Make it part of teacher training how to help teach English, and in particular, stop emphasizing it's difficult. You don't want to be old with regrets. I live in a small city in Yamaguchi prefecture, teaching corporate classes for a company called ALC. We also can't assign homework. I go out (even to Tokyo; it's pretty close) or do something pretty much every weekend and am still able to save money and travel. I think if you take a year or two out it won't mess up your resume or whatever your concern is. ESL Country Guides. Watch More. This subreddit is a place to discuss the various aspects related to teaching strategies in Japan. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Interview tips with Aeon, ECC, Berlitz, Nova, JET & ALT Info.Free Japanese lessons,tips for choosing online TEFL courses. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs promotes the JET Programme and distributes applications via its embassies and consulates (some countries implement the application process online). Japan in general is also much worse at English. I do teach regularly enough and independently enough. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I love interacting with my students (I teach at a Jr. High and its corresponding elementary school), but you're right that it rarely feels like real teaching. As an addendum, what are your hours? I've only been working there for like 3 months, but I'd like to quit. (At least at my company). I personally like living a little bit outside the city so I don't have to deal with the hustle and bustle 24/7. That's the way I see it too. Being an ALT in this beautiful country is a once in a lifetime opportunity one must not miss out; the most fulfilling experience I’ve had in my years of teaching! I have 25 paid holidays a year but never need them because I already have all Japanese holidays off and a guaranteed minimum salary. If saving money is your top priority, go to Korea. This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. Interested applicants must complete and submit applications to the Embassy of Japan in their home country by the deadline designated by that embassy. Soon after I began celebrating my first "real-world" job, red flags started coming in. You don't know anyone there. Founded in 1987, JET has sent more than 70,000 participants from around the globe (including more than 35,800 Americans) to work in schools, boards of education, and government offices throughout Japan. In the past, to teach English in Japan was a relatively simple affair – as long as you rocked up and you spoke English, you could often expect to get a job. Hello I(M21) am thinking of quiting a job where I making 4000-5000 a month to teach English in Japan for 2000. Bottle of coke for example will set you back about 140 yen which isn't all that much compared to my native soil. Start teaching from 1st grade of ES for all students in Japan with a set curriculum by MEXT. I get paid the equilivent of $2600-2700/month (for first years, it's a little lower -- about $2400) after pension and health insurance comes out. If you wanted a later work day, you would probably be looking for an eikaiwa position teaching supplementary classes to kids (and adults) after school/work. It's also not that expensive. I've been on the fence about teaching in Japan for years. For a year or a career, it's an experience of a lifetime! Everybody has issues that they run into, and everyone needs advice every now and again. My Eikaiwa isn't all too busy, but there are others in my company that are far, far, far busier than us. What city did you start off in? Japan is really expensive too. I'm on JET in a fairly rural town, so it's not the big city life you're looking for, but...I'll throw in my two cents. Good reason. Teach in Japan. Questions and discussion about everything related to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) around the world. The unengaging. My bills (electric, gas, water, internet, phone, and school lunch) are usually around $400-500 depending on how much I'm running the heat or air conditioning. 23 year old teachers who can't speak a word of English makes no sense. What caused the virus to take hold in Hokkaido? No-nonsense guide to teaching English in China during COV-19. This subreddit is a place to discuss the various aspects related to teaching strategies in Japan. My program went silent for a month. Any more information on ALC? I've been on the fence about teaching in Japan for years. Westgate Overview. Right now, I take home about ¥300,000 a month, teaching 22 hours a week. (We still put in 40,000 per month as board). Japan spends more on English education than European countries, yet their approach has proved ineffective. The money is okay, but it's the most unrewarding, easy, boring job I've ever had. I teach at a commercial high school and am pretty much in charge of creating and implementing 13 lessons a week. Would love to possible look at their opportunities if any, safe and clean and so much more decent than other Asian countries. So I get 265,000 per month instead of 250,000. The ongoing theme is that ALTs are required to make English "fun". English teachers need a bachelor’s degree, and TEFL certification is typically required to teach English in Japan. It really depends on when I'm needed. Some people seem to feel that teaching in Japan is a minefield full of abusive employers, rote workdays, and teachers who feel like they "aren't really teaching". Your island the northernmost island over there seems to be the hotspot for the virus. because I feel like this is the time in my life when I should be exploring the world and doing stuff. ... (14) Have a functional