Best Minecraft Seeds (2021) – Xbox One, PS4, & All Platforms! Full of pandas and parrots, as well as water and trees, this seed drops you into a great jungle biome. Long-time fans of the sandbox construction game, Minecraft, know of the Creepypasta rumors floating around the Internet. Watch out for the Vindicators inside there though, the place is swarming with them. This one has probably the weirdest mountain I have ever experienced in Minecraft. Perhaps this is most true when one happens upon a village such … When you start creating a world in Minecraft, the game generates a unique seed through a random number chain, which allows you, with a pick in your hands, to discover a whole lot of resources, to explore biomes and discover strange terrains due to the automatic and procedural generation of your world. What did you think of the list? Next up on our list of Best PS4 Minecraft Seeds, we have this one. Plus this mansion comes with a few quirks. The mansion also has gardens inside so you can produce your own food, tons of bedrooms, libraries, and massive windows looking out on a forest view below. Biome scale: Small, If you are looking for a really unique seed, this one spawns you on an island that also has a village on it. By: Mark Carpenter (Site Admin) - Updated: January 1, 2021. Top 5 Crazy & Weird MCPE Seeds - Minecraft PE 1.5 Aquatic Update SEEDS. Not only that, but right in the water nearby is a giant ocean monument so you can go underwater exploring for resources to improve your builds. Thanks for checking out the seed! It looks like the perfect fixer-upper to set up camp, with cobblestone towers standing beside simple wooden structures. Biome scale: Small, If you liked the previous mansion seed, this one might even top it. This seed is a visual treat, arguably more so than a useful one. As you can see from the picture, it is a massive mountain with a flat front revealing quite a few blocks of coal. Nun wählen Sie untern den Button "Create … Sometimes a mob spawner will also be there, but not always. We have collected for you the rarest and most unusual seeds for Minecraft 1.16.1. Ireland. Platform: PC 1.7.10 This seed is like the Grand Canyon -- literally. Generally, when spawning into a world, you find yourself in the middle of a jungle or flatland or some form of biome. There are tons of storage rooms with chests all ready to fill, and by poking around the house a bit you can discover items in certain chests including diamond tools, enchanted books, and lots more rare items. Biome scale: Large, As soon as you spawn with this seed, if you look to your right you will see an absolutely massive mooshroom island for you to explore. What more could you want? With this PS4 Minecraft seed, you have, according to a post on Reddit, “2 villages near spawn, 2 mansions near a desert temple, a weird shipwreck, an ocean monument and a weird stronghold that has a spider spawner near the portal.” With all that just seconds from your spawn point, you’ll be able to do everything important in a fraction of the time, getting to the fun quickly. If you are tired of seeds that only have one village, and a super hard one to find at that, then this is the seed for you. Minecraft Prestonplayz. Minecraft Seeds für PS4 und PS3. If you're tired of beginning a game in the normal biomes, then an island seed would be a great way to mix it up. Minecraft ist ein beliebtes Computerspiel, in dem Sie Ihre eigene Welt erstellen können. Right where you spawn a decent sized desert village will be just a few feet away, and then directly behind you is a mansion resting right beside another village. World size: Classic What are your favorite weird seeds? Saved from At its heart, Minecraft is a game about creativity and excess. Having both of these locations so close will make for some fun builds to bring some more character to the town with such a unique landscape and variety of buildings. For those who doesn’t know how a Minecraft seed work, check out this article. 0. The village is located at X:40 Y:69 Z:367, and the mansion can be seen directly to the north of there following a long river. Plus there is another cute and snowy lakeside town further south at X: 98 Y: 70 Z: 1076 if you want a change of scenery. Also, just by the spawn there are a few different biomes, and some good resources to find under the surface. Not far from the spawning point you will find an underwater bunker that contains a portal that brings you to The End. Biome scale: Small, This quaint little town nestled at the bottom of a mountain can be found directly north of your spawn point. Credit: Anonymous-Ninja - Seed: 2906780061045260388- Platform: Java - Version: 1.16 ( Snapshot:20w46a) We've all heard of Island in the sea, but what about in the sky, floating? World size: Classic Some seeds give you crazy landscapes and interesting biome placements, while others contain useful materials like diamonds right at the spawn. how to see coordinates in minecraft ps4, Chemistry in Minecraft. Stilts Witch Hut Seed . Filme O Minecraft. From spectacular scenery to the strangest villages to easy access to The End, there really are some very strange Minecraft worlds out there. Seed: 88974602297265413. Biome scale: Large, After you spawn in the forest, take a right and