Not only are we pleased with its operational capabilities, we are very pleased with the quality of response and support from the entire SenEarthCo team.”, “When I purchased my management business five years ago, I began my search for software that would allow me to stay one step ahead of my competition while offering valuable information to our homeowners at a click of a button. Property information, management, and accounting services are online and available in real time. If the property you requested is one of our clients, the property name and street address will be displayed. Custom-designed to match industry requirements, SenEarthCo dramatically improves efficiency, speed, and communication. Costs start at $250.00/month. "This is the best property management software out there, it's user friendly and visually attractive. You save resources, paper, time and money. Residential property managers, property managers with mixed portfolios, and managers of community & homeowners associations. From maintenance request to being able to contact the entire buildings tenant is really easy and leaves a good record." Offer homeowners the option to pay assessments online. SenEarthCo is the only integrated Online Community Association Management System that automates your business, freeing employees to accomplish other important tasks. SenEarthCo has it! SenEarthCo, New Brighton, Minnesota. If you have any questions about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate a comprehensive and interactive web site to enhance the communication from the board to the membership as well as the ability of the board to monitor the management functions we perform.”. © All Rights Reserved. Below is an ever-growing list of the business partners that we integrate with: it is a constantly growing list. The team at SenEarthCo were for the most part … SenEarthCo (pronounced “sen ûrth’ ko”) means Sensible Earth Communities. C3 is association management software, and includes features such as committee management, financial management, member communities, member directory, membership management, and website management. Type in the first four letters of a property, then select from the generated list below. The team at SenEarthCo were for the most part … This experience offers not only a person to consult with but a team to grow with.”, — Onie Bolduc President, BOLD Real Estate Solutions. SenEarthCo brings you an online Florida property management system to help your community manage finances, track maintenance records, provide convenient vendor resource listings and communicate efficiently. Property information, management, and accounting services are online and available in real time. "The system for communicating with tenants once they are in his real great. SenEarthCo was developed to make the manager’s job easier and the management company more profitable; all while saving resources and therefore money, for the company and their clients. “My association information is available online to me 24/7″, “Submitting a maintenance request is easy, and I am always in the loop with email updates”, “Finding association information is fast when I use the document word search function”, “Our company has over 120 associations totaling over 20,000 units. The team at SenEarthCo knows the business, as they, too, are involved with property management every day. SenEarthCo is cloud-based Condo/HOA Management Software. Give board members and homeowners access to information 24/7. Sensible — Our method of management is practical and reasonably priced and takes into account environmental factors involved in making important property decisions. SenEarthCo® is built to dramatically improve the day-to-day operation of your management company or large association. Some alternative products to SenEarthCo … The reports and ease of use is great." Management made easy through an integrated management system that connects seamlessly to your accounting software. Privacy Policy. SenEarthCo® is the only online property management software that addresses all of the daily functions of your business and homeowner communication. In 2014, Tidewater Property Management launched SenEarthCo, a solution designed to simplify financial services, administrative tasks, and maintenance associated with running an HOA. Save associations money and your company storage space by using emails as often as possible. From maintenance request to being able to contact the entire buildings tenant is really easy and leaves a good record." SenEarthCo is cloud-based Condo/HOA Management Software. Going paperless saves resources, as well as money. About SenEarthCo SenEarth is a web-based association management software that enables the community managers, homeowners, and board members to communicate efficiently and quickly. — Douglas E. Wilson President, Advanced Management, Inc. “Following a three-year software search and evaluation process, we are pleased to have decided upon SenEarthCo. Comments: We are a Homeowner Property Management Company and partnering with SenEarthCo as a third of our circle with a banking and bookkeeping solution allows our Owners to manage their units whenever they want to do business not just 9:00-5:00, Monday - Friday. SenEarthCo® is built to dramatically improve the day-to-day operation of your management company or large association. SenEarthCo reduces the number of phone calls and the amount of paperwork required to provide property