I Opted for a Red-Eye to Get a Flight Voucher “I was flying out to the East Coast to start my first real job after college,” said Nick Loper of Side Hustle Nation. Amber October 11, 2013 at 2:15 pm. Read our privacy … Say I wanted a new video game, thats $60, if I could afford to buy it for $60 and then also afford to be able to transfer another $60 to my savings account, then I would buy it. This … 1. In the course of a year I saved enough to buy myself a laptop and a new camera. What are some other neat ways to save money. Wow. SHARE. Put the change counter and the piggy bank in the back of the closet, and use these 15 fun ways to help save money: 1. Those are really weird ways to earn. Buy frozen food. 23. Out of the weird ways to make money on this list, it might not be the weirdest, but it’s definitely not normal, haha. But on top of the usual saving tips and tricks, a recent AskReddit thread on unexpected ways to save money suggests all sorts of creative methods to put some extra cash in your piggy bank. Money Spend & Save. … But the title of this collab is “5 Weird Ways We Save Money… Buying frozen food, for certain products, helps me to save money. I missed a LOT of television. SHARE. It will help your health, your concentration and your purse! 1. 5 Weird Ways People Save Money October 17, 2012 November 19, 2018 Rachel Lewin Money Saving Tips. Article by ontheroadkiwis. Weird Way to Save Money #1 Hit the showers…or not. edited 3 years ago. I just posted 20 Unusual, Crazy, and Weird Ways to Save Money Part 1 over at my blog, Practical Stewardship. Make lipstick out of crayons – And honestly, you will look and … I love the idea of balance. When we used dryer sheets, we’d cut them in half. The more you spend, the more you save! It tends to sound complicated, and there may be a bit of a learning curve, but it is effective. Don’t buy toiletries Out of deodorant. It seems like everyone has saving money tips so I thought why not try reddit. Give up toilet paper and use washable rags. Weird ways to save money! We firmly believe saving money first starts as a mental game, and then you can get strategic with these tips we’re sharing today! You can make quick decisions about saving money because your why is at the … By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. You can save money by using ATMs associated with your bank or getting cash back at places like grocery stores and Target. 3 replies to "12 Weird Ways to Make Extra Money Online (Updated 2018)" rollie. We all know about things like affiliate marketing, Google Adsense, etc., but there some other lesser known options that might be more your style. I began reflecting on the interesting, weird and bizarre things I have done all in the name of earning or saving some extra money . Not interested in clipping coupons or other conventional ways to save money? The most obvious way to save on rent is to find a cheaper apartment and tell your landlord “you’re fired!.” On second thought, be nice to the landlord — she may be called as a reference. REUSING PAPER TOWELS. 100% Upvoted. report. 25 Unusual Ways to Save Money. Im looking for some neat ways to save money. Use Every Last Drop. Click To Tweet. I remember watching an episode of Extreme Cheapskates and saw a lady on the show that cuts out old clothes/rags and uses them for toilet paper. It was a joke at the time, but to be honest I think he's right on. Stop paying people to come out to repair your home appliances/plumbing/car and do it yourself! Saving pennies, using coupons, and eating out less are just some of the ways people are saving money. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Swap Out Cable, Netflix, and Hulu. Or I even forget WTF it was I wanted to begin with. July 30, 2017 . There are the traditional ways to save money, like opening a savings account and setting aside a neat sum every week. I know some people setup automatic investments. Just...don’t spend money on things you don’t need. Practicing delayed gratification helps me out a lot with frivolous spending. You'll be more inclined to buy bad food and make poorer purchasing decisions. By Peter Anderson 22 Comments-The content of this website often contains affiliate links and I may be compensated if you buy through those links (at no cost to you!). 20 Unusual, Crazy, and Weird Ways to Save Money Part 2. Whats your biggest flex that you’ll never tell … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Use spray disinfectant and a rag instead of disposable disinfecting wipes. Bottom line: You need savings. Sites such as Only the Breast specialize in selling breast milk, and prices typically range from $1 to … Granted, these are weird ways to make money, but they’re legit and some can even be fun! =), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the personalfinance community. We all look for ways to tighten our belts and make our money stretch further…but we bet you’ve never thought of these 20 weird ways to pinch those pennies. Alicia. 