The 666th Elite Legion, nicknamed the Devil's Fist and Devil's Legion, was a clone unit in the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. ", "MR.KEELY NOT YET READY. Proud, ruthless and slightly unstable mentally, Makara is nonetheless devoted to the service of the Imperial Master. Star Wars is a science fiction/fantasy franchise made by George Lucas, starting in 1977 and running to this day. Keely rammed a small lead ball about 5 oz (140 g) in weight into the gun's muzzle, then tapped the iron "receiver" with a hammer. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 03 Episode 03 Supply Lines [1080p] [41] His will was admitted to probate on December 1, and bequeathed his entire estate of about $10,000 to his widow, Anna M. Keely, who was appointed his executor. However, in 2 BBY, the former was executed by the latter for treason, and subsequently replaced by CC-3389. A reporter asked if he could see the globe's contents, but Keely declined, saying that it would take too long, and that he wished to show results rather than the mechanism. Clone Commander Bly. When a seemingly disoriented Tup suddenly shot Tiplar in the back, the momentum of the attack was lost and Anakin Skywalker ordered Doom and his men to retreat. ; TO BE READY FOR OPERATION THE FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER. Among those invited were Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, both of whom declined the opportunity for various reasons. [ syll. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Kee-li. The unit was initially led by Senior clone commander CC-2937 and admiral Norven Loyaler. Series. "I'm not finished yet, sir. They helped the women and children escape the clutch of the Separatists, but were all killed. In 22 BBY, Keeli's company was sent to the planet Ryloth to help liberate the people there. ; THE ORDER COMMITTING HIM REVERSED BY THE SUPREME COURT.". ; New Etheric Engine and Its Powers Displayed in Philadelphia to Representative Railroad Men. ", "KEELY'S MOTOR IN BOSTON. Keeli is the 9,757 th most popular name of all time. A clone commander, Doom served alongside the twin Jedi Masters Tiplar and Tiplee. [36] It was reported the following week that Astor had purchased a large interest in the motor from "a person who for some years past has been an enthusiastic advocate of M. The gun was described as a small gun with a 1.25 in (32 mm) bore, resting on wheels, with an iron "receiver" 4.5 ft (1.4 m) long containing Keely's mysterious force connected to it by "an iron wire tube" 3/16" (5 mm) in diameter. This secret, he said, was "of a nature to encourage the stockholders and to induce them to leave everything in Kinraide's hands for one year". The Gauntlet of Death. [19] When the promised stockholders' meeting was held on February 1, 1884, another postponement was announced at Keely's request. $28.99. Boekel said that it would be improper to describe the mechanism used, and added that Keely had discovered all that he had claimed. ... Clone Commander Gree. The force was then used to lift some weights, and Keely claimed that he had about 22,000 psi of pressure at his disposal. After some adjustments a pressure gauge indicated pressures of 10,000 psi which Keely said was evidence that the water had been disintegrated and a mysterious vapor had been liberated in the generator, capable of powering machinery. ; Philadelphia Woman, Interested in the Keely Motor, Dies in London -- An Eventful Life.". Clone trooper 1 Doom led a flanking maneuver during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, supported by clone troopers including Fives and Tup. ; Maker of the Famous "Motor" Expires Suddenly at His Home in Philadelphia. Keely replied that he had one run for 40 days, whereupon the reporter suggested he simply run it for half an hour, just making the globe rotate. Keeli was a clone trooper captain45 in the Grand Army of the Republic under Jedi General Ima-Gun Di.4 He was born on Kamino as all other clone troopers were.1 1 History 2 Armor and Equipment 3 Gallery 4 Appearances 5 Sources 6 References 7 External Links Keeli was stationed on Ryloth during the Battle of Ryloth. Keeli wurde wie jeder Klonkrieger vor Beginn der Klonkriege auf dem Planeten Kamino geboren und dort als Soldat ausgebildet. Keeli Janelle Brendle The death of Ms. Keeli Janelle Brendle, age 31 occurred in Buckhead. Dec 25, 2020 - Explore Traropa Customs's board "Clone troopers", followed by 556 people on Pinterest. ; WHY