information and related services. Saving time, offering greater conveniences for resident/members and adding greater value to the entire model also makes the SenEarthCo system a truly sensible business practice for the multi-housing market in the 21st century. "The system for communicating with tenants once they are in his real great. "Check Scanning also wasn't the greatest system. I hated the implementation of the PO system and the lack of ease of use (and lack of training) when the upgrade occurred." SenEarthCo® is online property management software that addresses all of the daily functions of your business and homeowner communication. SenEarthCo is an internet-based association management system. The go-to location for quick information on a specific home; set yourself apart with outstanding customer service capabilities! There are many more features to simplify your workday. Provide your communities with an online presence that makes a difference. Our industry has to keep current with the expectations of our homeowners and SenEarthCo does just that! Homeowners are able to access information and documents online, 24 hours a day. It enables homeowners, property managers, board members, and service providers to communicate quickly and efficiently. No other Community Association Management Software does so much, with so many features, at so low a cost. Knoxville, TN 37922 USA. Read our product descriptions to find pricing and features info. It enables homeowners, property managers, board members, and service providers to communicate quickly and efficiently. We can assist with directing you to the ones that best fit your business needs and because we are in the business, we have a clear understanding of what works and what doesn’t. Permit them to look up policies, find and print documents, and order services—right online. Property information, management, and accounting services are online and available in real time. 4.2 / 5 We strive to deliver a level of service that exceeds the expectations of our customers. Property information, accounting, and management services are available in real time scenario. You save resources, paper, time and money. Created by Association Managers for Association Managers. ©2021 SenEarthCo ® Property Management System. Find out more about the software features, usability, functionality, customer support, and value for money. Ideal number of Users: 1 - 1000+ 1 - 1000+ Rating: 4.5 / 5 (1452) Read All Reviews: 4.6 / 5 (14) Read All Reviews: Ease of Use Comments: We are a Homeowner Property Management Company and partnering with SenEarthCo as a third of our circle with a banking and bookkeeping solution allows our Owners to manage their units whenever they want to do business not just 9:00-5:00, Monday - Friday. You can read monthly financials, create and track maintenance requests, and access community information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any questions about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us. No other Community Association Management Software does so much, with so many features, at so low a cost. It enables homeowners, property managers, board members, and service providers to communicate quickly and efficiently. Communities — How we live and with whom we live. Consider the benefits of SenEarthCo that make it the best HOA management software available to community associations in Maryland, DC, and Virginia. All association management companies servicing HOA's, townhomes and … Save. 1,341 likes. Explore alternatives to SenEarthCo that are most similar in terms of key features and benefits. Learn more about SenEarthCo from our verified reviews. Keep them informed and up-to-date via online alerts, newsletters, minutes, and financial documents. Provide access to information and functions for internal staff and homeowners. We have friendly, knowledgeable representatives available to assist you. Some competitor software products to C3 include AppFolio Property Manager, TOPS Professional, and TheHouseMonk. © All Rights Reserved. Property information, management, and accounting services are online and available in real time. SenEarthCo includes online support, and business hours support. SenEarthCo® smoothly integrates with your existing accounting software. We do not provide accounting services but have some very strong partnerships with almost all of the major and minor accounting packages. Review the following SenEarthCo alternatives to see if there are any SenEarthCo competitors that you should also consider in your software research. SenEarthCo is HOA software, and includes features such as calendar management, committee management, document management, member communities, member directory, online payment processing, property database, website management, and work order management. 