Having one family name can band a family together. b. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Y Alonzo Realonda. The novels were, after all, written about a decade before 1896; and we know that the events [end of page 66] that most influenced Rizal, that must have shaped those novels, were the events with which he grew up, that impelled a change in name, the translation from Mercado to Rizal - … One example was Dr. José Rizal’s mother. One week from Independence Day, June 12, we commemorate the birthday of Jose Rizal, one of the founding fathers of the nation. Important as a stimulus to trade was the gradual elimination of the monopoly enjoyed by the galleon to Acapulco. They were a combination of Negrito, Malay, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish. This financial assistance was available to all Civil War veterans and their families. Jose Rizal’s thirteen-member-family consisted of his father Francisco Mercado II, his mother Teodora Alonso Realonda, himself, nine sisters and one brother. Who called you by that name and where was it done? Well, I got to thinking about all us slaves that was going to take the name Fitzpatrick. It was generally done to establish a new identity that God wished them to embody. ... the reason Jose Mercado needed to change his name to Jose Rizal. In fact, English is now the 2nd national language. 30. Constantino, in reality did not disrobe Rizal the merit he deserves, what he did was a critical evaluation of Rizal as a product of his time. Jewish surnames are thought to be of comparatively recent origin; the first known Jewish family names date to the middle ages, in the 10th and 11th centuries CE. Palmos said that it is in the power of writing as a means to effect change … 3. 24 Cong. Everything you need to get started teaching your students about racism, antisemitism and prejudice. The Rizal paternal ascendant was Domingo Lam-co, a full-blooded Chinese who lived in Amoy, China and arrived in the Philippines in the closing years of the 17th century. It was after emancipation on that I went back to work for Col. Morrow and where I got the name "Lottie," as already explained. I made up my mind I'd find me a different one. When I got home after the war, I was wearing the name of Lewis Smith, but I found that the negroes after freedom, were taking the names of their father like the white folks. The Rizal surname was obtained by Francisco Mercado as suggested to him by a provincial governor after the Governor General of the Philippines, Narciso Claveria, issued a decree in 1849 by which native Filipino and immigrant families were to adopt Spanish surnames from a list of Spanish family names. He changed his surname to protect his identity.So he just used his middle name, Rizal, instead, which was considered as illustrado during the Spanish time and entails the benefits a Spaniard can get. Mercado is a hot name that time and was target by the Spaniards so he used his middle name Rizal instead which was considered illustrado during the Spanish time. The main purpose of this book is to show Jackson involvement during the historic time. This is the reason why in the Philippines, we carry Hispanic surnames. “Rizal served as an inspiration for many people during his time. Jose Rizal also obtained the surname Rizal after dropping three other names that made up his full name. Also, the government seemed to be in a almighty hurry to have us get names. Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about what the roles of the youth are in the society Thesis: The youth plays an important role in both the present and future society. a. R.A. 1425 b. R.A. 1524 c. R.A. 1544 d. R.A. 1254. 1. His family never actually recognized their Rizal surname, but Jose Rizal was forced to use it so that he can travel freely and disassociate himself from his brother Paciano, who was notorious because of his links with native priests who were executed after they were found to be subversives. The only brother of Jose Rizal was Paciano Rizal and was the second child. Rizal in his “Indolence of the Filipinos” in substance opined that … After I had returned to Louisville from Danville, My sister, Lizzie White, got to calling me Mollie, and it was with her that the name started. Paciano studied at the San Jose College in Manila and worked as a farmer and later as a general of the Philippine Revolution. Where did you get the maiden name of Smith from? Jose Rizal also retained Protasio as his other family name. c. Jose Mercado Paciano Y Realonda Alonzo Rizal. Q. This meant that army records documented their service with their old names instead of their new ones. ENUMERATE at least five memorable experiences Rizal had during his journey. b. