usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ of n, ADJ to-inf (=frightened) I'm certainly not scared of him..., I was too scared to move..., Why are you so scared? 1 228 synonyms for Frightened (other words and phrases for Frightened). SINCE 1828. These synonyms for the word be frightened are provided for your information only. Synonyms: alarming, dire, direful… Antonyms: adventuresome, adventurous, audacious… Find the right word. thesaurus. Detailed Synonyms for be frightened in English. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. These antonyms of the word frightened are provided for information only. These antonyms of the word frightened are provided for information only. Expand your English vocabulary and help you speak like a native by using common scared synonyms. According to Synonym | List of 35+ Popular Synonyms for According to . adjective. Here you use the synonyms for be frightened. Definition and synonyms of frightened from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. claustrophobic adjective. Reverso Premium. scare, terrify, alarm, startle, shock, spook, horrify, petrify, unnerve, affright (literary), freak (slang), panic, give sb a fright, scare sb to death, scare sb half to death, give sb the creeps, give sb the willies (informal), put the willies up sb (informal), give sb goosebumps, give sb goose pimples, give … SINCE 1828. scared - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Register Log in Connect with Facebook Connect with Google Connect with Apple. Search look frightened and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Search scared and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Synonyms of scared in English: scared. 14.7%. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. frightened definition: 1. feeling fear or worry: 2. feeling fear or worry: . Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Change your default dictionary to American English. LOG IN; REGISTER; settings. Phrases Synonymous with frighten give one the creeps, make one's flesh creep (or make one's flesh crawl) Afraid Synonyms in English | Infographic. See more. scared - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus SAVED WORDS dictionary. Word of the Day: wiseacre. be frightened: to be frightened verb (is frightened, being frightened) to be frightened. Find more ways to say frightened, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. put off. Find more ways to say frightened, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Another word for frightened: afraid, alarmed, scared, terrified, shocked | Collins English Thesaurus (2) This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Accessed 25 Jan. 2021. Synonyms for frighten include alarm, scare, shock, terrify, startle, terrorise, terrorize, affright, cow and daunt. Synonyms Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Turkish Chinese Suggestions: frighten i'm frightened These examples may contain rude words based on your search. Another word for frightened. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the antonyms for frightened. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of Frightened in English with Spanish translations of every word. Scared: filled with fear or dread. See more. Find another word for scared. View the pronunciation for frightened. Below are some useful. 1 adj If you are scaredof someone or something, you are frightened of them. All Free. Delivered to your inbox! What is another word for "scared"? Learn more. SAVED WORDS dictionary. “Frightened.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, What made you want to look up frightened? LOG IN; REGISTER; settings. Definition and synonyms of frightened from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Another word for scared. Reverso for Windows. Fearful: causing fear. Learn a new word every day. It conatins accurate other and similar related words for frightened in English. GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY WORDS AT PLAY. Log in. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Words over the wire never sounded better to the, At the sound of her steps the man arose and came toward her; this had, One sharp word from Stewart calmed Madeline's horse; the other horses, however, were. ‘This Government, frightened of being seen as soft on the drugs trade, does not know what to do.’ ‘Unfortunately, said dog was so frightened of the fireworks last night she refused to go to bed.’ ‘Another boy, the smallest in the party, had been frightened of making the crossing.’ Nglish: Translation of frightened for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of frightened for Arabic Speakers. Frightened definition, thrown into a fright; afraid; scared; terrified: a frightened child cowering in the corner. to be frightened; to startle somebody; to be scared; to frighten somebody. Find another word for terrified. Find more ways to say scared, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Understand scared, and meaning and enrich your vocabulary Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). scared synonyme | dictionnaire anglais synonymes thesaurus. very-4.5%. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Do you know these earlier meanings of words? Change your default dictionary to American English. English Français Deutsch Español Italiano Português. Synonyms for frightened in English including definitions, and related words. 12 synonyms of frighten from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 31 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Synonyms for frightened in Free Thesaurus. Find more similar words at! GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY WORDS AT PLAY. Join our early testers! Synonyms for scared in English including definitions, and related words. Here you use the synonyms for be frightened. frightened - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. abashed, affrighted (archaic) afraid, alarmed, cowed, dismayed, frozen, get the wind up, in a cold sweat, in a panic, in fear and trepidation, numb with fear, panicky, petrified, scared, scared shitless (taboo slang) scared stiff, shit-scared (taboo slang) startled, terrified, terrorized, terror-stricken, unnerved Another way to say Frightened? is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Expand your English vocabulary and help you speak like a native by using common scared synonyms. “Frosting” vs. “Icing”: Are They Synonyms (Or Just Taste Like They Are)? GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY WORDS AT PLAY. Another Word for SCARED: 50+ Words to Describe You Are Scared - Love English . Frighten definition, to make afraid or fearful; throw into a fright; terrify; scare. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Synonyms: affright, alarm, fright… Antonyms: reassure… Find the right word. GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY WORDS AT PLAY. More . Synonyms for 'frightened': afraid, scared, alarmed, fearful, startled, intimidated, panic-stricken, petrified, (with) your heart in your mouth, chary 20.6%. 13 Frightened Souls • Basically Frightened • Don't Be Frightened of Turning the Page • Dreamland - Self-help for a frightened nation • Four Frightened People • Frightened Rabbit • I'm Famous and Frightened • I'm Famous and Frightened! Find another word for fearful. feeling afraid because you are in a small or crowded space or in a place that seems difficult to get out of quickly. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. past tense of frighten Synonyms & Antonyms of frightened (Entry 2 of 2) to strike with fear around the campfire the campers tried to frighten one another with ghostly legends and grisly tales Synonyms & Antonyms of frightened Free thesaurus definition of to make someone afraid or frightened from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. Find another word for frighten. to be frightened; to startle somebody; to be scared; to frighten somebody. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. fearfully adverb. frightened, afraid, fearful, nervous, panicky, agitated, alarmed, worried, intimidated. Scared synonyms in english - Floor screeds even on a concrete slab are laid each time a developer has finished the slab concrete. Another way to say Very Frightened? Related Posts. English. All Free. Synonyms for Very Frightened (other words and phrases for Very Frightened). Conjugation Documents Grammar Dictionary Expressio. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Frightened Of meaning in Urdu: خوف زدہ - Khauf Zada meaning, Definition Synonyms at English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate urdu translation and meanings of Frightened … Translations in context of "I'm frightened" in English-Romanian from Reverso Context: I'm frightened but I'm thinking straight. 7.8%. Anglais-Français Anglais Définition Anglais Simplifi é. Chercher aussi sur: Web Actualités Encyclopédie Images. LOG IN; REGISTER; settings. 1 228 synonyms for Frightened (other words and phrases for Frightened). is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. frightened - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus 71 synonyms of fearful from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 123 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Thesaurus Trending Words. frighten - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. See UK English definition of scared. abashed, affrighted (archaic) afraid, alarmed, cowed, dismayed, frozen, get the wind up, in a cold sweat, in a panic, in fear and trepidation, numb with fear, panicky, petrified, scared, scared shitless (taboo slang) scared stiff, shit-scared (taboo slang) startled, terrified, terrorized, terror-stricken, unnerved Another Word for Delicious: 60 Useful Synonyms for Delicious with Examples. 2 adj If you are scaredthat something unpleasant might happen, you are nervous and worried because you think that it might happen. formal unwilling to do something because you are afraid that something bad will happen. Antonyms for frightened. These synonyms for the word be frightened are provided for your information only. January 25, 2019. Antonyms for frightened. Synonyms for frighten in Free Thesaurus. scared, and synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'scare',sacred',scar',scarce', definition. 'afraid' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): aghast - alarmed - anxious - apprehensive - cowardly - cringing - fearful - frightened - intimidated - jittery - nervous - panic-stricken - petrified - poor-spirited - recreant - scared - sissy - skittish - troubled - unmanly - yellow This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Here you use the antonyms for frightened. What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? March 29, 2019. See Spanish definition of asustado. This is the British English definition of frightened.View American English definition of frightened. frightened, for example because you feel you are in danger. Find be frightened synonyms list of more than 32 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation. en. Antonyms for frighten. A daily challenge for crossword fanatics. snowflake-0.6%. SAVED WORDS … 1 ‘it was growing dark and she began to feel scared ’ SYNONYMS. Another way to say Frightened? Synonyms for frightened in Free Thesaurus. Synonyms for frightened include afraid, alarmed, scared, terrified, shocked, terrorised, terrorized, cowed, frozen and affrighted. Another word for frightened. Free thesaurus definition of afraid and frightened from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. scared - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. afraid - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Post more words for frightened to Facebook, Share more words for frightened on Twitter, The Difference Between 'Hoard' and 'Horde'. Slippery Words Quiz—Changing with the Times. Oxford English and Spanish Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Spanish to English Translator UK Dictionary US Dictionary Synonyms English Grammar Spanish Spanish - English English - … 26 synonyms of scared from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 78 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Detailed Synonyms for be scared in English. Synonyms: affrighted, afraid, aghast… Antonyms: fearless, unafraid… Find the right word. The list of 40 different words to say AFRAID with ESL infographic is shown below: Facebook; Prev Article Next Article . uneasy, tense, worried, panicky, terror-stricken, terror-struck, horror-stricken, horror-struck, frightened out of one's wits, scared out of one's wits, scared witless, beside oneself, frantic, hysterical, with one's heart in one's mouth, shaking in one's shoes, shaking like a leaf LOG IN; REGISTER; settings. 26 synonyms of terrified from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 78 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Another word for frightened: afraid, alarmed, scared, terrified, shocked | Collins English Thesaurus Below are some useful. This is the British English definition of frightened.View American English definition of frightened. Terrified: filled with fear or dread. to. Synonyms: affrighted, afraid, aghast… Antonyms: fearless, unafraid… Find the right word. SINCE 1828. All Free. See US English definition of scared. TBC. Frighten: to strike with fear. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Definition and synonyms of frightened from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. What is another word … be scared: to be scared verb (is scared, being scared) to be scared. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! SINCE 1828. It conatins accurate other and similar related words for be frightened in English. chary adjective . Another word for scared: afraid, alarmed, frightened, terrified, shaken | Collins English Thesaurus (2) View the pronunciation for frightened. More synonyms +-afraid adjective. frightened - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus (Entry 2 of 2). Had there been light enough for Rosario to see the Rector's face, she would doubtless have obeyed, Involuntarily she got up, holding out her arms to him, offering herself to his needs, with her, You may rise up in the air, or something of the kind, but don't be. frightened | definition: made afraid | synonyms: scared, afraid| antonyms: unafraid, brave, fearlessness . Find frightened synonyms list of more than 41 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. Synonyms and Antonyms of Frightened. 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