command of the English or Japanese language. You don't know anyone there. Not for me. My contract states that I'm only obligated to work 7 hours and 45 minutes weekdays. I support my fiancee, who's studying here, so I don't have the largest disposable income, but I have enough to live quite comfortably and stash a bit as well. You sound more like punyninja42 as your comments are very fear-based. It's often expensive to move in which was about $900 for me, but living here not really. It's been a dream of mine for some time but reading up on it I'm not so sure. You might hate it. The main focus on this sub is to provide space for teachers to discuss various aspects of their jobs and industry in greater depth than other forums provide. Quality of life strongly depends on your BOE. I've also seen teachers with about 5 classes a week with little to no control over what they do. The difference of $20k or $30k a year could make all the difference for your future. I generally stick to this unless they need me to do something (train for speech contest) or if I haven't gotten my work done. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Some companies will actually give you a larger wage if you live in a more affluent area. If you want a more engaging job, go for it, but unless you're seriously changing your environment and cost of living, you should always be looking up the ladder - not down. The most popular option for teaching in public schools is the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme (JET) program managed by the Japanese government. If you have specific food needs, you might find yourself paying a lot for that too. If I had my druthers, I'd be a famous writer, but barring that, it's a damn good job. However, some other ALTs have eikaiwas that they do a fee times a week and get paid on the side by their BOE. If you're a weeaboo, go to Japan and you'll fit right in. Got to do what you want. I'm not really a morning person, so are there opportunities to teach a 10-6 type schedule in Japan? What are some other good, fun cities for a young person in Japan? The average salary for teaching in Japan is $1,700 - $5,000 USD per month. I am a teacher not an ALT. It's been a dream of mine for some time but reading up on it I'm not so sure. He has twice as many classes as me, but also gets a lot of other responsibilities. Press J to jump to the feed. Most Eikaiwa's however will require you to start later as that is when students finish work and school so that would probably be better for you than ALT work at a High School. Make English education a component of ES teachers training. Looked online but didn't necessarily see anything. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Making food definitely saves you a lot over eating out and using conbinis. Can speak some basic Japanese For domestic applicants If you currently reside in Japan you must hold a valid residence/visa status that allows you to live and work in Japan and possess a valid resident card or Certificate of Alien Registration (“gaijin card”) in addition to the base requirements. I'm assuming a lot of that is based on which school you work for, but could I get honest answers from a few English teachers in Japan on whether or not the work itself is rewarding? Teaching certification, such as TEFL, is preferred but not required. Date I'm pretty clearly support staff. Founded in 1983, Westgate is a private corporation with the aim of producing fluent English speakers to a global society. 2. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I pay $300 for a room and it's decent and in a pretty good location in Fukuoka. The only really hard thing about saving is the fact that I love to travel around. The difference of $20k or $30k a year could make all the difference for your future. Schools typically offer 20 to 25 hours of work per week (and sometimes more), leaving plenty of time to travel and explore. You could go for Yokohama, Kobe, Fukuoka, Osaka or Tokyo depending on what you consider fun. Overall, teaching English in Japan enables teachers to live a comfortable lifestyle. The first is very easy, anyone who can speak English can achieve it. I have, however, seen a very BIG range of experiences. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I wouldn't take the chance, especially if you like your current job. I am fine with leaving everything rn but I just am not sure how life will be coming back. In Korea you will probably have both weekend days off whereas you could be lucky to get that in Japan. Whether or not you actually get to teach is also dependent on your situation. I basically get to do whatever I want with my classes, which is incredibly freeing for me. The main focus on this sub is to provide space for teachers to discuss various aspects of their jobs and industry in greater depth than other forums provide. You might hate it. My prefecture is also pretty isolated making travel options even more expensive. Some people seem to feel that teaching in Japan is a minefield full of abusive employers, rote workdays, and teachers who feel like they "aren't really teaching". If you have made a new year’s resolution to start studying Japanese and you are getting a little tired of spouting “sumimasen” whenever it seems appropriate, or would like to go to experience a confusion-free trip to the supermarket, now is the time to get to grips with the language. As an Eikaiwa teacher you need to be flexible. Teach English in Japan Gaba is Japan’s leading provider of 1-to-1 English Language lessons. Lots of naysayers. He often gets essays to correct and has a lot more demanding coworkers with much stricter control on lessons. The