Regents Exam Questions G.CO.C.11: Special Quadrilaterals 1a Name: _____ 2 7 In the diagram below, MATH is a rhombus with diagonals AH and MT. Get your answers by asking now. In the diagram below, quadrilateral STAR is a rhombus with diagonals SA and TR intersecting at E. TE=5z+5. Solution for Quadrilateral ABCD has diagonal AC represented by y = 2x + 5 and BD represented by y x= −1/2x − 4. AB=BCD… Get the answers you need, now! 11. 4 Insert diagram The diagram shows a kite ABCD with AB AD and CB CD The point A from MATH CAM 11 at University of Mauritius Clara writes the following proof for the theorem: If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram: Clara's proof 1. Look at the quadrilateral shown below: A quadrilateral ABCD is shown with diagonals AC and BD intersecting in point O. In the diagram below of quadrilateral ABCD with diagonal BD , m