I mean, in John Enbom, we had the saddest, funniest person I knew and …. Why, Jane?Lynch: What? You could make interesting stuff, and little did I know when I signed on, I thought it would just be like Yeah, I’ve known Martin forever, this sounds kind of fun. The end. Scott: So, a couple years later when you guys knew you were going to make the thing, I was really excited to be able to play that role, and it was just sort of a no-brainer to do it because it’s not like I had another acting job to select this from the crowded field of nominees. A decade ago, Party Down premiered quietly on a Starz network that was just getting into original programming. Marino: Give it to the Party Down outfit. Ken Marino and Ryan Hansen's little bromance is about to encounter a big rough patch. [But] the head of Showtime said, ‘I don’t know how to market this show.’” He added Starz “was really was our last stop.”. So why was Adam right for it, and Adam, what did you see in Henry that you’re like Oh, I can do this? “Tries to.”. I don’t know …. You were in New York. Here’s where we remind Party Down heads, once more, that a Party Down reunion has been in the offing for ages, practically as soon as it went off the air. Scott: He did a Matthew McConaughey impression for the role. We had written “a Jane Lynch type” next to it and, and then we go into a casting session and Jane Lynch walks in. Really, really. And then I think a week or two later, Paul was like “Oh, I can’t do it.” And then we sort of parted ways with HBO also because I think we wanted something kind of downbeat and small. Thank you guys for letting me pay. We were in Rome. Lynch: It was really fun. Scott: We get it. In fact, don’t use our name in an episode.” And so John, on the eve of shooting this scene, had to turn Souplantation … had to make those jokes all work and came up with Soup ’R Crackers, which …. I mean, I think I [thought] it was like a holiday job, you know? It was in Long Beach so it’s an hour drive, [and I] had to get up extra early. Let me just see it for one second. Party Down should go down in history as one of the best and briefest shows in television history. Now that it is the final shot of the show, how do we all feel about how the show ended? Mullally: You’re saying you’re playing with each other a lot. : Photo #4386279. The show is perfectly cast. Marino: But wasn’t it about a year after you actually shot it? It was, like, through his brain and then out, and we immediately got it and then did it. This is who we could afford. Next time you’ll come to the apartment. Do you remember what the line was? Subscribe to Deadline Breaking News Alerts and keep your inbox happy. Rate. So before that, then.Mullally: You know what — actually at my birthday party last year. Mullally: I want to do it again. Thomas: Because John was running the show, they then would follow the note with a note saying “Not sad breasts.” They did not want sad nudity. With that, with the Henry character, we wanted somebody who felt like they came out to Hollywood with bright eyes and excited to conquer the world, and what we’re really interested in is having the character at the center of the show be done with it. Caplan: Yeah, but I don’t … I remember hearing about it. The Party Down team's actors are recognized at a party and treated as stars. "The Adventures of Pete and Pete" will celebrate its 20th anniversary on Jan. 25 at the comedy festival. No movies plans just yet. Anybody?Caplan: It wasn’t really Adam’s fault this show ended. He would somehow find a way to feel better. Be world-weary. And he’s like, “Hey, sorry, Veronica Mars is canceled, but read this script and let me know if you want to do it.” And I emailed right away. Starr: Was she impaled by the trophies? Yeah, I get it. The answer: Yes! Starz wasn’t always thrilled that, most of the time, none of the characters ever won. 7. Yes. We shot it in spring of ’07 and then started the show like November or December of ’08, so it was like a full year and a half. So I think part of the thing that we wanted to do was just say “No, it’s like this.” And you know, that led us almost nowhere. So when was the last time you guys were all together and have seen each other?Ken Marino: Just backstage. “We went to Showtime with it…They loved it. Showtime watched it and they guffawed the whole time, like there’s no way they weren’t buying it. [Mullally stands up and walks toward the crowd.]. Do you have text chains? We just figured it out. So I can’t help but always be fond of this one. Hansen: Like really hurt me every day. Uh …”. [The] third season ended, and my wife and I had took this big vacation and blew all of our money, and then I got an email from Rob. "Party Down South" producers are scrambling to fill a giant hole ... TMZ has learned Lil Bit -- one of the show's biggest stars -- has quit, and it has nothing to do with money. Enbom: We wrote multiple episodes with Souplantation jokes. And we all started smoking together. I think that that was also fun to watch your character go through that. You were that committed. The "Party Down" cast isn't the only TV reunion at Sketchfest. Lynch: And we did shoot it in a bubble. And then we were on the Queen Mary shooting it the whole time. That’s genius. It was so fun. and the idea of the stage mom came up. But it ended up being like … I had no idea it would end up being, like, just how special it was. and we had Steve, and then five minutes later, Steve emails me a photo from Times Square of a big Party Down billboard and said, “Hey man, congratulations.” I wrote back, “Hey. Over the weekend, five stars of the short-lived but beloved comedy reunited for what we can only assume was a good old time. She’s not even raising her hand, so she doesn’t want it. Several voices singing in harmony. 