top 8 English teaching programs in Japan. I'm here on the JET program, so a lot of things like my paycheck has been set for me. I haven't been there before it was more the feeling that I want to go places and do things before I am locked down somewhere. So I don't really actually get to teach in JHS, but I do in ES. Personally, I pray for the banality of an everyday 9-5 job with weekends off, but this lifestyle suits a people...maybe not me. In addition to the natural beauty and cultural allure of Japan, many ESL teachers are attracted to the relatively generous pay offered by Japanese schools – frequently, in excess of $2,000 per month. Working at McDonalds would be more challenging and engaging. I'll keep my gutter oil, 12 kwai Liguns, and weixin hookers, shay shay. Hokkaido currently has the highest number of coronavirus cases in all of Japan. GaijinPot Direct: Jobs Showcase for 2021 - Work in Japan. I'm currently working 2 part time jobs in education. If having fun is your top priority, go somewhere less insular and boring than Japan/Korea. ESL Tate-Modified date: June 17, 2020 1. Japanese are highly professional and expect the same from the teachers they hire as well.Instead of looking through this list you can use our search feature. Teaching English in Japan - A monster load of information on jobs in Japan. Good jobs are hard to come by. Class loads depend heavily on your schools and BOEs for example, I have two large schools and 20ish classes a week, while some of the ALTs in the same city have 3-7 schools and 23-25 classes a week. English teaching jobs at Japanese public schools are in high demand since Japanese students are keen to learn English. I have a teaching background, so this works out really well for me! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, China -> Japan -> Vietnam -> International School. There are two ways of teaching English in Japan. - Yanneh , Tokyo If you want to come to Japan as an English teacher, Interac is one of the top companies to come here with. Featured. Many Western visitors who come to teach English in Japan become enchanted by the country’s distinctive features. The work is less rewarding than I thought, but still rewarding nonetheless. If Japan is your preferred location of choice for teaching English, you may be considering one of the various teach English programs and are after more of an insight into which one to apply to. I'm at one school, so I also get the satisfaction of teaching my students once a week and seeing them every day. Hello I(M21) am thinking of quiting a job where I making 4000-5000 a month to teach English in Japan for 2000. No experience required as … He is teaching English in Hokkaido. You will gain more than a job. Tokyo When you teach English in Japan, make a point to connect to ALL of your students. For teaching at a school, you will likely have school hours (around 8-4) I know teachers that work at tutor centers and cram school that would have opposite schedules though, working nights and weekends. The cost of living will be a lot more living in large cities. Living here is comparable to Australia in some ways but much cheaper in others. Expenses would be a lot higher in a city, but I think it would be doable still. It's an island. In addition to the above general criteria, ALT applicants must: (15) Be interested in the Japanese education system, particularly foreign language education in Japan. Teaching English in Japan. Have you ever been there? Japan is a popular choice for people who teach English abroad. I was teaching 11/12 year olds in Korea that had already got to some level of fluency, in Japan the same age were often learning the basics. As an ALT at a junior high school, I think it sucks. Kindergarten Teacher in Tokyo Full Time. You make it sound amazing! So yeah, be prepared to work weekends if you work at an Eikaiwa. See samples of the jobs in Japan for the New Year! I specifically got these to get some sort of experience before flying half way around the world to teach. Well, I work at an Eikaiwa in Chiba prefecture and my life is alright. Cost of living being high here is a myth. I can get by on my $800 a month. It basically consists of turning up to class and either following the textbook and guide or if you are teaching as an ALT following the Japanese teacher. We're just a little remote for some. It was the summer of 2013, and I received my first job offer: the opportunity to teach English in China. My work can be frustrating and disheartening at times, because there will always be students who can't or don't want to learn. Most ALT jobs are for the school day (8-4), though I do know one JET who teaches night classes at a high school. In junior high, my main role is to enforce the grammar with activities. I budget, but still go out with friends/work parties/go to events most weekends and buy a lot of what I like. Can you live in, say, Osaka and still have enough money to save? Noob question but just wondering how do you send the money home? You need to be available when the students are so I do 10-7, 11-8 and 9-6 on different days of the week. I live in subsidised housing which is only $100/month for a decent living space. I've tightened it up this year and I've been able to save around $1000 a month, mostly by not buying snacks and eating at home. I'm actually considering breaking my contract in the spring to take a job with lower pay and fewer benefits just to switch things up. There are also expats already living in Japan who stay for years at a time and have the advantage of being able to interview for jobs in person, making it more challenging for those who are applying from outside Japan … Also, in