TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper CC-1138, nicknamed "Bacara," was a clone trooper officer who held the military rank of Clone Marshal Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Will the Federation prevail in it's darkest hour? RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Fi CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper [4] After his training, he then received training from Advanced Recon Commandos[3] and chose the name "Bacara."[5]. Kamino[1] Bacara and Mundi were later present in a briefing attended by Clone Commander CC-5052 "Bly," Jedi Commander Caleb Dume along with Jedi Generals Depa Billaba, Aayla Secura, Plo Koon, Mace Windu, and Yoda. During the fighting, Bacara and his troops received Order 66 from Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, declaring the Jedi traitors to the Republic. Out of stock, come back soon (Email me any questions) These were "Yes, sir" and "It will be done, My Lord," and the commander's actions were even slightly expanded as well: he was to be given the command to execute the order by Darth Sidious via comlink and then snap the comlink close as he looked on the city's main plaza before killing Ki-Adi-Mundi.[14]. The 501st Legion, also known as the 501st Clone Battalion, and Vader's Fist, was a famous legion led by Anakin Skywalker, Clone Captain Rex, and later Commander Appo. 5,60 € Arealight - Commando Gregor Helmet . Together, they fought in many battles,[3] though he was always at odds with Mundi. CC - Clone Captain (TCW) (Phase 2): Rex The 501st participated in many major battles including the Battles of Christophsis, Teth, Umbara, Ringo Vinda, Anaxes and Coruscant. CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Swoop AR - ARC Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): Beta - Heavy Gunner CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Neyo CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 41st Elite Corps AR - ARC Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Colt Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Cody, or CC-2224, was a clone marshal commander during the Clone Wars. CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Doom [1] There, he trained with an ex-Journeyman Protector[3] and eventually was given the rank of Clone Marshal Commander. TC - Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Captain 1.83 meters[1] TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Scythe [7][8] Though Bacara hesitated with a moment's disbelief, he did not question its legitimacy[5] and ordered his men to attack their General. He commanded the 7th Sky Corps and personally led the 212th Attack Battalion, which was part of the Grand Army of the Republic. CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Sergeant Neyo CT - Clone Trooper (BF2) (Phase 2): Coruscant Guard—Officer AR - ARC Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Hammer 高校・大学向け製品一覧のページです。チエル(CHIeru)は未来の子供達のためにICT製品による教育現場への貢献や、教育に関するセミナーを開催しております。 CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Gree CT - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): Sergeant Sinker One unit in the 501st was the Torrent Company. Eye color TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Bombsquad [5], CC-1138 made his first canonical appearance in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Wolfpack Grunt - Season 1, CT - Clone Trooper (BF2) (Phase 2): Coruscant Guard—Heavy Trooper By the war's end, the Republic that Bacara served had been supplanted by a new regime—the Galactic Empire, ruled by the self-anointed Emperor Palpatine. CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Waxer - Camo Deco Des accessoires et armes custom pour toutes vos minifigs Star Wars, City, Militaire, WW2, Heroïc Fantasy, Médiéval… CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Bly CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Bacara CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Bly CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Cody ... CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Wolffe - Season 3 CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Cody CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Cody Season 7 Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Star Wars Helmet Collection 15, Star Wars Helmet Collection 33 (Helmets: In Pictures)–class. CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Rex [5], Bacara utilized a DC-15A blaster rifle, the standard weapon of clone troopers which he fully trusted. TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Comet TC - Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Sergeant Star Wars: Battlefront is a series of first-and third-person shooter video games based on the Star Wars films. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. TC - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Denal—Realistic CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Sergeant Appo Brown[2] CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Wolfpack Grunt Desert Gear, CC - Clone Captain (TCW) (Phase 1): Keeli AR - ARC Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Alpha TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Echo - Season 3 TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Boil CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Cody TC - Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Lieutenant CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Wolfpack Grunt [9] Though Bacara experienced momentary disbelief at the order to kill Mundi, he carried out the command and was satisfied with his action afterwards, glad to have brought down a threat to the Republic. AR - ARC Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Jesse, TC - Clone Gunner (TCW) (Phase 1) CP - Clone Pilot (ROTS) (Phase 2): Standard Trooper CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 212th Attack Battalion CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 501st Battalion TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Fives - Season 3 TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Wolfpack Grunt - Malevolence Variant The series was launched in 2004 by LucasArts with Star Wars: Battlefront, developed by Pandemic Studios