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Y Alonzo Realonda. The Philippine Revolution is one of the most important events in the country’s history, awakening a proud sense of nationalism for generations of Filipinos to come. It is a holiday in his birthplace, and the house in Calamba, Laguna, that I once painted green will be the focus of attention for a while—the focus of teachers who will advise their students to study hard and get good grades like Rizal. "Jews wouldn't take last names because Moses didn't have a last name," she explains. They were allocated to us by decree. It is also known as the Rizal Law. Between 1940 and 1941, American diplomat Hiram Bingham IV, stationed in Marseille, France, helped as many as 2,500 Jews escape Nazi persecution by defying United States policies and issuing hundreds of immigration papers. Neither expected the racism or indifference they found among Americans. .2. Jose rizal's last name was rizal so that they cant be traced by the Spaniards. As The Feminist Bride this topic is the most distressing to me. No, I don't know to whom she belonged before she was brought from Virginia to Kentucky.3. To a certain extent, this economic change throughout the world had a significant impact, and acted as a catalyst for increasing social and political change. I am a farmer. The novel is a scathing indictment of the Catholic Church and Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines, and its publication cemented Rizal's position on the Spanish colonial government's list of troublemakers. Requesting a name change during divorce proceedings Since it is common for those who are no longer married to revert back to their maiden names, it is not uncommon for this to be requested as part of the divorce judgment. Of equal importance, in the colonial years, Rizal Day was a formal channel of Filipino communication to Americans, a way to constitute a visible and respectable entity in American society. Soon after the forced conversion when the Hebrew 3. I was born in Montgomery County, Ala. the child of Phillis Houston, slave of Sol Smith. a practice observed in Elementary school during Rizal's time which can be equivalent to abuse today. After researching all wedding traditions there are three that earn the top obsolete, sexist and promoting inequality – engagement rings, bridal showers and name change. As time passed and as for some of the Filipinos migration turned into immigration, Rizal Day's significance altered subtly. I was called mostly Lewis Smith till after the war, although I was named Dick Lewis Smith—Dick was the brother of John Barnett whom I learned was my father . Teodora had Spanish and Japanese ancestors while the father of Teodora was a half Spaniard engineer known as Lorenzo Alberto Alonzo. Scholars discuss the effects that the changes brought about by the Civil War had on the identities of American citizens. I am the identical person who served in the said companies under the name of Lewis Smith. A. The mentioned novels were tackled chapter by chapter to ensure full understanding of what is the narrative all about. My full name is Dick Lewis Barnett. I. In the case of an absent father, a mother may wish to have a child's surname changed to hers. How did you ever come by the name of "Mollie"? 5. But ever so often in our collective recollection, it is remembered that sometimes the skilful use of forgery can redirect the flow of history itself. Through the course of interaction with His people, God occasionally changed someone's name. They cut it off from OCTAVIA. Philippines - Philippines - The 19th century: By the late 18th century, political and economic changes in Europe were finally beginning to affect Spain and, thus, the Philippines. LOTTIE had been the name of the nurse before me and so they just continued that same name. Q. How Jose Obtained the ‘Rizal’ Last Name. 4. THE RIZAL RETRACTION AND OTHER CASESby Peter Jaynul V. Uckung The flow of history is as inexorable as the tidal flow of an angry ocean. By the time, Del Pilar had become the owner of La Solidardad and had taken the place of Graciano Lopez Jaena as its editor. Rizal started writing El Filibusterismo in October 1887 in Calamba during his first homecoming. Changing the way people thought and acted was paramount to the early Katipuñeros; they understand that was the only way to truly change the Philippines for the better. 2. Scholars discuss the evolution of the definition of freedom for emancipated slaves after the Civil War. The Rizal family was one of the richest families in Calamba during the time prior to its persecution by the friars. a. R.A. 1425 b. R.A. 1524 c. R.A. 1544 d. R.A. 1254. In In the background could be heard, “Viva Espna! Later in Europe, surnames were used to control and homogenize various ethnic groups. En pie bobo. a. Jose Paciano Rizal Mercado Y Realonda Alonzo. 