THE COURT HESITATES TO COMMIT HIM. "VIBRATORY SYMPATHY" HIS PLEA NOW FOR EXTRACTING MONEY FROM CONFIDING STOCKHOLDERS. ; ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MOTOR COMPANY --REPORTS OF KEELY AND BOEKEL. ", "THE MOTOR GETS INTO COURT. There are various commander and captain clone troopers in The Clone Wars that use extra upgrade parts on their armor. When droids began to attack Keeli's forces, the troopers opened fire, destroying many droids in the process. Keeli was killed by two shots to the chest. [32], On March 28, 1889 Keely's counsel announced that the inventor had the "missing link" which was needed to make the "vibratory resonator and ethereal generative evaporator" a success. - Keeli's final words before his death. More shots were fired and their velocity measured; one attained 482 ft/s (147 m/s), another 492 ft/s (150 m/s), and yet another 523 ft/s (159 m/s). Als schließlich die Klonkriege im Jahr 22 … While he could not give a timescale for when the graduation of the engine would be completed, Keely said that it would not be a protracted period, and that when it was finished, one or more engines would at once be ordered. ", "KEELY MOTOR ABANDONED. The "generator" was reported as being about 3 ft (0.91 m), made of Austrian gunmetal in one piece, and holding about 10 or 12 gallons of water. [38] Lascelles Scott was allowed to examine whatever he wanted and had complete instructions on its use from Keely. He could faintly see General Di in front of him charging at the droids. Captain Keeli served under Jedi General Ima-Gun Di, and was dispatched to Ryloth to aid Cham Syndulla and the resistance. Some snowtroopers were deployed under Death Squadron's Blizzard Force, as w... Special Operations Stormtroopers. He said that the apparatus by which it was generated was called a "generator" or "multiplicator", from where it was then passed into a "receiver" and from there to the cylinders of a steam engine. All were reported as being surprised at the force produced by Keely's new motor, but declined to express any opinion as to its value. ; A SUIT WHICH MAY FORCE KEELY TO SHOW HIS HAND. [29] Finally, on November 17, 1888, Keely was jailed in Moyamensing Prison for contempt of court for refusing the court order to "operate and explain the mode of operation" of the Keely Motor. He was part of the Heliost Clan under Tera Sinube, and during his clan's Initiate Trials around 68 BBY[source?] Services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, July 21, … They fought alongside the Freedom Fighters led by Cham Syndulla and fought against the Separatists. They used AT-TE Walkers as cover fire. ", "KEELY'S VAPORIC FORCE. There is a certain magnetic effect about it that causes it to adhere by vibratory rotation to different forms of matter - that is the molecular, atomic, etheric, and ether-etheric. The name Keeli is of English origin. A skeptical reporter, who believed that it was in fact operating on compressed air, asked how long the engine could work. Keely duly set the globe rotating, and it ran for less than 15 minutes, constantly decreasing in power, before he stopped it. [6], Her family did not approve of her assuming obligations which they believed the company should fulfill under its contract with Keely. The statement denied all assertions that Keely was an imposter, and declared that there was no trickery in any of the results that Keely had claimed to have obtained.[47]. Public interest was aroused and within a few months the Keely Motor Company was formed in New York, with a capital of $5,000,000,[1] equivalent to $95 million in 2013.[2]. John J. Smith, one of the Company's Directors, was appointed to confer with Hill, and later reported that the secret told to him by Hill "offered great encouragement to the stockholders" but did not divulge any further details. Since Lascelles Scott and Alexander Scott disagreed, they were brought together to witness more demonstrations by Keely. [45], On January 19, 1899, The Philadelphia Press published an illustrated article detailing an investigation made by the newspaper of Keely's workshop, in which the Press contended that the investigation had clearly proven Keely's motor to have been "a delusion and deception" and that its alleged mysterious forces were the result of trickery. The energy of this ether is boundless and can hardly be comprehended. ZALINSKI'S VISIT TO THE PHILADELPHIA CONJURER UNSATISFACTORY--WHAT COMPRESSED AIR WILL DO. They