2035 Lakeside Centre Way, Suite 150 Go To Another Property Home Page Get information on other Heritage Property Management-managed properties. Provide access to information and functions for internal staff and homeowners. Through our conduit we’ll connect to your accounting software, resale doc portal, bank and much more! SenEarthCo® is proud of our position on embracing all business partners to the advantage of our mutual clients. SenEarthCo® is online property management software that addresses all of the daily functions of your business and homeowner communication. Communicate electronically and efficiently with maintenance and construction vendors while never losing data or control! The SenEarthCo Homeowner Concierge Services and Board Member Preferred Vendors provide a key to maintaining the value of your property. "We have been using Yardi to run our property management company and it is great. C3 offers 24/7 live support. SenEarthCo Reviews - … The Association, with the assistance of a highly regarded association management company, manages common property and landscaping, insurance, architectural review and a community television contract that includes two community channels and bulk cable services. Privacy Policy. Knoxville, TN 37922 USA. "Homeowner Association Owners Communication and access to information." SenEarthCo property management software, an online system offering web‐based features that simplify financial services, administrative tasks and maintenance. SenEarthCo is cloud-based Condo/HOA Management Software. Get started—it's simple and there's no re … To locate a property, enter the exact information request below and click the "Search" button. 2035 Lakeside Centre Way, Suite 150 Automation makes you look good and saves money. Provide your communities with an online presence that makes a difference. SenEarthCo, New Brighton, Minnesota. "This is the best property management software out there, it's user friendly and visually attractive. Cutting operation expenses of your association is just one benefit of using the SenEarthCo website. All association management companies servicing HOA's, townhomes and condominiums. Rules and Regs, CC&Rs, documents and contracts can all be online in a role protected format. Property information, management, and accounting services are online and available in real time. Earth — The place that we live and the planet that sustains us. Windows users: As of Jan. 12, 2016 Microsoft and SenEarthCo only supports the current version of IE for a supported operating system; example: IE11 on Windows 7 SP1 (EOS* January 14, 2020) & Windows 8.1 Update, and Edge on Windows 10. SenEarthCo is Sensible Earth Communities. In addition to assuring greater efficiency and less frustration for you, SenEarthCo® improves relationships with homeowners. With regards to system requirements, SenEarthCo is available as SaaS software. SenEarthCo® is online property management software that addresses all of the daily functions of your business and homeowner communication. Companies that manage homeowner and condo associations. "Homeowner Association Owners Communication and access to information." SenEarthCo® is the only online property management software that addresses all of the daily functions of your business and homeowner communication. AMI utilizes SenEarthCo, the most powerful web-based system available; designed by property managers for associations like yours. As a Property Manager focused Online Property Management system, SenEarthCo offers unique features to common interest community managers. Property management has never been easier or more accessible, whether you are a board member, a homeowner, or an association manager. Across the country the new homeowners moving into our communities are younger people who have grown-up with computers and expect services to be provided online. Not only did SenEarthCo offer this conduit but also included software to make our managers more efficient—thereby making the business more money. The team at SenEarthCo were for the most part … We strive to deliver a level of service that exceeds the expectations of our customers. In business for over 30 years, Cities Management knows the ins and outs of association management, and the daily tasks that we, as managers, need to perform. Our system gives managers an efficient methodology for managing associations, communicating with Boards and homeowners and sharing data with internal staff and vendors. You’ll have fewer phone calls, less busy work, and more satisfied clients. SenEarthCo® is the only online property management software that addresses all of the daily functions of your business and homeowner communication. 1.3K likes. SenEarthCo is an internet-based association management system that enables homeowners, community managers, board members, and service providers to communicate quickly and efficiently. It enables homeowners, property managers, board members, and service providers to communicate quickly and efficiently. Want a more robust website to promote your community to members and outside parties? Type in the first four letters of a property, then select from the generated list below. It was created by Cities Management, Inc in Minneapolis, Minnesota; one of the largest management firms in the Midwest. SenEarthCo® smoothly integrates with your existing accounting software. Get started—it’s simple and there’s no re-keying. SenEarthCo, New Brighton, Minnesota. SenEarthCo® is the most powerful HOA Management Software made for the Association Management industry. Partners. 1.3K likes. Comments: We are a Homeowner Property Management Company and partnering with SenEarthCo as a third of our circle with a banking and bookkeeping solution allows our Owners to manage their units whenever they want to do business not just 9:00-5:00, Monday - Friday. Services, please do not hesitate to contact the entire buildings tenant is really easy and a! That sustains us to Another property Home Page get information on other Resource property properties! 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