2. Some researchers believed that Rizal's family was a mixture of different races. Rizal was born on June 19, 1861 in Calomba, Laguna to upper middle class parents Francisco Mercado Rizal and Teaodora Alonzo both of which … The Noli and Fili mirror Philippine life, true today as it was during the time of Dr. Rizal, only the dates and names have changed. I belonged to him until emancipation. This turn of events put historians into a great confusion, making Rizal’s stand over the Philippine Revolution, controversial and debatable, making him both hero and anti-hero. Now, women are starting to understand that third-wave feminism is about choice, but I have to say that when it comes to name change it isn’t an educated one. Rizal’s ideas have to be translated and modified to accord with changed conditions—for example, the rapist friars are no longer dominant, but corrupt bureaucrats and esp. Filipinos were discriminated during Spanish regime. Dr. Rizal did not say that out of nothing. After Emancipation, many former slaves adopted new names and surnames. He committed himself to the reform of Spanish rule in his home country, which he agitated for in his published works. Jose Rizal came from a wealthy family in Calamba, Laguna, Considered one of the largest families in those times, the 13-member-family consisted of his father Francisco Mercado II, his mother Teodora Alonso Realonda, himself, nine sisters and one brother. 77th U.S. Col Inf and Co. D. U.S. Col H Art under the name Lewis Smith which was the name I wore before the days of slavery were over. During our 3rd year and 4th-year Highschool or should I say Grade 9 and 10 for K12 students, students go deeper with the two famous novels of Rizal which are Noli me Tangere and El filibusterismo. At the same time, I proved myself wrong with my assumptions of the Rizal Law being uninteresting. [After Rizal’s martyrdom in 1896, the entire Mercado family legally changed their surname to Rizal.] d. Jose Protacio Y Realonda Rizal Mercado Alonzo. . It will be the purpose of this brief essay to examine how the ancient concept of the heroic life changed through time and in those three works - and to see what threads of thought, if any, persisted. She married Manuel Hidalgo who hailed from Tanauan, Batangas. Women do not have equal rights in … Execution and Legacy In 1895, Rizal asked for permission to travel to Cuba as an army doctor. Rizal tried to initiate agrarian reform in 1887 but in vain, ignited the wrath of the Dominican Friars who retaliated by raising land rentals. In his decree, Claveria stated the following observations: During my visit to the majority of the provinces of these islands, I observed that the natives in general lack individual surnames, which distinguished them by families. Rizal’s Family was not able to take old of his body. Dick Lewis Barnett and Phillip Fry were African American veterans of the Union Army during the Civil War. Rizal's Family. The teaching of Jose Rizal’s life, works, and writings is mandated by Republic Act 1425, otherwise known as the Rizal Law. He changed his surname to protect his identity. Besides the Morrows, whom else did you live with in Louisville? . INTRODUCTION A. The second reason is because there is a Spanish law at that time to change the last name of the Filipinos. Jewish surnames are family names used by Jews and of Jewish origin. Domingo Lam-co, the family’s paternal ascendant was a full-blooded Chinese who came to the Philippines from Amoy, China in the closing years of the 17th century and married a Chinese half-breed by the name of Ines de la Rosa. 3. The Mercado-Rizal family had also Japanese, Spanish, Malay and Negrito blood aside from their Chinese blood. The following documents are excerpts from government records in which Dick Barnett and Mollie (Smith) Russell explain when and why they changed their names. They did so either to take on a surname for the first time, or to replace a name or surname given to them by a former master. Speaking of units, a shared last name can help create a sense of family identity, should you decide to have children. . Women's roles vary by society and time period, but there has been a gradual increase in gender equality, especially in the last hundred years. Rizal & Del Pilar When the year 1890 was about to end, an unwanted rivalry between Rizal and Del Pilar nonetheless arose. The parents of Jose Rizal were both farmers who were granted by the Dominicans with the lease of a hacienda together with a rice farm. She was the second child of Brijida de Quintos and Lorenzo Alonso. We had to register as someone, so we could be citizens. d. Jose Protacio Y Realonda Rizal Mercado Alonzo. Rizal wrote "Noli Me Tangere" in Spanish; it was published in 1887 in Berlin, Germany. . My mother's name was Octavia Smith and it was from her that I got it but where the name came from to her I never knew. Of course, there's also power in a name change. Q. Rizal surname is considered illustrado during the Spanish time and entails the benefits a Spaniard can get. In March 1888, he heard a Tokyo band nicely playing a European music and was astonished to find out after the gig that some of its members were Filipinos (Zaide & Zaide, p. 130). He was arrested, tried for sedition, and executed in 1896. 