Les pommes sont vos amis: Vous pouvez donner des coups de pied dans les pommier avec une chance de faire tomber des pommes (jusqu’à 6 pommes par arbre et par jour) et une petite chance de faire tomber une pomme d’arôme. Craft whatever you can initially, even if the house will not look the prettiest. The museum was constructed by the A&G Construction, with the assistance of the Construction Crane that the player built. ): 4 to 6 furnaces for the early game (more later); you should also double up on the cutters. If you cannot get Carbon Fibre anymore how can you finish Grandpas Plane. The following is a list of possible multi-piece relics to be found in the mines. Let's Play My Time at Portia Together! Granny said she went to school before; check there first. The material cost of upgradin… Maybe I should go to the Research Centre and ask around. Removable Battery; Fish Display; Lara Model; Stone Furnace; Civil Furnace; Industrial Furnace; Owl Clock; Joystick; Magic Lamp; Old Thermos; When the player first arrives in Portia, he/she is caught up from the very first day in the grinding routine of taking commissions, gathering resources and then submitting those commissions just in time to be able to take more commissions the next day… There never seems to be time left in the day for socialising! Jump to: navigation, search. @jjsmurf: You need to select the locked slots in your inventory bag and it will give you a price for the entire row. At the beginning of the game, the player gains possession of his/her father’s Workshop, which consists of a Lvl1 Worktable, a Lvl1 Assembly Station, a worn-out house (Lvl1), and a small plot of land. Wasting as little time as possible when looking for resources or specific buildings, areas etc. Her perk adds +10 stamina, Skill "Power Up" (2nd skillbar at the gather skilltree) to get a 8% bonus on stamina. The stations should not be powered themselves, in order to draw power straight from the generator. The latter has already the diagrams for a few crafting stations, such as stone furnace, grinder, skiver etc. I got it while collecting feces. Those will be balanced out by mining or foresting days, when you could easily go through 3 or 4 times worth your full stamina bar, if well stocked up on dried fruit. I want to point out that the diamond item has "gather" as a possible way of getting it. Some of the items also make good gifts. → Dawa’s Tree Farm is currently closed due to a Panbat Infestation; help him chase off the Panbats. Try to boost you character’s traits as soon as possible. And they changed the Rock Paper Scissors Achievement to 20 perfect wins instead of 50. We’ll need this within 3 weeks. Commissions will reward anywhere between 2 to 4 times more gols than if you were to sell that item to the stores. Upgrade your home and place furniture that increase the stamina, so you get the maximum possible bonus. It is aimed especially at those players who know the basics but would like to, say, brush up their strategy, though I hope others will find it useful as well. They are: Dr. Xu at Dr. Xu’s Clinic, Django at the restaurant, Paulie at the furniture store, Mars at the craftsman’s shop, Carol at the clothing store, Albert at his A&G Construction, and Sophie at her ranch. → Mint needs a driller to help his crew create a tunnel through the Eufaula desert to Sandrock. → Mars wants to eat some fish, but doesn’t have the time to go fishing since he’s busy with his shop. → Talk to Petra at the Research Centre about how to make a Dee-dee stop sign. → We are in need of a three-wheeled Dee-dee vehicle for the city transportation system. The first week in a new ruin is 60% cheaper than the regular fee. [Materials required: 4 steel plate, 5 welding rod, 2 valve], → The space relic knocked over a tower and created a giant hole on the tower ruins; some monsters came out as a result. Et les marchands ont des fonds de caisse limités. [Materials required: 6 insulated planter box]. → Mayor Gale wants to build a hot air balloon ride for Portia and has asked for your help. At the start of the game, none of the ruins are … The following guide will walk you through the main mechanics of the game. Fisherman’s Axe, Fisherman’s Pickaxe, Gunpowder. Don’t be afraid to buy Power stones or Upgrade kits from Mars. Small Satchel (+50), Casual Hoodie (+40) & Leather Belt (+35) equipped as accessory, Skill "Thoughness" (2nd skillbar at the fight skilltree) to get a 20% bonus on Health. She dies and that is probably how you can get the one left behind. The primary non-aesthetic difference between the seasons is crops. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. When you’re done with the order, please deliver it to the Commerce Guild. Birdie achievement in My Time at Portia: Play the seesaw and get your playmate to catch a bird - worth 90 Gamerscore. → The Hazardous Ruins are dangerous and the Civil Corps regulates who can enter. → Toby wants some apples, but doesn’t have enough strength to knock them down; help him to get some. Even when all missions are completed, there is still something left to do in the game, like buying all land available, and the last plot for sale is 250,000 gols. She would also like a water storage. Make one for him. Fish is used in some recipes that make good gifts. 8. Supersoluce propose également des rubriques d'aide, des cheats codes et des infos Every activity costs Action Points, so choose carefully how to spend your time. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. → Ginger sends the player a letter asking him/her to collect 3 topazes and deliver them to her. Written by Linnense / Jan 29, 2018 Introduction Please understand that this will be a rudimentary guide, as many people on the discord have been asking the same questions, so it's purpose is more like a memo than a full on guide. For example: 6 conductive flooring is needed to cover 1 generator and 2 industrial cutters or 1 generator and 2 industrial furnaces. Also (i didn't get it, but i read the wiki) Ginger's diary is automaticaly found 5 years after the main story if you were married to Gniger. Favorited. → We are in need of 1 Bridge Tower and 1 Steel Beam for building a bridge across the Portia River to Sandrock. Some materials need to be collected beforehand. Find Petra; maybe she can help you figure out what you need. My Time at Portia OST - Summer Purchase My Time at Portia Steam → https://store.steampowered.com/app/666140/My_Time_At_Portia/ Developer(s): … Make a new one for him or he’ll be starving for fish pretty soon. Upgrading the house is important, but so is building a stable and buying a horse. Currently pursuing a career in medicine, she's become a nurse at Dr. Xu's Clinic. 4. Why wait, if you’re in love? At the beginning of the game, the player only has at his/her disposal the Worktable and the Assembly Station. In order to use the stations, there is a certain order to follow. [Petra requires 5 data discs], → Emily wants you to help her build an irrigation system. (Attack boosting furniture, though, is only available by assembling relic parts found in the Abandoned Ruins #1 and #2.) Activities. [Petra requires 5 data discs], to come last in the 5-data-disc research category. → The Civil Corps need the Bassanio Lift to be working as soon as possible. ], Friend: Sends gifts through the mail sometimes, Buddy: Stamina +10; 10% discount for Acupuncture, Lover: Stamina +25; 20% discount for Acupuncture, Wife: A chance at receiving gifts first thing in the morning; 40% discount for Acupuncture, Associate: +1 Rep point after completing a commission, Buddy: +2 Rep point after completing a commission, Friend: +3 Rep point after completing a commission, Good Friend: +5 Rep point after completing a commission, Buddy: Sends gifts through the mail sometimes, Friend: Sends gifts through the mail sometimes [Flour; Salt; Sugar]. Depending on your available budget and the rate at which you level up, you could skip buying the next sets of clothing from Carol until you reach Lvl20 and can afford the Meidi garb. The vast majority of methods to earn money fast all involve construction in some form or another. It’s better to keep your machines running, rather than rush to the ruins and pray that you’ll find some. Try to keep in storage at least 20 of everything, from bars to pipes and slates, to boards, to fibre cloth and leather etc. Date activities. → Mint wants you to take a look at the Eufaula Tunnel they are building to give a second opinion on what’s causing the small earthquakes when they drill. → Inscribed on the ring are the words: “Your golden hair is so beautiful.” Maybe the owner is in Portia; try to return the ring. The things you do for love… in case you took it to win friendship with her. Catch some Catfish for him to satisfy his cravings. Aside from the love of your life, there are other NPCs that you want to become friends with as quickly as possible. When you start the game, you’re given very little resources to get you started. [Materials required: 1 old parts, 1 copper wire]. For the milk to be fresh, it needs to be delivered today. Also, the quicker you upgrade your tools, the more resources you’ll gather with minimum of stamina spent and maximum of experience gained. Try to fill in as much as you can in each of the four categories: Stamina, Health, Defence, and Attack. That only means that you should make a habit of harvesting them. Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing … My Time at Portia: an extensive guide. Please give the gift to Mayor Gale by clicking “Give Gift” before the 18th. Upgrading the horse will take you around 2 full seasons, if not more. → Help Granny Sophie find her basket. … → Phyllis wants you to collect some items for her research on new medicine. Tip: High-level Sea Urchins near the waterfall drop the spines. After I`ve finished all, this guide is complete! Other My Time At Portia Guides: My Time At Portia – Achievement Guide My Time At Portia – Deepest Ruin Guide My Time At Portia – Guide to Character Gifts. Thank you, I would like to be able to finish Pa's plane but have not got enough carbon fibre. Découvrez plusieurs astuces, conseils et stratégies pour My Time at Portia (PC): Santé Infinie et de L'infini De L'Endurance. Maybe postpone a bit upgrading the house? This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. → The electric box powering the game room at the Round Table seems to have shorted; help Django fix it. When her parents tried to force her into an arranged marriage, she ran away from home, ultimately starting a new life in Portia. Mars is asking for your help to gather some materials, so he can make more umbrellas. La pomme se vend 6 … Learn and craft a Small Planter Box, then plant the seeds. I know that it was probably deleted, but the wiki still says about her death and diary being in the game. Contents . Some other missions will require a visit to the Research Centre, where Petra will provide the required diagram (usually the next day) in exchange for a certain number of data discs. From the Inventory (accessed by pressing ‘I’), the player can add attribute-boosting items into 6 slots available: 1 for headwear, 2 for clothing, and 3 for various accessories. This guide will list you all 91 achievements for "My Time at Portia" and how to get them. Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing crops, raising animals, and befriending the … Below is a list of furniture items to decorate the player’s home, organized by attributes. Rocks (small or big) respawn after 2-4 days (not counting the day of harvesting). Sweet Caviar (20p); Emperor Wise Fish (15p); Special Salmon Fried Rice, Shrimp and Cheese on Rice (10p), Emperor Wise Fish (15); Wise Fish (10p); Catfish, Blade Fish, Salmon (4p), Wooden Music Box (20p); Lemon Juice, Spaghetti with Hot Sauce (10p), Sweet Caviar (20p); Emperor Bubblefish (15p), Toy Robot (30p); Lemon Juice, Power Stone (10p), Flower Scooper (20p); Meat and Mushroom Stew (10p); Herbal Mixture (6p); Venom (4p), Silicon Chipset (20p); Strange Soup (10p). Home » Guides » My Time At Portia – Museum List. From My Time At Portia Wiki. The following guide will walk you through the main mechanics of the game. There are some resources you should go to extra length in acquiring. Additionally, the information here is suspectible to change or becoming outdated as this has been on Early … Small Satchel awards 15 points; Topaz awards 10 points; Power Stone awards 5 points. → Paulie has commissioned you to make some Copper Blades. The Factory can be built and upgraded at A&G Construction. Level 1 Factory occupies an area of 12 x 21 and can house 20 crafting stations. Fix it. My Time at Portia a été publié le 23/01/2017 pour PC. → The chickens in Emily’s farm are running wild, which is causing her a major headache. [5 apples required]. It can be found, rather rarely, with the relic scanner in the Somber Marsh Abandoned Ruins and, quite frequently, in the Deepest Ruins as reward for completing the levels with an S ranking (that is, under a minute). The image of the skill tree in particular needs updating and probably the info. Later on, there will be days when you will have to go to sleep with a full bar: whether you were dating NPCs or just running around doing errands. Je suis bien accueillie par Presley et le petit tutoriel me guide pour mes premiers pas. Impossible de se spécialiser dans un produit précis et de tout revendre. → We are in need of 2 large pipes for the ceiling and walls of the Eufaula Tunnel; please help collect them, thanks. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. When collected, take them to the designated area. Full list of all 30 My Time at Portia achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. [Materials required: 3 copper blade]. I have also detailed in the 'Summary' the reasons that made me stop updating the guide. It takes around 80-100 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One. Talk to Petra, → I’m not sure what this is. When I first published the guide, I aimed to mimic the online spreadsheet in the guide as such, by creating endless tables for each crafting station. Advanced Skiver (steel plate, simple circuits), Fire Powered Generator (marble plank, industrial engine), Dee-dee Transport (small engine, fibre cloth), Lift Controls (small silicon chip, industrial engine), Bridge Tower (hardened clay, strengthened glass, steel plate). My Time at Portia Termine l’intrigue principale. Help him place some flowers on the grave of his deceased crewmates. They are sorted alphabetical, so you can browse the sections on the right if you have trouble with one of them. PC; PlayStation 4; Switch; Xbox One; ps4; nswitch; pc; xboxone; playstationstore 11.99 € fnacmarketplace 13.97 € amazon 19.99 € amazon 25.64 € priceminister 29.59 € cultura 29.99 … Your choice! … Yellow Crystals respawn after 6 days (I haven't tested it; it's an inference based on blue crystals). My main interest was to offer an extensive overview of all aspects of the game, plus some tips and tools that will help you get better and get quicker to your proposed goals. Maybe I should go talk with someone at the Church. A few diagrams will be acquired when new main missions are initiated, in which case they’ll be automatically added to the player’s Handbook. You’ll need to assemble a Grinder in your homestead to make them. → Go further into the old mine and look for Arlo and the others. → The Civil Corps has commissioned a bridge to connect to Amber Island. Herbal Tea (or if you have cotton, Simple Ointment) is the way to go for HP restoration when fighting in the Hazardous Ruins or in the dungeons. → Got a piece of something when digging; go to the Research Centre and Ask Petra what it is. They will either boost your attributes (and you cannot say no to that!) This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. → Help the injured Paulie make 3 tea tables. Created by. Search for: Skip to content Close Menu. This means you have to keep your stations running at all times, or at least the furnaces. ], Buddy: 3% less gols for homestead upgrades; 10% discount in store, Lover: 6% less gols for homestead upgrades; 20% discount in store, Buddy: Gain some Snake Berries after winning at Cross Five, Good Friend: Gain some Snake Berries and Apricots after winning at Cross Five, Best Friend: Gain some Snake Berries, Apricots, and Honey after winning at Cross Five, Buddy: Sends gifts through the mail sometimes [Mushroom Crepe with Fruit Sauce; Painting; Wall Light], Buddy: Sends gifts through the mail sometimes [Fur; Milk], Buddy: Sends gifts through the mail sometimes [Spring; Old Parts; Gear], Buddy: Received a mysterious gift [Mint will send the mini-drill in the mail; I'm not sure if reaching year 2 is also a prerequisite. → Albert needs your help to install a water tower and a charge station in South Block. Blue Crystals respawn after 2-6 days (not counting the day of harvesting). We will be spending a few hours a week playing through the game and sharing game play tips as we go! © Valve Corporation. → Ack is still locked up for the safety of the town. Bronze Sword, Enhanced Bronze Sword, Blade of Malice, 30 hardwood plank + 30 old parts + 10,000g. Click “Send Gift” to Emily when prepared. But, don’t take commissions from the Guild that you cannot finish the same day. fur, animal bones, teeth, rogue’s headband. Farming is one of the more appealing elements of My Time at Portia so it’s no surprised people want to jump in as soon as possible. Because this guide was written 2018 and meanwhile Pathea changed a lot to get some achievements. You deserve a golden medal for this guide...Probably the number 1 guide in all the games I have played..Amazing..many thanks! Have I mentioned this? All rights reserved. follow the direction of the fish by moving the mouse right or left (the circle will turn white when in sync); when in sync with the fish, click LMB in short bursts (that is, reel in the fish). The diagrams are attached to this letter; construct and install them in South Block. → Phyllis invited you to watch the sunset in the wheat fields tomorrow at 17:00. → We are in need of 1 chimney roof for the construction of South Block; see the attached diagram. → South Block is in need of some wind generators to generate electricity; build and install 3 of them. There is a weekly fee to enter the ruins that includes the cost of the Relic Finder and Jet Pack. Assemble a Dee-dee vehicle at the Assembly Station, then give it to Antoine. We’ll need this within 3 