5 drops eucalyptus essential oil 3 drops camphor essential oil* 2 drops peppermint essential oil For sinus congestion with a cough, add 3 drops of cedarwood essential oil to the above blend. We hope you enjoyed our essential oil diffuser recipes for clean air. Respiratory Blend to aid in Relieving Coughing and Purify the Lungs Must Read: 15+ Super Beneficial Essential Oil Life Hacks for Beginners. When using essential oils topically on the skin, be sure to dilute with a carrier oil like jojoba oil or sweet almond oil. There are natural ways to use essential oils for cough, cold, and congestion relief. Here are some of the methods you might use to use your favorite essential oil diffuser recipes. This article will share the best antiseptic and antiviral essential oils to use plus diffuser blends specifically for cold and flu viruses. 2. https://oneessentialcommunity.com/25-essential-oil-recipes-for-immune-support Try these recipes whenever you’re beginning to feel under the weather. Here I share diffuser blends for colds, as well as several essential oils that can support you during your illness. BIO: Owner and founder of Loving Essential Oils. Besides diffusing the above oils into the air, here are some other things you can try: Add essential oils recipes below to diffuser with recommended water for your diffuser tank. They can support your respiratory system, fight bacteria, and reduce inflammation. From Inflammation Relief to relaxation or improve your mood to sleep better, pain relief to cold and flu. Ginger is a powerful superfood, so it’s no wonder it’s a useful essential oil for colds and the flu. Liquid Sunshine Essential Oil Recipe Blend. 12. I like to use a 100-200 ml water tank diffuser but you can use whatever size you prefer. The scent can be overpowering and make it difficult to breathe. Oct 24, 2016 - When I first began using essential oils, I rarely bought oil blends, preferring the freedom to choose which oils I diffuse from day-to-day. Essential oils may serve as an alternative to medication. Place essential oils in your diffuser and diffuse in a large, open room. For best results, make sure you use pure essential oils and learn how to use them properly. Use them with care. See more ideas about Essential oils, Oils, Essential oil recipes. Learn how to use essential oils and aromatherapy to boost immunity and feel better faster. Many essential oils have antiviral superpowers. Using a diffuser keeps air humid and is a great way to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of essential oils. Flu season is upon us and using essential oils for congestion can help to ward off any bacteria or viruses in our environment. According to a 2007 review, echinacea may help prevent colds … How to them to prevent and ease colds, according to Yufang Lin, MD, a board-certified physician. Once you start making these, you will see how easy it is and how great they all work. Certain oils can help you sleep, which may reduce your risk of cold. See more ideas about essential oil blends, essential oil blends for colds, essential oil diffuser blends. https://www.onecrazymom.com/best-essential-oil-diffuser-recipes Read more about diffusing essential oils. Add the essential oil recipe ingredients to an aromatherapy diffuser with recommended water for … With all the cooking and dirty dishes, the kitchen can become a hub for unwanted odors. I love creating and sharing DIY Essential Oil Recipes & Blends. Below are three effective recipes that feature essential oils from the list above that can be used to help ease cold and flu symptoms, support immunity, and get you better faster! Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your essential oil journey! I love trying out new blends in my diffusers (I have 2!) The aromatic compounds that help plants flourish also support our bodies to keep us healthy. Using essential oils can improve a person’s emotional, physical, and mental state. Don’t use it with your baby in a small enclosed room like a small bathroom. Combine 2 – 8 drops total of any of the following essential oils with an equal amount of liquid soap or shampoo: Essential oils can assist with opening airways, clearing mucus, easing spasmodic coughs, relieving sinus pressure, plus they offer immune support to help your body fight off the offending organisms. These diffusers create a mist of just essential oil (no water) so they are believed to be more therapeutic. 15 Most Effective Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes for a Healthy Winter Season Beat the Winter Blues. Because of that, I have tried many combinations of blends. 2 drops peppermint 2 drops lavender 1 drop eucalyptus Here are 15 essential oils that can assist with a cold: Need essential oils? If you are a fan of essential oils like I am, you will love this list of winter essential oil diffuser blends to add into your mix this season! Best essential oil diffuser recipes use essential oils reference guide oils to help unlock improved winter Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes For Colds - 5 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends For Sore Throat The Miracle Of Nov 10, 2018 - There's nothing worse than a couch cold or a sniffle to ruin all those cosy Christmas and winter activities. https://blog.simplyearth.com/108-essential-oil-recipes-for-your-diffuser https://www.easy-aromatherapy-recipes.com/aromatherapy-for-colds.html Because colds are respiratory infections, inhalation is the logical choice for using essential oils. You can inhale essential oils by sniffing the bottle directly or adding a few drops of oil to a cotton ball or handkerchief. Sources recommend this essential oil for colds and flu symptoms because of its anti-bacterial, anti-infectious, anti-viral and antiseptic properties and is known to aid in eliminating symptoms from colds and flu quickly. How to use thyme essential oil. 1-2 drops of Frankincense