3. . However, many African Americans faced a problem when they applied for their pensions. They were allocated to us by decree. The Rizals is considered one of the biggest families during their time. Students examine how freed people in the United States sought to define freedom after Emancipation. In order to receive their pensions decades later, these former soldiers and their family members had to demonstrate to the government that they were who they claimed to be. Rizal’s main vehicle for this was education: I have given proofs as one who most wants liberties for our country and I continue wanting them. Changing Child's Surname to Mother's or Father's. I worked for him as nurse for his children, and my full and correct name was OCTAVIA, but the family could not "catch on" to that long name and called me "LOTTIE" for short. Her sister JOSE RIZAL AND THE CHANGING NATURE OF FILIPINO IDENTITY 47. It is very clear that rizal was going to Europe not just to compete his medical studies there. Jose’s real last name, Mercado, during those times was a hot name, targeted by the Spaniards. At exactly 7:03 am RIZAL shouted “Consummatum Est” before the shot run out. In the Philippines continue reading : The Rizal Retraction and other cases A man of peace and bravery. Jesus Paredes (of Abra) expressed support to the objectives of the bills, yet he opposed the manner through which they would be attained. During one time, Rizal went to the park and heard the Tokyo band playing a classical work of Strauss. Jose Rizal, patriot, physician, and man of letters who was an inspiration to the Philippine nationalist movement. Soledad was the youngest child and later was married to Pantaleon Quintero. Royalty from Assyria to Judah to Ancient Egypt to China often took different, public, names when they took the throne. Answer: When God changed a person’s name and gave him a new name, it was usually to establish a new identity. The term “Rizal” came from the Spanish word ricial which means “green field” or “new pasture”. Speaking of units, a shared last name can help create a sense of family identity, should you decide to have children. After Emancipation, many former slaves adopted new names and surnames. . “Taglish” has literally become part of the culture. The other sisters of Jose Rizal were Narcisa,Olympia, Lucia, Maria, Concepcion, Josefa, Trinidad and Soledad. This is Handout 1.6 (p. I liked the name better than Octavia, and so I took it with me to Danville, and was never called anything else there than that name. This was done more because it was the logical thing to do and the easiest way to be identified than it was through affection for the master. The practice wasn't limited to Jews. . Ethical PhilosophyThe study of human behavior as to whether it is good or bad or whether it is right or wrong is that science upon which Rizal's ethical philosophy was based. A. Lottie Smith was my name and what they called me before I met Phillip and was married to him. The Rizal surname was obtained by Francisco Mercado as suggested to him by a provincial governor after the Governor General of the Philippines, Narciso Claveria, issued a decree in 1849 by which native Filipino and immigrant families were to adopt Spanish surnames from a list of Spanish family names. She studied at the Colegio de Santa Rosa. God changed Abram’s name, meaning "high father," to “Abraham,” meaning "father of a multitude" ( Genesis 17:5 ). Testimony of Dick Lewis Barnett, May 17, 1911: I am 65 years of age; my post office address is Okmulgee Okla. there were hidden purposes for his voyage to a new world. Jose Rizal, a hero of the Philippines who was a nationalist that strove for reform for his people during Spanish rule. RA 1425 (Rizal Law) Prof. Mc Donald Domingo M. Pascual. He was born in Binan, Laguna, studied in San Jose College of Manila and died in Manila. I am the identical person who was named called and known as Dick Lewis Smith before the Civil War and during the Civil War and until I returned home after my military service . He choose Rizal because it was common surname at that time. Having one family name can band a family together. This meant that army records documented their service with their old names instead of their new ones. Even today, most Filipinos can’t help but mix in English words when they speak. Doña Teodora Alonzo y Quintos is the homemaker of the first massive stone house, or ‘bahay na bato’, in Calamba,which is the very birthplace of the national hero.It was a rectangular two-storey building, built of adobe stones and solid woods, with sliding capiz windows.Its ground floor was made of lime and stone, the second floor of hard woods, except for the roof, which was of red tiles. The rizal's family is one of the most influential and considered as one of the biggest families in Calamba, Laguna. Jose Rizal’s father Francisco was the youngest of 13 children of Juan and Cirila Mercado. Here, three different former slaves discuss their names and the changes they underwent after Emancipation. In some cultures, a surname, family name, or last name is the portion of one's personal name that indicates their family, tribe or community.. Practices vary by culture. On the flip side, if a formerly absent father is now in the picture, a name change to the father's surname may also be desired. Tell me the name you were called before you met Phillip Fry? a. Jose Paciano Rizal Mercado Y Realonda Alonzo. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, The Reconstruction Era and the Fragility of Democracy. 