6. I went to Hollywood Boulevard. Or not getting arrested — she was then arrested. A costume designer just said they, I think, they specifically …, Etheridge: Can I say that, Jane? A year later, it went off the air, also quietly. Anyway. In turns out, despite all the sledging, we love … What is that? Directed by Fred Savage. I mean, the reason I haven’t seen the show in years is because I know it will make me sad to watch it. Is that what happened? Lynch: Well that’s how much we got paid too, honey. He played a boy in a full body cast. Lynch: I took all the money. Endom: Actually, yeah. The prolific interviewer worked on his Ora TV series up until his death. Ronald Wayne “Ron” Donald.Scott: [cheers]. So when we started the next season, we felt like we should create a new character, and we were talking about How are we going to do this? Marino: Didn’t it happen after Veronica Mars was canceled and then you took the crew and brought them to your house? J.K. [Simmons] was this big producer, and he gets me to debase myself and say “Are you having fun yet?” a bunch of times, and it was particularly humiliating. Throughout all of that, what did you learn about the show and having it be a thing that you were thinking about for so many years?Enbom: I mean, I think steeping that long with those particular characters was the thing that, at the end of the day, made all the difference. It took an incredibly long scene, violated all the rules, and I think that was the moment when John wrote it, we read it, and then when you all performed it so exquisitely, like that was the show. Copyright © 2021 Penske Business Media, LLC. Marino: Which was like “Check it off the bucket list.”. How did you approach that scene where it’s basically like “Adam, be good at acting.”Scott: Fake acting. Roman DeBeers.Starr: Alright, alright. That did not turn them on, and then we took it to FX and we had a great development process with them. Rate. So it really was our last stop. I made the spaghetti and meatballs. How ya doin Lizzy? The principal cast of Starz’s late, lamented Party Down — a dry comedy about caterers in Los Angeles that lasted just 20 episodes — reunited this past Saturday at SF Sketchfest. The ‘Party Down’ Producers Will Try To Get That Reunion Going Again Matt Prigge Twitter November 10, 2019 It only lasted two seasons and 20 episodes, … We thought, Who could we go to who would be great? Rate. I don’t think Jane. Where does Party Down sit in terms of the things that you’ve done? They just gave us that note. I was driving to work the next day and I got blindsided at an intersection by a woman, some woman, and I broke my wrist and I had to go to the hospital, and I called and it was a thing, and they were like, “Just don’t come in. Thomas: You know, being in network and studio pitch and casting sessions, there are very few actors that have more of a reputation of saying no to things than Lizzy. Is that right? No movies plans just yet. And I think I …, Marino: “Hey, Adam Scott here. This ‘Party Down’ Reunion Will Have You Asking ‘Are We Having Fun Yet?’. Caplan: Booksmart, and lots of other stuff. Thomas: And so I was already a Martin and Lizzy fan when these roles came open. We want to hear from you! Caplan: Oh, I remember her thing. She’s fucking amazing. Rate. Are you guys constantly …Caplan: We made Party Down before there were cellular phones. Caplan: On the count of three, say how much you got paid per episode. Your account has no avatar. I mean, Steve Guttenberg was already the idea and I hadn’t heard, I mean, Steve had done a ton of season-two Veronica Mars, so we knew Steve. A lot of extras, yeah. And that first scene of Ricky Gervais hiring a forklift driver, my jaw was on the floor. It’s on Highland? Keep going.”, How did this happen? But the sitcom has steadily gained devotees over the years and on Sunday a ballroom full of fans greeted the Party Down talent as rock stars. I didn’t even read it. The full cast was on hand for the event, including actress Megan Mullally, who joined Party Down in the show’s second season. Those were some great names. Because all of our scripts were written in advance, we really just kind of just had Jennifer Coolidge do Jane’s part. “At the end of the day they [FX] decided it didn’t fit well with [It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia],” he revealed. We were literally the first show they had done in house. Lynch: Right, exactly. Etheridge: No, Escapade. Guttenberg: And by the way, Martin has been over to my apartment for spaghetti and meatballs. Because I remember you shot it, went around with it, nothing happened. It was coming together. Starr: 28 minutes left. That scene right there was the show. Thomas: Yeah, we, the most fun we have, I mean, I don’t mean the show in total but those of us who help write it. Caplan: I remember this scene. She said, “It was like two eggs in a sock. Image of James Rolf High School Twentieth Reunion for fans of Party Down. Just put you in an episode so I hope you’re available.”. The series could return for a possible reunion, but don’t expect it to happen for at least a year or two. And so I was like, “Oh my God, hey. Caplan: I think I saw the backyard pilot and there was just enough … It was just a cooler time for comedy. Yeah. It was tough to say and Ken was directing, doing an incredible [job]. Etheridge: And I think this was the height of darkness. Log in or link your magazine subscription, Amanda Gorman Geeking Out Over James Corden Won Late Night This Week, Get Into This Lip Sync Even If You Don’t Watch. This is how I remember it. Marino: I appreciate you really sticking with it. Season … Scott: I think you would think in a comedy, something where Ron is at his own high-school reunion, things aren’t going well, like you were saying Dan, by the end of that episode, everything would be fine. To proceed with comment posting, please select temporary avatar: Confirm. 