you will see a strangely shaped desert biome that is nestled beside some mountains. If you’re tired of beginning a game in the normal biomes, then an island seed would be a great way to mix it up. From the spawn point, you'll immediately see a huge and complex hill structure, that's covered in trees. Who says you have to start off your game living in a dirty cave? You can sometimes find animal sculptures in mansions, but this one is a favorite and one of the best Minecraft PS4 Seeds, for sure. Seed 969535336 creates a massive column of rising stone pillars with a series of waterfalls and a herd of sheep sitting at its peak. Aber seit der Beta-Version 1.3 gibt es die Seeds-Funktion: Durch Codes, die Sie in den Weltgenerator eingeben, können Sie die geologischen Eigenschaften der Zufallswelt beeinflussen. World size: Classic These two locations can be found at X: 529 Y:65 Z: 184. It also has two double mob spawners, allowing you to fight a bunch on enemies without having to travel a long way from the spawn. These seeds were tested on Minecraft Bedrock version 1.14.1, so if you’re on a different version with different biomes or structures, they might not work. Biome scale: Large, Here you will spawn on a forest island that is a housing a very nearby stronghold. Along with a library, numerous chests hold some decent loot and this is a great spawn if you are looking to kill the end dragon as fast as you can without cheating. Need a great seed … In this one, there are six villages (four blacksmiths) and three Desert temples nearby, netting you ten diamonds at the start. We're taking a look at some of the best seeds for Minecraft! Biome scale: Small, Who says you have to start off your game living in a dirty cave? While nothing is impossible with survival mode, it is definitely advised that you play this seed in creative mode to experience its marvel with ease, becuase if you fell off... well, that just wouldn't be good. Because it's on fire! Move to the smaller side of the island and you will see a massive ravine chasm you will them climb down to reveal some stone blocks hiding a huge stronghold. The town is surrounded by four different biomes, including a lava pool in case you want to make some cobblestone or obsidian. After spawning, head south-east and it will only be a minute before you see the mansion resting atop a huge hill. While it generally works perfectly fine, there are times where it can go a bit wonky. Go a bit further east from this mansion and you will find an even bigger mansion, and directly beside that a desert village complete with a desert temple. Biome scale: Small, After spawning, head to the bottom left corner of the map out past some spikey cliffs to the open sea. Minecraft : 5 INCREDIBLE SEEDS You Have To TRY NOW! 6:20 . Go a bit further east from this mansion and you will find an even bigger mansion, and directly beside that a desert village complete with a desert temple. These are the best seeds to use in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. For this best PS4 Minecraft seed, you will spawn on a forest island that is a housing a very nearby stronghold. Why? There are several other islands scattered nearby, but you’ll have to venture to the mainland to get some resources to build your island home. They range in size and biome type, and will surely keep you busy as you go off trying to find them all. The ruined nether portal has some weird loot in it. Get some suspenders handy, because these Minecraft seeds will scare your pants off! These two locations can be found at X: 529 Y:65 Z: 184. Go down into the temple and there is also a cave system underneath, but be careful of the TNT! The Chemistry Update introduces a Chemistry Resource Pack to Minecraft: Education Edition! Report. Best Minecraft Seeds (2021) – Xbox One, PS4, & All Platforms! Discover the building blocks of matter, combine elements into useful compounds and Minecraft items, and conduct amazing experiments with new lessons and a downloadable world. Minecraft: Xbox one/Ps4 9 VILLAGE 4 BLACKSMITH SEED! World size: Classic Minecraft Prestonplayz. [PC 1.10] Tall birch forest [PC 1.13] Desert village stronghold [PC 1.13] woodland mansion next to spawn [PC 1.12] Woodland Mansion blocks away from spawn; Minecraft Seeds. That does it for the best PS4 Minecraft seeds! Neben dem Code findest Du dahinter auch noch eine kurze Beschreibung von der Welt.-1117816657125390683: Große Welt mit vielen Objekten. After spawning on this seed, head west to find a massive desert temple and desert village only a minute away. What also makes this seed interesting is the huge cliffs nearby that have massive entry ways that are ripe for mining. Biome scale: Large, If you are a fan of the desert biome, this one will spawn you in a snow area right bedside a desert village. We are off to a good start with the weirdness that is the VVVVVVVV seed on Minecraft Pocket Edition. World size: Classic There are also Pillager Outposts and an Ice Spikes biome. Sort by: Select. Hey I've got the co-ordinates screenshotted on my ps4 I'll compile them for you and post it! Cursed world seeds that generate real-world spirits, haunted worlds that can only be accessed in the dead of night, and creatures that promise harm and misfortune to players once the … By using the sand you could connect them all together to make one giant desert city, and it’s sure to make for a fresh new Minecarft start. So, if you are like me and want to visit the Grand Canyon without the bother of traveling, just use this seed. Of course, everyone wants their PS4 experience to be just a bit better, so the inclusion of seeds to customize your game world are always welcome. In this seed, around 100 blocks away from the spawn point you will find something that is quite a sight to behold: a massive stone pillar. 