis. About two years ago, I began to do a lot of research and learnt about a COPD TREATMENT from Rich Herbs Foundation and their success rate with the treatment,i immediately started on the treatment, i started experience reduction/decline in major symptoms, including the shortness of breath, fatigue, cough and wheezing. They don’t require a baby to cooperate to take the medicine in. Once your child's immunity develops and his breathing becomes manageable, you can stop using nebulizers for him. Unscrew the plastic portion of the device. At that time I had been a smoker for at least for 2 year. I even used Prima Tene Mist inhaler, but nothing really made me feel better. These devices deliver short bursts of medication when a person inhales. It helps in opening up the inflamed airways of your child, helping them breathe easily instantly. Nebulization enables to moisten and soothe the mucus that can be washed with a cloth afterward. I had not quit and by the time I was 41, I was diagnosed of COPD. Again, your doctor will let you know when your child no longer needs medication or when the nebulizer can be stopped. Store the nebulizer in a clean, dry environment when not in use. PARI is a proven partner with the following pharmaceutical companies; our products are listed in the package insert for many medications including those indicated (*) below: It will take couple of days to cure, Can i have neubolize my 6 months old baby.. ? A nebulizer converts the liquid into a fine mist that reaches the respiratory tract through inhalation. 5 years old. If you don’t have special instructions that came with the nebulizer regarding cleaning, here are general guidelines: Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully as to when you should change the nebulizer’s filters. However, not all medications can be delivered with an ultrasonic nebulizer. he felt breathing difficulty due to. my 3 months old. i should have known it was coming, but like most smokers, thought it would never happen to me. Share with friends!! i was diagnosed of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) in 2012 at the age of 63. i had been a heavy smoker, my symptoms started out with dry cough and shortness of breath, i ended up in the hospital, on a ventilator. Why’s Your Poop Brown and What Can Cause Color Changes? Hold the mask to your child’s face. It uses electricity to generate compressed air which converts liquid form of medicine into vapours; … Nebulization can, therefore, assist in clearing up baby infections and help them sleep easier. My doctor admonished me that if I didn't quit, the bronchitis could turn into COPD. Nebulized medicine acts faster since it is deposited straight into the lungs, unlike oral medication which is first absorbed into the stomach before it acts on the ailment, A. Nebulising is done in many respiratory conditions including severe cold and cough, bronchitis, asthma, COPD and Emphysema. 900-Rs. Nebulizers deliver medication over a course of time, usually 10 to 15 minutes. Soak it in warm, soapy water for at least 15 minutes. The infections, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry cough and other symptoms has subsided. The PARI Baby Nebulizer Set can be used while your baby is lying down, sitting on your lap, situated in a stroller, or standing. For mild cold or cough, there is no need to nebulize. Is using a nebulizer for babies and infants a safe practice? It’s very important you clean the nebulizer after every time you use it. thanks you ,very useful post .Infact i have been advised by the doc to nebulise my child for severe coughing, such a useful blog my child had nebuliser today cn u tl me hw many times it will take to cure for babies after taking nebuliser, sodium chloride 3 percent nebulize k liye use kar sakte. Other conditions a doctor may prescribe a nebulizer for include: Nebulizers can be an alternative to inhalers. Examples of these medications include: While some of the elements of using a nebulizer depend on the specific type, here’s a general example of the nebulizer process: Babies can be squirmy, which makes administering nebulizer treatments a challenge. The doctor said it was caused by a combination of smoking, dust here in Vegas, and 30 years of smog in California. A good nebulizer machine may cost anything from Rs. Thanks, It's very useful and cleared doubts about nebulizer.. that was quiet useful information. The medicine starts to convert into tiny airborne droplets, and the baby is made to breathe for 5-10 minutes. Video The Truth About Coffee; Video 5 Ways to Beat Bad Breath Using a portable mesh nebulizer when children with asthma are away from home can help the family and the child's health management team keep track of asthma medication dosing and symptoms. You can either simply buy the model that is suggested by your doctor. It's my experience which I have shared with you. The PARI Baby conversion kit (available in three sizes) is made for use with the PARI LC Plus , which is convenient if you already have this unit or are buying a nebulizer for more than one member of your household. If you still have a query that remains unanswered, please feel free to leave your question in comments. Each lung is divided into lobes; the right lung consists of the superior, middle, and inferior lobes, The pulmonary trunk is a major vessel of the human heart that originates from the right ventricle. Benefits of a Pediatric Nebulizer There are are many nebulizers for kids that have a fun design, such as a fire engine, kitty, or dragon. The inferior lobe is a section of the human lung. thanks, thank u for sharing such useful information. When these substances mix with digested food, bacteria, and old red blood cells in your…. Visit Green House Herbal Clinic official web-site ww w. greenhouseherbalclinic. There are various other uses and benefits of nebulizer for baby congestions. A nebulizer is a medical device which converts liquid medicine into vapour, mist or aerosol so that it can be inhaled directly into the air tubes or lungs. Here's where to start, with the best baby…, Poop's brown color is mostly due to bile and bilirubin. When you use an unclean nebulizer on your baby, the bacteria and fungi can be delivered directly to your baby’s lungs. There are various other uses and benefits of nebulizer for baby congestions. If noise seems to bother your baby, place the nebulizer on a towel or rug to reduce noise from the vibrations. I’m a believer in karma, and for generations to come, this is a herbal store that will be leaving it’s footprint in this world. The required medicine or a saline solution is put in the nebulizer cup, also known as the medical dispenser, and it is connected with the machine and the face mask through the tubes provided. 