weeks. Stone gate: 10 x hardwood plank + 2 x stone pillar + 5 resin +1,000g, Stone fence: 10 x stone pillar + 2 x stone fence + 25 x stone pedestal + 4,000g, Marble gate: 2 x marble fence portion 2 + 10 x marble plank + 10 hardened clay + 2,500g, Marble fence: 10 x marble fence portion 1 + 2 x marble fence portion 2 + 25 x marble fence portion 3 + 8,000g. Stamina left unspent is lost opportunity for levelling up. → With the Dee-dee transport done, the mayor wants to talk with you about building some road signs. → Isaac wants a Stone Table and two Stone Stools to play his favourite game of Cross Five in the park. Entrance to the Abandoned Ruins Abandoned Ruins exit The Abandoned Ruins are caves full of metal ores, stone, sand, and relics that can be mined with a Pickaxe. The original lift is in very bad shape, so please repair it. you don't actually have to make any dishes, what it means is "Learn 30 dishes") I can tell because #1 i never cooked and #2 I got this achievement exactly after unlocking my 30th dish via the lessons from Django. There is a reocurring quest, and if you don't fail it once, she will survive (die 5 years after the story, or the year of failing if the 5 years mark has been reached before). [Materials required: 5 wooden board]. → Recently, there’s been a shortage of umbrellas in town. [2 catfish are required]. [Materials required: 4 sprinklers, 1 water storage], → New day has come; go to the Commerce Guild to meet Presley. Check “Relation Perks” (in the Social tab) for NPCs where applicable. Hence, I decided to keep only the online spreadsheet for reference, and offer in what follows a short overview of some of the crafting stations that might require further explanation. These relationships can be friendly or romantic, depending on the NPC in question. If you already made up your mind about your bride/groom to be, try to win hearts with them as quickly as possible. Check. → Make a Simple Axe and a Pickaxe and show them to Presley as part of the Builder Test. It's your job to take over as the town's builder, befriend the townsfolk, make money, complete commissions, grow … Thank you so much for the awesome guide! Activity AP Cost Play or Date Location Hours Balloon Ride: TBDap: Workshop, Peach Plaza, Central Plaza. Find guides to this achievement here. You are always short on money… does it sound like your story? → Old McDonald’s stable was damaged by storm; please collect some materials and repair it for him. The only commission that I found to incur a financial loss was Emily’s request for bronze axe or pickaxe: the reward doesn’t really compensate for buying the Upgrade kits. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. After discovering the first data disc, the player is required to visit Petra at the Research Centre where he/she will be invited to “donate” discs to research. With updates I`ll update this guide if neccessary and if I get informed about it. So make a habit of picking herbs up whenever you see them. Go and ask the Mayor to see if he knows what’s going on. The upgrades serve different purposes: an upgraded Worktable will add more crafting recipes; an upgraded Assembly Station allows for large assembled items to be crafted; an upgraded Home will boost the player’s traits (Health, Stamina, Attack, and Defence), and buying more plots of land will give the necessary space to place more stations and do more farming. Despite her charming looks and the constant judgment she gets for them, Phyllis is quite smart and refined. →Granny Sophie is a little tired today; help her deliver some milk to Isaac, Qiwa, and Aadit. This needs an update since the skill tree has changed and probably the most important parts are different. [Materials required: 3 old parts, 1 small silicon chip]. It is only visible to you. Puis nous … Still going to use this for general advice though. meat, animal bones, animal fat, eye glass, 1 eye glass, 5 animal fat, 2 delicate fur, 4 flexible fibre. Use the diagram in the mail and assemble a driller for him. Talk with someone at the Worktable to finish Pa 's plane but have not got enough carbon fibre stations... Commissions from the community because it violates Steam community & content Guidelines a list furniture. That the player ’ s stable was damaged by storm ; please collect some Materials repair... Special sign, I got it without having to do that in very bad shape, so choose how. Wants a camera for her newspaper ; talk with someone at the Church été publié le 23/01/2017 PC! Malice, 30 hardwood plank + 30 old parts, 1 Copper wire ] stratégies pour My Time at:. 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