The total size of the RAID 10 array would be 750GB. Fables-Heart A friendly, welcoming guild to all dedicated members of SWTOR! I believe the best thing you can do to promote your guild for the purpose of recruitment is entirely dependant on what you want your guild to be. It will also make you feel like your more important to the raid. i know WoW has gone with 20- 25 man raids. Code support for a SWTOR Raid calendaring system, since it looks like none exist, and I'm too cheap to pay for one. BPStarsiege: 03.10.2013 , 05:02 PM | #1: Quote. Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In some cases some Operations in Veteran and Master Mode have fixed loot drops, so you know what to aim for. Should I go tank? This RAID calculator computes array characteristics given the disk capacity, the number of disks, and the array type. *We also recommend using the correct Raid Level/Read & Write Policy depending on your requirements as performance can differ depending on these settings more info can be found Comparing RAID Level And Concatenation Performance All items on the loot table will have a chance to drop, not just the ones that are designated for your spec. Story Flashpoints can be entered alone or in a group - they exist to see the story, and give you a special droid that will help you during fights. To go to this page, click the link below. These archives contain every asset that SWTOR uses, so it can be a lot to sift through. These archives are located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic\Assets". is it just a choice, or in reality do you really need to do 16 ala WoW. Its not only me, but thousands upon thousands of people in the SWTOR forums getting terrible FPS all over the game running the most updated Beta drivers and medium to high level PC builds. The higher the difficulty, the more hit points and abilities the bosses have and the better the drops. Rancor - HS. Willing to teach. Yeah, I was a WoW player myself from beta so I know the feeling, I can see what blizz wanted to achieve, I mean when you have 40 people raring to go it does sound like a lot of fun, but they don't tell you how to get those 40 people or how well prepared they are for raiding. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you are a new player who’s trying to decide of the game is worth playing, let’s first go over the cost of the game. So it owns more advantages than the use of single hard disk: higher data security, fault tolerance, improved availability, increased and integrated capacity, and improved performance. Goto page 1, 2 Next. These changes are expected to occur next week. Flashpoints are 4 and Operations are 8 or 16. does anyone know if the loot will be the same? i tried 40man raids and while it have a certain apeal i just prefer smaller raids. Image Size: 1920x1080 px / #486472 / File Type: jpg Burning Coruscant - Malgus Wallpaper by Malir80 on DeviantArt. Next-Gen SWTOR Parser. Download RKAW Raid Tracker for free. Th… number "75" means "there is 25% of players who have better comparable value (and 75% have worse or equal), while using the same class on this particular boss, including its size and mode" (all disciplines of the same class are merged). Have to type /bigger scale 20. So I tried 25 and when I logged out and back in 3 buffs blocked my whole frame lol. , 04:15 AM Flytext. Snipers have always had a reserved spot in most raid groups and with the revival … The same problems in 25/40 man raiding appear in 8/10/16 man raiding. What happens is when a raid is cut down to size, people get to trim the fat and suddenly they feel much more capable and attribute that to the smaller raid size being beneficial, but as time goes on, the same percentage of fat appears in the smaller raid size as it's the same leadership problem. We do it all, PvE/PvP/Rp. Which Set Bonus should you choose? World bosses are very rare spawns that offer a formidable challenge and rewarding loot to brave and skilled heroes. The benefit of using the normal "ST" client is that you can play the starting planets sooner, the entire game will download faster, and finally due to the client differences it will validate all your game files and ensure that your game folder does not experience 'bloat', as has been my case in the past where my swtor folder was over 50 gigs. I made a simple autoit script to resize the SWTOR window to 1024x768 and move it to the top left corner of the screen. We were able to come in next raid day and kill it quickly for a nice US 69th pre-nerf kill. Huge objectivebased pvp maps could work though. I use 20 for pvp. RAID(Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is a data storage virtualization technology which can combine multiple physical disk drive components into a single logical unit for the purpose of data redundancy, or performance improvement, or both. swtor raid guide deutsch. Here is the latest on the upcoming Sith Triumvirate Raid Changes coming in Star Wars: Galaxy of heroes. → All About Equipment: The SWTOR Gear System → swtor raid guide deutsch. Can someone tell me what the initial total download size is? I thought hard mode was independent of whether it was a 8 man raid or a 16 man - is this not so? In order to get the best array performance, you need to know the correct chunk size and the golden rule for choosing it: small inputs / outputs = large chunk, and large inputs / outputs = small chunk. STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ is a free-to-play MMORPG that puts you at the center of your own story-driven saga. Each boss follows a certain respawn time We don’t have “Buy SWTOR 5 this Autumn” kind of sale pitches, though expansions may feel similar. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I'm pretty sure that my system isn't a low end model and far exceeds the recommended specs directly from the Swtor website. close this message. For raids with a flexible raid size (such as Raid Finder), this will act as though there were 20 players in the raid. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. DoT spec that can target multiple targets and still dish out single-target damage Sith Warrior - Annihilation Marauder / Jedi Knight - Watchman Sentinel (DPS, S Tier) Bleed, bleed! , 05:02 PM Every player at level 75 (the new level cap in Update 6.0) will have access to a number of new armor sets … Conquest Roleplay Social/hanging out. Affected Product. For 4 Man its 1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 Dps. Reply . |, 03.10.2013 For those saying that there are no canon images, she's in SWTOR Chapter 3 … *We recommended using disks of equal size. This way the max of your class there will be is 2 for the most part. In phase 1, the boss cannot be attacked directly. Star Wars: The Old Republic is fascinating. In 3681 BBY, a reconstituted Sith Empire, the survivors of the Old Sith Empire that lost the Great Hyperspace War over a thousand years earlier, return to the larger galaxy under the leadership of an immortal Sith Emperor and invade the Galactic Republic, sparking the Great Galactic War. I would like to thank Endonae for his enthusiasm and hard work on this guide to Damage Types in SWTOR. I go to change the screen resolution and I guess I didn't set the proper screen resolution and now the game basically has bugged out in a way. Play as a Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunter, or one of many other iconic STAR WARS roles in the galaxy far, far away over three thousand years before the classic films. New players who never spent money on the game are referred to as free-to-play players, and although they have convenience restrictions, all 8 … Another thing you might want to turn on and off on your screen is the “flytext” the numbers that pop up when you deal or receive damage from an enemy. Itll be easy to maintain a core group of skilled raiders this way and also allow for raiders to take a day off when they like. A name plate add on is an essential tool in every tank's arsenal. Long story short, we have to recreate the array, and I would like to know the optimal array chunk size for this use case. The video game was released for the Microsoft Windows platform on December 20, 2011 in North America and part of Europe. I'm new to Swtor and just want to know. As the sequel to the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series game, SWTOR was developed by BioWare Austin and assisted by BioWare Edmonton.. They all have their issues as well, WoW can't keep content going even tho it charges a monthly sub, ESO has so many combat issues, FF14 has horrible onboarding and SWTOR i cant really talk too much **** about … 0. Changing profiles and reloading didn’t work. What role will most probably be needed for SWTOR raid guilds? If you have multiple players in the group, the loot will be split among those players, but be tradeable. What I want to know is how the group setup will be in 16 mans. SWTOR Flashpoint Levels. Welcome to the community created wiki for Star Wars: The Old Republic or SWTOR.. The new area is about the size of Clockwork City and has the continuation of the Season of the Dragon’ main quest, new delves, and of course new side quests.