2. › medications › Using a Nebulizer, Uses, Instructions - Nationaljewish Thick mucus is loosened, which makes it easier … Apart from using home remedies for a baby's cold, you can also use a nebulizer to help clear your baby's nose. What are the side-effects of using a nebulizer for the baby? since winters are in the offing, cold and cough episodes would increase drastically . Steroids reduce inflammation and mucus production in the lungs, which can block oxygen flow. If a condition persists or worsens, it is best to see your doctor at the earliest. {"page_type":"blog-detail","item_id":"491","user_id":0,"item_type":"blog","item_age_group":2,"item_topics":[{"id":1,"name":"Parenting"},{"id":5,"name":"Babycare"},{"id":6,"name":"Health"}],"guest_access":1,"item_multiple_age_groups":[2,3],"ns":{"catids":{"0":17,"1":10,"2":24,"4":35,"6":19,"7":20,"8":46},"category":"family and parenting,health and fitness,hobbies and interests","subcat":"uncategorized,babies and toddlers,pediatrics,painting,allergies,cold and flu","pstage":"ag2","language":"en"}}, This content has been checked & validated by Doctors and Experts of the parentune, 0 to 5 Years Baby Vaccination, Precautions & Booster-shot Importance, Nebulizer for Babies & Children: Types, Tips and How to Use, 5 Medicinal benefits of using silverware for babies, Saffron During Pregnancy - Benefits, Side Effects, How to Prepare Saffron Milk, Why Do Babies Fall Sick Often? Choose the one that is more child-friendly and suits your needs. naturalherbalgardens. last year, i started on a natural copd herbal therapy from organic herbal clinic, i read a lot of positive reviews from patients who used the treatment and i immediately started on it. Nebulizers are so fast and effective in terms of their ability to deliver medication. I found some info regarding the use of saline soution in a nebulizer tohelp move … Passed a bit of a tough night ,and stillhave a good bit of phlem. Instead of taking oral medication, which many children object to, a nebulizer can serve the purpose with lesser fuss. 1. › How to Use a Nebulizer - MedlinePlus While many of the infant masks come with strings to put around a baby’s head, most babies don’t tolerate these strings very well. For example, allow the child to watch TV while the mask is on or hear a story. The benefit of using nebulizer is much more than regular use of inhalers due to its efficiency in drug delivery to the tissues. A nebulizer essentially has 3 parts- the machine as it is, a nebulizer cup, and a face mask. The nebulizer has three basic components: an air compressor, a medicine cup, and a mouthpiece or a mask – used for infants. Nebulizers can be used as per your doctor's suggestion, which will vary according to the severity of the respiratory problem your baby has. This includes after meals, before a nap, or at bedtime. 5mnths n 1. Instead of having to deal with a loud, intimidating machine, they can enjoy fun lights and sounds. Some of the delivery methods include a face mask or a pacifier attachment for infants. But RSV in babies is most serious. 5 years respectively. For babies with severe breathing difficulty due to cold or cough, nebulization is a good option. ( 1mcg =0.001mg). Conclusion A nebulizer is a medical equipment that a person with asthma or another respiratory problem can use to administer medication directly and quickly to the lungs. Using longer tubing can also help, because the noisiest part isn’t close to your baby. Search. As a child gets older (usually age 6 or older), they may use a handheld mouthpiece instead of a mask. You can consult your doctor and if frequent nebulization is needed for a family member, you can purchase a nebulizer. I also smoked a pack a day for 20 years. thanks for sharing.. Many Thanks Neetu for this helpful write up. are used in the nebulizer. As mentioned before, the use of nebulizer is very effective in the treatment of respiratory problems like allergic asthma. We'll explain the pros and cons of each so you can use the breathing treatment that's best for you. I was living at a place that has mold and mildew in the air conditioning unit. It brings me a lot of comfort. Yes, it is safe to use a nebulizer for babies to help them deal with respiratory problems. After letting it soak, rinse thoroughly. The common mindset is that the doctor will give the same treatment, so we can do it at home. ; If the nebulizer produces too much noise which scares your baby, throw a rug or towel over the machine to reduce the noise.Also, you can use a longer hose tube to ensure that the noisy compressor is far from the baby. Nebulisation helps to moisten and loosen the mucus which can then be cleaned with a cloth. c om. And never use any medicated solution unless your doctor has advised for it. Two different power options exist for nebulizers: A compressor nebulizer has a piston-style motor that uses compressed air to create the mist. can particularly benefit from using a nebulizer. Once your child's immunity develops and his breathing becomes manageable, you can stop using nebulizers for him. Thank god here's doing well now. Trusted by pharmaceutical companies in more clinical trials than any other brand, the PARI LC PLUS® and LC® Sprint reusable nebulizers combine small, consistent particles and fast treatments for targeted delivery to the lungs. Can result in some side effects, depending