for LucasArts. After many battles together, however, Mundi earned the grudging respect of his subordinates. CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Gree CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Purge Trooper CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Bow Introducing the Phase 1 Clone Troopers NPCs. CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Trauma Reviews and opinions are welcome. CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Oddball Although very similar, the rear of Bacara's helmet featured sloping backside armor. CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Wolffe - Season 2 CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Boost Bacara and his men open fire on Ki-Adi-Mundi, executing Order 66 without hesitation. Skin color Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. CC - Clone Captain (TCW) (Phase 1): Rex CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): Standard Trooper CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Vill CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Broadside AR - ARC Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): Echo RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Niner CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): 332nd Division CC-1138, was a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett created and trained on the planet Kamino. Commander Bacara (Deluxe) $25.95. Bacara also added a pauldron on his right shoulder that was customized in the maroon coloring of the 21st Nova Corps and held by a cross-strap that went across his chest. With the eruption of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance, Bacara served as the Clone Marshal Commander of the 21st Nova Corps, also known as the Galactic Marines, and served as Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi's second-in-command. CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Tup CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Boil Commander Bacara is the leader of 21st Nova Corps. Die Bezeichnung Custom Figuren verwendet der Star Wars Fan für modifizierte Minifiguren, welche auf den Legofiguren basieren. He was trained by Alpha-17, like many other clone commanders, and he served under High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi. TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): 501st - Cold Gear Models created by sono, this pack contains multiple phase 1 clone troopers during the clone wars. [4] Following the death of his Jedi General, Bacara and his forces continued fighting against the last Separatist positions on the planet in order to destroy their presence there. CC-1138, nicknamed "Bacara," was a clone trooper officer who held the military rank of Clone Marshal Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. This includes the phase 2 Commander Wolffe & Commander Bacara models. CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 1): Wolffe—Realistic [4] He and his troopers opened fire on Mundi, killing him. Clone Commander,3 also known as clone trooper commander,4 was a rank in the Grand Army of the Republic held by clone trooper officers who led regiments of 2,304 troopers. TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Kix Players take the role of soldiers in either of two opposing armies in different time periods of the Star Wars universe.. Clone Troopers CRL Status Key: - Ready for GML Approval: CRLs in this state are ready for local GML approval. Clone Commanders in standard1 Phase I armor4 wore clone trooper armor featuring four yellow circles on … Bacara attends a briefing with other Jedi and Republic officers. Height CC - Clone Captain (TCW) (Phase 2): Vaughn Season 7 [4] Eventually, Supreme Commander of the Droid Army General Grievous initiated a large-scale offensive, instigating the Outer Rim Sieges. Clone Army Customs - Phase 1 501st . TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Spark The Legacy Collection. RC - Republic Commando (TCW) (Phase 1): Gregor, CX - Airborne Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): 187th Attack Battalion CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Wolffe - Season 4, CP - Clone Pilot (AOTC) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Wolffe - Desert Gear CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Dogma [7] Though Bacara's numerical designation goes unmentioned in the film, it was annotated in the screenplay of Episode III, where Bacara is identified as Commander 1138, a reference to George Lucas' first feature film THX 1138. TC - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Shiv (Cold Weather Gear) As with all clone troopers from the extragalactic planet Kamino, Bacara was cloned from the genetic template of the human bounty hunter Jango Fett and trained as a soldier in an army for the Galactic Republic. CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Goji His armor included additional heated pads over the air filtration units on his helmet in order to prevent excessive loss of heat through his helmet's air filtration systems when used in low temperatures and high winds. His helmet was also equipped with a compact and powerful communications antenna on the left side, which allowed him to remain in contact with his superiors even when in heated combat and keep them fully informed of his unit's status. 