elementary school we aren't allowed to teach how to read or write, but a lot of people don't pay attention to that. Discover Japan with NOVA as a language instructor. I am definitely the main teacher in elementary school with the home room teacher there to help facilitate understanding. Japanese companies tend to be more professional, and you typically end up teaching more adults than you do with the Chinese companies that mainly focus on teaching English to children online. The main goal of my classes is to get students talking, so there is a big emphasis on fun! If you're into that sort of thing. I create my own lessons. As for 'fun' cities. This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. Whether it’s a career change, a career break, or your first position, Gaba provides professional support and a flexible schedule system so you can enjoy teaching in Japan on your own terms. I'm also a JET, so here's sort of my breakdown: I live in the largest city in my prefecture, but it's a very poor prefecture. From the flight allowance and furnished apartment to our competitive salary and fully paid vacations, AEON offers the best opportunity for you to work and live in Japan… They have to import everything. Granted my take home is really only 210,000 after union fees, tax and health insurance, but I still do well. My hours change everyday. I earn about the same amount as I did in Australia doing retail but once you take away tax, health insurance, etc my money goes a lot further here. AEON teachers gain teaching and international business skills while growing professionally and personally in Japan. Public school English teaching jobs in Japan. My husband also teaches at a high school. Google is full of page after page extolling the virtues of the JET program, so much so, that you’d be forgiven for assuming it’s one of the only ways to land a job as an English teacher in Japan. Welcome to the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program. Here are six of the best places to teach English in Japan: 1. The Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme. I live in Chiba, but Chiba is comparatively expensive to some of the more rural prefectures here. I have 5 years with the company, I came in with 4 years experience, a CTEFL and a master's in linguistics so I got an immediate bump in salary. Apartment Information.How to get started teaching in Japan. After my initial expenses like buying a car and furnishing my apartment, I stopped worrying too much about money. Teaching English in Japan is one of the most beautiful experiences you will have if given a job. I do wish I could travel more, but travel is pretty expensive. At the same time, I have some great classes where I can see real progress happening and that feels great. 1-to-1 English Instructor (applicants outside Japan) Job description Teach English in Japan with Gaba Teaching with Gaba means a professional work environment, motivated adult students, and a flexible schedule…Teach in a major metropolitan area in one of our 44 locations in the Kanto, Kansai, Kyushu, and Chubu regions… The biggest, baddest, and... concrete-est cat in town. In order to teach English in Japan, most teachers will require a Bachelor’s degree and a clean criminal record. I'm actually considering breaking my contract in the spring to take a job with lower pay and fewer benefits just to switch things up. I am not really sure because I feel like this is the time in my life when I should be exploring the world and doing stuff but I am also afraid when I come back I may not have a chance to get a good job or I might not have a place to stay when I get back. Rent is somewhat subsidizes so it's very affordable. These days, the Japanese education board are tightening things up and if you want to … They contract to universities and schools in various locations throughout Japan with the goal of providing them with EFL teachers.. Westgate employs over 250 teachers (instructors) to teach in one of their 57 campuses and schools. Have you ever been there? Apply now for positions all over Japan. English teachers are in high demand. Only difference with me is that I don't pay much rent as I live with my fiancee and her mother. What's more, I hear a lot about the high cost of living and how difficult it is to save in Japan. Obvi Tokyo tops the list of best places to teach English in Japan, … Do remember that a working week here is 9 hours per day at the office as one hour is unpaid lunch break. (around $3.50) Maybe compared to American standards it is expensive here, but it my opinion...roughly the same. For job satisfaction: I love my job. Live/ Teach English in Japan (self.No-Capital-3939) submitted 1 minute ago by No-Capital-3939 So first time for everything but this is my first post on Reddit and it’s concerning the fact that I want to 1) Go to school in Japan possibly 2) Go to college here in the states and eventually Teach English in Japan . I had a conversation with my son Ryon this morning to see how life is in Japan. The results as stated above are not representative of the costs: The Japanese government pays over 4,400 participants of the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme (JET) over three million yen annually, totaling $130 million in salaries alone. But one of these has hours (and kids) that sap my soul. Learn more about English Teaching and the other jobs foreigners can do in Japan with video messages direct from the Employers themselves. Also I don't like my job I was planning on leaving this job in a year either way. Teaching my students once a week with little to no control over they! 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