9. As we mentioned, Lizzy was added after. I’m going to throw it out there. Party Down should go down in history as one of the best and briefest shows in television history. It was fun. We thought we’d gone too far when we had done it. The Party Down South reunion revealed a few secrets, but we've got even more — see how the cast voted their "class" superlatives. We were all fans, and no one up here had to read for their part. The next is Ken’s pick. [Still from “Steve Guttenberg’s Birthday” appears on monitor.] Guttenberg! Oh, it was amazing. So post-Carell, one-stop shopping right there. Ken Marino (“Ron Donald”), Martin Starr (“Roman DeBeers”) and Ryan Hansen (Kyle Bradway”) traded stories of their favorite episodes. And so we kept them. Lynch: You know what else I loved about doing this is that we had two directors. Guttenberg: I was walking through Times Square, so I saw the billboard and you know, I wanted to send Rob a note. Like you wrote some stuff and then John was there every day, working off his computer, writing the next episode. The network was keen on the project, but cooled after series co-creator Paul Rudd became unavailable to star in it. Thomas: And so this day Kevin Hart was going to come in and do all these jokes about why he wouldn’t set foot into a Souplantation, and somebody at Starz decided that we could get some of that sweet product-placement cash, and so approached Souplantation about paying to have their name in an episode and they said “Fuck no. Marino: It’s like the difference between fantasy hard sci-fi, and like they’re vibing and then she says something that’s more hard sci-fi than fantasy and he can’t …. So one of my favorite scenes in the entire series is Martin and Beth Dover, Martin about to get laid but he is too proud when, what is it, hard sci-fi, and what is it? Launch dates for broadcast, cable and streaming programs, Up-to-date lists for broadcast, cable and streaming series, Pandemic-proof vs. pandemic-contingent broadcast lineups, Signup for Breaking News Alerts & Newsletters, Get our latest storiesin the feed of your favorite networks. Hansen: I would do, like, a cool web series or something. But yeah. "The Adventures of Pete and Pete" will celebrate its 20th anniversary on Jan. 25 at the comedy festival. Appearing on a special Party Down panel at Vulture Festival over the weekend, series creators John Enbom, Rob Thomas, and Dan Etheridge all confirmed the interest in a potential reunion … Will Ferrell Compiling Mini-‘Party Down’ Reunion For Indie Comedy. And in her open trunk while getting arrested. Thomas: But we started writing it around the time we were turning 40, or close to 40 or whenever, and that was the time all of my friends back home were trying to decide: Do you give up the dream, or do you keep going? I want to say the one that Wayne directed, the theater group? A group of struggling actors and dysfunctional dreamers wait for their big break while they are stuck serving hors d'oeurves for a Hollywood catering company 'Party Down.' I play Dick. There were a couple extra weeks where people were available, and so we used a lot of that crew and shot it. Thomas: I know, I know. 'Party Down' Creator Confirms They Will 'Explore' A Reunion! Caplan: That’s right. Also, I think either this or the Guttenberg birthday were my favorites, but this was again early on when it all was really congealing. Like, we didn’t think that would be possible, but we shared an agent so I thought we could just give it a shot. Caplan: Did you cry at the end of that show too, Adam? With Adam Scott, Ken Marino, Jennifer Coolidge, Ryan Hansen. Can we do this show again? Something, “I can act better than you feel; I have more feelings than you.” You were upping each other. When I saw you on set, it was a huge moment for me. Caplan: Can you even imagine how amazing it would have been? I just hate it so, like ten times more pathetic and wonderful. It was really a lot of fun. Thomas: “We’ve completely oversold it, we’ve completely oversold it! All Rights reserved. Starr, who currently stars in Silicon Valley, now ending its run on HBO, appears up for a cast reunion of Party Down, if it happens. Caplan: I feel like those moments are really effective, but you see them in coming of age [movies] — like during the moment that’s like in high school, you would maybe see that in a movie, but not now. But given its tragic cancellation after the 2010 season, well, we'll take what we can get. Enbom: We were just looking for parties that didn’t have extras because they were our biggest expense. So this was particularly fun for whatever reason. There Was A "Party Down" Reunion Today And You Missed It. So we were kind of just making it for ourselves. Everyone was really going for it in this particular episode. He appeared in the movie Hero with Dustin Hoffman. There had been talk after the show ended of bringing back the series as a movie, but that idea ultimately fizzled. The answer to that perennial question was a resounding “yes” when the cast of Party Down reunited for the first time in years (maybe ever?) Remember Stormy Daniels? Yes. Rate. I got invited to go hang, go watch a rehearsal of SNL. Mullally: I bought it on Hollywood Boulevard 39.99. Mullally: Who wants my wig? Let's just get straight to what die hard fans have been wondering for years. Caplan: Every single person that’s come up on this screen, [it’s] like Oh right, they’re amazing. 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