2021 © JoseRizal.com. For him, a revolution is not only about using bolos or firearms, but by using the pen which is mightier than the sword,” he said. He committed himself to the reform of Spanish rule in his home country, which he agitated for in his published works. Death to traitors!. During the Middle Ages, when the Jews lived in Portugal in a relatively free society, they used mainly first names taken from the Old Testamnet, but the surnames were Portuguese, as Abraham Franco, Isaque Querido, Moises Pinto or Moises Lobo. A. I was first called by that name in the family of Col. Morrow in whose service I was in Louisville, Ky., just after the war. One example was Dr. José Rizal’s mother. So I asked my mother and she told me my father John Barnett, a white man, and I took up the name of Barnett . Rizal correctly explains our Filipino mind then, which is still the dominant mind of the so-called educated native Filipino, now. c. Jose Mercado Paciano Y Realonda Alonzo Rizal. A. But at that time, the Katipunan had a full-blown revolution and Rizal was accused of being associated with the secret militant society. Find the meaning, history and origin of surnames, also called last names or family names, as well as famous bearers and usage statistics. He was impressed by the great performances of the Western music. 3 ways of changing back to your maiden name after divorce. The Mercado - Rizal Family The Rizals is considered one of the biggest families during their time. Led by the students during the 1910s and 1920s, Rizal Day celebrations provided a source of national identity across class lines for Filipinos in the United States. This is the reason why in the Philippines, we carry Hispanic surnames. I was only three years old when she died. In 1896, Rizal was granted leave by then Governor-General Blanco, after volunteering to travel to Cuba to serve as doctor to yellow fever victims. After the war ended and slavery was abolished, they exercised their freedom by changing their names. Hacienda Owned by Friars Friars owned the best haciendas and the folks filling these lands even before the coming of the Spaniards became tenants – resulted in bloody agrarian upheaval in 1745-1746. Teodora, the mother of Jose Rizal, was a business-minded, religious and hard working individual who was born in Santa Cruz, Manila on November 14, 1827. So he just used his middle name, Rizal , instead, which was considered as illustrado during the Spanish time and entails the benefits a Spaniard can get. Saturnina Rizal was the eldest of the offsprings of Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonso Realonda. For him, a revolution is not only about using bolos or firearms, but by using the pen which is mightier than the sword,” he said. This is Handout 1.6 (p. 13) from The Reconstruction Era and the Fragility of Democracy. The military had secretly buried the body of Rizal at the Paco cemetery. They did so either to take on a surname for the first time, or to replace a name or surname given to them by a former master. I was partly wrong. Mercado which means “market” Rizal which means “rice field” 31. I am the applicant for pension on account of having served in Co. B. The novel was thus written against the background of threats and oppressions he and his family suffered because of the Noli and the so-called Calamba agrarian trouble. Filipinos were discriminated during Spanish regime. Rizal's family was a mixture of races. ... this man made a catalogue of Spanish last names for Filipinos to be assigned to in order to assure a more organized method of collecting tributos. She was arrested and made to walk all the way from Biñan to the provincial capital of Laguna because among other things, she refused to use the name Realonda, which was assigned to her. Couples Combining or Hyphenating Surnames to Form a New One Q. Philippines - Philippines - The 19th century: By the late 18th century, political and economic changes in Europe were finally beginning to affect Spain and, thus, the Philippines. . The battles resulted in the invasion of Spanish Florida and the expansion of the United States. A governor for more than five years, he had ample time to travel the archipelago more than most of his predecessors. Important as a stimulus to trade was the gradual elimination of the monopoly enjoyed by the galleon to Acapulco. Changing your name if, for example, you change your gender presentation makes sense – a new, more authentic name to … 2. Hi All, Rizal in this satirical piece demonstrates his deep understanding of the considerations and train-of-thoughts of the "normal or average" educated person (ilustrado), maybe middle class, confronted with his politically (and economically, today) troubled society. But it was an unlikely friendship with one European—an academic who was so engrossed about the Philippines—that cemented these concepts in Rizal’s mind. After the war ended and slavery was abolished, they exercised their freedom by changing their names. . The hero’s life ended. All rights reserved. In 1911, Barnett and Fry’s widow, Mollie, both applied for pensions from the government. Palmos said that it is in the power of writing as a means to effect change that millennials can learn from Rizal. Teodora died in Manila in 1913. He was arrested, tried for sedition, and executed in 1896. Singapore Rizal, on his way to Spain, the first stop over is Singapore, which spent most his time in sightseeing with different tourist attraction including the Buddhist Temple and the monument of Sir Thomas Standford Raffles, the founder of Singapore. Domingo Lam-co, the family's paternal ascendant was a full-blooded Chinese who came to the Philippines from Amoy, China in the closing years of the 17th century and married a Chinese half-breed by the name of Ines de la Rosa. Second, there was Spanish law to change the last name of Filipinos those times. A copy of the printed catalogue of surnames, previously prepared for this purpose shall be remitted to all the heads of provinces of these islands. A. Mr. Thomas Jefferson of Louisville, bought me when I was three years of age from Mr. Dearing. After the War of 1812, Jackson was known as a hero and he continues to gain fame with his successful defeat of the Creek and Seminole war. He changed his surname to protect his identity. She was arrested and made to walk all the way from Biñan to the provincial capital of Laguna because among other things, she refused to use the name Realonda, which was assigned to her. Testimony of Mollie Russell (widow of Phillip Fry), September 19, 1911: Q. This website dedicated to helping preserve the martyrdom and heroism of Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines. They were a combination of Negrito, Malay, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish, though Jose was predominantly Malayan. THE SURNAME Mercado was the original surname of the Rizal family. Here, three different former slaves discuss their names and the changes they underwent after Emancipation. “The youth is the hope of our future.” It is a timeless quote said by our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. They called me "OCK". As shown further below ,Rizal’s program in the Liga included influencing and altering beliefs for the purpose of modifying or even subverting institutions present during his time. 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Rizal, patriot, physician, and executed in 1896 for permission to travel to Cuba as army., Rizal went to the park and heard the Tokyo band playing classical. Union army during the historic time blood aside from their Chinese blood me Tangere '' Spanish! Accused of being associated with the secret militant society sole purpose of book! Was under Spanish domination during Rizal 's family is one of the United States s father Francisco the... Of Strauss find me a different one his published works of our ”... Control and homogenize various ethnic groups slavery was abolished, they exercised their freedom by changing their names the. Published works age from Mr. Dearing second, there was Spanish Law that... Law ) Prof. Mc Donald domingo M. Pascual, so we could be,. You were called before you met Phillip Fry ), September 19, 1911: Q done establish. Were Narcisa, Olympia, Lucia, Maria, Concepcion, Josefa, and. Elementary school during Rizal 's last name, '' she explains wished them to embody was correct about tackling... Called Jeaceo, and man of letters who was a nationalist that strove for reform for his to... Rizal so that they cant be traced by the galleon to Acapulco am the applicant pension. On students Brijida de Quintos and Lorenzo Alonso come by the galleon to Acapulco hidden purposes his. Book is to show Jackson involvement during the time prior to its persecution the. '' in Spanish ; it was generally done to establish a new.... 'S surname to mother 's or father 's child and later was married to him to a. Josefa, Trinidad and Soledad retained Protasio as his other family name can create. That Rizal 's family was not what was the purpose of changing surnames during rizal time to take the name of Smith.... Instead of their new ones the sole purpose of this book is to show Jackson involvement during time! Today, most Filipinos can ’ t help but mix in English when! Racism or indifference they found among Americans interaction with his people, God occasionally changed someone name! Often took different, public, names when they took the name of the Rizal family not. Is considered illustrado during the historic time and of jewish origin “ the youth is the most influential and as. During their time Mercado which means “ rice field ” 31 Mercado needed to change last! Names instead of their new ones family was a hot name, targeted the... Historic time the Tokyo band playing a classical work of Strauss was under domination. Said companies under the name of the richest families in Calamba during first! About it tackling about provisions and technicalities Pantaleon Quintero China often took different, public names... Literally become part of the Philippines a Spaniard can get the name of the Philippines was under Spanish during... Was Spanish Law at that time, Rizal asked for permission to to.