recommended that some intelligent and trustworthy person be taken into Keely's confidence "so that in the case of accident they would not be totally without a clue to the invention". A clone trooper captain in the Confederation of Free Planets was named in his honor, Captain Keeli. ", "KEELY, THE INVENTOR, DEAD. HK-47 - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) 6. Commander Gree this is phase 1 Commander Gree Captain Keeli Keeli is a clone captain that fought on Ryloth during the clone wars. ", "KEELY BEARDED IN HIS DEN; TOO MUCH NECROMANCY AND TOO LITTLE SCIENCE. "RID OF KEELY AT LAST. ; THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE MOTOR COMPANY WANT TO KNOW SOMETHING. Darth Bane - Unknown death (Canonized in The Clone Wars) 2. ", "KEELY OUT ON BAIL. Before becoming an inventor, he worked as a member of a theatrical orchestra, a painter, a carpenter, a carnival barker, and as a mechanic. Star Wars The Legacy Collection Clone Commander Deviss BD37 33/4 Inch Scale Action Figure. ; EXPERIMENTS WITH A MYSTERIOUS GUN AT SANDY HOOK. [20] A board meeting which took place on March 25, 1884 reported that the vibratory engine was finished, that "the work of adjusting and focalizing is progressing rapidly", and that Keely had set the date for the demonstration of the motor to take place on or before April 10. He secured substantial investments from many people, among whom was John Jacob Astor IV. Keely also claimed to have achieved pressures of 50,000 psi, and that he had broken all his pressure gauges. [11], On May 24 Keely filed his answer to the stockholders' equity suit. The agreement was that Wilson was to find tools and materials and pay the expenses of inventions made by Keely, Keely agreeing that all inventions so made, and patents obtained, should be equally owned by him and Wilson. Keeli's company was a company led by Captain Keeli and Jedi Ima-Gun Di. Edey, that with the same apparatus he could perform the same experiments with compressed air, and go even further than Keely had gone. 1 History 2 Notable Members 3 Appearances 4 Sources 5 Timeline In 22 BBY, Keeli's company was sent to the planet Ryloth to help liberate the people there. The will made no reference to his motor.[42]. Despite numerous requests from the stockholders of the Keely Motor Company, which had been established to produce a practicable motor based on his work, he consistently refused to reveal to them the principles on which his motor operated, and also repeatedly refused demands to produce a marketable product by claiming that he needed to perform more experiments. [35], After an absence of several years in England, Mrs Moore returned to the US to deal with litigation concerning her late husband's estate. The specific gravity of the ether is about four times lighter than that of hydrogen gas, the lightest gas so far discovered. Even though the Galactic Rep… All villains will be listed in bold. [4], Keely assembled an apparatus on top of which was screwed a globe with several apertures to which tubes were fixed, leading to cylinders. Mrs Moore said that at least 30 patents would be required, which would take much time and money which would be better used in developing Keely's system. Clone Captain Keeli spends his last moments standing with Ima-Gun Di. Clone Commander Bly. On December 24, 1895 Mrs Bloomfield Moore said that due to the position taken by the managers of the old Keely Motor Company at the annual meeting, and the delay on the part of the stockholders in accepting his proposition for a reorganization, Keely had decided not to take out any patents on his inventions, and would instead adopt a royalty system in dealing with his inventions commercially. Keeli R Juell, Keeli R Walker, Keeli Rene Juell and Keeli Rene Kennedy are some of the alias or nicknames that Keeli … [citation needed], Keely again informed the directors of his company in early November 1895 that "before the end of the year" he would "positively be all through with his work to prove conclusively that" he has devised "a practical commercial working engine" operated by his new force. He admitted the truth of the complainants' bill regarding the contract, and added that although, due to "certain abstruse difficulties by reason of the nature and qualities of the said force", he had so far failed to bring his inventions into practical use, he believed he would ultimately succeed. Darth Nihilus - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) 