Learn more about the popular WarCraft 3 Mod! Additional Filters: Show only official Blizzard maps Show only maps which have been featured. Refine your search results by applying filtering the results. Decorated with the bones of long-dead adventurers, this desolate expanse of rock seems to have little worth fighting over. Warcraft III - Archon Mode. [Warcraft III Map Contest Winners] - Winners of the Warcraft Map Contest.Maps will be included in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. S3AIR +10 ↺1 Sonic 3 A.I.R. [Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Bonus Maps] - Additional Blizzard Warcraft III Maps. This pack contains warcraft 3 tft maps from over 1 year of playing. Register and gain access to manage your map on your own, access advanced statistics of your map and receive user reports and suggestions. [DOTA - Defense of the Ancients] - . Size (Width): to . Some maps are competitive or co-operative. Map versions In total 38 map versions for Anime Wars. Warcraft: Chronicles of the Second War Forum Download; Warcraft: Ultimate Battle Forum Download; Island Troll Tribes Forum ... (Map) (3) Custom Race (Map) Comments: 167 Downloads: 12,299 Resources: 17 Ratings: 9. dark.darksorrow Jan 4, 2021. This are the most played Warcraft 3 maps on battle.net. See the genre that launched a thousand games! Teams: to . In addition, you can show your projects, share your ideas or simply contribute with resources to establish bonds with a growing community, forming in the process the network of fanatic users to do Modding and mapping Warcraft 3. Now this is the map pack of all map packs. 9.552 different Warcraft III Tower Defense (TD) maps - A Warcraft III classic. Crusade; CS:GO +4 ↺1 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive; HL2 +4 Half-Life 2; MKWii +4 Mario Kart Wii ANIME WARS 6.3 (4.33) Thank you for voting! Warcraft is ©2002-2003 Blizzard EntertainmentBlizzard Entertainment Size (Height): to . ANIME WARS 6.4 latest version (3.80) Thank you for voting! Yet the locals often lock horns over every barren inch. Diablo III Warcraft Forum Download. Join our community and share your maps on maps.w3reforged.com. Upload a new Warcraft 3 map. This map is compatible with Warcraft 3: Reforged. WC3MapDB 2.2.5 - ©2004-2019 Epic War® Maps are provided as is and are not guaranteed to be without errors. New WarCraft 3 Maps. () Search Terms: Category: Map Style: Tileset: Players: to . If your a TFT player, I suggest downloading this map pack. The Chosen Ones Forum Download. This is the all time list and it's measured on the hosted times in battle.net. Warring Marines have taken over Icecrown Glacier. Maps of all zones with support for pins and coordinates display, with options for sharing. Build structures to kill monsters before they reach a goal. Download Warcraft III Maps Archive (last updated 9/20/2006) Here (41 MB) This contains most of the maps but may not contain some of the latest maps. Command your bomber force to destroy your opponent's town while scrambling to defend your own. S2 2013 +9 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2013) P4G +2 ↺4 Persona 4 Golden (PC) BotW +3 ↺2 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU) SSBC +3 ↺2 Super Smash Bros.