4,00 € New. CC - Clone Captain (TCW) (Phase 1): Rex - Cold Gear TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Squawk AR - ARC Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Havoc For The Legacy Collection Hasbro brought back the Build-A-Droid (BAD) concept, which was first introduced in 1979 in the Droid Factory playset. CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Matchstick CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Kamino Security Each carded figure in The Legacy Collection included a droid part and when enough figures in a … Galactic Republic[1]21st Nova Corps[1]Galactic Empire[3] Clone Trooper Detachment . Clone Army Customs - Phase 1 Dark Red Rocket . [10], When Bacara first appeared in Revenge of the Sith, some fans noticed that both his helmet and armor closely resembled that of the snowtroopers from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. Affiliation(s) CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Doom Grunt Es werden also LEGO® Originalteile verwendet, aber auch zusätzliche Teile, Stoffe und Materialien eingesetzt. CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Blackout CC - Clone Captain (TCW) (Phase 1): Lock RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Scorch Gender [6], Several months after the Third Battle of Mygeeto as part of the Mygeeto Campaign[5] and during the Outer Rim Sieges, Mundi, Bacara, and the 21st Nova Corps were dispatched to confront the Separatists once again and participated in the[7] Fourth Battle of Mygeeto. CX - ARF Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Sergeant Boomer Add to cart. CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Fil [13], While Bacara's appearance in the final cut is silent, there were two lines attributed to him in the illustrated screenplay. Known for his aggressive tactics, Bacara served as the Clone Commander of the 21st Nova Corps, an elite division of clone troopers renowned for their distinctive armor and relentlessness in combat. CRL Status Key: TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Denal [5], By the end of the Clone Wars, Bacara was equipped with modified Phase II clone trooper armor, with his particular armor set being considered very distinct. CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Sergeant Hound 4,00 € New. CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Jesse TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Hardcase CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Axe CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Bly TC - Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Training Fatigues TC - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Bombsquad Species CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Cody CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Jet TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Draa Homeworld RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Boss CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Warthog The armor that CC-1138 and the other Galactic Marines wore in Episode III was inspired by the snowtrooper designs of Episode V. Building off of this inspiration, Bacara's helmet's open-facemask design was originally developed for clone tank drivers who were meant to have been operating in rough environments. CX - Airborne Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): 501st Battalion CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Trauma’s “Devaron” Trooper CX - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): Utapau Shadow Trooper - Requires Legion Approval: CRLs where reference images and/or text are not complete. [11] Some concept art seen in Jonathan W. Rinzler's The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith identified CC-1138 as a "Clone Tank Driver. AR - ARC Trooper (CW) (Phase 1): Fordo AR - ARC Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Echo ... Arealight - Bacara Commander Helmet 02 . CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Cody Season 7 Chronological and political information How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, Looking for THX 1138 in a Galaxy Far, Far Away…, Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith: Illustrated Screenplay, Kamino's Finest: Captains and Commanders of the Clone Army, These costumes must be approved by the LMO with guidance from the detachment experts. Content approaching. Clone Army Customs - Phase 1 Cody . [3] Under the leadership of Ki-Adi-Mundi, Bacara's extremely strict and militant philosophies were often at odds with Mundi's Jedi training. CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 187th Attack Battalion RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Sev TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): 41st - Green Compan CX - Hunter — The Bad Batch (TCW) "Clone Force 99", Phase I Troopers (Attack of the Clones / The Clone Wars Seasons 1-3), Phase II Troopers (Revenge of the Sith / The Clone Wars Season 4+), Clone Officers (Phase I and II, Realistic and Animated), AR - ARC Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Null Class, AR - ARC Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper, AR - ARC Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): Beta - Heavy Gunner, TC - Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Captain, TC - Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Commander, TC - Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Lieutenant, TC - Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Sergeant, TC - Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper, TC - Clone Trooper (AOTC) (Phase 1): Training Fatigues, TC - Clone Trooper (CW) (Phase 1): Scuba Trooper, TC - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): 501st Battalion, TC - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Bombsquad, TC - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Denal—Realistic, TC - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Shiv (Cold Weather Gear), TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): 41st - Green Compan, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): 501st - Cold Gear, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Bombsquad, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Comet, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Coruscant Guard, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Denal, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Echo - Season 1, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Echo - Season 3, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Fives - Season 3, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Hardcase, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Jesse, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Scythe, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Spark, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Squawk, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Waxer, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Wolfpack Grunt - Malevolence Variant, TC - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Wolfpack Grunt - Season 1, CT - Clone Trooper (BF2) (Phase 2): Coruscant Guard—Heavy Trooper, CT - Clone Trooper (BF2) (Phase 2): Coruscant Guard—Officer, CT - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): Jetpack Trooper, CT - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): Sergeant Sinker, CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 187th Attack Battalion, CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 212th Attack Battalion, CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 327th Star Corps, CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 41st Elite Corps, CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 442nd Siege Battalion, CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 501st Battalion, CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): Shock Trooper, CT - Clone Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): Standard Trooper, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): 332nd Division, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): 501st Battalion, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Boost, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Comet, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Dogma, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Doom Grunt, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Hardcase, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Jesse, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Kamino Security Grunt, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Sergeant Appo, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Sergeant Neyo, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Sergeant Sinker, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Shock Trooper, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Standard Trooper, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Waxer, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Wolfpack Grunt, CT - Clone Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Wolfpack Grunt Desert Gear, CC - Clone Captain (TCW) (Phase 1): Keeli, CC - Clone Captain (TCW) (Phase 1): Rex - Cold Gear, CC - Clone Captain (TCW) (Phase 2): Vaughn Season 7, CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 1): Wolffe—Realistic, CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Appo, CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Ganch, CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Grey, CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Purge Trooper, CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Thire, CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Utapau Shadow Commander, CC - Clone Commander (EU) (Phase 2): Vill, CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Bacara, CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Bly, CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Cody, CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Deviss, CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Gree, CC - Clone Commander (ROTS) (Phase 2): Neyo, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Blackout, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Bly, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Cody, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Fil, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Fox, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Ganch, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Gree, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Jet, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Stone, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Thire, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Trauma, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Wolffe - Season 2, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 1): Wolffe - Season 3, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Cody, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Cody Season 7, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Doom, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Fox, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Kamino Security, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Thorn, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Wolffe - Desert Gear, CC - Clone Commander (TCW) (Phase 2): Wolffe - Season 4, CP - Clone Pilot (AOTC) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper, CP - Clone Pilot (ROTS) (Phase 2): Standard Trooper, CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Broadside, CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Matchstick, CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Oddball, CP - Clone Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Warthog, CP - Clone Stealth Pilot (TCW) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper, RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Atin, RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Boss, RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Darman, RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Fi, RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Fixer, RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Niner, RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Scorch, RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Sev, RC - Republic Commando (EU) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper, RC - Republic Commando (TCW) (Phase 1): Gregor, CX - Airborne Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): 187th Attack Battalion, CX - Airborne Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): 501st Battalion, CX - Airborne Trooper (ROTS) (Phase 2): 212th Parjai Squad, CX - ARF Trooper (EU) (Phase 1): Sergeant Boomer, CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Boil - Camo Deco, CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Camo Deco, CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Standard Trooper, CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Trauma’s “Devaron” Trooper, CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 1): Waxer - Camo Deco, CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): 501st Battalion, CX - ARF Trooper (TCW) (Phase 2): Sergeant Hound, CX - Clone Trooper (EU) (Phase 2): Utapau Shadow Trooper, CX - Hunter — The Bad Batch (TCW) "Clone Force 99",