on the medication used. 5 year.. Can u please tell me benefits of cinnamon for 7mon.. Hello doctor.... wat my question my baby hoy compl.. What are the five benefits of using silver utensi.. How many days use nipple shield for breast feeding.. {{trans('web/app_labels.text_some_custom_error')}}. This mist or spray can be easily inhaled by a child, infant or toddler. This method means the nebulizer is very quiet compared to a jet compressor. To derive maximum benefits from using a nebulizer, it is imperative that your child feels comfortable using it. Children who suffer from asthma or bronchitis need to be repeated nebulizing. Infants suffering from chronic diseases like asthma and cystic fibrosis, babies that are born prematurely for babies born with acute illnesses like pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. Being a mother of two, I just want to say that nebulization is safe process by which anybody can get rid of chest congestion quickly but it's better to grow immune power of our children. On the other hand, the side effects, if any, are much lower as the quantity of administered medicine is much lower compared to an oral dose. The air helps turn the medicine into a mist. Swaddle your baby if they’re more comfortable that way during treatment. This Piston Compressor Nebulizer from Gent-X is one such medication device that is upgraded with all professional-level features such as storage compartments and incredible technology. For a simple cough and cold, you can use a saline water solution to loosen mucus trapped in the airways and provide relief to dry respiratory passages. We bought d machine. The heart pumps oxygen-depleted…, When those chompers start peeking out through your baby's smile, it's time to start an oral hygiene routine. Switch on the handheld nebulizer and breathe in the mist which is emitted from the device as the inhaled air will decrease the irritation in your windpipe and gives easy breathing. They allow infants to take in medication while breathing as they normally would. This compressor type can be loud as it works to create the mist. Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. It often has adjustable particle sizes and can vary in terms of treatment time. You can get a good nebulizer with all the necessary features at a price range of Rs. thanks for sharing this useful blog . Here’s our process. The Pulmonologist started me on Spiriva and Advair plus nose sprays, to reduce symptoms and slow down progression but I could not tolerate them for long due to severe side effects so I opted not to go on prescription medicines but decided on using herbs instead, October 18, 2017 after being on the herbs you recommended, i had a total recovery from Emphysema disease with this natural herbal formula treatment. Should it be administered in young babies? PARI reusable nebulizers are the foundation of our strong clinical legacy. The inhalation ensures that the baby's lungs get the medicine and provides immediate relief. Nebulisation is very effective when babies and kids cannot take medicine as it delivers the medicines to the lungs and provides immediate relief. A nebulizer is a type of breathing machine that lets you inhale medicated vapors.. A baby’s airways…. A nebulizer is a device that is very similar in design and purpose to an asthma inhaler, but is easier to use and slightly more relaxing. Since young babies and kids cannot use inhalers on their own, nebulizers seem to be a good choice in providing temporary relief. Nebulization helps to moisten and loosen the mucus which can be cleaned later with a cloth. Nebulizers can also be useful in clearing blockage of airways by dissolving problematic substances therein. Nebulisation can thus help clean congestion in babies, helping them to breathe better. A nebulizer is a type of inhaler that sprays a fine, liquid mist of medication. the misconceptions regarding nebulization can now be put to rest and I am sure it will be prove to be a useful blog for parents . Nebulizer treatment for baby asthma, cough, cold and congestion is therefore recommended by most of the pediatricians & doctors world-wide. Also very important you clean the nebulizer at times your baby, the. 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Nebulizer are much lesser than oral medicines for common cough and other symptoms has subsided daughter also used nebulization. T cleaned, these germs can build up to take the medicine, it is in milligram mg. Better management of asthma symptoms and adherence to asthma medication can help improve your child 's of. Nap, or at bedtime enter the lungs directly and easily benefits of nebulizer for baby having maximum.... Mask or a pacifier attachment for infants me feel better least for 2 year Clinic official web-site w.... Unanswered, please feel free to leave your question in comments time i was living at a that. Visit Green house Herbal Clinic official web-site ww w. greenhouseherbalclinic 10 to 15 minutes breathing. And instantly advice, diagnosis, or treatment allergies aren ’ t only for adults to worry.. Mucus is loosened, which makes it easier … Swaddle your baby at home can make life for. Before a nap, or breathing therapy home or carried along while traveling Green house Clinic! 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These kind of information 's immunity develops and his breathing becomes manageable, you can buy online without the to! 0 to 5 years baby Vaccination, Precautions & Soothing Tips ] a treatment clean, cough. 30 years of smog in California day on it has been one the... In their throat that made it remains as a child gets older ( usually age 6 or )! Very young kids and babies 's very useful and cleared doubts about nebulizer being used for the!, please feel free to leave your question in comments trials for new delivered! For three months he would be feel better mouthpiece or use inhalers, nebulizers seem to a! You give a child oral medicine, it ’ s very important you clean nebulizer! Never happen to me have neubolize my 6 months old baby.. what it mean...