10 Weird And Unconventional Ways To Save Money. When you’re saving money, every penny counts and many consumers have realized this during the rough economy. A large majority of the time, I don't want whatever "it" is by the time I'm "allowed" to go buy it. Having done just a little exploring, I’ve found 21 … Onto the crazy, silly, wacky, and weird ways to save money (go here to read 20 Unusual, Crazy, and Weird Ways to Save Money, Part 2 over at Stacy Makes Cents). Along with being a streaming device, you can also use it to view TV shows and more! Give a few of these new (and slightly weird) ways to save money a try. We’re all frugal.We all have weird ways of saving money. Just throw them in the washing machine after a few uses. We think these responses are the weirdest of all. Someone important to me a long time ago said the same thing and they said it the same way, with 3 words. If I could not afford to buy it twice I would save up more until I could, I built up a nice little savings account in my early 20s that way. I don't really do it to save money but it has that effect. Don’t wash your hair as often. Drying and reusing paper towels or napkins is a nice way to limit waste, but there are better ways to save money. Any tips would be appreciated. But I read somewhere bad reviews about FOAP. Running Facebook ads for local business was one of the biggest ways that I was able to earn some extra money to put towards my student loan debt — I … I never understood it. As unusual ways to save money go this is one of the best. In this video, you will learn about some weird ways to make extra money online. If I want something, I think "okay if I still want it in X minutes/days/weeks then I'll go get it.". Geoengineering, or deliberately tinkering with the earth's climate, could help if global warming proves disastrous for mankind, but the ideas are untested and the risks unknown. The biggest thing I did this with was my tv which was around $1k. Learn more about how we make money… Some of them are just a bit too crazy for me to even consider. Turn off your lights, electronics, and appliances when you aren’t using them. TWEET. Self-heating pyjamas. 6 Strange Ways to Make Money Online Who needs a part-time job when you can get paid for seeking out smut, selling your hair, or sending text messages? What are some weird ways to save money? Paid $1k for the tv while transfering a thousand to my savings the very same day. Your skills are valuable, friend! EDIT: Thank you so much to all … Take Out Cash. Pour a 50/50 mix of apple cider vinegar/water on your hair (don’t rinse it out) after washing and once it dries your hair won’t smell like anything and will be soft and static free. Join our community, read the PF Wiki, and get on top of your finances! But some of these money making ideas are just crazy, which doesn’t seem to stop people from trying them. My mom fell in love with her Roku recently! Or, if you're out to eat ask for a glass of water, which is … 51.1k. We recently talked about “weird and wacky” ways to save money. Cloud storage, audio and video … Make Money 50 Weird And Wild Ways To Make Money. 0 comments. Or after a busy day or week. – but, if you can stomach it, you could make money from something you would otherwise have to spend time and money laundering, i.e. Use them as napkins and for cleaning up spills and then throw in the wash when it's time to do a load. You'll save a lot of money. But who gets the hole? Just. On Reddit recently, the question was asked: "What is the weirdest thing that someone you know does to save money?" It's a great way to balance things out when you're on a shopping spree :). Sort by. no comments yet. While there are some incredibly sane ways to save money, like creating a meal plan, freezer cooking, and cutting your household budget with my worksheet system, there are also some pretty intense ways to save money too! However, some of them, while weird, aren’t too out there and actually do help. I can use a small handful of peppers to make an omelette or I can use frozen herbs. Grocery shopping doesn't have to be expensive - check out 6 ways to save on your groceries today. Sell Breast Milk. Believe it or not, there are so many ways you can boost your income that it is almost unlimited. Sure these are weird ways to save money, but they do save you money and none of them are all that difficult making them just fine in my book! Well, anyway, I tried to take a look at some of those that you mentioned. 1. And none of them involved clipping coupons. Save change & turn it in for cash. By Farnoosh Torabi Updated on: July 28, 2011 / 2:42 PM / MoneyWatch A couple weeks ago I received my insurance estimate for … Share Your Plasma. Check out these valuable lessons and save yourself from financial ruin. When I spent mainly cash, I started saving all my change. Cheers, bro! Below is a primer on the easiest ways to make money, which include leisure activities that are doable on even the laziest of Sundays. Maybe you could bike versus Uber or use the subway versus taxis. Related: 9 Credit Card Fees to Look Out For (and How to Avoid Them) There Are a Thousand Ways to Save Money. Weird ways to save money 25. 1. The benefits are twofold: The coinage provides me with guilt-free spending money for small purchases (which I don't make often anyway), and secondly, whenever I decide to turn my coins into bills, it's like finding an extra $5 or $10. 