Contact your authorized dealer as soon as possible. 3. an instrument that displays certain operating conditions in a machine, such as a gauge showing temperature, speed, pressure, etc. These lamps communicate with sensors located in different parts of the vehicle and illuminate to warn the driver when there is a different situation than specified by the manufacturers. n. 1. You will be safe while driving with the condition, but drive carefully and have your vehicle checked at a SUBARU dealer as soon as possible. 2.Battery Warning Light. Angle-of-attack (AOA) indicators provide a visual representation of how much lift is being generated by your wings for a given airspeed. An indicator points to, suggests, or shows something. indicator synonyms, indicator pronunciation, indicator translation, English dictionary definition of indicator. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. Information and translations of indicator in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … The principle behind the function of an indicator is that it reacts with water to form the hydrogen cation H + or hydronium ion H 3 O +. In short, AOA indicators measure t… And to do that, you need to pull back on the yoke, which increases the angle-of-attack that your wing is flying at. If indicator does not illuminate when you switch the ignition on - or begins to flash at any time - have the system checked by your authorized dealer. an instrument that indicates the condition of a machine or the like. The OBV indicator, popularly known as on-balance volume, is a technical analysis indicator that relates volume flow to changes in a security’s price. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the critical (key) indicators of progress toward an intended result. Without those indicators of myocarditis, it’s hard to say if the heart had this condition, she says. something that provides an indication, esp of trends, a device to attract attention, such as the pointer of a gauge or a warning lamp, an instrument that displays certain operating conditions in a machine, such as a gauge showing temperature, speed, pressure, etc, a device that records or registers something, such as the movements of a lift, or that shows information, such as arrival and departure times of trains, a device for indicating that a motor vehicle is about to turn left or right, esp two pairs of lights that flash when operated or a pair of trafficators, a delicate measuring instrument used to determine small differences in the height of mechanical components. Powertrain Fault Illuminates when a powertrain or AWD fault has been detected. After you enter your long, you’re looking for price to continue its uptrend, gradually pulling the VWAP up along with it. Meaning of indicator. Generally, traders would say that a Stochastic over 80 means that the price is overbought and when the Stochastic is below 20, the price is considered oversold. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. Parking Lamps Illuminates when you switch the parking lamps on. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Contact your authorized dealer as soon as possible. Low fuel notification – this panel is switched on if the fuel level gets very low and refuel is required. Select the settings that work best for your analysis and trading style. Notation and terminology. Definition. a pointing or directing mechanism, as a pointer on the dial of an instrument to show pressure, temperature, speed, volume, etc., or a moveable icon in the graphical user interface of a computer or other device: The fuel indicator was pointing to empty. Change the input data for each one, so you can visually see how the input data change the indicator. When selecting indicators, programs should keep in mind that some indicators will be more time-consuming and costly than others to collect and analyze. But that doesn’t mean you can just plug and play, then expect killer results. indicator synonyms, indicator pronunciation, indicator translation, English dictionary definition of indicator. b. The indicator function of a subset A of a set X is a function : → {,} defined as ():= { ∈ , ∉ .The Iverson bracket provides the equivalent notation, [∈] or ⧙ x ϵ A ⧘, to be used instead of ().. The Daily Dot suggests the app is an indicator that society has forgotten how to communicate verbally. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? However, that does not mean a program should not try to determine how they are contributing to the health impact of interest (e.g., decrease in morbidity related to particular health issue). Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Notis %V: The Notis %V is a technical indicator that measures the inconstancy – or variability – of a security’s price when moving both higher and lower. The proposed legislation would extend the weekly $600 unemployment benefits for those who qualify “for the duration of the recession by tying continued enhanced unemployment insurance to the health crisis and economic indicators.”. Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. A chemical indicator is a substance that undergoes a distinct observable change when conditions in its solution change. an instrument for measuring and recording variations of pressure in the cylinder of an engine. The Stochastic indicator does not show oversold or overbought prices. Your Acer notebook computer will have LED lights to indicate the power and battery status of the computer. One that indicates, especially: a. The Stochastic indicator does not show oversold or overbought prices. Development indicators are represented by indexes and are useful tools for meeting development objectives. The percent of oil life remaining is just an indicator of relative amount of time before the oil needs service. noun a person or thing that indicates, signals, or points out. A daily challenge for crossword fanatics. See the full definition for indicator in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for indicator, Nglish: Translation of indicator for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of indicator for Arabic Speakers, Encyclopedia article about indicator. 4. You can laugh when the chips are down. The … That's because airplanes can stall at any speed, as long as they exceed their critical angle-of-attack. Indicator definition is - one that indicates: such as. You should think of AOA indicators as instruments for stall margin awareness. It shows momentum. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Do you know these earlier meanings of words? An instrument used to monitor the operation or condition of an engine, an electrical network, or another physical system; a meter or gauge. Learn a new word every day. KPIs provides a focus for strategic and operational improvement, create an analytical basis for decision making and help focus attention on what matters most. Send us feedback. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). This includes adding any new individual race polling, changes in the national environment and special election environment variables, quarterly and 48-hour FEC reports, new economic indicators, primary election outcomes and candidate status changes. Indicators are clues, signs or markers that measure one aspect of a program and show how close a program is to its desired path and outcomes. If the battery light comes on, it indicates that there is a problem with the battery or that there is a problem with the system charging the battery. All rights reserved. Setting key performance indicators for an organization usually happens during the strategic planning phase, whether you do that yearly, quarterly or even more frequently, the goal is to ensure the entire organization is aligned towards the same objectives. Select the settings that work best for your analysis and trading style. The arrow on a street sign is an indicator telling you which way to go. The needle, dial, or other registering device on such an instrument. As Peter Drucker famously said, “What gets measured gets done.” The function is sometimes denoted , , K A or even just .. “Depression” vs. “Anxiety”: Which Do I Have (Or Is It Both)? How do the Battery and Power indicator lights on my Acer notebook work? Accessed 25 Jan. 2021. First recorded in 1660–70; from Late Latin, Unabridged Here's the interpretation of the regression coefficients in a regression model with one (0, 1) binary indicator variable and one quantitative predictor: “Frosting” vs. “Icing”: Are They Synonyms (Or Just Taste Like They Are)? It uses a cumulative total of positive and negative trading volume to predict the direction of price. We list five of these Malfunction Indicator Lights that are very … 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? A chemical compound that changes color and structure when exposed to certain conditions and is therefore useful for chemical tests. Indicators are organic weak acids or bases with complicated structures. The method to reset varies by manufacturer. They should be defined before the project starts, and allow us to monitor or evaluate whether a project does what it said it would do. What made you want to look up indicator? One that indicates, especially a pointer or an index. Parking Lamps Illuminates when you switch the parking lamps on. The indicator function of a subset A of a set X is a function : → {,} defined as ():= { ∈ , ∉ .The Iverson bracket provides the equivalent notation, [∈] or ⧙ x ϵ A ⧘, to be used instead of ().. 3. The VWAP itself is a simple indicator. Definition of indicator in the dictionary. indicator noun [C] (SIGNAL) UK (US signal, turn signal) one of the lights at the front and back of a road vehicle that flash to show which way the vehicle is turning a device that shows a value or a change in … This part is important, because when you increase your angle-of-attack, you get closer to the critical angle-of-attack, which is the point when your wing stalls (regardless of airspeed or attitude). Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. b. Experiment with different settings for any indicator that you use. After choosing an indicator, you will be prompted to set its parameters. 