15. Biome scale: Small, From where you spawn, head towards the left to the snow biome and there you will find a cute little snowy village that also had a handy resource nearby. Minecraft: Xbox one/Ps4 9 VILLAGE 4 BLACKSMITH SEED! You spawn next to a snowy biome in this seed and there are cool things to see in every direction. I also noticed a perfectly shaped hole that looked like a crater. You won’t have a football called Wilson (unfortunately), but you will have two mammal friends to keep you company. Stronghold Village. In gargamel, however, you actually spawn in a cave with a very thin exit. 1.16.5; 1.16.4; 1.16.3; 1.16.2; 1.16.1; 1.16; 1.15.2; 1.15.1; 1.15; 1.14.4; 1.14.3; 1.14.2; 1.14.1; 1.14; 1.13.2; 1.13.1; 1.13; 1.12.2; 1.12; 1.11.2; 1.11; 1.10.2; 1.10; 1.9.4; 1.9; 1.8.9; 1.8; Rare and Unusual Seeds for Minecraft 1.16.1. Keep travelling or digging around and you'll see rabbits and polar bears, as well as plenty of resources. Starting a new Minecraft game can be a slow process as you gather everything you need to stay alive and allow you to head out into the world to explore. The strangest thing of all about this seed is that upon spawning, you must immediately go to the blacksmith of the center of the village. World size: Classic 1. If so, this is the perfect seed for you. A Whole New World Best Minecraft Bedrock Edition Seeds You Need to Try in 2021 In Minecraft, when starting a new world, you can choose a seed to spawn into a pre-determined world. World size: Classic By using the sand you could connect them all together to make one giant desert city, and it's sure to make for a fresh new Minecarft start. Tweet. Then, I saw a village in the forest. Literally only five feet to your right as soon as you spawn with this seed is a huge mansion with pumpkins scattered around the outside. It’s one of the oldest seeds for Minecraft PE that you’ll ever find but it also happens to be one of the most popular. Latest Seeds. Pumpkins are nothing to scoff at, as they are actually rarer than diamonds when it comes to how the game spawns them. Biome scale: Small, This map houses 10 distinct villages scattered around the entire world. With a bit more distance, there is more space to be creative in how you connect the village and mansion together. Just look at the picture!). The actual winter biome is huge, and you can find multiple villages nearby. Woodland Mansion with a Village 1208416085. Have fun! World size: Small This seed is a great place to start an adventure, as nearly every resource is right by your door. The best Minecraft seeds are the ones that create fantastic worlds that capture your imagination from the first moment you set foot in them. Biome scale: Small, As soon as you spawn head east you will see a tiny village right beside a towering mansion, meaning the distribution of wealth in this Minecraft seed is pretty skewed. There are tons of storage rooms with chests all ready to fill, and by poking around the house a bit you can discover items in certain chests including diamond tools, enchanted books, and lots more rare items. Follow. For Minecraft Xbox 360, Minecraft Xbox One and Minecraft Wii U. Seed: 88974602297265413. In this seed is an abandoned Mineshaft merged with Pillager Outpost, which is pretty awesome. I didn’t know what to make of Ireland. Is finding your way to The End too much bother? Your new game can begin with style as this seed is directly beside an absolutely massive mansion that’s three stories tall. World size: Classic If you are looking to experience a very strange geological formation, then this seed is one to check out. Our Minecraft Best Seeds post features a bunch of newly found seeds to some good areas to start your next Minecraft world. To the east, there’s a pillager outpost, and there are more villages, different biomes, and wolves to find close by if you explore away from the spawn point. Tweet. Well, not literally, literally, but it's at least the closest thing you are going to get to the MidWestern wonder in Minecraft. At the bottom of the seed, you have a naturally formed river surrounded by flat-top mountains, making this seed real case of being in the absolute middle of nowhere. Also, just by the spawn there are a few different biomes, and some good resources to find under the surface. Just a few feet away is a lava pit, that is sure to come in handy when you are planning to make some obsidian to get to the Nether. Here you will find a selection of interesting and rare seeds for Minecraft 1.16.1. This seed will provide you with hardcore sur 0. Let me know in the comments below! World size: Classic Click here for the best Minecraft seed collection with the latest seeds! 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