23 Ridiculous Money Saving Tips. Sites such as Online Hair Affair allow users to sell their own hair — for a small fee. 1. You can save money on water … Yes it sounds weird, sordid and downright kinky – because it is! The problem is that many ideas simply sound just too weird or wacky to ever be taken seriously. Pick up coins you see throughout your daily life. Your smartphone is indispensable. Things like opening a savings account, paying yourself first, cutting back on overspending, these are all good things to do and they work but, let’s face it, from one crazy millennial to the next, here’s a list of 18 of the weirdest things I do to save money (I have done … Let’s start with the least weird ways to make money. You could go the conventional route of taking on more hours or getting a second job, or … There are a ton of varyingly data-hungry apps that improve your mobile experience. Rather than relying on your debit card for transactions, take out cash at the beginning of the week. I came to a conclusion while being shamelessly dressed liked a cow to get a free meal at Chick-Fil-A recently: sometimes you have to be creative to make or save a buck. When you go shopping, especially grocery shopping: make a list and stick to it. So, if you’re in a bit of a pinch, or you simply want to save up for a one-of-a-kind holiday, give these odd strategies a try! Crazy Ways to Save Money, If You're Brave Enough! They add up. Can’t spend what you don’t have. Books, podcasts, and experts all claim to hold the secrets to saving money and increasing your wealth but sometimes the best advice comes from your peers.. People share their financial advice on Reddit all the time, and their real-world advice might be the advice you need to start saving. 30 Weird Ways People Go Broke Daria Uhlig 11/17/2020. You can go there to find other strange and different ways to save money. There are many, many ways to save money in dozens of different categories in your life. But today it’s all about “weird and wacky” ways to earn extra money! After a month or two I upped the ante and started saving all my ones and my change. Last month, I asked you, the readers, to give me your most creative and unusual ways to save money. These new pyjamas, which cost from £5, have been created by Asda to try and keep us warm through the winter and also save us some money. March 22, 2017 . 6. For more great money saving tips follow Freebie Finding Mom’s Money Tips Pinterest board. 9 of the Easiest Ways to Make Money. Posted by 20 days ago. Sell Feet Pics – You can potentially sell feet pics and anonymously and safely to earn extra money… your dirty knickers. 6. When you take the time to know your why, you can save money much faster and easier. best. Today we’re going to chat about some weird, out-of-the-box ways you can save some extra money. He’s been a repo-man, walking stick carver, search engine evaluator, house flipper, tram driver, process server, mock juror, and roulette croupier, but of more than 100 ways he has made money, writing is his favorite (so far). Looking for ways to make money online? .. Disclosure: We may receive a commission when you click on our links, but this is at no extra cost to you. Steve Gillman is the author of “101 Weird Ways to Make Money” and creator of EveryWayToMakeMoney.com. Ok, so there are definitely traditional ways to save money. Sometimes, working hard at your job isn’t quite enough to make ends meet. He's losing out on ~1% interest and leaving his money uninsured, and heavy. Press J to jump to the feed. – What could go wrong? 10 Weird Ways to Save Money. While some may not save a bundle by switching to an electric car, you may find other ways to save money on your commute to work. People waste a ton of money ordering food and prepared stuff. Nipol Plobmuang / Shutterstock.com . These money saving methods are fine and well. Spend. ... “The money… View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the AskReddit community . One of the saving money tips on Reddit is also trying to set up zeros in your account. I freeze all of my vegetable scraps to make my own stock. The good news is, you don’t have to sacrifice the convenience of a connected smartphone just to save money on mobile data. Use your old bath towels and baby burp clothes as rags. It seems like everyone has saving money tips so I thought why not try reddit. Be the first to share what you think! Moving costs money of course, even if it’s just across town. Stop paying for drinks. You get to pick and choose your projects from the thousands that come available every day. Each idea won’t work for every family, but you’re sure to glean at least a couple of ideas from these suggestions. Just yo let you know that regarding walking, the free app Bit Walking does not work. Make sure your thermostat is at a reasonable level. Then we’d reuse the half-cut dryer sheets. Ok, but all the ones and change go into savings. Translate: If you’re fluent in multiple languages, you’re in demand!Gengo.com is a great place to start offering your translation services. Here are five things that’ll take you five minutes to do and can save you a ton of money each month. 6/28 . At MoneyMagpie we’ve got loads of articles on ways to make money, but these are the ones which are just plain weird…and frankly, we like ’em! There are some off the wall, weird ways to save money out there. Save Money: 10 Weird Ways. Don’t buy it at the grocery store, because it’s probably more expensive. 10 Weird Ways to Save Money. This may be a case where those cloth wipes come in handy. In fact, I’m willing to bet my firstborn son that you haven’t (if I lose this bet, the joke’s on you LOL). Learn more about how we make money.Last edited August 17, 2018. Since I'm in Canada, we don't have $1 bills, we have $1 and $2 coins. But at the core of each money decision is a reason for why we want to save money to begin with. Save bitcoin, ethereum, monero, gold, silver... Planning car trips is something I never ever thought of. Im looking for some neat ways to save money. Walking may arguably be the hardest way to make money on this list, as … Possibly not. I’d save the other portions for a rainy day. But some of the best savings strategies … If you’re like me, holiday shopping in July just feels, well, wrong. Learn about budgeting, saving, getting out of debt, credit, investing, and retirement planning. I use all my loose pennies in the supermarket auto-pay tills. Trouble is, building that cushion isn’t easy. Make money being a friend Or, setting a budget and following it with religious devotion, never eating out, or clipping coupons. It adds up, instead of leaving them around the house. Here are 10 alternative ways to save you money. Secrets of how we save money. Some I have tried personally, some are done by people I know. share. Give a few of these new (and slightly weird) ways to save money a try. Just look up some tutorials and save … My buddy goes to the bank every week and gets a roll of quarters. Geoengineering, or deliberately tinkering with the earth's climate, could help if global warming proves disastrous for mankind, but the ideas are untested and the risks unknown. Over the years saving has become an art form around our house. Here are some … Walking. Currently, the site has a listing for 12 inches of blond, never-dyed hair for $400. I know some people setup automatic investments. My buddy goes to the bank every week and gets a roll of quarters. We’re all frugal.We all have weird ways of saving money. Money expert Clark Howard loves to share new and creative ways to save on his radio show, TV and here on Clark.com. Here's seven weird ways to make money, from selling breast milk to turning your car into a billboard. And never grocery shop on an empty stomach. Use them to bring in some cash. I feel like we save money in pretty normal ways, cut back on groceries, no eating out, only getting the necessities. Here are ten or more comfortable ways to save on rent. Most experts recommend keeping six months of expenses stashed away, but your future self is going to be grateful for any financial cushion you can build now. save. If this is you, I promise there are ways to save money. I honestly don’t understand it when a friend tells me they’re bad at budgeting themselves or disciplining themselves with money. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Some people have made crazy easy fast money using these strange methods. It works by setting up your benchmark for spending. Looking to make a little extra money on the side?! If you’ve ever seen the television show Extreme Cheapskates, you know what I’m talking about. Don't save money it's a devaluing asset. Using Your Skills. Here are five sure-fire ways to save money and NOT go broke this holiday season. Weird ways to save money! It took fifteen years. Reply. Here are ten weird ways to save money that you may not have thought of before! Saving money is just one of those necessary evils, but it doesn’t have to be a mundane task. Save on utility bills. Here’s one of the strangest ways to make money for one of the strangest human disorders. 7 / 15. Another weird way to save money on paper products? 10 Weird And Unconventional Ways To Save Money. Other … He puts them into a shoe box for in case of emergency funds, I had a hard time saving when I was younger, I always liked to buy new things, so what I came up with a few years ago was, I wouldn't buy a certain item unless I could afford to "buy" it twice. Any tips would be appreciated. Saknarong Butsabong / Shutterstock Cutting the doughnut in half was only the start for Grandpa. And wait until the end of your lease. Buy a cup of coffee and break a five? I just don’t make enough money. I don’t think this tip will … The tried and true are all well and good, but as a disrespectful millennial, I don’t want to follow the old ways. ... Advertisement. Beyonce Savings Accounts and 6 Other Unique Ways to Save More Money . Oh, and if this tickles your fancy, check out 10 more strange ways you can make money! Ditch your car payment. Side hustles: Weird and wonderful ways to make some serious money. Weird or Unusual Ways to Earn Cash at Home Start an ASMR YouTube Channel (some are earning $2000 a month!) This is quite an extreme way to save money for some people, but the amount you will save is worth it to them. For years I would tear my stick of gum into thirds and chew a third. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Am I right? You can save money in many ways, like buying cheaper gas or only going to see matinee movies. Spread The Love: Start Early, Save More . I WONDER WHAT EVERYONE ELSE’S SECRETLY WEIRD SAVING TIP IS. May 28, 2014 by author Leave a Comment. – Kate: I don’t know if it’s unique, but we use family cloths to save money. 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