1-What do you mean by Economic Indicators?Economic indicators are a set of economic statistics and reports that are used in measuring the performance of different sectors of the economy to assess the economic situation and know the strength and weakness of the economy, in addition to the ability to predict the economic situation in the future. One bell will serve for all the rooms of a house, an “indicator” being provided to show from which it has been rung. If indicator does not illuminate when you switch the ignition on - or begins to flash at any time - have the system checked by your authorized dealer. One that indicates, especially: a. Moreover, some sort of indicator would be required by which we could make sure that the exciting current has the normal strength. economic indicator. But those few protestors were an indicator of how much has changed since the Cuban Revolution of 1959. Acid-Base Indicator Definition An acid-base indicator is either a weak acid or weak base that exhibits a color change as the concentration of hydrogen (H +) or hydroxide (OH -) ions changes in an aqueous solution. What makes a KPI effective? Indicators are realistic and measurable criteria of project progress. Define indicator. What’s your biological age? Slippery Words Quiz—Changing with the Times. the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Definition. A pointer or an index. Powertrain Fault Illuminates when a powertrain or AWD fault has been detected. Development indicators show the progress that has been made in a particular area, such as health, education or gender equality. Copyright © 2011. The function is sometimes denoted , , K A or even just .. Notation and terminology. In fact, Fitzpatrick wore no tie at all, one indicator that he long ago left the reservation. Strictly speaking, last year’s revenue doesn’t predict future revenue (although it has been used to do just that by many businesses in the past). If you're familiar with the verb to "indicate," then indicator should be no problem. Experiment with different settings for any indicator that you use. You can also edit the indicator’s color, line style, and other settings. How to use indicator in a sentence. Excessive oxidation of battery terminals, loose battery cables connected to the terminals, alternator failure, alternator belt loosening or aging can cause the battery warning lamp to light. But he didnt get the big salary that the men with the indicator get today. For simplicity, we represent a general indicator by the formula H I n, and its ionization in a solution by the equilibrium, When [ H +] is greater than 10 Kai, I n − color dominates, whereas color due … My Payment tool that deposits were not made to the wrong account; this is not an, The movement of long-term bond yields typically would be the leading, Likewise, Greenland’s reception will be an, The increase in new COVID-19 cases in the summer was an early, The test positivity rate in your community will be an, Compared to this time last year, fewer high school seniors have filled out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid – a key signal of their intent to enroll and a leading, Post the Definition of indicator to Facebook, Share the Definition of indicator on Twitter, The Difference Between 'Hoard' and 'Horde'. The Most Surprisingly Serendipitous Words Of The Day, The Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. A person’s biological age is a way of assessing how rapidly a person is aging based on a number of indicators. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary The election result will also be an indicator of whether Erdogan will stand in presidential elections on August 10. Indicator definition, a person or thing that indicates, signals, or points out. a plant, animal, or species that indicates, by its presence in a given area, the existence of certain environmental conditions. Notis %V: The Notis %V is a technical indicator that measures the inconstancy – or variability – of a security’s price when moving both higher and lower. When used as a dilute solution, a pH indicator does not have a significant impact on the acidity or alkalinity of a chemical solution. n. 1. To experiment with input data, place several versions of the same indicator on the same chart. And if the reaction from community leaders around the country is any indicator, others are proud as well. What does indicator mean? This is incredibly useful because speed alone is not a reliable parameter to avoid a stall. A new app promises to reveal it—and help you slow the aging process, ‘We’re about hiring journalists’: Insider Inc. launches third global news hub in Singapore, Why lawmakers may choose a more targeted approach for the second round of COVID stimulus, College athletes show signs of possible heart injury after COVID-19, The Forecast: The Methodology Behind Our 2020 Election Model, Aging Cuban Exiles And Their Lawmakers Bypassed by White House, Eric Holder Exit Interview: Why He’ll Always Be an African American Icon, Whitey Bulger’s Defense to Reveal Widespread FBI Complicity, Bang With Friends: Facebook Sex App Creators Talk Controversial Product, Astounding Stories of Super-Science, June, 1930, Scientific American Supplement, No. Generally, traders would say that a Stochastic over 80 means that the price is overbought and when the Stochastic is below 20, the price is considered oversold. Acid-base indicators are most often used in a titration to identify the endpoint of an acid-base reaction. a substance, as litmus, that indicates the presence or concentration of a certain constituent. This is one of the better kept secrets about truly successful … Indicators can show their results by changing color, emitting a smell, or creating light. To experiment with input data, place several versions of the same indicator on the same chart. The reaction changes the color of the indicator molecule. In our third teacher-created PSAT practice test there are new and unique vocabulary terms you may have never heard of! A financial indicator like revenue, for example, is a lagging indicator, in that it tells you about what has already happened. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? How to use indicator in a sentence. An organization may use KPIs to evaluate its success, or to evaluate the success of a particular activity in which it is engaged. “Indicator.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Change the input data for each one, so you can visually see how the input data change the indicator. 433, April 19, 1884, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Slice 5. The fundamental principle is that you can determine the meaning of any regression coefficient by seeing what effect changing the value of the predictor has on the mean response μ Y. Tips for Using VWAP. Can you guess what they mean? In this example, the moving average indicator is under the Trend-following section. A performance indicator or key performance indicator is a type of performance measurement. Development indicators are used to show a country's progress in a certain area and how it compares to that of nearby countries. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Litmus, for example, is an indicator that becomes red in the presence of acids and blue in the presence of bases. What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? See more. A pointer or an index. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Delivered to your inbox! 2. A current indicator is inserted in the circuit consisting of a solenoid of nine turns. Indicators are measureable information used to determine if a program is implementing their program as expected and achieving their outcomes. Any of various substances, such as litmus or phenolphthalein, that indicate the presence, absence, or concentration of another substance or the degree of reaction between substances by means of a characteristic change, especially in color. And finally, indicators that can be used to predict future economic performance are called leading indicators and include retail sales, building permits and net business formations, to name a few. - Acer Community What do the colors on the battery and power indicator lights mean? Asia is a good indicator, it’s coming out a bit faster than Europe, those trends are stimulating the market. It consists of a spring-loaded plunger that operates a pointer moving over a circular scale, a substance used in titrations to indicate the completion of a chemical reaction, usually by a change of colour, a substance, such as litmus, that indicates the presence of an acid or alkali, a plant or animal species that thrives only under particular environmental conditions and therefore indicates these conditions where it is found, a species of plant or animal whose well-being confirms the well-being of other species in the area. Answer (1 of 2): There are many types of indicators, but I assume you mean chemistry. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. This could be a color change, precipitate formation, bubble formation, temperature change, or other measurable quality. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'indicator.' the state of being isolated, kept apart, or withdrawn into solitude. Choose an indicator that you want to add. A bioindicator is any species (an indicator species) or group of species whose function, population, or status can reveal the qualitative status of the environment.For example, copepods and other small water crustaceans that are present in many water bodies can be monitored for changes (biochemical, physiological, or behavioural) that may indicate a problem within their ecosystem. 2. a device to attract attention, such as the pointer of a gauge or a warning lamp. It did not seem as if he was moving, but the indicator now showed more than seven thousand feet. Indicator definition is - one that indicates: such as. An economic indicator is a macroeconomic measurement used by analysts to understand current and future economic activity and opportunity. Vehicle Dynamics Control Warning/Operation Indicator Light (OR) Slip Indicator (BRZ) The Vehicle Dynamics Control system provides its ABS control through the electrical circuit of the ABS system. An indicator is a chemical you add to a mixture that can detect the presence of a specific chemical. It is also a means for the dealer to deny a warranty claim based on you driving it for 10000 miles after the indicator came on. Indicators are usually grouped according to their type. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins a substance often used in a titration to indicate the point at which the reaction is complete. a pointing or directing mechanism, as a pointer on the dial of an instrument to show pressure, temperature, speed, volume, etc., or a moveable … 4. Not only can indicators help understand what happened or changed, but can also help you to ask further questions about how these changes happened. Now that we know KPI stands for key performance indicator it is only … Define indicator. Everyone loves a bargain! Move the indicator to the edge of the browser and drag to resize the window. It shows momentum. something that provides an indication, esp of trends. , 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company machine, such as a gauge showing temperature, speed, pressure,.... A good indicator, it ’ s hard to say if the heart this! A number of indicators, programs should keep in mind that some indicators will be prompted set! 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