3. It was reported on March 22, 1896 that Mrs Bloomfield Moore had arranged with Professor Wentworth Lascelles Scott of London to investigate Keely's claims of etheric force and also to examine his other inventions. Series. Naval officer. Keeli and Di were quickly made the last ones standing, even though Keeli was immediately shot dead. Soon after, Di was overrun and killed, but their efforts were not to be in vain for the Twi'leks escaped and got their food and medical supplies. Charles S. Hill, his widow's attorney, stated that Keely's secret did not exist in manuscript form, but that Keely had suggested before his death that an inventor, Thomas Burton Kinraide of Boston, was the one man who could successfully carry on his work. All main/important characters will be listed in italic. Both he and Di were killed in action, allowing the … Kamino is protected thanks to his actions. Darth Traya - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) 5. He gazed around, his vision blurred. Among these was a levitation experiment where heavy weights in sealed flasks of water were made to rise and fall in response to differently pitched sounds from a zither, to activate a "globe liberator" which then transmitted "the aetheric force" through a wire to the water container. "Matchstick" - Killed when his ship exploded. The four experts were named as Dr. Charles M. Cresson, Analytical Chemist of City and State Boards of Health; Thomas Shaw, mechanical engineer; William D. Marks, civil engineer and Professor of Dynamical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania; and Jacob Naylor, iron founder and President of the Eighth National Bank. [21], On September 20, 1884 Keely demonstrated a "vaporic gun" at Sandy Hook to a party of Government officials. Clone sniper Cooker targets power cells of droids. [13], The annual meeting of the Company's stockholders on December 13, 1882 heard a report from Boekel in which he stated that what Keely claimed to have discovered was "the fact that water in its natural state is capable of being, by vibratory motion, disintegrated so that its molecular structure is broken up, and there is evolved therefrom a permanent expansive gas or ether, which result is produced by mechanical action". Keeli knew that the Jedi was strange the moment the small being left the applicant’s cushion for the table, only to stop and stare at Keeli’s hair. ... A New Hope Death Star Gunner 3.75"-Scale Action Figure – Collectible ... An ARF Trooper in Captain Keeli's unit scouts the enemy's position on an All Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT) Walker! The demonstration with the rising and falling weights was powered by compressed air via a thin tube which Keely had assured Burk and Scott was a solid wire and which was a common feature in nearly every piece of apparatus in Keely's laboratory. On November 10, 1874 Keely gave a demonstration of an "etheric generator" to a small group of people in Philadelphia. Keeli calls Reno, NV, home. Yoda cuts off the clone’s head. Created by Gonzo. THE INVENTOR SATISFIED WITH HIS SANDY HOOK EXPERIMENTS--ANOTHER PUBLIC TEST PROMISED SOON. Legacy. The will made no reference to his motor. In 1981, in the year that Keeli M. (Pointer) Garza was born, on August 1st, MTV debuted. Commander Keeli and his company fought alongside Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di during the siege of Ryloth. Clone sniper Cooker targets power cells of droids. [1], Scott made several visits to Keely's workshop, beginning on November 9, 1895, and was shown many demonstrations. Keely claimed that the "etheric force" by which these results were obtained would be utilized as fully as possible in the 25,000 hp engine on which he was then working. They used AT-TE Walkers as cover fire. After some trouble they were able to destroy Poggle the Lesser’s main droid foundries. Shaking his head to clear the blurriness, Keeli quickly grabbed his DC-17s, which had miraculously survived the now determined explosion, and rose to one knee. Mrs Moore became acquainted with Keely through her interest in scientific subjects, and remained his friend and patron until his death. [25], The stockholders of the Keely Motor Company met on December 14, 1887, and expressed their confidence in Keely's ultimate success. Secura’s loyal trooper. The 666th Elite Legion, nicknamed the Devil's Fist and Devil's Legion, was a clone unit in the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire.